
A comprehensive React UI components library based on Arco Design

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arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize the inline style borderStyle of the Divider component to work on the dividing line.(#2277)

🆕 Feature

  • Tabs supports custom underline size(#2278)
  • The Select component supports setting width adaptation through the autoWidth property.(#2274)
  • The Cascader component supports setting width adaptation through the autoWidth property.(#2274)
  • The TreeSelect component supports setting width adaptation through the autoWidth property.(#2274)
  • The Input component supports setting width adaptation through the autoWidth property.(#2274)
  • The allowCreate property of Select allows passing in a formatter to format user-created options.(#2259)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the abnormal increase and decrease of InputNumber caused by the jitter of the button event when the button is long pressed.(#2255 @bestlyg)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 Divider 组件的内联样式 borderStyle 能作用在分割线。(#2277)

🆕 功能升级

  • Tabs 支持定制下划线尺寸(#2278)
  • Select 组件支持通过 autoWidth 属性设置宽度自适应。(#2274)
  • Cascader 组件支持通过 autoWidth 属性设置宽度自适应。(#2274)
  • TreeSelect 组件支持通过 autoWidth 属性设置宽度自适应。(#2274)
  • Input 组件支持通过 autoWidth 属性设置宽度自适应。(#2274)
  • Select 组件 allowCreate 属性允许传入 formatter 以格式化用户创建的选项。(#2259)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 InputNumber 长按按钮时,因按钮事件抖动引起的增减异常。(#2255 @bestlyg)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed a bug where re-rendering the component may trigger the loss of sub-component ref when the Modal component is hidden.(#2251)
  • Fixed the issue that Message could not disable RTL mode after it was enabled.(#2250)
  • Fixed the bug of incorrect callback parameters in the Input.Search component when value is controlled and maxLength of the object type is passed in and onSearch is triggered directly.(#2239)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Modal 组件隐藏时重渲染组件可能触发子组件 ref 丢失的 bug。(#2251)
  • 修复 Message 在 RTL 模式开启后无法关闭的问题。(#2250)
  • 修复 Input.Search 组件在 value 受控且传入了对象类型的 maxLength并直接触发 onSearch时, 回调参数错误的 bug(#2239)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize the performance of TreeSelect under big data(#2236 )
  • Export ModalHookReturnType type.(#2235)
  • Export MessageHookReturnType type.(#2235)
  • Export NotificationHookReturnType type.(#2235)
  • Avoid image dragging that is triggered incorrectly when the right mouse button is pressed.(#2234)
  • Optimize the problem of cracked image in the first rendering of Image in SSR and lazyload is enabled.(#2234)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the issue that Select needs to be clicked twice to display the drop-down box in Firefox.(#2233)
  • Fixed a bug where text in the content area of the Drawer component could not be selected and copied. (This bug was introduced in 2.53.0)(#2232 )

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 TreeSelect 大数据下的性能表现(#2236 )
  • 导出 ModalHookReturnType 类型。(#2235)
  • 导出 MessageHookReturnType 类型。(#2235)
  • 导出 NotificationHookReturnType 类型。(#2235)
  • 避免鼠标右键按下时错误触发的图片拖拽。(#2234)
  • 优化 Image 在 SSR 且开启 lazyload 时首次渲染出现裂图的问题。(#2234)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Firefox 浏览器中 Select 需要点击两次才能出现下拉框的问题。(#2233)
  • 修复 Drawer 组件的内容区域文本无法被选中复制的 bug。(该 bug 在 2.53.0 引入 )(#2232)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

🆕 Feature

  • The Table component supports scrolling to the specified area through ref.scrollIntoView in the virtual list scenario.(#2226)
  • Image.Preview add a new extra property, which is used to specify extra nodes in the preview area.(#2224)
  • Table component onChange callback adds parameter extra.currentAllData.(#2220)
  • Upload supports setting the accept attribute through accept.strict to follow the browser's native behavior and does not strictly match and filter file extensions.(#2218 )
  • The onRemove method of the Upload component supports passing the callback parameter into the current file list(#2218 )

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the bug that the first rendering of Image would display the load-failed icon.(#2223)
  • Fix the bug that escToExit does not take effect after clicking on the text content of the Drawer component.(#2222 )
  • Fixed the bug that the renderFormat re-rendering was not triggered when the TreeData of the TreeSelect component was changed.(#2219 )
  • Fix the bug that after the Select search text is changed, pressing Enter will uncheck the previously selected option.(#2217)
  • Fixed the problem of console error reporting in boundary scenarios of internal component VirtualList(#2216)
  • The TS type correction of the return value of onRemove method of Upload component, void is adjusted to void | boolean | Promise<void | boolean>(#2218 )

🆕 功能升级

  • Table 组件支持在虚拟列表的场景下通过 ref.scrollIntoView 滚动到指定区域。(#2226)
  • Image.Preview 组件新增 extra 属性,用于指定在预览区域的额外节点。(#2224)
  • Table 组件 onChange 回调增加参数 extra.currentAllData。(#2220)
  • Upload 支持通过 accept.strict 设置 accept 属性遵循浏览器原生表现,不对文件后缀名进行严格匹配过滤(#2218 )
  • Upload 组件 onRemove 方法支持回调参数传入当前文件列表(#2218 )

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Image 首次渲染会展示图片加载错误图标的 bug。(#2223)
  • 修复 Drawer 组件在点击文本内容后,escToExit 不生效的 bug。(#2222 )
  • 修复 TreeSelect 组件的 TreeData 改变,未触发 renderFormat 重渲染的 bug。(#2219 )
  • 修复 Select 搜索文本改变后,回车会将之前选中的选项取消选中的 bug。(#2217)
  • 修复内部组件 VirtualList 边界场景下控制台报错问题(#2216)
  • Upload 组件 onRemove 方法返回值的 TS 类型修正,void 调整为 void | boolean | Promise<void|boolean>(#2218 )
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that Form.Item component's disabled property overrides the child node's disabled property.(#2204)
  • Fixed the issue of abnormal position of panel option arrow in Cascader component rtl mode.(#2201)
  • Fix the location of the collapse button in the rtl mode of the Menu component(#2201)
  • Fix the issue that when the Select is used with renderFormat and showSearch, the drop-down box needs to be clicked twice to pop up.(#2190)

💅 Style

  • Fix the issue about Transfer list items overflow.(#2198)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Form.Item 组件的 disabled 属性覆盖了子节点的 disabled 属性的 bug。(#2204)
  • 修复 Cascader 组件 rtl 模式下面板选项箭头位置异常的问题。(#2201)
  • 修复 Menu 组件 rtl 模式下折叠按钮的位置问题。(#2201)
  • 修复 Select 单选模式配合 renderFormatshowSearch 使用时,下拉框需要点击两次才能弹出的问题。(#2190)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Transfer 列表项溢出的问题。(#2198)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Avoid 404 error in the browser console when src is not passed to Image.(#2187)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the second parameter of the render attribute of the Table component may be undefined (this problem was introduced in 2.50.2 by removing the internal attribute ORIGIN_DATA attached to the external callback parameter)(#2188 @Ryuurock)
  • Fix the issue that the drop-down for switching pageSize sometimes cannot be expanded when List enables pagination.(#2186)
  • Fix the problem that the loading status of Image is not displayed when loader = true.(#2173 @bestlyg)

💅 Style

  • Fix the problem that the scrollbar style may appear in the blank state when the Table component is setting scrollX.(#2171 @whyour)

💎 功能优化

  • 避免 Image 未传入 src 时浏览器控制台的 404 报错。(#2187)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Table 组件的 render 属性第二个参数可能为 undefined 的 bug (该问题在 2.50.2 移除了对外回调参数附带了的内部属性 ORIGIN_DATA 引入)(#2188 @Ryuurock)
  • 修复 List 组件设置可翻页时,切换 pageSize 的下拉框有时无法展开的问题。(#2186)
  • 修复 Image 组件 loader = true 时加载状态未展示的问题。(#2173 @bestlyg)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Table 组件设置 scrollX 时空白状态可能会出现滚动条样式的问题。(#2171 @whyour)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize the problem that the Tree component is stuck interactively under large data. (There will be a more significant improvement after manually enabling __ArcoAdapterMode__ , but after enabling it, the parameter whose callback parameter type is NodeInstance will become FakeNodeInstance type(#2158)

🆕 Feature

  • Select adds onSelect callback (only valid for multi-select mode).(#2157)
  • Select adjusts defaultActiveFirstOption to also take effect for the selected option.(#2157)
  • The Cascader component supports the icons parameter to set icons.(#2062)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the problem that the blue-line position of the active anchor is not updated after the sub-anchor of the Anchor component is removed.(#2161)
  • Fix the problem that the drop-down box in the <input> area cannot be expanded when the multi-selection Select is set to showSearch=false in Chrome 116+.(#2156)
  • Fix Image error caused by previewProps.actions usage.(#2137)
  • Fix bug that after the Button component is set to disabled, the onClick event will still be triggered when the button is a link.(#2111 @lio-mengxiang)

💅 Style

  • Fix the bug that the vertical tab style behaves abnormally in the rtl view of the Tabs component.(#2162)
  • Fix the bug that the vertical tab height of Tabs is not consistent with the content area (this fix adjusts the layout method of tabs whose tabPosition is left / right to flex layout).(#2162)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 Tree 组件在大数据下交互卡顿的问题。(手动开启 __ArcoAdapterMode__ 后会有更显著的提升,但是开启后回调参数类型为 NodeInstance 的参数会变为 FakeNodeInstance 类型)(#2158)

🆕 功能升级

  • Select 新增 onSelect 回调(仅对多选模式生效)。(#2157)
  • Select 调整 defaultActiveFirstOption 对于选中的选项亦生效。(#2157)
  • Cascader 组件支持 icons 参数设置图标。(#2062)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Anchor 组件子锚点被移除后,激活态锚点的蓝色标识位置未更新的问题。(#2161)
  • 修复多选 Select 在 Chrome 116+ 设置 showSearch=false 时点击 <input> 区域下拉框无法展开的问题。(#2156)
  • 修复 Image 配合 previewProps.actions 使用报错的问题。(#2137)
  • 修复 Button 组件设置了 disabled 之后,在按钮是链接的情况下还是会触发 onClick 事件的 bug。(#2111 @lio-mengxiang)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Tabs 组件 rtl 视图下,竖直方向选项卡样式表现异常的 bug。(#2162)
  • 修复 Tabs 竖直方向选项卡高度未和内容区域保持一致的 bug(此修复调整了 tabPosition 为 left / right 的选项卡的布局方式为 flex 布局) 。(#2162)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize the Trigger component when there is a decimal in the content height, there will be a positioning error, which will cause unnecessary scroll bars.(#2141)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the dragToSort attribute does not take effect when the Cascader component is controlled(#2140)
  • Fix the problem that Popover is reported as a direct child node of Menu.(#2138)
  • Fix possible height jitter in Transfer when moving list items.(#2136)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 Trigger 组件在内容高度存在小数时会出现定位误差导致出现不必要滚动条的问题。(#2141)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Cascader 组件受控时 dragToSort 属性不生效的 bug(#2140)
  • 修复 Popover 作为 Menu 直接子节点报错的问题。(#2138)
  • 修复 Transfer 在列表项移动时,可能出现的高度抖动。(#2136)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize the width of the table and the problem of unnecessary scroll bars in certain scenarios.(#2066 @hkhere)

🆕 Feature

  • Support horizontal Anchor(#2108 '')
  • The Menu.Item adds renderItemInTooltip property, which is used to specify the menu item node displayed in Tooltip when Menu is collapsed.(#2106)
  • Dropdown.Button support all DropdownProps.(#2091)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the font style does not inherit the Title style when Typography.Title is switched to the edit state.(#2109 '')
  • Fix the bug that the className and style attributes passed in by the user are lost when Typography is switched to the editing state.(#2109 '')
  • Fix parents of Collapse can't trigger onClick due to bubbling issue(#2100 )
  • Fix the bug that the text color of Radio component is abnormal when children is 0.(#2098 @lightersss)
  • Fix the bug that the text color of Checkbox component is abnormal when children is 0.(#2098 @lightersss)
  • Fix the bug that when the Modal component sets unmountOnExit=true and closes the pop-up window, the outer node of the pop-up window is not unmount bug.(#2096 '')

🆎 TypeScript

💎 功能优化

  • 优化表格宽度在特定场景下出现不必要滚动条的问题。(#2066 @hkhere)

🆕 功能升级

  • 支持横向 Anchor(#2108 )
  • Menu.Item 组件新增 renderItemInTooltip 属性,用以指定 Menu 收起时 Tooltip 中展示的菜单项节点。(#2106)
  • Dropdown.Button 允许传入所有的 DropdownProps。(#2091)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Typography.Title 切换为编辑状态时字体样式未继承 Title 样式的 bug。(#2109 )
  • 修复 Typography 切换为编辑状态时用户传入的 classNamestyle 属性丢失的 bug。(#2109 )
  • 修复 Collapse 组件父级节点 onClick 不冒泡触发(#2100 )
  • 修复 Radio 组件在 children 为 0 时文本色异常的 bug。(#2098 @lightersss)
  • 修复 Checkbox 组件在 children 为 0 时文本色异常的 bug。(#2098 @lightersss)
  • 修复 Modal 组件设置 unmountOnExit=true 并关闭弹窗后,弹窗外层节点未被 unmount 的 bug。(#2096 )

🆎 类型修正

arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize the experience of DatePicker when jumping quickly in the panel.(#2094)
  • Select still maintains its ability to open a virtual list when the option label is rich text but the width of the popup is set by

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the problem that the Tabs component will vibrate continuously under boundary conditions when the width changes dynamically.(#2093 @yinkaihui)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 DatePicker 在面板快速跳转选择时的体验。(#2094)
  • Select 在选项 label 为富文本但通过 设置了弹出框宽度时,仍然保持其开启虚拟列表的能力。(#2092)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Tabs 组件在宽度动态改变时边界条件下出现组件不停抖动的问题。(#2093)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the onBlur will be triggered when the node is selected when the Cascader component is multi-selected.(#2083)
  • Fixed incorrect state synchronization within the component when the sortOrder property of Table was controlled(#2079)

💅 Style

  • Fix the width jitter problem before and after hover when Input is set to allowClear and the width is not fixed.(#2084)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Cascader 组件多选时选中节点会触发 onBlur 的 bug。(#2083)
  • 修复 Table 组件的 sortOrder 属性受控时,组件内部状态同步不正确问题(#2079)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Input 组件设置 allowClear 且宽度不固定时 hover 前后出现的宽度抖动问题。(#2084)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

🆕 Feature

  • Input supports normalize to format the input value at the specified time.(#2065)
  • Notification supports closeIcon(#2061)
  • Message supports closeIcon(#2060)
  • Input supports clearIcon property(#2059)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix Select component being affected by default properties set by ConfigProvider.componentConfig.InputTag.(#2064)
  • Fix the problem that the page switch is abnormal when the trigger of the Carousel is set to hover.(#2063)
  • Fix the bug of scrollIntoView method execution error caused by the boundary condition of Tree component.(#2057)
  • Fix the header alignment problem that may occur when virtual scrolling is enabled for Table and the amount of data is small.(#2056)

🆕 功能升级

  • Input 支持通过 normalize 在指定时机对输入值进行格式化。(#2065)
  • Notification 支持配置关闭按钮(#2061)
  • Message 支持配置关闭按钮(#2060)
  • Input 支持配置清除按钮(#2059)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Select 组件被 ConfigProvider.componentConfig.InputTag 设置的默认属性影响的问题。(#2064)
  • 修复 Carousel 组件 trigger 设置为 hover 时页面切换异常的问题。(#2063)
  • 修复 Tree 组件边界条件下导致的 scrollIntoView 方法执行报错的 bug。(#2057)
  • 修复 Table 开启虚拟滚动且数据量较小时可能出现的表头对齐问题。(#2056)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize the onChange callback parameters of the Transfer to ensure that the array order of targetKeys is consistent with the actual rendering order of the target list.(#2035)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the problem that prefix passed in is not rendered when value of Statistic is not a number.(#2037)
  • Fix showTime.defaultValue of DatePicker component shows inaccurate bug after setting timezone.(#2036)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 Transfer 组件 onChange 回调参数,保证回调返回的 targetKeys 数组顺序与目标列表实际渲染顺序一致。(#2035)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Statistic 组件 value 不为数字时,传入的 prefix 未被渲染的问题。(#2037)
  • 修复 DatePicker 组件 showTime.defaultValue 在设置时区之后显示不准确的 bug。(#2036)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the Cascader component cannot delete selected items through keyboard events.(#2024)
  • Fix the bug that the warning appears in the console when the TimePicker component is set to scrollSticky={false}.(#2023 @bestlyg)
  • Fix the bug that the Message component will report an error when getContainer changes in a special scenario.(#2018)
  • Fix the bug that the Notification component will report an error when getContainer changes in a special scenario.(#2018)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Cascader 组件无法通过键盘事件删除已选项的 bug。(#2024)
  • 修复 TimePicker 组件在 scrollSticky={false} 时控制台出现 warning 的 bug。(#2023 @bestlyg)
  • 修复 Message 组件在特殊场景下 getContainer 变化导致组件报错的bug。(#2018)
  • 修复 Notification 组件在特殊场景下 getContainer 变化导致组件报错的bug。(#2018)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

🆕 Feature

  • Notification.useNotification supports setting elements to mount nodes via getContainer.(#2008)
  • The Drawer component supports customizing the close button via the closeIcon property.(#2006)

🐛 BugFix

  • When Table component has no data but > 0, pagination should be shown.(#2005)

💅 Style

  • The Pagination component adjusts the default text: Goto => Goto x pages(#2004)
  • The Pagination component adjusts the quick jump font color to color-text-2(#2004)

🆕 功能升级

  • Notification.useNotification 支持通过 getContainer 设置元素挂载节点。(#2008)
  • Drawer 组件支持通过 closeIcon 属性自定义关闭按钮。(#2006)

🐛 问题修复

  • Table 组件没有数据但是 > 0 时,应该显示分页。(#2005)

💅 样式更新

  • Pagination 组件调整默认文案:前往 => 前往 x 页(#2004)
  • Pagination 组件调整快速跳转字体颜色为 color-text-2(#2004)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

💎 Enhancement

  • When Select / Cascader / TreeSelect internal <input /> node is hidden, remove its value attribute to avoid redundant text in the user’s copy operation(#1993)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix DatePicker component, after setting the timezone, the input time is not converted correctly.(#1992)
  • Fix the bug that the onPressEnter callback is incorrectly triggered when the Input.Search component clicks the search icon or search button.(#1990)
  • Fix the bug that Pagination reports an error when the props update is empty(#1989)
  • Fix the issue that the autoSize of the Input.TextArea may not take effect while typing non-English texts.(#1988)

💅 Style

  • 优化 Menu 折叠之后,菜单项图标未水平居中的问题。(#1991)

💎 功能优化

  • Select / Cascader / TreeSelect 内部 <input /> 节点处于隐藏状态时,移除其 value 属性,避免用户复制操作出现多余文本。(#1993)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 DatePicker 组件在设置时区之后,输入时间没有正确转换的问题。(#1992)
  • 修复 Input.Search 组件点击搜索图标或搜索按钮时错误触发 onPressEnter 回调的 bug。(#1990)
  • 修复 Pagination 组件在 props 更新为空的时候,报错的 bug(#1989)
  • 修复 Input.TextArea 组件 autoSize 属性在非英文输入法时可能不生效的问题。(#1988)

💅 样式更新

  • 优化 Menu 折叠之后,菜单项图标未水平居中的问题。(#1991)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that internal popup component zIndex is calculated incorrectly when Drawer is mounted for the first time.(#1977)
  • Fix the bug that internal popup component zIndex is calculated incorrectly when Modal is mounted for the first time.(#1977)
  • Fix the bug that the component UI is not actually updated after the Image.previewProps field is updated.(#1976)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Drawer 第一次挂载时,内部弹出型组件 zIndex 计算错误的 bug。(#1977)
  • 修复 Modal 第一次挂载时,内部弹出型组件 Modal 计算错误的 bug。(#1977)
  • 修复 Image.previewProps 字段更新后组件 UI 实际未更新的 bug。(#1976)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize ResizeObserver monitoring logic to avoid ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded error reporting in some scenarios(#1962)
  • Export the GridProps, GridItemProps typedefs for the Grid component.(#1957)

🆕 Feature

  • Popover component supports title, content properties of function type(#1964)
  • Popconfirm component supports title, content properties of function type(#1964)
  • Add Turkish language(#1942)

🐛 BugFix

  • Adjust the drag style class name of InputTag component arco-draggable => @{prefix}-draggable(#1963)
  • Fix DatePicker component disabledDate in the shortcut selection panel, disabling the date should not be disabled.(#1961)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 ResizeObserver 监听逻辑,避免某些场景下出现 ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded 报错(#1962)
  • 导出 Grid 组件的 GridProps, GridItemProps 类型定义。(#1957)

🆕 功能升级

  • Popover 组件支持函数类型的 title , content 属性(#1964)
  • Popconfirm 组件支持函数类型的 title , content 属性(#1964)
  • 支持土耳其语(#1942)

🐛 问题修复

  • 调整 InputTag 组件的拖拽样式类名 arco-draggable => @{prefix}-draggable(#1963)
  • 修复 DatePicker 组件 disabledDate 在快捷选择面板内,禁用掉不应该禁用日期的问题。(#1961)
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