
A comprehensive React UI components library based on Arco Design

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Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug of Grid that xxxl property in responsive layout does not work.(#1955)
  • Fix the bug that the Notification component is called repeatedly in useEffect.(#1954)
  • Fix the bug that the Message component is called repeatedly in useEffect.(#1954)
  • Fix the problem that the defaultExpandAllRows attribute of the Table component does not take effect.(#1953)
  • Fix the error caused by inputing long text when Select is allowed to be created.(#1948)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Grid 组件响应式布局 xxxl 属性不生效的 bug。(#1955)
  • 修复 Notification 组件在 useEffect 里连续调用出现重叠的 bug。(#1954)
  • 修复 Message 组件在 useEffect 里连续调用出现重叠的 bug。(#1954)
  • 修复 Table 组件 defaultExpandAllRows 属性不生效的问题。(#1953)
  • 修复 Select 组件允许创建时输入文本内容过长导致的页面报错。(#1948)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the parent node of the disabled node cannot be selected after the child node of the disabled node is selected when the echo mode of the Tree component is set to child.(#1938)
  • Fix the bug that Tree component was updated wrongly when the child node of the disabled node was checked, and then unchecked, the checked state of the parent node of the disabled node was incorrectly updated.(#1938)
  • Fix Table component pagination hiding logic.(#1937)
  • Fix the issue that dragToSort of InputTag not work.(#1936)
  • Fix the problem that the width of Select is slowly restored after the value is cleared in multi-selection mode.(#1935)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Tree 组件在回显方式设置为 child时,选中禁用节点的子节点后,禁用节点的父节点无法被选中的 bug。(#1938)
  • 修复 Tree 组件在选中了复选框禁用节点的子节点,然后取消选中,禁用节点的父节点的选中状态错误更新了的 bug。(#1938)
  • 修复 Table 组件分页隐藏逻辑。(#1937)
  • 修复 InputTag 组件 dragToSort 功能不可用的问题。(#1936)
  • 修复 Select 多选模式下值被清空之后,其宽度缓慢恢复的问题。(#1935)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

🚨 Important attention

  • **Select/Cascader/TreeSelect components, when the addbefore / prefix property is set, the default width is adjusted to '100%' ( addbefore / prefix function is supported in 2.41.0, and it is not set default width) **

🆕 Feature

  • Added prefix/addBefore/addAfter props to InputTag component (same as Input). (#1918)
  • The icons property of the Tabs component supports customizing the scrolling icon in the header of the tab. (#1917)
  • The Table component adds multi-column sorting function (#1910)
  • The Statistic component has added a styleDecimal property to set the style of the decimal part. (#1900)
  • Grid.GridItem supports children of function type (#1897)
  • Add lazyload attribute to Image component to support lazy loading (#1850)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed Grid.GridItem transparently passing overflow attribute to native DOM tags and causing console warnings(#1922)
  • Fix DatePicker.RangePicker when reopening, panel date changes but does not trigger onPickerValueChange bug.(#1920)
  • Fix the bug that when the DatePicker.RangePicker component is opened and the mode is switched, the date will keep increasing.(#1919)
  • Fix the bug that setting the trigger mode of Select popup window to focus does not take effect.(#1915)
  • Fix the indentation problem when the Table component tree data display and the content is non-text. (#1913)

🆎 TypeScript

  • Adjust Grid.GridItem ts definition (#1897)

🚨 重点注意

  • Select/Cascader/TreeSelect 组件在设置了 addbefore/prefix 属性时,默认宽度调整为 100%( addbefore/prefix 功能在 2.41.0 支持,且未设置默认宽度)

🆕 功能升级

  • InputTag 组件新增 prefix/addBefore/addAfter 属性(同 Input)。(#1918)
  • Tabs 组件的 icons 属性支持自定义选项卡头部的滚动操作图标。(#1917)
  • Table 组件新增多列排序功能(#1910)
  • Statistic 组件新增 styleDecimal 属性设置小数部分样式。(#1900)
  • Grid.GridItem 支持函数类型的 children(#1897)
  • Image 组件添加 lazyload 属性,支持懒加载(#1850)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Grid.GridItem 透传 overflow 属性到原生 DOM 标签导致控制台警告(#1922)
  • 修复 DatePicker.RangePicker 在重新打开时,面板日期改变但是没有触发 onPickerValueChange 的 bug。(#1920)
  • 修复 DatePicker.RangePicker 组件打开状态下切换 mode 时,日期会不断增加的 bug。(#1919)
  • 修复 Select 组件弹窗触发方式设置为 focus 不生效的 bug。(#1915)
  • 修复 Table 组件树形数据展示且内容为非文本时的缩进问题。(#1913)

🆎 类型修正

  • 调整 Grid.GridItem ts 定义(#1897)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that all drawers are closed by pressing ESC when there are multiple layers of Drawer at the same time.(#1902)
  • Fixed a bug where 'form.list' 'onChange' of directly wrapped child components was incorrectly triggered when dynamically adding or subtracting Form items.(#1898)
  • Fix the problem that Select will be focused when clicking the close button of Tag to delete the option in the multi-select mode.(#1894)

🆎 TypeScript

  • Improve the definition of 'Input.Textarea' TS(#1899)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复同时存在多层 Drawer 时,按键ESC所有抽屉被关闭的 bug。(#1902)
  • 修复 Form.List 在动态增减表单项时, 直接包裹的子组件的 onChange 被错误触发的 bug。(#1898)
  • 修复 Select 组件多选模式下点击 Tag 的关闭按钮删除选项时,Select 会变为 Focus 状态的问题。(#1894)

🆎 类型修正

  • 完善 Input.Textarea TS 定义(#1899)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the Form.List component behaves abnormally when the user executes the add/remove/move method memo(#1868)
  • Fix the bug that colSpan is overwritten when the group columns of the Table component is used together with colSpan.(#1865)
  • Fix Select multi-selection mode, when the first option is selected, the drop-down box shakes.(#1863)

💅 Style

  • Fix the bug that the disabled text color does not take effect when the scroll icon of the Tabs component is disabled.(#1867)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Form.List 组件在用户对 add/remove/move 方法 memo 时,执行表现异常的 bug(#1868)
  • 修复 Table 组件组合表头和 colSpan 一起使用时,colSpan 被覆盖的 bug。(#1865)
  • 修复 Select 多选模式下,选择第一个选项时下拉框抖动问题。(#1863)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Tabs 组件滚动图标在禁用时,禁用文本色未生效的 bug。(#1867)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

🆕 Feature

  • The Table component add parameter virtualListProps.(#1848)
  • The TreeSelect component supports customizing the backfill display of selected nodes through renderFormat(#1847)
  • Select component ref add new scrollIntoView method to support scrolling the list to the specified option.(#1843)
  • Grid supports css grid for layout(#1801)
  • Form.List supports validation rules(#1790)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the problem of misaligned table header and content when scrolling in the Table component under the scenario of multiple headers and fixed columns.(#1852)
  • Fix the bug that clicking the close icon does not take effect when the TreeSelect component is set to treeCheckedStrategy=all.(#1849)
  • Fix the bug that some style variables of the Switch component do not use the css variable prefix.(#1845)
  • Fix the problem of misaligned table header and content when scrolling in the Table component under the scenario of multiple headers and fixed columns.(#1840)

💅 Style

  • Fix Tabs in card mode, the bug that TabsHeader border style is wrong(#1853)

🆕 功能升级

  • Table 组件新增参数 virtualListProps。(#1848)
  • TreeSelect 组件支持通过 renderFormat 自定义选中节点的回填展示(#1847)
  • Select 组件 ref 引用新增 scrollIntoView 方法以支持滚动列表至指定选项。(#1843)
  • Grid 支持 css grid 进行布局(#1801)
  • Form.List 支持校验规则(#1790)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Table 组件在多表头多列 fixed 场景下滚动时出现表头和内容无法对齐的问题。(#1852)
  • 修复 TreeSelect 组件在设置 treeCheckedStrategy=all 时,点击关闭图标不生效的 bug。(#1849)
  • 修复Switch 组件部分样式变量未使用 css 变量前缀的 bug。(#1845)
  • 修复 Table 组件在多表头多列 fixed 场景下 scroll 时出现表头和内容无法对齐的问题(#1840)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Tabscard 模式下,TabsHeader 边框样式错误的 bug(#1853)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

💎 Enhancement

  • DatePicker component no longer sorts the panel when selecting a date.(#1814)
  • Optimize Avatar child node type judgment logic(#1813)
  • Compatible with older browsers that don't support BigInt.(#1810)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the value reference address of the Form.Item component injected into the custom form control changes when rerender.(#1815)
  • Fix the bug of stretching error after ResizeBox.Split sets min attribute to pixel value(#1809)
  • Fix the bug that the onClick injected by the Trigger component when trigger=hover causes the default onClick of the component to not take effect.(#1808)
  • Fix the problem that the option is not displayed in the drop-down list when the content of the Select option is an empty string.(#1807)

💅 Style

  • Fix the style problem caused by the transparency of the fixed column background color of the Table component in dark mode(#1816)
  • Adjust the text size of the Badge component from 12px to 14px, aligning with the design specification(#1816)

💎 功能优化

  • DatePicker 组件在选择日期时,面板不再排序切换。(#1814)
  • 优化 Avatar 子节点类型判断逻辑(#1813)
  • 兼容不支持 BigInt 的旧时代浏览器。(#1810)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Form.Item 组件在 rerender 时注入到自定义表单控件的 value 引用地址改变的 bug。(#1815)
  • 修复 ResizeBox.Split 设置 min的属性为像素值后,伸缩出错的 bug(#1809)
  • 修复 Trigger 组件在 trigger=hover时注入的 onClick 导致组件默认 onClick 不生效的 bug。(#1808)
  • 修复 Select 选项内容为空字符串时,选项在下拉列表中不展示的问题。(#1807)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Table 组件在暗黑模式下固定列背景色存在透明度导致的样式问题(#1816)
  • 调整 Badge 组件文本大小从 12px14px,对齐设计规范(#1816)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize the issue that Select user-created option not updated if the search result returns an option with the same option.value(#1788)

🆕 Feature

  • Input, Select, DatePicker, TimePicker, Cascader, TreeSelect, AutoComplete support setting warning status through status property(#1786)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix Calendar component panelTodayBtn click invalid issue.(#1789)
  • Fix the bug that the fixed column event is not triggered when the Table component data is dynamically loaded.(#1787)
  • Fix the issue that validate function will trigger two consecutive rounds when all the verification results of the automatic word segmentation of the pasted text of InputTag fail.(#1784)
  • Fix Upload component verification duplicate uid warning logic exception(#1783)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 Select 允许创建选项时,如果搜索结果返回同样 option.value 的选项,此选项未更新的问题。(#1788)

🆕 功能升级

  • InputSelectDatePickerTimePickerCascaderTreeSelectAutoComplete 支持通过 status 属性设置 warning 状态(#1786)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Calendar 组件 panelTodayBtn 按钮点击无效的问题。(#1789)
  • 修复 Table 组件 data 动态加载时固定列事件没触发的 bug。(#1787)
  • 修复 InputTag 粘贴文本自动分词的校验结果全部不通过时 validate 函数会连续触发两轮的问题。(#1784)
  • 修复 Upload 组件校验重复 uid 警告逻辑异常(#1783)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix value.label value in onChange callback is not user input text when validate callback of InputTag returns non-boolean value.(#1774)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 InputTagvalidate 回调返回非布尔值时,onChange 回调中的 value.label 值不为用户输入文本的问题。(#1774)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that uploading files in batches does not take effect in the strict mode of Upload component react 18.(#1767)
  • Fix the bug that Typography cannot be adaptively omitted under cssEllipsis(#1766)
  • Fix the issue that validate callback of InputTag does not take effect for value updates triggered by tokenSeparators.(#1764)
  • Fix the bug that onVisibleChange is not triggered after the selected node triggers the drop-down panel to collapse in TreeSelect single-selection mode.(#1763)

💅 Style

  • Removed Transfer interaction style of icon-drag.(#1765)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Upload 组件 react 18 下严格模式中批量上传文件不生效 bug。(#1767)
  • 修复 TypographycssEllipsis 下无法进行自适应省略的 bug(#1766)
  • 修复 InputTag 组件 validate 回调未对 tokenSeparators 触发的值更新生效的问题。(#1764)
  • 修复 TreeSelect 单选模式下,选中某一项下拉面板收起后没有触发 onVisibleChange 的 bug。(#1763)

💅 样式更新

  • 移除 Transfer 允许拖拽时拖拽图标的交互样式。(#1765)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize Select drop-down box jittering due to out-of-focus after searching/creating options.(#1747)
  • Menu.SubMenu allows passing in native HTML attributes.(#1746)
  • Optimize the problem of unnecessary vertical scrollbars in certain cases when virtual scrolling is enabled for the Tree component(#1739)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the keyboard event listener of the Cascader component will still be triggered when other elements are Focused.(#1751)
  • Fix the bug that of Trigger component does not take effect.(#1750)
  • Fix the bug that clickToClose of Trigger component does not work when trigger="hover".(#1750)
  • Collapse onChange is called twice when header icon or title is clicked due to bubbling(#1728)

💅 Style

  • Adjust the Checkbox icon color for disabled and checked states.(#1748)
  • Optimized the default spacing between icon and text within horizontal menu items.(#1746)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 Select 组件搜索/创建选项后,失焦导致的下拉框抖动问题。(#1747)
  • Menu.SubMenu 允许传入 HTML 原生属性。(#1746)
  • 优化 Tree 组件开启虚拟滚动时,特定情况下会出现不必要的纵向滚动条的问题(#1739)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Cascader 组件的键盘事件监听在其他元素被 Focus 时仍会被触发的 bug。(#1751)
  • 修复 Trigger 组件的 不生效的 bug。(#1750)
  • 修复 Trigger 组件的 clickToClose 在 trigger="hover" 时不生效的 bug。(#1750)
  • 修复 Collapse 点击 header icon 或者 header title 进行展开/折叠时会触发2次 onChange 的 bug。(#1728)

💅 样式更新

  • 调整 disabledchecked 状态的 Checkbox 图标颜色。(#1748)
  • 优化 Menu 组件水平菜单项内图标与文本之间的默认间距。(#1746)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] almost 2 years ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize the empty string display of Select component option value.(#1703)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that nesting Popover components inside ImagePreviewGroup causes an error.(#1706)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 Select 组件选项值的空字符串展示。(#1703)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复在 ImagePreviewGroup 内嵌套 Popover 组件导致报错的 bug。(#1706)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] almost 2 years ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize the virtual list scroll position offset problem when the list item has a margin value set.(#1690)
  • Remove defaultProps usage of inner function components to avoid console warning in React 18 strict mode.(#1687)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that defaultValue does not take effect in React 18 strict mode for some components.(#1689)
  • Fix the page crash issue when the InputNumber passes a decimal with a precision greater than 100 (e.g. 1e-200).(#1688)
  • Optimize the Anchor component. When the height of the anchor element is large, the scroll target container may have a bug that activates Anchor.Link calculation inaccurately.(#1676)
  • Fix SSR warning for InputNumber component due to useLayoutEffect.(#1672)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化虚拟列表在列表项设置了 margin 值时滚动定位偏移的问题。(#1690)
  • 移除内部函数组件的 defaultProps 用法,避免在 React 18 严格模式下控制台 warning。(#1687)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复部分组件在 React 18 严格模式下,defaultValue 不生效的 bug。(#1689)
  • 修复 InputNumber 组件传入精度超过 100 (e.g. 1e-200) 的小数时页面崩溃的问题。(#1688)
  • 优化 Anchor 组件在锚点元素高度较大时,滚动目标容器可能出现激活 Anchor.Link 计算不准确的 bug。(#1676)
  • 修复 InputNumber 组件由于 useLayoutEffect 导致的 SSR 警告。(#1672)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] almost 2 years ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize the problem that the position of the popup layer flickers when the trigger node style of the Trigger component changes to display: none.(#1652)
  • Optimize the flickering problem caused by the size change of the popup layer of the Trigger component and the location is not updated in time.(#1652)

🆕 Feature

  • DatePicker supports setting prefix by prefix.(#1668)
  • TimePicker supports setting prefix by prefix.(#1668)
  • Message adds transitionTimeout attribute to improve custom animation configuration.(#1667)
  • Form.Item supports setting tooltip via tooltip property.(#1665)
  • The Checkbox component adds an icon prop to customize the checked icon.(#1656)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that mp3 files cannot be uploaded normally when the Upload component is set to accept=audio/mp3.(#1669)
  • Fix the bug that the Collapse component reported an error in React 18 strict mode.(#1666)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 Trigger 组件的触发节点样式变为 display: none 时弹出层位置出现闪动的问题。(#1652)
  • 优化 Trigger 组件的弹出层尺寸改变定位未及时更新导致的闪动问题。(#1652)

🆕 功能升级

  • DatePicker 支持通过 prefix 设置前缀。(#1668)
  • TimePicker 支持通过 prefix 设置前缀。(#1668)
  • Message 新增 transitionTimeout 属性,完善自定义动画配置。(#1667)
  • Form.Item 支持通过 tooltip 属性设置提示信息。(#1665)
  • Checkbox 组件新增 icon 属性以自定义选中态图标。(#1656)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Upload 组件在设置 accept=audio/mp3 时,mp3 文件无法被正常上传的 bug。(#1669)
  • 修复 Collapse 组件在 React 18 严格模式下,组件报错的 bug。(#1666)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] almost 2 years ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Select allows to show dropdown when allowCreate is enabled and no option data is present.(#1640)
  • Optimize the situation where the Form.List component is completely re-rendered when the form item data is updated through the Form API, causing the page to freeze.(#1638)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that empty data may appear in the search result panel when the Cascader component searches remotely.(#1639)
  • Fix DatePicker week selector compatibility with moment.js.(#1631)

💅 Style

  • Fix Switch component switching animation jitter issue.(#1641)

💎 功能优化

  • Select 允许在 allowCreate 并且无选项数据时展示下拉框。(#1640)
  • 优化 Form.List 组件在通过 Form API 更新表单项数据时全部重渲染导致页面卡顿的情况。(#1638)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Cascader 组件远程搜索时,搜索结果面板可能出现空数据的 bug。(#1639)
  • 修复 DatePicker 组件周选择器对 moment.js 的兼容。(#1631)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Switch 组件切换动画抖动的问题。(#1641)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] almost 2 years ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the popup layer is not displayed when modal.confirm returned by Modal.useModal is called in useCallback.(#1628)
  • Fix the bug that the icon is lost when the title of the popup layer created by Modal.useModal is updated by the update method(#1628)
  • Fix the bug that updating the content of the popup layer through update in Promise does not take effect when onOK is set to Promise for the popup layer created by Modal.useModal.(#1628)
  • Fix the bug that defaultPageSize does not take effect in sizeOptions mode of Pagination component.(#1627)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Modal.useModal 返回的 modal.confirmuseCallback 中调用时,不显示弹出层的 bug。(#1628)
  • 修复通过 Modal.useModal 创建的弹出层在通过 update 方法更新 title 时,icon 丢失的 bug。(#1628)
  • 修复通过 Modal.useModal 创建的弹出层在 onOK 设置为 Promise 时,Promise 中通过 update 更新弹出层内容不生效的 bug。(#1628)
  • 修复 Pagination 组件在 sizeOptions 模式下 defaultPageSize 不生效的 bug(#1627)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] almost 2 years ago

🆕 Feature

  • Upload supports turning off drag upload by setting drag=false(#1613)
  • Transfer adds virtualListProps property to support virtual scrolling of the list.(#1610)
  • Drawer component supports zIndex property(#1604)
  • InputNumber adds strictMode to support large numbers and high precision decimals.(#1603)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the width of addButton of the Tabs component causes inaccurate calculation of scrolling timing(#1614)
  • Fixed a bug where the popup layer could not be displayed when Checkbox.Group was used as a child of Trigger.(#1612)
  • Fix the bug of reporting an error when the data of the Table component is number[] or string[].(#1611)
  • Fixed the bug that the config passed in when creating the popup layer was lost when the Modal component updated the popup content through the update method.(#1609)
  • Fixed a bug where the .arco-modal-title node was still rendered when title={null} & icon={null} were set when the Modal component created a popup layer through a static method.(#1609)
  • Fix the bug that the containerScrollToClose property of the Trigger component does not take effect when the page scrolling container is document.documentElement.(#1606)
  • Fixed a bug that when the Table component enabled virtual scrolling, dynamically changing the scroll would cause the fixed column highlight to lose its style.(#1600)
  • Fix the problem that when showSearch = true in Firefox browser, Select needs to be clicked twice to pop up the drop-down box.(#1569)

🆕 功能升级

  • Upload 支持通过 drag=false 设置关闭拖拽上传(#1613)
  • Transfer 组件新增 virtualListProps 属性以支持开启列表虚拟滚动。(#1610)
  • Drawer 组件支持 zIndex 属性(#1604)
  • InputNumber 新增 strictMode 以支持大数和高精度小数。(#1603)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Tabs 组件的 addButton 宽度造成滚动时机计算不准确的 bug(#1614)
  • 修复 Checkbox.Group 作为 Trigger 子元素时,弹出层无法显示的 bug。(#1612)
  • 修复 Table 组件 data 为 number[]string[] 时,报错的问题。(#1611)
  • 修复 Modal 组件通过 update 方法更新弹窗内容时丢失创建弹出层时传入的 config 的 bug.(#1609)
  • 修复 Modal 组件通过静态方法创建弹出层时设置 title={null} & icon={null} 时,.arco-modal-title 节点仍然被渲染的 bug。(#1609)
  • 修复 Trigger 组件的 containerScrollToClose 属性在页面滚动容器为 document.documentElement 时不生效的 bug。(#1606)
  • 修复 Table 组件开启虚拟滚动时,动态改变 scroll 会导致固定列高亮丢失样式的 bug。(#1600)
  • 修复 Firefox 浏览器下当 showSearch = true 时,Select 需要点击两次才能弹出下拉框的问题。(#1569)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] almost 2 years ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix DatePicker.Range component when the panel is open, the panel date is incorrect bug when switching mode.(#1580)
  • Fixed a bug that the Upload component incorrectly filters files with uppercase suffixes.(#1572)

💅 Style

  • Fix the bug that Steps does not display connecting lines when the label position is vertical(#1581)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 DatePicker.Range 组件在面板打开时,切换 mode 时面板日期不正确的 bug。(#1580)
  • 修复 Upload 组件对大写后缀名文件错误过滤的 bug。(#1572)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Steps 在标签位置为 vertical 时不展示连接线的 bug(#1581)
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