
A comprehensive React UI components library based on Arco Design

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Published by github-actions[bot] almost 3 years ago

💎 Optimization

  • Optimize the style implementation of the Divider component with text(#379)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the filter of the Table component cannot be reset when the filteredValue is set to undefined in the controlled mode.(#382)
  • Fix the problem that the DOM rendering order of the Mark node of Slider may be inconsistent with the UI.(#380)
  • Fix the problem that the icon color style of the Tag component of the pinkpurple color is incorrect.(#378)
  • Select fixes the bug that disabled options can be selected by user input when allowCreate = true.(#373)

💎 优化

  • 优化带有文字的 Divider 组件的样式实现(#379)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Table 组件筛选在受控模式下,filteredValue 设置为 undefined 不能重置的 bug。(#382)
  • 修复 Slider 的 Mark 节点在 DOM 中的渲染顺序可能与 UI 不一致的问题。(#380)
  • 修复 pinkpurple 颜色 的 Tag 组件图标色样式不对的问题。(#378)
  • Select 修复允许创建选项时,被禁用的选项可以被通过用户输入的方式被选中的 bug。(#373)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] almost 3 years ago

💎 Optimization

  • Menu.SubMenu also supports selectable property in non-popup mode.(#355)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the next time the onChange callback is incorrect when the TimePicker component is set to undefined under the control mode.(#361)
  • Fix the bug that the text in the input box is not cleared after blur when the popupVisible of the Select is false.(#359)
  • Fix the bug that only 100 files will be uploaded when the upload component is dragged to upload a folder.(#357)
  • fix when Modal component the visible is true, the locale does not work(#339)

💎 优化

  • Menu.SubMenu 在非弹出模式下同样支持 selectable 属性。(#355)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 TimePicker 组件在受控设置为 undefined 时,下次 onChange 回调不正确的 bug。(#361)
  • 修复 Select 组件 popupVisiblefalse 时,失焦后输入框的文本未被清空的 bug。(#359)
  • 修复 Upload 组件拖拽上传文件夹的时最多只会上传 100 个文件的 bug 。(#357)
  • 修复 Modal 组件在默认打开状态时国际化不起作用的问题(#339)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] almost 3 years ago

🆕 Feature

  • Table add prop expandProps.strictTreeData.(#334)
  • Tree supports halfChecked property(#331)
  • The event parameter has been added to the onExpand callback parameter of the Typography` component.(#328)
  • ResizeBox adds SplitGroup sub-component, supports splitting multiple panels and quick folding function(#327)
  • InputTag adds dragToSort property to support sorting the entered value by dragging.(#325)
  • Select adds dragToSort property to support sorting the entered value by dragging.(#325)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that column.cellStyle of the Table component works abnormally.(#332)
  • Fix the bug that the current page calculation error occurs when the amount of data in Table changes.(#329)

💅 Style

  • Fix the style problem of the margin when the upload file list is empty in the Upload component(#336)
  • Fix the problem that there is no validated style when InputTag is used in Form.Item with validateStatus.(#330)

🆎 TypeScript

  • InputNumber allows all InputHTMLAttributes to be passed through properties.(#326)

🆕 功能升级

  • Table 组件新增参数 expandProps.strictTreeData。(#334)
  • Tree 组件支持 halfChecked 属性(#331)
  • Typography 组件的 onExpand 回调参数新增 event 参数。(#328)
  • ResizeBox 新增 SplitGroup 子组件,支持分割多个面板及快速折叠功能(#327)
  • InputTag 新增 dragToSort 属性以支持通过拖拽为已输入的值排序 。(#325)
  • Select 新增 dragToSort 属性以支持通过拖拽为已输入的值排序 。(#325)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Table 组件 column.cellStyle 生效位置不正确的 bug。(#332)
  • 修复 Table 当数据量变化时,当前页计算出错的 bug。(#329)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Upload 组件在上传文件列表为空时存在外边距的样式问题(#336)
  • 修复在带有 validateStatusForm.Item 中,InputTag 没有校验样式的问题。(#330)

🆎 类型修正

  • InputNumber 允许通过属性传递所有的 InputHTMLAttributes。(#326)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] almost 3 years ago

💎 Optimization

  • DatePicker.RangePicker component selected interactive optimization.(#312)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the DatePicker component does not trigger onVisibleChange in the controlled mode.(#314)
  • Fix the bug that loadMore is triggered by selecting the parent node when Cascader is multiple-selected and the changeOnSelect is true.(#309)
  • Fix the bug that the request cannot be terminated when the CustomRequest setting of the Upload component is an asynchronous function.(#306)
  • Fix the bug that the onAfterChange parameter of the Slider component is not updated.(#305)
  • Fix the bug that the calculation result of Typography is incorrectly when ellipsised in the international scene(#301)
  • Fix the bug that the copy result is wrong when Typography wraps multiple dynamic strings and copyable(#301)

💅 Style

  • Fix the problem that table cell will break line when Table component is tree data and column.render returns div.(#302)

💎 优化

  • DatePicker.RangePicker 组件选中交互优化。(#312)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 DatePicker 组件在受控模式下不触发 onVisibleChange 的 bug。(#314)
  • 修复 Cascader 在多选且父子节点不关联时,选中父节点触发了 loadMore 的 bug。(#309)
  • 修复 Upload 组件设置 customRequest 是一个异步函数时,请求无法被终止的 bug 。(#306)
  • 修复 Slider 组件的 onAfterChange 参数没有被更新的 bug。(#305)
  • 修复 Typography 在国际化场景下折叠计算结果出错的 bug。(#301)
  • 修复 Typography 对包裹多个动态字符串并 copyable 时,复制结果出错的 bug。(#301)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Table 组件树形数据时,column.render 返回 div 会导致折行的问题。(#302)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] almost 3 years ago

arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] almost 3 years ago

💎 Performance

  • Optimize the logic used by the Trigger component to calculate the size and position of child nodes to avoid double-counting(#258)

🆕 Feature

  • The Grid.Col component adds the flex property.(#268)
  • Tag supports bordered property.(#264)
  • The Drawer component supports the okButtonProps and cancelButtonProps properties.(#260)
  • Select adds the clearIcon property to customize the clear button icon.(#256)

🐛 BugFix

  • List fixes the issue that scrollLoading fails when using virtual lists.(#270)
  • Fix the bug that the Typography component does not take effect after setting showTooltip.(#266)
  • List fixes the bug that onListScroll and onReachBottom cannot be triggered when using virtual scrolling.(#259)
  • Select fixes the bug that the parameter of the renderFormat callback does not return an object when the labelInValue is true.(#257)
  • Fix the bug that when the Upload component uploads a folder, the second parameter of beforeUpload does not get all the files uploaded this time.(#252)

💅 Style

  • Fix the problem that the title and icon of the Steps component are not aligned in the vertical mode(#267)
  • Fix the problem that the color change of Icon in the selected menu item of the Menu component has no transition effect.(#263)
  • Fix the style problem that the checkbox column of the Table component is not aligned when the table header is fixed.(#261)

💎 性能优化

  • 优化 Trigger 组件计算子节点尺寸和位置的逻辑,避免重复计算。(#258)

🆕 功能升级

  • Grid.Col 组件增加 flex 属性。(#268)
  • Tag 组件支持 bordered 属性(#264)
  • Drawer 组件支持 okButtonPropscancelButtonProps 属性。(#260)
  • Select 组件新增 clearIcon 属性用于自定义清除按钮图标。(#256)

🐛 问题修复

  • List 组件修复使用虚拟列表时 scrollLoading 失效的问题。(#270)
  • 修复 Typography组件设置showTooltip后不生效的bug。(#266)
  • List 组件修复在虚拟滚动时 onListScrollonReachBottom 无法触发的 bug。(#259)
  • Select 组件修复 renderFormat 回调在设置 labelInValue 时,其参数未返回对象的 bug。(#257)
  • 修复 Upload 组件上传文件夹时,beforeUpload 的第二个参数未获取到本次上传的全部文件的 bug。(#252)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Steps 组件的标题和图标在垂直模式下没有对齐的问题(#267)
  • 修复 Menu 组件已选中菜单项中的 Icon 颜色变化没有过渡效果的问题。(#263)
  • 修复 Table 组件复选框列在固定表头时没有对齐的样式问题。(#261)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] almost 3 years ago

💎 Optimization

  • The DatePicker.RangePicker component showTime.defaultValue supports passing in number[], string[], Date[] to avoid errors caused by inconsistent dayjs instances.(#226)
  • Grid.Row uses context to pass gutter to Grid.Col to avoid incorrectly receiving parameters when customizing Grid.Col.(#224)
  • AutoComplete's property onPressEnter adds the activeOption parameter to distinguish whether there is an active option in the drop-down list when the Enter key is pressed.(#223)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the scroll container is not passed to the Affix component when the Anchor component is set to affix.(#235)
  • Fix the problem that the value of the cascader component in the controlled mode is not changed, and the selected state of the option is still changed.(#234)
  • Fix the bug that the upload node still shows the highlighted style when the Upload component is dragged out.(#234)
  • Fix the bug that the Tree component can no longer be collapsed when there is no child node after expansion.(#230)
  • Fix the warning of Tabs component pass scrollPosition to dom.(#225)
  • Fix the style problem that the spacing between avatars is not set when the size property is not set for the avatar group.(#220)
  • Fix the problem that the head height of the Tabs component of the card type is incorrect.(#220)

💎 优化

  • DatePicker.RangePicker 组件 showTime.defaultValue 支持传入 number[], string[], Date[],避免出现 dayjs 实例不一致引发的报错。(#226)
  • Grid.Row 使用 context 传递 gutter,避免自定义 Grid.Col 时不能正确接收参数。(#224)
  • AutoComplete 组件 onPressEnter 回调新增 activeOption 参数以区分回车键按下时下拉列表是否存在激活的选项。(#223)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Anchor 组件设置 affix时,滚动容器未传递到 Affix 组件上的 bug。(#235)
  • 修复受控模式下 cascader 组件的 value 未改变,选项的选中状态仍然改变了的问题 。(#234)
  • 修复 Upload 组件在拖拽移出时,上传节点仍然显示高亮样式的 bug。(#234)
  • 修复 Tree 组件在展开后没有子节点场景下,无法再收起的 bug。(#230)
  • 修复 Tabs 组件透传 scrollPosition 到 dom 的 warning。(#225)
  • 修复 Avatar.Group 未设置 size 属性时,头像间距未设置的样式问题。(#220)
  • 修复 Tabs 组件 的 card 类型头部高度不对的问题。(#220)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] almost 3 years ago

🆕 Feature

  • The Ellipsis of Typography supports the cssEllipsis property. In simple scenarios, css is used by default.(#191)
  • Form support to set the validateTrigger property in rules to specify that the rule will be executed when a specific event is triggered.(#190)
  • Form support setting the validateLevel property in rules to specify that only the warning status is displayed when the rule validation fails, and the form submission is not blocked.(#190)
  • The Form component rule.message supports the use of ReactNode.(#185)
  • InputTag adds saveOnBlur property to support automatically saving what the user is typing when blur it.(#183)
  • Carousel adds icons property to support custom arrow icons.(#181)
  • When Dropdown is used with Menu, user can control whether the menu will be hidden after clicking by the return value of onClickMenuItem .(#180)
  • add property onPaneResize to ResizeBox.Split(#169)
  • Trigger add escToClose to set whether to allow close the popup by pressing ESC, default value is false.(#167)
  • Trigger add escToClose, default value is false.(#167)
  • Popconfirm allow close confirmation box by pressing ESC.(#167)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the ratio of the panels changes when the ResizeBox.Split component switches the direction.(#188)
  • Progress gix the bug that the'trailColor 'attribute does not take effect on the circular progress bar and the step progress bar.(#175)
  • Fix the bug that the steps of the Progress component are displayed incorrectly.(#170)

💅 Style

  • The padding + border of the Button component is 16px.(#186)
  • Fix the style problem that the header of the Table component is misplaced when the scroll bar is always displayed after the virtualized is turned on.(#182)
  • The Image component sets the maximum size of the error state to the size of the parent element.(#161)

🆕 功能升级

  • TypographyEllipsis 支持 cssEllipsis属性,在简单场景下,默认使用 css 进行省略。(#191)
  • Form 支持在 rules 中设置 validateTrigger 属性指定规则在特定事件触发时候执行。(#190)
  • Form 支持在 rules 中设置 validateLevel 属性指定规则校验失败时仅显示 warning 状态,不阻塞表单提交。(#190)
  • Form 组件 rule.message 支持使用 ReactNode。(#185)
  • InputTag 新增 saveOnBlur 属性以支持在失焦时自动保存用户正在输入的内容。(#183)
  • Carousel 新增 icons 属性以支持自定义箭头图标。(#181)
  • Dropdown 配合 Menu 使用时,允许通过 onClickMenuItem 的返回值控制菜单点击后是否自动隐藏。(#180)
  • ResizeBox.Split 增加 onPaneResize 属性(#169)
  • Trigger 组件添加 escToClose 设置是否允许按 ESC 关闭,默认为 false。(#167)
  • Tooltip 组件添加 escToClose,默认为 false。(#167)
  • Popconfirm 组件添加按 ESC 关闭弹出框功能。(#167)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 ResizeBox.Split 组件切换 direction 时,两侧面板比例发生改变的 bug。(#188)
  • Progress 修复 trailColor 属性在环形进度条和步骤进度条不生效的 bug。(#175)
  • 修复 Progress 组件步骤显示计算错误的 bug。(#170)

💅 样式更新

  • Button 组件左右边距 + 边框为 16px。(#186)
  • 修复 Table 组件在开启 virtualized 之后,当滚动条始终显示时表头出现错位的样式问题。(#182)
  • Image 组件将错误状态的最大尺寸设置为父元素的大小。(#161)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] almost 3 years ago

🐛 BugFix

  • Fixed a bug where the 'Trigger' component incorrectly triggered the pop-up mouse event before the animation ended.(#149)
  • Select fixes the problem that users cannot cover the height of the pop-up window in the CSS file.(#148)
  • Select Fix the problem of abnormal positioning of virtual list in single mode.(#148)
  • Menu.SubMenu component fixes the bug that the inner SubMenu property is overridden by the parent SubMenu when used in nesting.(#145)
  • Typography folding calculation optimization, fix display error in extreme cases of single-line folding.(#152)

💅 Style

  • Fix the problem that the Descriptions component is misplaced when tableLayout=fixed and non-inline layout.(#153)
  • Hide the text behind the menu item icon when the Menu component is collapsed to avoid display ....(#151)
  • Tooltip component add a border in dark mode to avoid overlapping with the background color in the popup box.(#150)
  • Fix the style problem that the cell align ='right' will overlap when the Table component has filter in the column.(#140)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Trigger 组件在弹出层出现动画结束前错误触发弹出层鼠标事件的 bug。(#149)
  • Select 修复用户无法在 CSS 文件中覆盖弹窗高度的问题。(#148)
  • Select 修复单选时虚拟列表定位异常的 bug。(#148)
  • Menu.SubMenu 组件修复嵌套使用时,内层 SubMenu 属性被父 SubMenu 覆盖的 bug。(#145)
  • Typography 折叠计算优化,修复单行折叠极端情况下的显示错误。(#152)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Descriptions 组件在 tableLayout=fixed 且为非 inline 布局时错位的问题。(#153)
  • Menu 组件折叠时隐藏菜单项图标后的文字,避免出现 ... 。(#151)
  • Tooltip 组件在暗黑模式下添加边框,避免在弹出框内跟底色重合。(#150)
  • 修复 Table 组件在列存在筛选时,单元格 align = 'right' 时会重叠的样式问题。(#140)
arco-design -

Published by github-actions[bot] almost 3 years ago

💎 Performance

  • If the value of the DatePicker component is string and it's dayjs value parsed as Invalid Date, will fallback format to "YYYY-MM-DD"(#113)

🆕 Feature

  • Component Image.Preview support pressing ESC to close(#121)
  • Menu adds property ellipsis to forbid the automatic folding of menu items(#115)
  • add trailColor to change the rest of progress bar(#107)

🐛 BugFix

  • Fix the bug that the Avatar component still show all avatars when set maxCount = 0.(#89)
  • fix: When the Pagination component is under control of both pageSize and current, the calculation result of pageSize will overwrite props.current, causing the control of current to fail(#119)
  • Adjust the TS definition of the Form component as FormHTMLAttributes(#118)
  • Fix the bug that the Form.List component creates form items through the add() method, and the default value passed in does not take effect when the form item has an initialValue.(#118)
  • Fix the bug that InputNumber showed an error status when passing in value that is inconsistent with precision.(#116)
  • When the tooltipProps passed by Menu contains triggerProps, the original class name menu-item-tooltip will be overwrite(#99)
  • Fix the bug that Menu caused an error because of reading an property of null(#115)
  • fix the problem that the style of the trigger-arrow does not work under the black theme of the menu component(#84)

💅 Style

  • Fix the problem that the border line of the header is broken when border={{ border: true, headerCell: true }} when the Table component is grouped columns in the header.(#120)

💎 性能优化

  • DatePicker 组件如果值是 string 类型,且跟 format 不一致导致解析为 Invalid Date 时,会兜底尝试 format="YYYY-MM-DD"(#113)

🆕 功能升级

  • Image.Preview 组件支持按 ESC 关闭(#121)
  • Menu 新增 ellipsis 属性以支持禁用水平菜单的菜单项自动折叠功能(#115)
  • 添加trailColor改变Progress剩余颜色(#107)

🐛 问题修复

  • 修复 Avatar 组件设置 maxCount = 0 时头像全部展示的问题。(#89)
  • 修复 Pagination 组件在 pageSizecurrent 都受控时,pageSize 的计算结果会覆盖 props.current导致 current 受控失效(#119)
  • 调整 Form 组件的 TS 定义为 FormHTMLAttributes(#118)
  • 修复 Form.List 组件通过 add() 方法创建表单项,传入的默认值在该表单项带有 initialValue 时候未生效的 bug 。(#118)
  • 修复 InputNumber 在传入与 precision 精度不一致的 value 时展示了错误状态的 bug。(#116)
  • 修复 Menu 传入的 tooltipProps 包含 triggerProps 时,会覆盖原有的类名 menu-item-tooltip(#99)
  • 修复 Menu 因为读取 null 的属性导致报错的 bug(#115)
  • 修复 Menu 组件使用深色模式时点击更多菜单按钮弹出的气泡箭头颜色错误问题(#84)

💅 样式更新

  • 修复 Table 组件在表头分组时,border={{ border: true, headerCell: true }} 时,表头边框线断裂的问题。(#120)
arco-design - 2.23.5

Published by PengJiyuan almost 3 years ago

arco-design - 2.23.4

Published by PengJiyuan almost 3 years ago

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