
A comprehensive React UI components library based on Arco Design

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arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 9 months ago

arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 9 months ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed a bug where the default value of ConfigProvider was mistakenly changed when Notice was called.(#2511)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 ConfigProvider 的默认值在 Notice 被调用时被误改的 bug。(#2511)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 9 months ago

💎 Enhancement

  • The Popover component does not display the popup box when the content is empty.(#2504)

🆕 Feature

  • InputTag adds a maxTagCount property to support customizing the maximum number of displayed tags.(#2503)
  • Trigger supports setting the viewport offset when automatically adjusting the position according to the viewport.(#2502)
  • 新增数据色色彩序列(#2494)
  • VirtualList add new wrapperChild and onScroll properties.(#2483)
  • The card mode of the Carousel component adds vertical arrangement support(#2462)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the bug of incomplete display of Watermark content in boundary scenes.(#2507)
  • Fixed a bug that caused all form items to be reset when the resetFields method of the Form component passed in non-string/array type parameters.(#2505)
  • Fix Typography component resize throttling issue(#2488)

💎 功能优化

  • Popover 组件当内容为空时不显示弹出框。(#2504)

🆕 功能升级

  • InputTag 组件新增 maxTagCount 属性以支持自定义最多展示的标签数量。(#2503)
  • Trigger 支持根据视口自动调整位置时,设置视口偏移量(#2502)
  • 新增数据色色彩序列(#2494)
  • 虚拟列表新增 wrapperChildonScroll 属性。(#2483)
  • Carousel 组件的 card 模式增加纵向排列支持(#2462)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Watermark 在边界场景下内容显示不完全的 bug。(#2507)
  • 修复 Form 组件的 resetFields 方法传入非 string/array 类型 的参数时,所有表单项都被重置的 bug。(#2505)
  • 修复 Typography 组件 resize 节流问题(#2488)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 9 months ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize that when the Image component is in lazyload, elements outside the viewport do not display placeholder loading to avoid page reflow.(#2492)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the bug causing white screen due to loop rendering in Image component boundary scene.(#2489)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 Image 组件在 lazyload 时视口外的元素不显示占位 loading,避免页面重排(#2492)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Image 组件边界场景下循环渲染导致白屏的 bug。(#2489)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 9 months ago

arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 10 months ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the effect infinite loop that may occur in edge cases in Select after turning on allowCreate.(#2484)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Select 在开启 allowCreate 后在边缘情况可能出现的 effect 无限循环。(#2484)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 10 months ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the issue where the Space component wrapping Fragment could not be parsed correctly.(#2480)
  • Adjust the InputNumber component to only prevent specific keyboard events from bubbling up(#2479)
  • Fixed the bug of extra delimiters appearing when conditional rendering exists in Breadcrumb.Item.(#2477)
  • Fixes Table component loading configuration not being effective.(#2474)
  • Fixed page error caused by updating the value to undefined when allowCreate is enabled Select single-mode.(#2473)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Space 组件包裹 Fragment 不能正确解析的问题。(#2480)
  • 调整 InputNumber 组件仅阻止特定键盘事件的冒泡。(#2479)
  • 修复 Breadcrumb.Item 存在条件渲染时,出现多余分隔符的 bug。(#2477)
  • 修复Table组件loading配置不生效的问题(#2474)
  • 修复 Select 单选模式开启 allowCreate 时,将值更新为 undefined 后导致的页面报错。(#2473)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 10 months ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize the issue of vertical jitter when clearing all tags in InputTag.(#2455)

🆕 Feature

  • The Image.Preview component adds the imageRender attribute to allow custom image rendering, and the imgAttributes attribute customizes src content.(#2458)
  • The Image.PreviewGroup component adds the renderImages attribute for loading images in advance(#2458)
  • Add ColorPicker component(#2383)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the problem that Message is called with the same id and is not updated during(#2459)
  • Fix the problem that Notification is called with the same id and is not updated during(#2456)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 InputTag 清除所有标签时高度抖动的问题。(#2455)

🆕 功能升级

  • Image.Preview 组件增加 imageRender 属性允许自定义图片渲染,imgAttributes 属性自定义 src 内容(#2458)
  • Image.PreviewGroup 组件增加 forceRender 属性,用于提前加载图片(#2458)
  • 新增 ColorPicker 组件(#2383)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Message 相同 id 调用,during 不更新问题(#2459)
  • 修复 Notification 相同 id 调用,during 不更新问题(#2456)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 10 months ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the issue where the creating parameter of the allowCreate.formatter property of the Select is always true in single-select mode.(#2447)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Select 组件 allowCreate.formatter 属性在单选模式下 creating 参数始终为 true 的问题。(#2447)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 10 months ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize Typography component node length calculation logic(#2435)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug of text deformation after Watermark is rotated.(#2437)

🆎 TypeScript

  • Adjust the content attribute ts definition of the Watermark component(#2430)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 Typography 组件节点长度计算逻辑(#2435)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Watermark 旋转后文字形变的 bug。(#2437)

🆎 类型修正

  • 调整 Watermark 组件 content 属性 ts 定义(#2430)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 10 months ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize the time-consuming problem of Trigger part of the logic(#2427)

🆕 Feature

  • Support pt-br locale(#2429)
  • The Typography component supports tooltip configuration for copy and edit buttons.(#2428)
  • Menu component adds a onEllipsisChange callback to notify the horizontal menu ellipsis status changed.(#2426)
  • Additional parameters options are added to the showSearch.renderOption function of the Cascader component(#2384)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the issue that Upload would add the folder to the list as a file when directory = false(#2425)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 Trigger 部分逻辑耗时问题(#2427)

🆕 功能升级

  • 支持 pt-br 语言。(#2429)
  • Typography 组件支持配置 copy 和 编辑按钮的 tooltip 配置(#2428)
  • Menu 组件新增 onEllipsisChange 回调以通知水平菜单内容自动省略状态发生改变。(#2426)
  • Cascader 组件 showSearch.renderOption 函数中增加额外参数 options(#2384)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Upload 组件在 directory = false 场景下,手动拖拽文件夹到上传区域时会将文件夹作为文件加入列表的问题(#2425)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 11 months ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize performance when field value is a large data array in a Form(#2397)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the problem of Drawer component autoFocus failure(#2412)
  • Fixed the bug that the Notification component class name prefix did not take effect for user-defined content.(#2409)
  • Fix the problem that Layout.Sider cannot be dragged to change the size when resizeBoxProps.onMoving is passed in.(#2408)
  • Fixed a bug where some nodes would never disappear when Message[method] was triggered quickly.(#2407)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 Form 中 value 为大数据数组时的性能(#2397)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Drawer 组件 autoFocus 失效的问题(#2412)
  • 修复 Notification 组件类名前缀未生效于用户自定义内容的 bug。(#2409)
  • 修复 Layout.Sider 在传入 resizeBoxProps.onMoving 时无法拖拽改变尺寸的问题。(#2408)
  • 修复 Message[method] 快速触发时,部分节点一直不会消失的 bug.(#2407)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 11 months ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix logic for Notification component to update after setting maxCount.(#2385)
  • Fix logic for Message component to update after setting maxCount.(#2385)
  • Fixed the bug that automatic word segmentation would be triggered twice in a row when the onChange callback of the InputTag took a long time.(#2381)
  • Compatible cases in which the sortOrder in column is initially uncontrolled and then controlled within the same life cycle of the Table component.(#2379)
  • Fixed a bug where the arrow styles would overwrite each other when Trigger components with different pop-up directions are used in nests.(#2378)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Notification 组件在设置 maxCount 之后更新的逻辑。(#2385)
  • 修复 Message 组件在设置 maxCount 之后更新的逻辑。(#2385)
  • 修复 InputTag 组件 onChange 回调用时较长时自动分词将会连续触发两次的问题。(#2381)
  • 兼容Table组件在同一个生命周期内 column 中的 sortOrder 开始不受控,之后又受控的情况。(#2379)
  • 修复不同弹出方向的 Trigger 组件在嵌套使用时,箭头样式被相互覆盖的 bug。(#2378)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 11 months ago

🆕 Feature

  • Add Watermark component.(#2363)
  • The Form component supports setting validateOnly for silent verification without UI performance.(#2366)

🐛 BugFix

  • Optimize the definition of empty data and columns for the Table component to avoid infinite re-renders.(#2370)
  • Fixed the issue that Slider component may report an error due to reading property from undefined.(#2369)
  • Fixed an issue where the connection line style was incorrect when the size of the Tree component was not default.(#2365)
  • Fixed the issue that the uploaded file status was overwritten to init during batch upload(#2362)

🆕 功能升级

  • 新增水印组件。(#2363)
  • Form 组件支持设置 validateOnly 进行静默校验,不做 UI 表现。(#2366)

🐛 问题修复

  • 优化 Table 组件 datacolumns 空数据的定义方式,避免无限重绘。(#2370)
  • 修复 Slider 组件可能因读取 undefined 属性导致的报错问题。(#2369)
  • 修复 Tree 组件 size 不为 default 时,连接线样式不正确的问题。(#2365)
  • 修复 Upload 批量上传时已上传文件状态被覆盖成 init(#2362)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 11 months ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed an issue where col key could be repeated when neither dataIndex nor key was specified in columns of Table.(#2353)
  • Fixed horizontal scrolling style issue in Table after virtual scrolling is enabled.(#2353)
  • Fixed Table scroll.x={max-content}, scroll.y={true} and the data is empty, the table header style is confused.(#2353)
  • Fixed the bug where ResizeBox covered the body inline cursor style after dragging.(#2352)
  • Fixed the bug where Tree would flicker when expanded or collapsed under react 18.(#2338)
  • Fixed the bug that the expansion and collapse animation of Tree did not take effect when controlled.(#2338)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Tablecolumns 中未指定 dataIndex 也未指定key时, col key 可能会重复的问题。(#2353)
  • 修复Table开启虚拟滚动后,横向滚动样式问题 。(#2353)
  • 修复Tablescroll.x={max-content}scroll.y={true}且数据为空时,表头样式错乱的问题 。(#2353)
  • 修复 ResizeBox 拖动后覆盖了 body 内联 cursor 样式的 bug。(#2352)
  • 修复 Tree 在 react 18 下展开收起出现闪烁的 bug。(#2338)
  • 修复 Tree 在受控时展开收起动画未生效的 bug。(#2338)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 12 months ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the problem of horizontal scrolling failure of table header when dynamically updating scrollY in Table.(#2330)
  • Fixed a bug where onChange would be triggered once during blur when the Input component passed in a string containing a newline character by default without changing the value.(#2335)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Table 在动态更新 scrollY 时表头横向滚动失效的问题。(#2330)
  • 修复 Input 组件默认传入包含换行符的字符串且未做值的改动时, onChange 会在 blur 时触发一次的 bug。(#2335)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 12 months ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Image.PreviewGroup component adds shortcut key support for arrow keys(#2320)

🆕 Feature

  • The format parameter of the DatePicker.RangePicker component supports array.(#2327)
  • Trigger supports configuring clickOutside logic to be triggered during the capture phase.(#2324)
  • Add VerificationCode component(#2308)
  • Upload supports custom upload method(#2297)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the bug that the Tab key switching focus of the DatePicker.RangePicker component was misaligned.(#2323)
  • Fixed an issue where the render parameter might be empty when the Table component's data attribute is a two-dimensional array.(#2319)
  • Fix the cannot read properties of null (reading 'scrollTop') error that occasionally occurs when the List component is scrolling.(#2316)
  • Fixed an issue where the sorting and filtering functions failed when the Table component had both dataIndex and key attributes in columns.(#2311)

💅 Style

  • Fixed the issue that clear text of Input with prefix/suffix in Safari caused vertical jitter.(#2315)

💎 功能优化

  • Image.PreviewGroup 组件增加方向键的快捷键支持(#2320)

🆕 功能升级

  • DatePicker.RangePicker 组件 format 参数支持数组。(#2327)
  • Trigger 支持配置在捕获阶段触发 clickOutside 逻辑。(#2324)
  • 新增 VerificationCode 验证码输入组件(#2308)
  • Upload 支持自定义上传 method(#2297)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 DatePicker.RangePicker 组件 Tab 键切换焦点错位的 bug。(#2323)
  • 修复 Table 组件 data 属性为二维数组时,render 参数可能为空的问题。(#2319)
  • 修复 List 组件滚动时偶现的 cannot read properties of null (reading 'scrollTop') 错误。(#2316)
  • 修复 Table 组件在columns中同时存在dataIndexkey属性时,排序和筛选功能失效的问题。(#2311)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Input 组件具有前后缀时在 Safari 中清空文本导致垂直方向高度抖动的问题。(#2315)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] 12 months ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the UI problem of displaying the verification success style when the Form component is verified (this bug was introduced in 2.54.2).(#2312 )

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Form 组件校验通过时表现了校验成功样式的 UI 问题(该 bug 在 2.54.2 引入)。(#2312 )
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] almost 1 year ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed an issue where the Table component would not align with the table header when scroll={x: 'max-content', y: true}(#2303)
  • Fixed DatePicker.RangePicker setting shortcuts={[]} unexpectedly displayed 0.(#2302)
  • Fixed the issue that the child node of Spin is not rendered when the child passed in was 0.(#2301)
  • Fixed the bug where the Form component's style was lost in the validating state.(#2299 )
  • Fixed the issue where Form.useFormContext status update caused component lag.(#2299 )

💅 Style

  • Fix Button.Group border-radius style under single button.(#2294 @bestlyg)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Table 组件在 scroll={x: 'max-content', y: true} 时,表头和内容无法对齐的问题(#2303)
  • 修复 DatePicker.RangePicker 设置 shortcuts={[]} 意外显示 0 的 bug。(#2302)
  • 修复 Spin 组件传入 Children 为 0 时,其子节点未渲染的问题。(#2301)
  • 修复 Form 组件在 validating 状态样式丢失的 bug。(#2299 )
  • 修复 Form.useFormContext 状态更新导致组件卡顿的问题。(#2299 )

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Button.Group 在单个按钮下的圆角样式问题。(#2294 @bestlyg)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

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