
SWIRL AI Connect: AI infrastructure software that powers your Search & Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) applications. Simplify and enhance your AI pipelines with seamless integration of large language models (LLMs) and data sources.

APACHE-2.0 License


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swirl-search - SWIRL SEARCH 1.8.2

Published by sidprobstein over 1 year ago



This version upgrades the version of python used in Docker setup.

PLEASE STAR OUR REPO: http://swirl.today/

New Features

๐Ÿ”น Docker will now run python 3.11.1

FROM python:3.11.1-slim

Known Issues

๐Ÿ”น Creating searches from a browser with q= can sometimes create two Search objects.

This is because of browser prefetch AKA predictive service. Turn off Chrome prediction service. Turn off Safari prefetch

Please report any issues with this to support.


โš ๏ธ Version 1.8.2 does not require database migration.

Documentation Wiki

๐Ÿ”น Quick Start
๐Ÿ”น User Guide
๐Ÿ”น Developer Guide
๐Ÿ”น Admin Guide


๐Ÿ”น Create an Issue if something doesn't work, isn't clear, or should be documented

๐Ÿ”น Email: [email protected] with issues, requests, questions, etc - we'd love to hear from you!

swirl-search - SWIRL SEARCH 1.8.1

Published by sidprobstein over 1 year ago



This version resolves issues found in 1.8 and eliminates two installation steps.

PLEASE STAR OUR REPO: http://swirl.today/

New Features

๐Ÿ”น SWIRL 1.8.1 ships with a SQLite3 database pre-loaded with a super user and the Google PSE examples!

This simplifies all Quick Start procedures dramatically.

Issues Resolved

๐Ÿ”น Stack2Mixer produces 500 error

Known Issues

๐Ÿ”น Creating searches from a browser with q= can sometimes create two Search objects.

This is because of browser prefetch AKA predictive service. Turn off Chrome prediction service. Turn off Safari prefetch

Please report any issues with this to support.


โš ๏ธ Version 1.8.1 does not require database migration.

Documentation Wiki

๐Ÿ”น Quick Start
๐Ÿ”น User Guide
๐Ÿ”น Developer Guide
๐Ÿ”น Admin Guide


๐Ÿ”น Create an Issue if something doesn't work, isn't clear, or should be documented

๐Ÿ”น Email: [email protected] with issues, requests, questions, etc - we'd love to hear from you!

swirl-search - SWIRL SEARCH 1.8

Published by sidprobstein almost 2 years ago



This version adds the ability to target specific providers with tag searches (e.g. company:tesla), and the new subscribe feature that causes SWIRL to continuously monitor for new, relevant results - plus a new BigQuery connector!

PLEASE STAR OUR REPO: http://swirl.today/

SWIRL company tag search

New Features

๐Ÿ”น SWIRL now supports targeting of tagged SearchProviders using the tag: prefix.

For example:

electric vehicle company:tesla

The AdaptiveQueryProcessor rewrites this query to electric vehicle tesla for most providers. But providers with the tag company will have it rewritten to just tesla. So this search retrieves typical news results PLUS funding records from BigQuery:

SWIRL company tag search results

The latter would not have matched the full query. Tag enables expressive querying where specific types of repositories are targeted with appropriate search terms, and SWIRL unifies the results.

๐Ÿ”น Subscribe to any Search. SWIRL will check for new results every few hours, and automatically detects & discards duplicates by URL or document similarity.

SWIRL subscribe messages

More details: Subscribing to a Search

๐Ÿ”น New Google BigQuery Connector plus SearchProvider for the Funding Dataset:

    "name": "Company Funding Records (cloud/BigQuery)",
    "connector": "BigQuery",
    "query_template": "select {fields} from `{table}` where search({field1}, '{query_string}') or search({field2}, '{query_string}');",
    "query_processor": "",
    "query_processors": [
    "query_mappings": "fields=*,sort_by_date=fundedDate,table=funding.funding,field1=company,field2=city",
    "result_processor": "",
    "result_processors": [
    "result_mappings": "title='{company}',body='{company} raised ${raisedamt} series {round} on {fundeddate}. The company is located in {city} {state} and has {numemps} employees.',url=permalink,date_published=fundeddate,NO_PAYLOAD",
    "credentials": "/path/to/bigquery/token.json",
    "tags": [

More details: Google BigQuery Connector

๐Ÿ”น SWIRL 1.8 supports pipelining of Processors for pre-query, query, result and post-result transformation of queries, responses and results.

For example, the new Search post-result pipeline:

"post_result_processors": [

More details: Processing Pipelines

๐Ÿ”น The new DedupeByFieldPostResultProcessor detects and removes duplicates on any field - 'url' by default.

๐Ÿ”น The new DedupeBySimilarityPostResultProcessor detects and removes duplicates by similarity between - 'title' and 'body' field (by default), with a cut-off threshold of .95.

More details: Detecting and Removing Duplicate Results


๐Ÿ”น swirl.py can now be invoked with --debug

python swirl.py --debug restart core

This configuration starts django using the built-in runserver, instead of daphne, and sets the logging level to DEBUG.

Known Issues

๐Ÿ”น The PostgreSQL Connector no longer causes errors in the celery-worker log if PostgreSQL isn't installed

Please follow the updated installation instructions before attempting to install a SearchProvider that uses the PostgreSQL Connector. We hope to make this easier in a future release.

๐Ÿ”น Creating searches from a browser with q= can sometimes create two Search objects.

This is because of browser prefetch AKA predictive service. Turn off Chrome prediction service. Turn off Safari prefetch

Please report any issues with this to support.


โš ๏ธ Version 1.8 requires database migration. Details: Upgrading SWIRL

Documentation Wiki

๐Ÿ”น Quick Start ๐Ÿ”น User Guide ๐Ÿ”น Developer Guide ๐Ÿ”น Admin Guide


๐Ÿ”น Join SWIRL SEARCH #support on Slack!

๐Ÿ”น Create an Issue if something doesn't work, isn't clear, or should be documented

๐Ÿ”น Email: [email protected] with issues, requests, questions, etc - we'd love to hear from you!

swirl-search - SWIRL SEARCH 1.7

Published by sidprobstein almost 2 years ago



This version incorporates feedback around UI and hosting usability.

PLEASE STAR OUR REPO: http://swirl.today/

SWIRL qs query

New Features

๐Ÿ”น The new qs URL parameter provides a synchronous response, with no need to poll or handle a redirect.

qs accepts the same arguments as the q parameter:


The result_mixer can be specified as well:


Only the first page of results are provided. Use the next_page link in the info.results block to access additional pages.

More details: Getting synchronous results with the qs URL Parameter

๐Ÿ”น Django User permissions are now enforced on SearchProvider, Search and Result objects.

Django Admin, SWIRL Permissions

More details: Permissioning Users


๐Ÿ”น swirl.py now supports a logs command that will output all log files to the console

swirl-search% python swirl.py logs

tail -f logs/*.log - hit ^C to stop:

==> logs/django.log <== - - [02/Dec/2022:19:27:10] "GET /admin/" 200 8932

Issues Resolved

๐Ÿ”น key error: 'searchprovider_rank' when processing results with GenericResultProcessor

๐Ÿ”น PostgreSQL driver Psycopg2 issues

The PostgreSQL connector has been removed from [swirl.connectors.init]](../swirl/connectors/init.py) to avoid warnings, and the documentation has been updated.

Known Issues

๐Ÿ”น SWIRL won't highlight terms that have preceeding or trailing quotes

For example 'hello or 'hello'. These may be quite acceptable to search engines as phrase searches. This will be fixed in a future release.

๐Ÿ”น Creating searches from a browser with q= can sometimes create two Search objects.

This is because of browser prefetch. Turn off Chrome prefetch. Turn off Safari prefetch

Please report any issues with this to support.


โš ๏ธ Version 1.7 requires database migration. Details: Upgrading SWIRL



๐Ÿ”น Create an Issue if something doesn't work, isn't clear, or should be documented

๐Ÿ”น Email: [email protected] with issues, requests, questions, etc - we'd love to hear from you!

swirl-search - SWIRL SEARCH 1.6.1

Published by sidprobstein almost 2 years ago

This minor release resolves two issues as noted in the release notes:

swirl-search - SWIRL SEARCH 1.6

Published by sidprobstein almost 2 years ago



Version 1.6 shifts focus from relevancy to query adaptation with the new AdaptiveQueryProcessor that rewrites NOT or -term queries depending on SearchProvider configuration:


Also new: AND, + and OR are passed along to each SearchProvider and ignored by SWIRL SEARCH for relevancy and highlighting purposes.

PLEASE STAR OUR REPO: http://swirl.today/

New Features

๐Ÿ”น The new AdaptiveQueryProcessor rewrites simple NOT and -term queries to the format supported by each SearchProvider, as defined in the query_mappings.

        "query_mappings": "cx=7d473806dcdde5bc6,DATE_SORT=sort=date,PAGE=start=RESULT_INDEX,NOT_CHAR=-",

This indicates that the SearchProvider supports only the -term format. SWIRL rewrites a query like ...

elon musk NOT twitter


elon musk -twitter

This is noted in the Mixed results set under the SearchProvider block:

"Mergers & Acquisitions (web/Google PSE)": {
            "query_string_to_provider": "elon musk -twitter",
            "query_to_provider": "https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?cx=b384c4e79a5394479&key=AIzaSyDeB1y9l6OQW0dhVdZ9X_Xb2br_SK1K8YM&q=elon+musk+-twitter",
            "result_processor": "MappingResultProcessor",
        "search": {
            "query_string": "elon musk NOT twitter",
            "query_string_processed": "elon musk NOT twitter",

๐Ÿ”น The MappingResultsProcessor can map multiple result fields to a single SWIRL field using the | operator:

        "result_mappings": "body=content|description...",

This configures SWIRL to populate the body result field with the content and/or description if populated. If both are populated, the second description field is placed in the payload for clarity.

SWIRL Multi-Mapping of Results

๐Ÿ”น scripts/email_load.py has been included to make it easy to load the Enron email dataset into ElasticSearch


๐Ÿ”น swirl_load.py has been moved to the SWIRL root directory

swirl-search% python swirl_load.py SearchProviders/google_pse.json -a admin -p some-admin-password

swirl_load.py: fed 3 into SWIRL, 0 errors

๐Ÿ”น The former GenericResultProcessor has been renamed MappingResultProcessor

A new GenericResultProcessor now takes no option on results, allowing connectors that already produce the SWIRL format to save processing.

Issues Resolved

๐Ÿ”น Need to highlight alternative word forms

"explain": {
                "stems": "agil oper",
                "body": {
                    "agile_operations_*": 0.7048520990053376,
                    "agile_24": 0.589995250602152,
                    "operations_10": 0.8256623948725578,
                    "operating_19": 0.6893337836077386

๐Ÿ”น Highlighting of terms with 's

"body": "*Elon* *Muskโ€™s* top lieutenant at Tesla ... is now working at SpaceX after leaving Tesla over a strange controversy. moreโ€ฆ The post *Elon* *Musk* moves his top lieutenant at Tesla to SpaceX after a controversy appeared first on Electrek ."

๐Ÿ”น Highlighting collisions

The updated CosineRelevancyProcessor should not allow this. Each term is highlighted once and only once. Please screen shot & report any examples to support.

๐Ÿ”น swirl.py not working on some Ubuntu configs

swirl.py now checks to see if rabbitmq is running, and skips it if so:

sid@agentcooper swirl-search-master % python swirl.py start

Warning: rabbitmq appears to be running, skipping it:
  501 95899 95503   0  1:54PM ttys000    0:00.01 /bin/sh /usr/local/sbin/rabbitmq-server
Start: django -> daphne swirl_server.asgi:application ... Ok, pid: 95948
Start: celery-worker -> celery -A swirl_server worker --loglevel=info ... Ok, pid: 95963
Start: celery-beats -> celery -A swirl_server beat -l INFO --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler ... Ok, pid: 95994
Updating .swirl... Ok

โค๏ธ Thanks to all who reported this issue!!


For all platforms other than Docker, run the following from the command line, in the swirl installation folder:


Windows users should run install.bat instead!

๐Ÿ”‘ If these scripts don't work for any reason, install manually:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
python -m nltk.downloader stopwords
python -m nltk.downloader punkt

โš ๏ธ Docker users need to restart their image to get the new version. Containers using sqlite3 for storage delete all content upon shut down! Read more: Docker Build for SWIRL

Known Issues

๐Ÿ”น Creating searches from a browser with q= can sometimes create two Search objects.

This is because of browser prefetch. Turn off Chrome prefetch. Turn off Safari prefetch

Please report any issues with this to support.



๐Ÿ”น Create an Issue if something doesn't work, isn't clear, or should be documented

๐Ÿ”น Email: [email protected] with issues, requests, questions, etc - we'd love to hear from you!

swirl-search - SWIRL SEARCH 1.5

Published by sidprobstein almost 2 years ago



This version consists of a new relevancy model supported by stemmed matching and cleaning of source responses.

โš ๏ธ Installing the new packages is required before upgrading! Read more: Upgrading to 1.5


SWIRL SEARCH 1.5 Vector Similarity Re-Ranked Unified Results

๐Ÿ”น New relevancy model which weights and aggregates the similarity of each query match against the most relevant section of text, and normalizes results by length

๐Ÿ”น Matching on stems using nltk and highlighting of actual matches

๐Ÿ”น Removal of html tags and entities with Beautiful Soup

๐Ÿ”น Relevancy scores are now broken by date_published, descending

Issues Resolved

๐Ÿ”น Re-run and re-score now remove previous search.messages, and provide an update with timestamp

๐Ÿ”น Fixed highlighting interaction with tags by removing tags prior to highlighting

๐Ÿ”น Fix newsdata.io


For all platforms other than docker, run the following from the command line, in the swirl installation folder:

python install.py

(Windows users, run install.bat)

If these scripts don't work for any reason, install manually:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg

โš ๏ธ Docker users need to restart their image to get the new version. Containers using sqlite3 for storage delete all content upon shut down! Read more: Docker Build for SWIRL

Known Issues

๐Ÿ”น Creating searches from a browser with q= can sometimes create two Search objects.

This is because of browser prefetch. Turn off Chrome prefetch. Turn off Safari prefetch

Please report any issues with this to support.



๐Ÿ”น Create an Issue if something doesn't work, isn't clear, or should be documented - we'd love to hear from you!

๐Ÿ”น Paid support and consulting are available... contact SWIRL for more information.

swirl-search - SWIRL SEARCH 1.5 BETA

Published by sidprobstein almost 2 years ago



This version consists of a new relevancy model supported by stemmed matching and cleaning of source responses.

โš ๏ธ Installing the new packages is required before upgrading. Read more: Upgrading to 1.5


SWIRL SEARCH 1.5 Vector Similarity Re-Ranked Unified Results

๐Ÿ”น New relevancy model which weights and aggregates the similarity of each query match against the most relevant section of text, and normalizes results by length

๐Ÿ”น Matching on stems using nltk and highlighting of actual matches

๐Ÿ”น Removal of html tags and entities with Beautiful Soup

๐Ÿ”น Relevancy scores are now broken by date_published, descending

Issues Resolved

๐Ÿ”น Re-run and re-score now remove previous search.messages, and provide an update with timestamp

๐Ÿ”น Fixed highlighting interaction with tags by removing tags prior to highlighting

๐Ÿ”น Fix newsdata.io


For all platforms other than docker, run the following from the command line, in the swirl installation folder:

python install.py

(Windows users, run install.bat)

If these scripts don't work for any reason, install manually:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg

โš ๏ธ Docker users need to restart their image to get the new version. Containers using sqlite3 for storage delete all content upon shut down! Read more: Docker Build for SWIRL

Known Issues

๐Ÿ”น Creating searches from a browser with q= can sometimes create two Search objects.

This is because of browser prefetch. Turn off Chrome prefetch. Turn off Safari prefetch

Please report any issues with this to support.



๐Ÿ”น Create an Issue if something doesn't work, isn't clear, or should be documented - we'd love to hear from you!

๐Ÿ”น Paid support and consulting are available... contact SWIRL for more information.

swirl-search - SWIRL SEARCH 1.4

Published by sidprobstein about 2 years ago



This version expands usability for multiple topics by adding default providers plus tagging of searchproviders, search and result objects. Tags can be specified freely in combination with provider name and/or id. More tag-based enhancements are coming soon.


๐Ÿ”นNew SearchProvider properties "Default" and "Tags"

SearchProviders can now be organized using Tags - json lists that can hold any monicker desired for one or more providers. Tags can be specified in search objects using the searchprovider_list, and freely combined with provider names or IDs. If no searchprovider_list is specified, only providers with Default = True will be run.

This allows you to set up a set of general use providers as 'default' and ones for specific topics under various tags. For example:


        "active": true,
        "default": false,
        "name": "Maritime News (web/Google PSE)",
        "connector": "RequestsGet",
        "tags": [


    "query_string": "strategic consulting",
    "searchprovider_list": [ 6, 12, "maritime" ]

Read more: Organizing SearchProviders with Active, Default and Tags

๐Ÿ”น New PostGresql Connector

The funding database example has also been updated to run with PostGresql.

    "name": "Company Funding Records (local/sqlite3)",
    "connector": "PostGresql",
    "url": "host:port:database:username:password",
    "query_template": "select {fields} from {table} where {field1} ilike '%{query_string}%' or {field2} ilike '%{query_string}%';",
    "query_mappings": "fields=*,sort_by_date=fundedDate,table=funding,field1=city,field2=company",
    "result_mappings": "title='{company} series {round}',body='{city} {fundeddate}: {company} raised usd ${raisedamt}\nThe company is headquartered in {city} and employs {numemps}',date_published=fundeddate,NO_PAYLOAD"

Read more: PostGresql Connector


๐Ÿ”น New property SWIRL_EXPLAIN in swirl_server/settings.py now controls the default Relevancy explain setting.


The default is True.

๐Ÿ”น Relevancy has been improved, particularly for one-term queries, and the all-terms boost has been retired.

Known Issues

๐Ÿ”น Creating searches from a browser with q= can sometimes create two Search objects.

This is because of browser prefetch. Turn off Chrome prefetch. Turn off Safari prefetch

Please report any issues with this to support.

๐Ÿ”น Watch out for log files in logs/*.log. They'll need periodic purging. Rollover is planned for a future release.



๐Ÿ”น Create an Issue if something doesn't work, isn't clear, or should be documented - we'd love to hear from you!

๐Ÿ”น Paid support and consulting are available... contact SWIRL for more information.

swirl-search - SWIRL SEARCH 1.3

Published by sidprobstein about 2 years ago



This version incorporates additional usability feedback plus improvements to performance, configurability and
result format.


๐Ÿ”น Mixers now support a single-provider filter.

For example:


This allows front-ends to easily drill-down into a single source. Note that unless the SearchProvider is configured to request more than the default of 10 results, only one page of results will be available.

Paging beyond the initial result set is not currently supported by SWIRL, but could be in a future release.

๐Ÿ”น Timings are now reported for each SearchProvider, and each search overall, in seconds.

    "info": {
        "Enterprise Search (web/Google PSE)": {
            "found": 10,
            "retrieved": 10,
            "filter_url": "http://localhost:8000/swirl/results/?search_id=522&provider=3",
            "query_to_provider": "https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?cx=0c38029ddd002c006&key=AIzaSyDeB1y9l6OQW0dhVdZ9X_Xb2br_SK1K8YM&q=strategic+consulting",
            "result_processor": "GenericResultProcessor",
            "search_time": 2.2
        "results": {
            "retrieved_total": 10,
            "retrieved": 10,
            "federation_time": 5.4

The "federation_time" includes:

  • Pre-query processing
  • Federation (query processing, response normalization, result processing)
  • Post-result processing, including relevancy processing by default

๐Ÿ”น Mappings have been reversed for clarity, and are now in the form swirl_key = source_mapping

All included SearchProviders have been updated. To migrate an existing SearchProvider, make the right-most key the left-most.

For example, change:

        "query_mappings": "cx=0c38029ddd002c006,sort=date=DATE_SORT,start=RESULT_INDEX=PAGE",
        "response_mappings": "searchInformation.totalResults=FOUND,queries.request[0].count=RETRIEVED,items=RESULTS",
        "result_mappings": "link=url,htmlSnippet=body,cacheId,NO_PAYLOAD",


    "query_mappings": "cx=0c38029ddd002c006,DATE_SORT=sort=date,PAGE=start=RESULT_INDEX",
    "response_mappings": "FOUND=searchInformation.totalResults,RETRIEVED=queries.request[0].count,RESULTS=items",
    "result_mappings": "url=link,body=htmlSnippet,cacheId,NO_PAYLOAD",

๐Ÿ”น Many hard-wired items are now in the swirl_server/settings.py file:

Configuration item Explanation Example
HOSTNAME Used to construct SWIRL URLs; as of SWIRL 1.3 this is the first ALLOWED_HOST entry HOSTNAME = ALLOWED_HOSTS[0]\nHOSTNAME = 'myserver'
SWIRL_BANNER The string to display in SWIRL data structures; please don't remove it (but you don't have to display it)
SWIRL_TIMEOUT The number of seconds to wait until declaring federation complete, and terminating any connectors that haven't responded SWIRL_TIMEOUT = 10
SWIRL_Q_WAIT The number of seconds to wait before redirecting to the result mixer after using the q= parameter SWIRL_Q_WAIT = 7
SWIRL_RERUN_WAIT The number of seconds to wait before redirecting to the result mixer when rerunning a search SWIRL_Q_WAIT = 8
SWIRL_RESCORE_WAIT The number of seconds to wait before redirecting to the result mixer when rescoring a search SWIRL_Q_WAIT = 3

Note that the configuration names must be UPPER_CASE per the django settings convention.

๐Ÿ”น The relevancy explain block is now suppressed by default

To view the explain for any mixed result set, add explain=True to the mixer URL. For example:


Known Issues

๐Ÿ”น Creating searches from a browser with q= can sometimes create two Search objects.

This is because of browser prefetch. Turn off Chrome prefetch. Turn off Safari prefetch

Please report any issues with this or the rerun function.

๐Ÿ”น The Django admin form for managing Result objects throws a 500 error. P2.

๐Ÿ”น Watch out for log files in logs/*.log. They'll need periodic purging. Rollover is planned for a future release.



๐Ÿ”น Create an Issue if something doesn't work, isn't clear, or should be documented - we'd love to hear from you!

๐Ÿ”น Paid support and consulting are available... contact SWIRL for more information.

swirl-search - SWIRL SEARCH 1.2.1

Published by sidprobstein about 2 years ago



This version continues improving developer usability and resolves issues found in 1.2.


๐Ÿ”น New Object Oriented Processors

Query Processors: GenericQueryProcessor, GenericQueryCleaningProcessor
Result Processors: GenericResultProcessor
Post-Result Processors: CosineRelevancyProcessor

Here's the new GenericQueryCleaningProcessor - again around a 90% reduction in code vs 1.1:

class GenericQueryCleaningProcessor(QueryProcessor):

    type = 'GenericQueryCleaningProcessor'
    chars_allowed_in_query = [' ', '+', '-', '"', "'", '(', ')', '_', '~'] 

    def process(self):

            query_clean = ''.join(ch for ch in self.query_string.strip() if ch.isalnum() or ch in self.chars_allowed_in_query)
        except NameError as err:
            self.error(f'NameError: {err}')
        except TypeError as err:
            self.warning(f'TypeError: {err}')
        if self.input != query_clean:
            logger.info(f"{self}: rewrote query from {self.input} to {query_clean}")

        self.query_string_processed = query_clean
        return self.query_string_processed

The only change required to use these processors is to change the "various processor" settings in the SearchProvider and Search objects).

All of the included SearchProviders have been updated.

For more information consult the Developers Guide Processors section.

๐Ÿ”น Added use of django-environ to ease future deployments.

If you are installing locally, don't forget to install this package:

pip install django-environ

Known Issues

๐Ÿ”น Creating searches from a browser with q= can sometimes create two Search objects.

This is because of browser prefetch. Turn off Chrome prefetch. Turn off Safari prefetch

Please report any issues with this or the rerun function.

๐Ÿ”น The q= search federation timer has been set more aggressively; if you are redirected to a results page and see the message "Results Not Ready Yet", wait a second or two and reload the page or hit the GET button and it should appear.

๐Ÿ”น The Django admin form for managing Result objects throws a 500 error. P2.

๐Ÿ”น Watch out for log files in logs/*.log. They'll need periodic purging. Rollover is planned for a future release.



๐Ÿ”น Create an Issue if something doesn't work, isn't clear, or should be documented - we'd love to hear from you!

๐Ÿ”น Paid support and consulting are available... contact SWIRL for more information.

swirl-search - SWIRL SEARCH 1.2 FINAL

Published by sidprobstein about 2 years ago



This version incorporates tons of feedback around developer usability!


๐Ÿ”น New Object Oriented Connectors & Mixers

The Connectors: RequestsGet (SOLR etc), Elastic, Sqlite3
The Mixers: RelevancyMixer, DateMixer, Stack1Mixer, Stack2Mixer, Stack3Mixer, StackNMixer

Here's the new DateMixer - everything but the imports - a 92% reduction in code from 1.1:

DateMixer code

The only change required to use these connectors is to change the "Connector" setting in the SearchProvider. All of the included providers have been updated.

For more information consult the Developers Guide Connectors and Mixers sections

๐Ÿ”น The new Mixers sort the Received messages for easy display:

"messages": [
        "Retrieved 10 of 4740000000 results from: Strategy Consulting (web/Google PSE)",
        "Retrieved 10 of 249000 results from: Enterprise Search (web/Google PSE)",
        "Retrieved 10 of 1332 results from: IT News (web/NLResearch.com)",
        "Retrieved 10 of 382 results from: Mergers & Acquisitions (web/Google PSE)",
        "Retrieved 8 of 8 results from: Company Funding Records (local/sqlite3)",
        "Retrieved 6 of 6 results from: ENRON Email (local/elastic)",
        "Retrieved 1 of 1 results from: techproducts (local/solr)",
        "Post processing of results by cosine_relevancy_processor updated 55 results",
        "DateMixer hid 31 results with date_published='unknown'",
        "Results ordered by: DateMixer"

Thanks to natsort, which is now required by SWIRL for this amazing capability! To install natsort:

pip install natsort

๐Ÿ”น No longer boosting single term queries

SWIRL Relvancy Ranked Results featuring SOLR, NLResearch.com

Known Issues

๐Ÿ”น Creating searches from a browser with q= can sometimes create two Search objects.

This is because of browser prefetch. Turn off Chrome prefetch. Turn off Safari prefetch

Please report any issues with this or the rerun function.

๐Ÿ”น The q= search federation timer has been set more aggressively; if you are redirected to a results page and see the message "Results Not Ready Yet", wait a second or two and reload the page or hit the GET button and it should appear.

๐Ÿ”น The Django admin form for managing Result objects throws a 500 error. P2.

๐Ÿ”น Watch out for log files in logs/*.log. They'll need periodic purging. Rollover is planned for a future release.



๐Ÿ”น Create an Issue if something doesn't work, isn't clear, or should be documented - we'd love to hear from you!

๐Ÿ”น Paid support and consulting are available... contact SWIRL for more information.

swirl-search - SWIRL SEARCH 1.2

Published by sidprobstein about 2 years ago




๐Ÿ”น New Object Oriented Connectors!

The Connectors have been renamed for clarity:

  • Elastic
  • RequestsGet
  • Sqlite3

The only change required to use these connectors is to change the "Connector" setting in the SearchProvider. All of the included providers have been updated.

For more information consult the Developers Guide, Connectors sections

๐Ÿ”น New Object Oriented Mixers!

The Mixers have been renamed for clarity:

  • RelevancyMixer
  • DateMixer
  • Stack1Mixer aka RoundRobinMixer
  • Stack2Mixer
  • Stack3Mixer
  • StackNMixer

The only change required to use these connectors is to specify the name correctly in the Search object.

For more information consult the Developers Guide, Mixers section

๐Ÿ”น The new Mixers sort the Received messages for easy display:

"messages": [
        "Retrieved 10 of 4740000000 results from: Strategy Consulting (web/Google PSE)",
        "Retrieved 10 of 249000 results from: Enterprise Search (web/Google PSE)",
        "Retrieved 10 of 1332 results from: IT News (web/NLResearch.com)",
        "Retrieved 10 of 382 results from: Mergers & Acquisitions (web/Google PSE)",
        "Retrieved 8 of 8 results from: Company Funding Records (local/sqlite3)",
        "Retrieved 6 of 6 results from: ENRON Email (local/elastic)",
        "Retrieved 1 of 1 results from: techproducts (local/solr)",
        "Post processing of results by cosine_relevancy_processor updated 55 results",
        "DateMixer hid 31 results with date_published='unknown'",
        "Results ordered by: DateMixer"

Thanks to natsort, which is now required by SWIRL for this amazing capability! To install natsort:

pip install natsort

๐Ÿ”น No longer boosting single term queries

SWIRL Relvancy Ranked Results featuring SOLR, NLResearch.com

Known Issues

๐Ÿ”น Creating searches from a browser with q= can sometimes create two Search objects.

This is because of browser prefetch. Turn off Chrome prefetch. Turn off Safari prefetch

Please report any issues with this or the rerun function.

๐Ÿ”น The q= search federation timer has been set more aggressively; if you are redirected to a results page and see the message "Results Not Ready Yet", wait a second or two and reload the page or hit the GET button and it should appear.

๐Ÿ”น The Django admin form for managing Result objects throws a 500 error. P2.

๐Ÿ”น Watch out for log files in logs/*.log. They'll need periodic purging. Rollover is planned for a future release.



๐Ÿ”น Create an Issue if something doesn't work, isn't clear, or should be documented - we'd love to hear from you!

๐Ÿ”น Paid support and consulting are available... contact SWIRL for more information.

swirl-search - SWIRL SEARCH 1.1.1

Published by sidprobstein about 2 years ago

SWIRL SEARCH 1.1.1 Now Available

This release resolves issues found in version 1.1.


๐Ÿ”น Added missing date_mixer to search model choice, so it can now be specified

This change requires a change to the model database, so migration is required after updating to the latest version of the repo, and prior to starting SWIRL:

cd swirl-search
git pull
python swirl.py migrate
python swirl.py start

๐Ÿ”น Reverted recent changes to processor/relevancy.py that reduced term and phrase_boost; they made results worse

Known Issues

๐Ÿ”น Creating searches from a browser with q= can sometimes create two Search objects.

This appears to be because of browser prefetch. Turn off Chrome prefetch. Turn off Safari prefetch

Please report any issues with this or the rerun function.

๐Ÿ”น The Django admin form for managing Result objects throws a 500 error. P2.

๐Ÿ”น Watch out for log files in logs/*.log. They'll need periodic purging. Rollover is planned for a future release.



๐Ÿ”น Create an Issue if something doesn't work, isn't clear, or should be documented - we'd love to hear from you!

๐Ÿ”น Paid support and consulting are available... contact SWIRL for more information.

swirl-search - SWIRL Search 1.1

Published by sidprobstein over 2 years ago

SWIRL SEARCH 1.1 Now available

Summary of Changes

๐Ÿ”น New SearchProvider for Apache Solr - tested against 8.1

๐Ÿ”น New SearchProvider for Northern Light's NLResearch.com service - subscription required

๐Ÿ”น New Date Sort Mixer omits documents with unknown date_published

๐Ÿ”น New SearchProvider for newsdata.io service - subscription required

๐Ÿ”น Revised requests_get connector now supports most any json response by configuration

๐Ÿ”น Google PSE SearchProvider revised to use requests_get

๐Ÿ”น Former Google opensearch connector retired

๐Ÿ”น There are new query mappings DATE_SORT, RELEVANCY_SORT and PAGE, and new result mappings FOUND, RETRIEVED, RESULTS and RESULT now available for the requests_get connetor

๐Ÿ”น Updated Round Robin and Stack mixers now use relevancy as primary sort

๐Ÿ”น All mixed results now include swirl_rank, swirl_score, retrieved_total and links to rescore/re-run searches

Full Announcement

SWIRL Search 1.1 Released

swirl-search - SWIRL Search 1.1 Preview

Published by sidprobstein over 2 years ago

This new release of SWIRL:

  • Adds support for apache solr
  • Adds support for Northern Light's NLResearch.com service
  • Removes the former opensearch connector
  • Includes a new version of the requests_get connector that supports configuration of key mappings
  • Adds a start_sleep command to swirl.py for use in docker and other container schemes

Review the release notes

This update is recommended for all users.

swirl-search - SWIRL Search 1.0.2

Published by sidprobstein over 2 years ago

This update release of SWIRL:

  • Check for 'static' folder in root directory when running python swirl.py setup
  • Updated logo

This update is recommended for all users.

swirl-search - SWIRL Search 1.0.1

Published by sidprobstein over 2 years ago

This update release resolves issues, including:

It is recommended for all users.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/sidprobstein/swirl-search/compare/v1.0...v1.0.1

swirl-search - SWIRL Search 1.0

Published by sidprobstein over 2 years ago

  • Asynchronous search federation via REST APIs
  • Data landed in Sqlite for later consumption
  • Pre-built searchprovider definitions for http_get, google PSE, elasticsearch and Sqlite
  • Sample data sources for use with Sqlite
  • Sort results by provider date or relevancy, page through all results requested
  • Result mixers operate on landed results and order results by relevancy, date, stack or round-robin
  • Cosine similarity relevancy using Spacy vectors with field boosts and explanation
  • Optional spell correction using TextBlob
  • Optional search/result expiration service to limit storage use

For more information: