
render_async lets you include pages asynchronously with AJAX

MIT License

render_async - Add retry count header Latest Release

Published by nikolalsvk about 3 years ago

💇 Custom retry count header support

We added support to pass the retry count to the backend. If you need to pass retry count to the backend, you can pass retry_count_header in render_async's options:

<%= render_async users_path,
                 retry_count: 5,
                 retry_count_header: 'Retry-Count-Current' %>

And then in controller, you can read the value from request headers.


This was added by @reneklacan in, many thanks 🙇

render_async - Fix TypeError when navigating with Turbolinks

Published by nikolalsvk over 3 years ago

🔧 Small fixes

We fixed the issue with TypeError when user navigates away from a page before the request is finished. Thanks to @yhirano55, the issue was resolved in 🎉

Also, @yhirano55 fixed one entry in the documentation in, thanks a lot for that.

That's it for now, thanks for reading 📖

render_async - Add support for Turbo

Published by nikolalsvk over 3 years ago

⚡️ Turbo support

The new version brings support for the new Turbo from the Rails folks.

You can now specify:

RenderAsync.configure do |config|
  config.turbo = true # Enable this option if you are using Turbo

To have the Turbo library work properly in your Rails applications. Big thanks to @Mbuckley0 for bringing this to life in

🔧 Other changes

A bug fix with the configuration was solved by renaming the configuration in the code here

Also, some fixes to documentation were made in and

Other than that, we added Rails 6 integration tests in and the file got updated there as well.

That's it for now, thanks for tuning in 📺

render_async - Reload partials on demand & start polling on page load

Published by nikolalsvk almost 4 years ago

The new version of render_async is out! 🎉

👾 P.S. There is a render_async Discord server, please join and let's make render_async even better!

The new version brings:

  • Reloading partials on demand
  • Start polling on page load when toggle is used
  • Configure nonce globally
  • Assign start and stop events after the page loaded

♻️ Refresh (reload) render_async partials

This feature was requested in at least 3 issues opened on the repo recently. Finally, it is here!
You can now provide a button for your users to easily refresh a partial that is render by render_async. Take a look at the example below:

<%= render_async comments_path,
                 container_id: 'refresh-me',
                 replace_container: false %>

<button id="refresh-button">Refresh comments</button>

  var button = document.getElementById('refresh-button')
  var container = document.getElementById('refresh-me');
  button.addEventListener('click', function() {
    var event = new Event('refresh');
    // Dispatch 'refresh' on the render_async container

Now, every time a "Refresh comments" button is clicked, render_async will reload the comments partial. Hope you like the new feature.
The issues closed with this feature:,, More info in the docs here.

🐎 Start polling on page load when toggle is used

We closed with this feature. You can now specify start: true inside the toggle hash like this:

<a href='#' id='comments-button'>Toggle comments loading</a>
<%= render_async comments_path,
                 toggle: { selector: '#comments-button',
                           event: :click,
                           start: true },
                 interval: 2000 %>

This will make render_async to start polling on page load. Later, you can toggle polling with the "Toggle comments loading" button. There is more info in the docs here.

🔧 Configure nonce globally

You can specify nonces: true globally and never deal with it in specific render_async calls. Just add the following to your render_async configuration:

RenderAsync.configure do |config|
  config.nonces = true

After that, all javascript_tag elements will have nonce: true set. More info in the docs here.

⏯️ Assign start and stop events after the page loaded

This is a bug fix mentioned in We moved the event set up after the page loaded.
If you had content_for inside the head tag, using async-start and async-stop will start working for you again.

That's all folks, catch you in the next one!

👾 P.S. There is a render_async Discord server, please join and let's make render_async even better!

render_async - Retry with delay and control polling

Published by nikolalsvk about 4 years ago

🎉 New version of render_async is out! In the new version, there are a couple of new features:

  • Retry render_async after some time
  • Control polling by dispatching events
  • Customize content_for name

👾 P.S. There is a render_async Discord server, please join and let's make render_async even better!

♻️ Retry render_async after some time

If you want to retry requests but with some delay in between the calls, you can pass a retry_delay option together with retry_count like so:

<%= render_async users_path,
                 retry_count: 5,
                 retry_delay: 2000 %>

This will make render_async wait for 2 seconds before retrying after each failure. In the end, if the request is still failing after the 5th time, it will dispatch a default error event.

You can read more about this feature in the README here

⏯️ Control polling by dispatching events

You can now control polling with by dispatching these 2 events:

  • 'async-stop' - this will stop polling
  • 'async-start' - this will start polling.

💡 Please note that events need to be dispatched to a render_async container.

An example of how you can do this looks like this:

<%= render_async wave_render_async_path,
                 container_id: 'controllable-interval', # set container_id so we can get it later easily
                 interval: 3000 %>

<button id='stop-polling'>Stop polling</button>
<button id='start-polling'>Start polling</button>

  var container = document.getElementById('controllable-interval')
  var stopPolling = document.getElementById('stop-polling')
  var startPolling = document.getElementById('start-polling')

  var triggerEventOnContainer = function(eventName) {
    var event = new Event(eventName);


  stopPolling.addEventListener('click', function() {
    container.innerHTML = '<p>Polling stopped</p>'
  startPolling.addEventListener('click', function() {

You can read more about it in the Controlled polling section of the README.

Customize content_for name

The content_for name may be customized by passing the content_for_name option to render_async.
This option is especially useful when doing nested async renders to better control the location of the injected JavaScript.

For example:

<%= render_async comment_stats_path, content_for_name: :render_async_comment_stats %>

<%= content_for :render_async_comment_stats %>

This explanation is also available in the README

That's all folks, catch you in the next one!

👾 P.S. There is a render_async Discord server, please join and let's make render_async even better!

render_async - Stop polling with Turbolinks navigation change & other fixes

Published by nikolalsvk over 4 years ago

Release 2.1.6 solves a couple of minor bugs:

Please test them out and post some findings if something is broken ❤️

render_async - Emit events by default on load and error

Published by nikolalsvk over 4 years ago

🔥 Firing events on success and fail by default

In this version, render_async will emit emits by default. If your request is finished successfully, a render_async_load event will fire. If it goes badly, the render_async_error will fire.

You can then catch these events in your code with something like this:

document.addEventListener('render_async_load', function(event) {
  console.log('Async partial loaded in this container:', event.container);
document.addEventListener('render_async_error', function(event) {
  console.log('Async partial could not load in this container:', event.container);

👁 Making DOM element available in events

As you've seen in the previous example, you can now access event.container which will give you the associated DOM element. DOM element will be the one it just got replaced after the request has finished.

🔨 Fix of

Toggle event listeners are not added after the page has loaded.


If you're using jQuery to trigger an event like so


Make sure you're using render_async with jQuery configuration set to true!


If you're using it with Vanilla JS (as is, as installed), make sure to register these events after the DOMContentLoaded is fired!

render_async - Unbind event after partial is fetched

Published by nikolalsvk almost 5 years ago

This release solves and allows you to unbind an event when using toggle functionality of the gem.

You can unbind an event by passing once: true argument to render_async toggle option:

<%= render_async comments_path, toggle: { selector: '#detail-button', event: :click, once: true } do %>
  <a href='#' id='detail-button'>Detail</a>
<% end %>
render_async - Fix toggle feature and error message

Published by nikolalsvk almost 5 years ago

This release fixed a bug mentioned here

There was also an issue when you pass in an error message with double quotes, it would cause syntax error in JavaScript in the browser when request fails.

render_async - Fix bug when using Turbolinks and toggle feature

Published by nikolalsvk about 5 years ago

In 2.1.2 release, a bug that led to triggering render_async function immediately when using Turbolinks is fixed. This is the issue that got fixed

render_async - Toggle render_async loading

Published by nikolalsvk about 5 years ago

New release (2.1.1) let's you toggle when render_async gets loaded on the page.

By passing in a toggle hash, you can trigger render_async by clicking or doing other things to HTML elements.
You can trigger render_async by doing something like this:

<a href='#' id='detail-button'>detail</a>
<%= render_async comments_path, toggle: { selector: '#detail-button', event: :click } %>

This will trigger render_async to load when the user clicks the "detail" link on the page. render_async won't load until that event is triggered.


If you've been using html_options as a second argument when calling render_async, you will have to change it to using a html_options hash like this:

<%= render_async users_path, html_options: { nonce: 'lWaaV6eYicpt+oyOfcShYINsz0b70iR+Q1mohZqNaag=' } %>
render_async - Retry on failure and polling

Published by nikolalsvk over 5 years ago

Two new features come with 2.1.0 version! 🌮

Retry on failure

render_async can now retry on request failure for number of times you specify

<%= render_async users_path, retry_count: 5, error_message: "Users fetch has failed" %>


Polling feature

You can now poll your paths and URLs by passing interval option to render_async

<%= render_async comments_path, interval: 5000 %>

This will fetch comments_path every 5 seconds. Closed with this feature.

POSSIBLE BREAKING CHANGE if you use this feature

Container element is NOT being replaced like in other cases. This means that you will have to deal with render_async container element. There are ways of doing this by passing in an HTML element name and HTML element class.

render_async - Remove bundler as a dependency

Published by nikolalsvk almost 6 years ago

Locked bundler dependency was making problems to some users

This release removes bundler from gemspec file and solves the issue.

render_async - Support for Turbolink 5+

Published by nikolalsvk almost 6 years ago

If you're using Turbolinks 5 or higher, you can resolve this by setting Turbolinks configurtion of render_async to true:

RenderAsync.configure do |config|
  config.turbolinks = true # Enable this option if you are using Turbolinks 5+

This way, you're not breaking Turbolinks flow of loading or reloading a page.

Also, invalid jQuery Promise method name has been replaced in this version.

render_async - Using Vanilla JS by default and added error handling

Published by nikolalsvk about 6 years ago

Vanilla JS


render_async now renders the usual, non-jQuery JavaScript code to fetch your AJAX requests and
show content on the page.

If you for some reason need jQuery part of render_async, you must configure render_async:

RenderAsync.configure do |config|
  config.jquery = true

Error handling

render_async 2.0.0 (finally) brings error handling to the gem.

You can pass in error_message argument to the render_async helper and have it show up
in the case of a failed AJAX request.

<%= render_async users_path,
                 error_message: '<p>Sorry, users loading went wrong :(</p>' %>

If your requests fails, users will see the "Sorry, users loading went wrong :(" message.

If that's not enough, you can pass in error_event_name which will trigger and event when
something bad happens to your request.

<%= render_asyc users_path, error_event_name: 'users-error-event' %>

Then, you can catch the event like this:

document.addEventListener('users-error-event', function() {
  // I'm on it

Events in IE

Event creation and dispatching should now work in IE 🎉

render_async - Pass method name, data and headers to render_async

Published by nikolalsvk about 6 years ago

You can now render non-GET requests with render_async!


<%= render_async some_post_path,
                 method: 'POST',
                 data: { fresh: 'AF' },
                 headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text' } %>

This is supported for jQuery and Vanilla JS users!

render_async - Pass in html_element_name

Published by nikolalsvk over 6 years ago

Changes brought in 1.2.0 version:

Pass in html_element_name

Passing html_element_name will allow you to control which HTLM element will serve as a container (placeholder) before your request gets loaded. This will prove useful if you're using render_async inside a table.

Load request only when DOM is ready

render_async will attempt to fetch request only when document is ready.

render_async - Fix non-jQuery replacing the parent node

Published by nikolalsvk almost 7 years ago

Fixed non-jQuery JavaScript behaviour where it would replace the parent element.


<div id="parent">
  Text or elements here
  <%= render_async comment_stats_path %>

render_async now won't replace the div with the parent ID.

render_async - Fix jQuery exception when it's not defined

Published by nikolalsvk almost 7 years ago

Fix jQuery check

Trying to evaluate jQuery when it is undefined would throw a ReferenceError to the console. Trying to retrieve it on the global window instead will result in it being undefined if not defined.

Fix to make jQuery-less async actually render the response

Prior to this commit, an async request would go out but the response would be ignored, regardless of result.

Don't html-escape the path when outputting JS

Allow render_async_cache to take a placeholder

You can now pass in the placeholder to render_async_cache like you can to render_async

render_async - Use jQuery if available

Published by nikolalsvk about 7 years ago

render_async will utilize jQuery if available. If not, it will fallback to vanilla JavaScript to make a request and append request response to HTML.