
A comprehensive React UI components library based on Arco Design

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arco-design - Latest Release

Published by github-actions[bot] about 2 months ago

🆕 Feature

  • DatePicker supports customizing the time format of the panel header by configuring yearFormat and monthFormat in the locale file.(#2795)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the problem that the popup layer position of the DatePicker component is not aligned with the selection box style(#2794)

🆕 功能升级

  • DatePicker 支持通过配置 locale 文件中的 yearFormatmonthFormat 来定制面板头部的时间格式。(#2795)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 DatePicker 组件弹出层位置未对齐选择框的样式问题(#2794)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 2 months ago

arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 2 months ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize the error message display of Upload component(#2774)
  • Avoid calling location update logic when Affix component is unmounted(#2772)
  • Optimize the logic of judging empty files when reading files in folder upload of Upload component to avoid errors in edge scenarios(#2771)
  • Compatible with react 19 findDOMNode error(#2755)
  • Upgrade the dependency react-focus-lock version to solve the WeakRef incompatibility issue(#2735)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the bug where dataTransfer.setData does not take effect when setting dataTransfer.setData in onDragStart of Tree component.(#2743)
  • DatePicker displays the focus style when it gets focus through tab(#2738)
  • Fixed a bug where DatePicker and DatePicker.RangePicker components missing refs, add forwardRef to expose refs.(#2734)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 Upload 组件展示错误提示信息报错(#2774)
  • Affix 组件卸载时避免调用位置更新逻辑(#2772)
  • 优化 Upload 组件文件夹上传读取文件判空逻辑,避免边界场景下报错(#2771)
  • 兼容 react 19 findDOMNode 报错(#2755)
  • 升级依赖 react-focus-lock 版本,解决 WeakRef 不兼容问题(#2735)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Tree 组件在 onDragStart 设置 dataTransfer.setData 不生效的 bug。(#2743)
  • DatePicker 通过 tab 获取焦点时显示 focus 的样式(#2738)
  • 修复DatePickerDatePicker.RangePicker组件缺失ref的问题,使用forwardRef转发ref(#2734)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 4 months ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize findDOMNode console warning(#2727)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed a bug where the selected item display was not updated in time when the Select component options changed (introduced in 2.63.0)(#2732)
  • DatePicker default placeholder remove "Please"(#2709)
  • Prevent phantom space in avatar image(#2692)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 findDOMNode 控制台 warning(#2727)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Select 组件 options 改变时,选中项展示未及时更新的 bug(2.63.0 引入)(#2732)
  • 移除 DatePicker 默认 placeholder "Please"(#2709)
  • 修复 Avatar 组件内部 img 元素存在空白的样式问题(#2692)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 4 months ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Enhance the rendering performance of SelectView(#2690)
  • reduce time complexity of InputTag(#2690)
  • 优化 findDOMNode 逻辑(#2540)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed a bug in which the rendering node style is incorrect when Select renderTag and maxTagCount are used at the same time (introduced in 2.62.0).(#2706)
  • Fix the issue where the label data of type ReactNode in the Cascader component is converted to a string during search.(#2698)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 SelectView 渲染逻辑,避免选中多个结点时渲染卡顿(#2690)
  • 优化 InputTag 渲染逻辑,降低时间复杂度(#2690)
  • 整体优化 findDOMNode 逻辑,避免 API 废弃警告(#2540)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Select renderTag 和 maxTagCount 同时使用时渲染节点样式有误的 bug(2.62.0 引入)。(#2706)
  • 修复Cascader组件在搜索时, ReactNode 类型的label数据被转换成字符串的问题。(#2698)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 5 months ago

arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 5 months ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the bug where the maxTagCount.render property of the InputTag component reported an error.(#2684)
  • Fix the bug that the verification status appears validating when rules are not set in Form.Item(#2676)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 InputTag 组件 maxTagCount.render 属性报错的 bug.(#2684)
  • 修复 Form.Item 未设置 rules 时,校验状态出现 validating 的 bug。(#2676)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 6 months ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize Select component focus control(#2657)

🆕 Feature

  • Message.config supports closable parameter(#2659)
  • Select supports responsive Tag number(#2656)
  • InputTag supports responsive Tag number(#2656)
  • ColorPicker component adds onChangeComplete and renderFooter properties(#2633)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the problem that Typography.Ellipsis is not displayed in safari. Due to environmental differences, compatibility is displayed under safari.(#2662)
  • Fixed the issue where entering a minus sign in the Slider component triggered an onChange value of NaN.(#2660)
  • Fixed the issue where the ref reference in the Tabs component could be null.(#2660)
  • Fixed the issue where the disabled configuration of the internal Radio is invalid after Radio.Group is set to disabled.(#2653)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 Select 组件焦点控制(#2657)

🆕 功能升级

  • Message.config 支持 closable 参数(#2659)
  • Select 支持响应式 Tag 数(#2656)
  • InputTag 支持响应式 Tag 数(#2656)
  • ColorPicker 组件增加 onChangeCompleterenderFooter 属性(#2633)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Typography.Ellipsis 在 safari 下不显示的问题。因环境差异, safari 下为兼容显示(#2662)
  • 修复Slider组件输入负号触发onChange的值为NaN的问题。(#2660)
  • 修复Tabs组件的ref引用可能为null的问题。(#2660)
  • 修复 Radio.Group 设置 disabled 后,内部 Radio 的 disabled 配置无效的问题 。(#2653)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 6 months ago

arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 7 months ago

arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 7 months ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug of incomplete display of Watermark when pixel ratio=1.(#2614)
  • Fixed the bug where the Carousel indicator behaved abnormally in the component rtl view.(#2605)
  • Fixed the bug of abnormal display of animation='card' under Carousel component rtl(#2605)
  • Fix the issue where the content view of Trigger is still ltr when setting the component rtl(#2604)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Watermark 在像素比=1 时显示不完全的 bug。(#2614)
  • 修复 Carousel 在组件 rtl 视图下指示器表现异常的 bug。(#2605)
  • 修复 Carousel 组件 rtl 下 animation='card' 展示异常的 bug(#2605)
  • 修复 Trigger 在设置组件 rtl 时内容视图仍然是 ltr 的问题(#2604)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 7 months ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the bug of icon misalignment when the Input component is set to allowClear and the width is adaptive.(#2606)
  • The autowidth Input component does not show the omitted state when the text is hovered.(#2606)
  • (#2602)
  • Fix the problem that the Table component may report an error when dynamically changing scrollY(#2599)
  • Fix the problem that Input.Search cannot transparently transmit suffix and addAfter(#2591)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Input 组件设置 allowClear且自适应宽度时,清除图标错位的 bug。(#2606)
  • 自适应宽度的 Input 组件在文本被 Hover 时不显示省略状态。(#2606)
  • 修复rtl切换时fixedClassName错误的问题(#2602)
  • 修复 Table 组件动态变化 scrollY 可能报错的问题(#2599)
  • 修复 Input.Search 无法透传 suffixaddAfter 的问题(#2591)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 7 months ago

🆕 Feature

  • Typography.Ellipsis to support the display of single-line expand buttons(#2596)
  • The onChange callback of the InputNumber component adds a reason parameter to notify the component of the reason for the value change.(#2595)
  • Slider supports multi-point selection within a range(#2594)
  • Image supports resetTranslateproperty(#2593)
  • Input supports onCompositionStartonCompositionUpdateonCompositionEnd property(#2589)
  • ConfigProvider component adds effectGlobalModal attribute(#2562)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix Table console warning due to missing ReactKey.(#2592)
  • Fixed the bug of internal method call error caused by Form.useFormContext not being used under Form component.(#2590)
  • Fix the problem that the image is always in the loading state when the Image component image link triggers the memory cache.(#2587)

🆕 功能升级

  • Typography.Ellipsis 支持单行展开按钮的展示(#2596)
  • InputNumber 组件 onChange 回调新增 reason 参数用于通知组件值改变的原因。(#2595)
  • Slider 支持范围内多点选择(#2594)
  • Image 新增 resetTranslate 属性(#2593)
  • Input 组件支持 onCompositionStartonCompositionUpdateonCompositionEnd 事件(#2589)
  • ConfigProvider 组件增加 effectGlobalModal 属性(#2562)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Table 由于 ReactKey 缺失导致的控制台警告。(#2592)
  • 修复 Form.useFormContext 未在 Form 组件下使用导致的内部方法调用报错的 bug。(#2590)
  • 修复 Image 组件图片链接触发内存缓存时图片一直处于loading状态的问题(#2587)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 8 months ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the bug of internal method call error caused by Form.useFormContext not being used under Form component.(#2574)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Form.useFormContext 未在 Form 组件下使用导致的内部方法调用报错的 bug。(#2574)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 8 months ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize the problem that the underline position is not adjusted when the default type of Tabs component activeTab does not exist.(#2571)
  • Table component supports expanding rows and tree data when virtual scrolling is turned on.(#2553)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the problem of loading status display of Image component(#2550)

💅 Style

  • The font size of the selection box under the large size of the Select component is adjusted from 16px to 14px.(#2570)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化默认类型的 Tabs 组件 activeTab 不存在时,下划线位置未调整的问题。(#2571)
  • Table 组件虚拟滚动开启时支持展开行和树形数据。(#2553)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Image 组件 loading 状态展示的问题(#2550)

💅 样式更新

  • Select 组件 large 尺寸下的选择框文本由 16px 调整为 14px。(#2570)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 8 months ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the problem of single line omission failure in Ellipsis component(#2564)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Ellipsis 组件单行省略失效的问题(#2564)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 8 months ago

arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 8 months ago

arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 8 months ago

arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 9 months ago

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