
A comprehensive React UI components library based on Arco Design

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Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

💎 Enhancement

  • The default value of the dayStartOfWeek of the DatePicker component is determined by the locale set, no longer default to 0.(#982)

🆕 Feature

  • ResizeBox.Split added horizontal-reverse and vertical-reverse two arrangements.(#984)
  • Cascader supports opening virtual lists via virtualListProps(#972)
  • Cascader supports custom class name for dropdown menu by setting dropdownMenuClassname(#972)
  • Cascader supports setting the style of each column of the dropdown menu through dropdownMenuColumnStyle(#972)
  • The Table component supports fixed columns when virtualized is enabled.(#971)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the bug that the length of Input.TextArea component may exceed maxLength when inputting Chinese.(#988)
  • Adjust Popconfirm, Popover, Tooltip component animation pop-up effect to avoid page jitter caused by overshoot effect in border scenes.(#986)
  • Fixed the bug of value controlled invalidation when the Cascader component set the echo mode to parent.(#983)
  • Fixed a bug where the simple property passed in when the Modal component created a popup via useModal did not take effect.(#980)
  • Fixed a bug where showJumper=false did not work for Pagination component in simple mode.(#979)
  • Fixed a bug where Form.useWatch returned a non-latest value when adding/deleting rows in Form.List.(#955)
  • Fixed the bug that the callback parameter was wrong when the Select component set LabelInValue.(#953)
  • Add CSS units support for width property(#951)

💅 Style

  • Fixed Menu component submenu title bar icons not vertically centered.(#985)

💎 功能优化

  • DatePicker 组件的 dayStartOfWeek 的默认值由 locale 语言决定,不再统一默认 0。(#982)

🆕 功能升级

  • ResizeBox.Split 新增 horizontal-reversevertical-reverse 两种排列方式。(#984)
  • Cascader 支持通过 virtualListProps 开启虚拟列表(#972)
  • Cascader 支持通过 dropdownMenuClassname 设置下拉菜单自定义类名(#972)
  • Cascader 支持通过 dropdownMenuColumnStyle 设置下拉菜单每一列的样式(#972)
  • Table 组件开启 virtualized 后支持固定列。(#971)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Input.TextArea 组件输入中文时长度有可能超过 maxLength 的 bug。(#988)
  • 调整 PopconfirmPopoverTooltip 组件动画弹出效果,避免边界场景下过冲效果导致的页面抖动。(#986)
  • 修复 Cascader 组件在设置回显方式为 parent 时,value 受控失效的 bug。(#983)
  • 修复 Modal 组件通过 useModal 创建弹出框时传入的 simple 属性不生效的 bug。(#980)
  • 修复 Pagination 组件在 simple 模式下 showJumper=false 不生效的 bug。(#979)
  • 修复在 Form.List 新增/删除行时,Form.useWatch 返回值非最新值的 bug。(#955)
  • 修复 Select 组件设置 LabelInValue 时可能出现的回调参数格式错误的 bug。(#953)
  • Layout.Sider 增加 width 属性对 css 单位的支持(#951)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Menu 组件子菜单标题栏图标未垂直居中的问题。(#985)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Reduce the number of computations for Typography on first render(#935)

🆕 Feature

  • Layout adds resizeBoxProps property to receive all parameters of resizeBox(#937)
  • Added Arabic.(#932)
  • The Cascader component supports controlling the input box value through the InputValue property(#931)
  • The Upload component supports rendering images via the showUploadList.imageRender property.(#925)
  • The Upload component supports rendering upload progress nodes via the showUploadList.progressRender property.(#925)
  • The Upload component supports children passed in the function type to render the node content that triggers the upload.(#925)
  • The default gray background has been added to the picture display area in the photo wall mode of the Upload component.(#925)
  • Added Portuguese.(#924)
  • Added Russian.(#922)
  • Added panelRender parameter to the DatePicker component.(#914)
  • The Trigger component supports the popup layer to be closed when the container is scrolled by setting the containerScrollToClose property.(#913)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix ResizeBox.SplitGroup responsive error bug(#934)
  • Fix the bug that the warning state of the form control is not cleared when the Form component sets the warning to null through setFields.(#930)
  • Fixed an issue where the content of the label on the right side of the timeline was rendered incorrectly when the Timeline component was in mode=alternate.(#929)
  • Fixed the bug that the third parameter keyPath of onMenuItemClick in Dropdown.Menu was missing.(#921)
  • Fix the bug that the onItemSelectAll method does not work when Transfer customizes the list.(#903)

💅 Style

  • Adjust the position of the popup layer when the submenu of Menu pops up from the left.(#923)

🆎 TypeScript

  • Improve the TS definition of children for Radio component(#928)

💎 功能优化

  • 减少 Typography 首次渲染时的计算次数(#935)

🆕 功能升级

  • Layout 新增 resizeBoxProps 属性,接收 resizeBox 的所有参数(#937)
  • Cascader 组件支持通过 InputValue 属性控制输入框值 。(#931)
  • Upload 组件支持通过 showUploadList.imageRender 属性渲染图片。(#925)
  • Upload 组件支持通过 showUploadList.progressRender 属性渲染上传进度节点。(#925)
  • Upload 组件支持传入函数类型的 children 渲染触发上传的节点内容。(#925)
  • 新增阿拉伯语。(#932)
  • 新增葡萄牙语。(#924)
  • 新增俄语。(#922)
  • DatePicker 组件新增 panelRender 参数。(#914)
  • Trigger 组件支持通过 containerScrollToClose 属性设置弹出层挂载容器滚动时,关闭弹出层。(#913)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 ResizeBox.SplitGroup 响应式出错的bug(#934)
  • 修复 Form 组件通过 setFields 设置 warningnull 时,表单控件的 warning 状态未被清空的 bug 。(#930)
  • 修复 Timeline 组件在 mode=alternate 时,时间轴右侧 label 内容渲染样式错误的问题。(#929)
  • 修复 Dropdown 内的 Menu 组件 onMenuItemClick 的第三个参数 keyPath 缺失的 bug。(#921)
  • 修复 Transfer 自定义列表时,onItemSelectAll 方法失效的 bug。(#903)

💅 样式更新

  • 调整 Menu 的子菜单从左侧弹出时弹出层的位置。(#923)
  • Upload 组件照片墙模式下图片展示区域新增默认灰色背景。(#925)

🆎 类型修正

  • 完善 Radio 组件对 children 的 TS 定义(#928)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed a bug that Split.Group of ResizeBox could not adapt to certain scenes(#892)
  • Fixed the bug that the Expand/Collapse button of the Typography component was displayed at the wrong time(#890)
  • Fixed the bug that the icon of SubMenu title was not displayed when Menu is collapsed.(#889)
  • Fixed a bug that the prefix of the prompt icon did not change after Message was set to prefixCls.(#887)
  • Fixed a bug that the prefix of the prompt icon did not change after Notification was set to prefixCls.(#887)
  • Fixed Image.PreviewGroup component's onChange event not firing when current is controlled(#880)
  • When the title of Anchor.Link is empty, the clickable area <a/> under it is not displayed(#878)
  • Fixed the bug that the table header cells also have border-radius when the Table component header is grouped.(#872)
  • Modifications to the return value of getFieldValue should not affect the original data inside the Form(#869)

🆎 TypeScript

  • Complete children property type in FormItemProps, compatible with React 18(#874)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 ResizeBoxSplit.Group 在特定场景无法自适应的 bug(#892)
  • 修复 Typography 组件 展开/折叠 按钮展示时机错误的bug(#890)
  • 修复 Menu 组件折叠状态下子菜单标题的图标未展示的 bug。(#889)
  • 修复 Message 设置 prefixCls 后,提示图标前缀未改变的 bug。(#887)
  • 修复 Notification 设置 prefixCls 后,提示图标前缀未改变的 bug。(#887)
  • 修复 Image.PreviewGroup 组件在 current 受控时 onChange 事件不触发的问题(#880)
  • Anchor.Link 组件的 title为空的时候,不显示其下的可点击区域<a/>(#878)
  • 修复 Table 组件表头分组时,内部的表头单元格也有圆角的样式问题。(#872)
  • getFieldValue 返回值的修改不应该影响 Form 内部的原始数据(#869)

🆎 类型修正

  • 补全FormItemProps中的children类型,以兼容React 18(#874)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

💎 Enhancement

  • The InputNumber component always displays numbers in non-scientific notation.(#865)

🆕 Feature

  • The Typography component omits the scene to support expanding controlled.(#867)
  • The Form component supports Form.useWatch.(#864)
  • The Form component supports Form.useFormContext.(#864)
  • The componentConfig of the ConfigProvider component supports configuring Timeline.Item.(#862)
  • Table Add rowSelection.checkStrictly to support parent-child selection associations.(#849)
  • Internationalization support set Vietnamese.(#824)
  • The Tabs component of type rounded supports different sizes.(#817)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug of folding error when Typography component uses inline elements such as code.(#866)
  • Fixed the bug that the Anchor component clicked on the anchor element when the content height was not enough.(#859)
  • Adjust the order of parameters in the upload request of the Upload component (the file field is added last to FormData).(#857)
  • Fixed the bug that input box in the menu of Dropdown can not be focused.(#856)
  • Fixed the bug that List component onReachBottom could not be triggered occasionally.(#854)

💎 功能优化

  • InputNumber 组件始终使用非科学计数法展示数值。(#865)

🆕 功能升级

  • Typography 组件省略场景支持展开受控。(#867)
  • Form 组件支持 Form.useWatch。(#864)
  • Form 组件支持 Form.useFormContext。(#864)
  • ConfigProvider 组件的 componentConfig 支持配置 Timeline.Item。(#862)
  • Table 组件新增 rowSelection.checkStrictly 支持父子选择关联。(#849)
  • 国际化支持设置越南语(#824)
  • rounded 类型的 Tabs 组件支持不同尺寸。(#817)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复Typography 组件使用 code等行内元素时,折叠出错的 bug。(#866)
  • 修复 Anchor 组件在内容高度不够的情况下,点击锚点元素定位出错的 bug(#859)
  • 调整 Upload 组件上传请求的参数顺序(file 字段最后被添加到 FormData 中)。(#857)
  • 修复 Dropdown 下拉菜单中的输入框无法被聚焦的 bug。(#856)
  • 修复 List 组件 onReachBottom 偶现无法触发的 bug。(#854)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed a bug where the Switch component could not trigger the display of the Popconfirm popup layer.(#829)
  • Fix the bug that the outer ConfigProvider of the Table component cannot take effect after setting pagination(#827)
  • Fix the bug that the Form component has controlled invalidation of form items in React 18 strict mode.(#823)
  • Fix the bug that the Tooltip is invalid when the Typography component is omitted from a single line(#822)
  • Fixed the bug that the expanded SubMenu was collapsed when the collapse property of the Menu component was changed.(#820)
  • Fixed the bug of critical calculation error in the appear/disappear of the scroll button of the Tabs .(#819)
  • Fixed a bug where the DatePicker component passed a showTime object that did not contain a defaultValue, causing the time panel to report an error.(#811)
  • Fixed an issue where the matched option text was not highlighted when the Select component searched.(#808)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Switch 组件无法触发 Popconfirm 弹出层显示的 bug。(#829)
  • 修复 Table 组件的外层 ConfigProvider 设置 pagination 后无法生效的bug。(#827)
  • 修复 Form 组件在 React 18 严格模式下,表单项受控失效的 bug。(#823)
  • 修复 Typography 组件单行省略下 Tooltip 失效的bug(#822)
  • 修复 Menu 组件 collapse 属性变化时,已经展开的子菜单被收起的 bug。(#820)
  • 修复 Tabs 组件滚动按钮展示/消失临界计算错误的 bug。(#819)
  • 修复 DatePicker 组件传入不包含 defaultValueshowTime 对象,导致时间面板报错的 bug。(#811)
  • 修复 Select 组件搜索时匹配到的选项文本未高亮的问题。(#808)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

💎 Enhancement

  • Optimize the cursor position when focus is called outside the Input.Textarea component.(#800)
  • InputNumber uses Math.round instead of Number.prototype.toFixed to calculate the number after the decimal point, to avoid the critical situation that may occur when the final number is 5.(#796)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed Mentions component notFoundContent not taking effect.(#801)
  • Fixed a bug where the Notification component only rendered some notifications when multiple reminder boxes popped up concurrently.(#797)

🆎 TypeScript

  • Modify the TS of the Table component rowKey to be React.Key \| ((record: T) => React.Key). (#799)

💎 功能优化

  • 优化 Input.Textarea 组件外部调用 focus 时光标位置。(#800)
  • InputNumber 使用 Math.round 替换 Number.prototype.toFixed 计算小数点后保留的数字,避免末尾数字为 5 时可能出现的临界情况。(#796)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Mentions 组件 notFoundContent 不生效的问题。(#801)
  • 修复 Notification 组件在并发弹出多个提醒框时,只渲染出部分通知的 bug。(#797)

🆎 类型修正

  • 优化 Table 组件 rowKeyTS 定义为 React.Key | ((record: T) => React.Key) (#799)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

🆕 Feature

  • The Form component supports setting the validation message template through the validateMessages property(#773)
  • The Trigger component supports the updateOnScroll property to update the position of the popover when the container is scrolled.(#770)
  • The List component's scrollIntoView method allows specifying the specific behavior of list scrolling.(#768)
  • The List component virtualListProps allows specifying virtual list item height to improve scrolling.(#768)
  • The Pagination component adds a bufferSize prop, which supports setting the display area when the page number is collapsed.(#767)
  • The showInput of the Slider component supports passing in InputNumberProps(#762)

🐛 BugFix

  • Typography component multi-line omit folding supports different styles of text。(#776)
  • Fix the bug of folding error after Typography sets white-space(#772)
  • Fix the onSelect event not triggered when the TimePicker input is correct.(#769)
  • Fixed the bug where utcOffset and timezone of DatePicker.RangePicker component did not work.(#765)
  • Fixed a bug where the selected option echoed the wrong value in the search panel when checkedstrategy=parenet in the Cascader component.(#763)
  • Fix the bug that onChange is not called when the form control wrapped by Form.Item is returned by the function type children.(#760)
  • Fixed the bug that onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave of Select.Option not works.(#729)
  • Optimize 'Modal' closing all popover when closing with ESC(#629)

🆎 TypeScript

  • Adjusted the children property type definition of Checkbox.(#753)

🆕 功能升级

  • Form 组件支持通过 validateMessages 属性设置校验提示信息模板(#773)
  • Trigger 组件支持通过 updateOnScroll 属性,设置在容器滚动时更新弹出框的位置。(#770)
  • List 组件 scrollIntoView 方法允许指定列表滚动的具体行为。(#768)
  • List 组件 virtualListProps 允许指定虚拟列表元素高度以改善滚动效果。(#768)
  • Pagination 组件新增 bufferSize 属性,支持设置页码被折叠时的展示区间(#767)
  • Slider 组件的 showInput 支持传入InputNumberProps(#762)

🐛 问题修复

  • Typography 组件多行省略支持不同样式的文本。(#776)
  • 修复 Typography 设置 white-space 后无法折叠的bug(#772)
  • 修复 TimePicker 输入正确时不触发 onSelect 事件的 bug。(#769)
  • 修复 DatePicker.RangePicker 组件 utcOffsettimezone 不生效的 bug。(#765)
  • 修复 Cascader 组件 checkedstrategy=parenet 时,在搜索面板选中选项回显值错误的 bug 。(#763)
  • 修复 Form.Item 包裹的表单控件是由函数类型的 children 返回时,onChange 未被调用的 bug。(#760)
  • 修复 Select.Option 传入 onMouseEnteronMouseLeave 未生效的 bug。(#729)
  • 优化Modal在弹窗内弹窗, 使用 ESC 时会关闭所有弹窗的行为(#629)

🆎 类型修正

  • 调整 Checkboxchildren 属性类型定义。(#753)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed ts type of disabledDate for DatePicker component.(#750)
  • Fixed the bug that the DatePicker.RangePicker component would report an error when selecting the time directly.(#749)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修正 DatePicker 组件的 disabledDate 的 ts 定义。(#750)
  • 修复 DatePicker.RangePicker 组件直接选择时间会报错的 bug。(#749)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed a bug where the options panel was not updated when the mouse moved from a path node to a leaf node in expandTrigger=hover of the Cascader component.(#727)
  • Fix the bug that resizeObserver will report an error when the children of Affix is invalid.(#726)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Cascader 组件在expandTrigger=hover,鼠标从路径节点移到叶子节点时,选项面板未更新的 bug。(#727)
  • 修复 Affix 子元素不合法时 ResizeObserver会报错的bug(#726)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

💅 Style

  • Fix the problem that the checkbox column width is abnormal when the Table component enable virtualized.(#696)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Table 组件开启虚拟列表时复选框列宽度异常的问题。(#696)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

🆕 功能升级

  • Form 组件支持通过 validateMessages 属性设置校验提示信息模板(#773)
  • Trigger 组件支持通过 updateOnScroll 属性,设置在容器滚动时更新弹出框的位置。(#770)
  • List 组件 scrollIntoView 方法允许指定列表滚动的具体行为。(#768)
  • List 组件 virtualListProps 允许指定虚拟列表元素高度以改善滚动效果。(#768)
  • Pagination 组件新增 bufferSize 属性,支持设置页码被折叠时的展示区间(#767)
  • Slider 组件的 showInput 支持传入InputNumberProps(#762)

🐛 问题修复

  • Typography 组件多行省略支持不同样式的文本。(#776)
  • 修复 Typography 设置 white-space 后无法折叠的bug(#772)
  • 修复 TimePicker 输入正确时不触发 onSelect 事件的 bug。(#769)
  • 修复 DatePicker.RangePicker 组件 utcOffsettimezone 不生效的 bug。(#765)
  • 修复 Cascader 组件 checkedstrategy=parenet 时,在搜索面板选中选项回显值错误的 bug 。(#763)
  • 修复 Form.Item 包裹的表单控件是由函数类型的 children 返回时,onChange 未被调用的 bug。(#760)
  • 修复 Select.Option 传入 onMouseEnteronMouseLeave 未生效的 bug。(#729)
  • 优化Modal在弹窗内弹窗, 使用 ESC 时会关闭所有弹窗的行为(#629)

🆎 类型修正

  • 调整 Checkboxchildren 属性类型定义。(#753)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed InputTag display cleat button when set allowClear and readOnly together.(#651)
  • Fix the bug that column.align does not take effect when virtualized is enabled in Table component.(#650)
  • Fixed the issue that the separator parameter of the DatePicker component did not take effect.(#647)
  • Fix a bug where Form.provider causes console warning.(#646)
  • Fixed display of clear button when Input set allowClear and readOnly at same time.(#640)

💅 Style

  • Fix Table component set expandProps.width is not work when less than 40.(#656)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 InputTag 组件同时设置 allowClearreadOnly 时, 依然展示清除按钮的 bug。(#651)
  • 修复 Table 组件开启 virtualized 之后 column.align 不生效的 bug。(#650)
  • 修复 DatePicker 组件 separator 参数不生效的问题。(#647)
  • 修复 Form.Provider 导致控制台 warning 的 bug。(#646)
  • 修复 Input 同时设置 allowClearreadOnly 属性时, 依然展示清除按钮的问题。(#640)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Table 组件 expandProps.width 设置小于 40 不生效的问题。(#656)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

💎 Performance

  • The DatePicker component no longer jumps the panel when picking a date.(#627)
  • When the Transfer component clears all, it only operates on the filtered items.(#621)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the Tag animation fails when Select is multiple mode.(#630)
  • Fix the bug that the options of Select with maxTagCount are not unchecked in the correct order when press Backspace.(#630)
  • Fix the bug that the scrollIntoView method did not work for elements rendered on the first screen when List is a virtual list.(#628)
  • Fix the problem that the label text corresponding to the default value of the component is lost when the Cascader component is directly input text for remote search.(#632)

💎 优化

  • DatePicker 组件在选择日期的时候不再进行面板的跳动。(#627)
  • Transfer 组件在清空时,仅对过滤后的项目进行操作。(#621)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Select 多选时 Tag 动画失效的 bug。(#630)
  • 修复 Select 设置 maxTagCount 时按下 Backspace 键时未按正确顺序删除选项的 bug。(#630)
  • 修复 List 组件为虚拟列表时 scrollIntoView 方法对首屏渲染的元素不生效的 bug。(#628)
  • 修复 Cascader 组件在直接输入文本远程搜索时,组件默认值对应的 label 文本显示丢失的问题。(#632)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

💎 Optimization

  • When the Transfer component selects/unselects all, it only operates on the filtered items.(#613)

🆕 Feature

  • Tree component's allowDrop callback parameter supports dragNode(#614)
  • The Form component supports multiple form data management through the Form.Provider component.(#607)
  • The DatePicker component supports utcOffset and timezone to set the UTC time and timezone.(#604)
  • The TimePicker component supports utcOffset and timezone to set the UTC time and timezone.(#604)
  • Slider supports setting width and step size by interval segment(#600)
  • Image component Added index parameter, which indicates the index during preview, which can be specified in complex multi-image preview scenarios to ensure consistent preview order(#588)
  • Image.Preview component Added scales parameter to support custom image preview zoom percentage(#588)

🐛 BugFix

  • placeholder attributes take effect when Table data is an empty string or null(#609)
  • Fixed the problem that the input box of the TreeSelect component in the extension drop-down menu could not be focused.(#608)
  • Fixed the bug that the second parameter of onChange was not passed the information of the currently selected node when the Cascader component was single-selected for the first time.(#599)
  • Fix the style issue that the width of the month block becomes larger when the year mode of the Calendar component is selected(#560)

💎 优化

  • Transfer 组件在全选/反选时,仅对过滤后的项目进行操作。(#613)

🆕 功能升级

  • Tree 组件的 allowDrop 回调参数支持 dragNode(#614)
  • Form 组件支持通过 Form.Provider 组件进行多表单数据管理。(#607)
  • DatePicker 组件支持 utcOffsettimezone 来设置 UTC 时间和时区。(#604)
  • TimePicker 组件支持 utcOffsettimezone 来设置 UTC 时间和时区。(#604)
  • Slider 支持按区间分段设置宽度和步长(#600)
  • Image 组件 新增 index 参数,表示预览时的索引,在复杂的多图预览场景下可指定,保证预览顺序一致(#588)
  • Image.Preview 组件 新增 scales 参数,支持自定义图片预览缩放百分比(#588)

🐛 问题修复

  • placeholder 属性在Table 数据为空字符或者 null 生效(#609)
  • 修复 TreeSelect 组件在扩展下拉菜单中的输入框无法被聚焦的问题。(#608)
  • 修复 Cascader 组件单选时,第一次触发 onChange 时的第二个参数未传递当前选中节点信息的 bug。(#599)
  • 修复 Calendar 组件年模式下选中当天使月块宽度变大的样式问题(#560)
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Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the bug that the clear-icon style of InputTag did not take effect(#589)
  • Fixed a bug where the checked state of the Cascader component was occasionally inconsistent with the incoming value when it was controlled.(#587)
  • Fixed a bug where the same text could not be pasted again after the Input component pasted text and cleared it.(#584)
  • Tooltip content value is false does not display the popup(#579)
  • Fixed the bug that the form parameter passed to the Form.useForm method did not take effect.(#577)
  • Fix the bug in InputNumber where decimal point is handled incorrectly(#568)
  • Fix the bug that the onStart input parameter was wrong when the Typography component was editing the state(#555)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 InputTagclear-icon 样式未生效的bug(#589)
  • 修复 Cascader 组件在受控时偶发复选框选中状态和传入 value 不一致的bug。(#587)
  • 修复 Input 组件粘贴文本并清空之后,无法再次粘贴同样文本的 bug。(#584)
  • Tooltip content 值是 false 时不显示弹窗(#579)
  • 修复 Form.useForm 方法传入 form 参数不生效的 bug。(#577)
  • 修复 InputNumber 组件小数点特定情况下无法删除的 bug。(#568)
  • 修复 Typography 组件在编辑状态时, onStart 入参错误的bug(#555)
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Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

💎 Optimization

  • Reduce the impact of the mirror dom on automated tests after Typography folding calculation(#554)

🐛 BugFix

  • InputNumber Omit the unnecessary allowClear(#549)
  • Fixed the issue that the selected state rendering error occurs when the Cascader component is multi-selected.(#544)
  • Fixed Image.Preview component onload not triggering when loading images from cache(#539)

💎 优化

  • 降低 Typography 组件折叠计算后,镜像 dom 对自动化测试的影响。(#554)

🐛 问题修复

  • InputNumber过滤掉多余的allowClear props(#549)
  • 修复 Cascader 组件多选情况下出现选中状态渲染出错的问题。(#544)
  • 修复 Image.Preview 组件在从缓存中加载图片的时候 onload 没有触发的问题(#539)
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Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

🚨 Important attention

  • Optimized the rendering position of the tip text of the Upload component of the photo wall type. The Dom level has changed, please pay attention to the style override.

💎 Optimization

  • Optimized the problem of stuck operation when selecting multiple selections under the big data of the Cascader component.(#523)

🆕 Feature

  • Added node information parameter to onChange function of TreeSelect(#526)
  • Upgrade b-validate version to support Form passing ReactNode in validator(#518)
  • Supports custom node content by passing children of function type.(#513)
  • Supports custom node content by passing children of function type.(#513)
  • Improve component TS type definition to inherit native label label attribute(#513)
  • The Tree component supports expanding child nodes when a node is clicked via the expandOnClick property(#511)
  • Form.Item supports hiding form items via the hidden property(#509)
  • Support for clearing field values via the clearFields method(#509)
  • Popconfirm component onOk, onCancel callback methods expose event parameter(#501)
  • support as block-level element display(#493)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix Statistic component precision=0 does not take effect(#531)
  • Fix the bug of Cascader component showSearch.retainInputValueWhileSelect not taking effect(#524)
  • Fixed the bug that the Input component would trigger onChange twice in a row when entering Chinese in Firefox.(#522)
  • Fix the bug that Table component onDropdownVisibleChange does not trigger when the OK button is clicked.(#521)
  • Fixed Upload component triggering onClick twice(#519)

🆎 TypeScript

  • fix type definition of Timeline, where mode lacks "top" and "bottom" as possible values(#488)

🚨 重点注意

  • 优化照片墙类型的 Upload 组件 tip 文本的渲染位置。Dom 层级发生变动,进行样式覆盖的请重点注意一下。

💎 优化

  • 优化 Cascader 组件大数据下多选时候选中操作卡顿的问题。(#523)

🆕 功能升级

  • TreeSelectonChange 函数新增节点信息参数(#526)
  • 升级 b-validate 版本以支持 Formvalidator 中传入 ReactNode(#518)
  • 支持通过传入函数类型的 children 自定义节点内容。(#513)
  • 支持通过传入函数类型的 children 自定义节点内容。(#513)
  • 完善组件 TS 类型定义继承原生 label 标签属性(#513)
  • Tree 组件支持通过 expandOnClick 属性设置点击节点时展开子节点(#511)
  • Form.Item 支持通过 hidden 属性隐藏表单项(#509)
  • 支持通过 clearFields 方法清除表单项的值(#509)
  • Popconfirm 组件 onOk,onCancel 回调方法暴露 event 参数(#501)
  • 支持作为块级元素展示(#493)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Statistic 组件 precision=0 不生效的 问题(#531)
  • 修复 Cascader 组件 showSearch.retainInputValueWhileSelect 不生效的 bug(#524)
  • 修复 Input 组件在 Firefox 中输入中文会连续触发两次 onChange 的 bug。(#522)
  • 修复 Table 组件 onDropdownVisibleChange 在点击确定按钮时不触发的 bug。(#521)
  • 修复 Upload 组件触发两次 onClick 的问题(#519)

🆎 类型修正

  • 修复了 Timeline 组件 mode 类型定义缺少 "top" 和 "bottom" 值的问题(#488)
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Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

💎 Optimization

  • InputTag prevents form submission on Enter pressed.(#482)
  • Grid supports setting span to 0.(#480)
  • Optimize the Table component expandedRowRender to cause the problem of freezing.(#473)
  • Optimized Table performance problem when selecting all data is larger than 10000 after enabling virtualized.(#472)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed the bug that Table component size did not work on Pagination.(#475)
  • Fix the incorrectly style when Button content is empty.(#471)
  • Fix the type of the webkitdirectory attribute of the Upload component.(#470)
  • Select fixes an issue where automatic word segmentation introduced new options when allowCreate was false.(#466)
  • Fixed the edge click of the remove button not working in the Upload component upload list(#457)
  • Fixed the bug of console waring caused by passing the color property of string type to CssTransition in the Badge component(#455)

💎 优化

  • InputTag 阻止回车时提交表单。(#482)
  • Grid 支持设置 span 为 0。(#480)
  • 优化 Table 组件 expandedRowRender 会执行多次导致卡顿的问题。(#473)
  • 优化 Table 在开启 virtualized 之后,大于 10000 条数据时全选会卡的性能问题。(#472)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Table 组件 size 没有作用到分页的 bug。(#475)
  • 修复 Button 内容为空时垂直方向无法对齐的问题。(#471)
  • 修正 Upload 组件的 webkitdirectory 属性的类型。(#470)
  • Select 修复 allowCreatefalse 时,自动分词引入了新选项的问题。(#466)
  • 修复上传组件文件列表项移除按钮的边缘点击不可用的问题(#457)
  • 修复Badge组件里CssTransition传入string类型的color属性导致控制台waring的bug(#455)
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Published by github-actions[bot] almost 3 years ago

💎 Optimization

  • Select optimizes the rendering behavior of labelInValue when the initial value is specified as an object.(#448)
  • Disable browser autocomplete for Select.(#439)
  • Dropdown supplements the class name of arco-dropdown for dropdown box nodes.(#437)
  • Select.Option allows no child nodes to be passed in.(#419)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed a bug where the disabledDate of the DatePicker component was inaccurate in the parent panel.(#447)
  • Fix the bug that the scroll position of the clicked anchor element is wrong when the Anchor component is set with a scrollContainer.(#446)
  • Fix the bug that the preview order of Image.PreviewGroup is wrong after the src of the child node is updated.(#445)
  • Fixed the bug where the scrollToFirstError property of the Form component did not work on form items with noStyle set.(#444)
  • Fixed the bug that the Typography component was folded incorrectly in the browser zoom scene.(#441)
  • Fix the bug that the Tabs component scrolled incorrectly in the sub-element autofocus scene(#440)
  • Fixed a style issue where the form item jittered when the validation failed when the Form component had a mini size.(#438)
  • Fixed a bug in the Input component where clicking the clear icon edge area did not clear the text.(#438)
  • Fixed the problem that the size of searchButton was not adjusted under different sizes of Input.Search.(#438)
  • Pagination should not be displayed if the table has no data.(#435)

💅 Style

  • Fixed the style issue of the Table component when the size is mini when there is only one data.(#449)
  • Fix the problem that the button color is wrong when InputNumber is clicked(#443)

💎 优化

  • Select 组件优化 labelInValue 时通过对象形式指定了初始值时的渲染表现。(#448)
  • 禁用浏览器对于 Select 输入框的自动填充。(#439)
  • Dropdown 为下拉框节点补充 arco-dropdown 的类名。(#437)
  • Select.Option 允许不传入子节点。(#419)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 DatePicker 组件 disabledDate 在父面板不准确的 bug。(#447)
  • 修复 Anchor 组件在设置了 scrollContainer 时,点击锚点元素滚动位置不对的 bug。(#446)
  • 修复 Image.PreviewGroup 在子节点的 src 更新后预览顺序出错的bug。(#445)
  • 修复 Form 组件的 scrollToFirstError 属性在设置了 noStyle 的表单项上失效的 bug。(#444)
  • 修复 Typography 组件在浏览器缩放场景下折叠出错的bug(#441)
  • 修复Tabs 组件在子元素 autofocus情况下滚动出错的问题(#440)
  • 修复 Form 组件 mini 尺寸时,校验失败时,表单项出现抖动的样式问题。(#438)
  • 修复 Input 组件点击清除图标边缘区域未清除文本的 bug。(#438)
  • 修复 Input.Search 在不同尺寸下,searchButton 尺寸未调整的问题。(#438)
  • 如果表格没有数据,分页不应该展示 。(#435)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Table 组件在尺寸为 mini 时,在数据只有一条时的样式问题。(#449)
  • 修复 InputNumber 点击时按钮颜色错误的问题(#443)
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Published by github-actions[bot] almost 3 years ago

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