
Elastic UI Framework 🙌

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eui - v87.0.0

Published by cee-chen about 1 year ago

  • Added beta componentDefaults prop to EuiProvider, which will allow configuring certain default props globally. This list of components and defaults is still under consideration. (#6923)
  • EuiPortal's insert prop can now be configured globally via EuiProvider.componentDefaults (#6941)
  • EuiFocusTrap's crossFrame and gapMode props can now be configured globally via EuiProvider.componentDefaults (#6942)
  • EuiTablePagination's itemsPerPage, itemsPerPageOptions, and showPerPageOptions props can now be configured globally via EuiProvider.componentDefaults (#6951)
  • EuiBasicTable, EuiInMemoryTable, and EuiDataGrid now allow pagination.pageSize to be undefined. If undefined, pageSize defaults to EuiTablePagination's itemsPerPage component default. (#6993)
  • EuiBasicTable, EuiInMemoryTable, and EuiDataGrid's pagination.pageSizeOptions will now fall back to EuiTablePagination's itemsPerPageOptions component default. (#6993)
  • Updated EuiHeaderLinks's gutterSize spacings (#7005)
  • Updated EuiHeaderAlert's stacking styles (#7005)
  • Added toolTipProps to EuiListGroupItem that allows customizing item tooltips. (#7018)
  • Updated EuiBreadcrumbs to support breadcrumbs that toggle popovers via popoverContent and popoverProps (#7031)
  • Improved the contrast ratio of disabled titles within EuiSteps and EuiStepsHorizontal to meet WCAG AA guidelines. (#7032)
  • Updated EuiSteps and EuiStepsHorizontal to highlight and provide a more clear visual indication of the current step (#7048)

Bug fixes

  • Single uses of <EuiHeaderSectionItem side="right" /> now align right as expected without needing a previous side="left" sibling. (#7005)
  • EuiPageTemplate now correctly displays panelled={true} (#7044)

Breaking changes

  • EuiTablePagination's default itemsPerPage is now 10 (was previously 50). This can be configured through EuiProvider.componentDefaults. (#6993)
  • EuiTablePagination's default itemsPerPageOptions is now [10, 25, 50] (was previously [10, 20, 50, 100]). This can be configured through EuiProvider.componentDefaults. (#6993)
  • Removed border prop from EuiHeaderSectionItem (unused since Amsterdam theme) (#7005)
  • Removed borders object configuration from EuiHeader.sections (#7005)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiHeaderAlert to Emotion; Removed unused .euiHeaderAlert__dismiss CSS (#7005)
  • Converted EuiHeaderSection, EuiHeaderSectionItem, and EuiHeaderSectionItemButton to Emotion (#7005)
  • Converted EuiHeaderLinks and EuiHeaderLink to Emotion; Removed $euiHeaderLinksGutterSizes Sass variables (#7005)
  • Removed $euiHeaderBackgroundColor Sass variable; use $euiColorEmptyShade instead (#7005)
  • Removed $euiHeaderChildSize Sass variable; use $euiSizeXXL instead (#7005)
eui - v86.0.0

Published by 1Copenut about 1 year ago

  • Added React 18 support (StrictMode not yet supported). (#7012)


  • Deprecated euiPaletteComplimentary; Use euiPaletteComplementary instead. (#6992)

Breaking changes

  • Replaced the underlying drag-and-drop library from react-beautiful-dnd to its fork @hello-pangea/dnd (#7012) (#7012)
    • No code updates are needed if using only <EuiDragDropContext>, <EuiDroppable> and <EuiDraggable> with no direct imports from react-beautiful-dnd. In case you were importing things from react-beautiful-dnd and using them together with EUI components, you need to switch to @hello-pangea/dnd which has cross-compatible API
eui - v85.1.0

Published by breehall about 1 year ago

  • Updated EuiComboBox's options to accept option.append and option.prepend props (#6953)
  • Updated deprecated .substr() usages to .substring() (#6954)
  • Updated EuiInlineEdit's read mode button to include a title tooltip, increasing readability of truncated text (#6966)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiFilterGroup's responsive styles (#6983)


  • Deprecated EuiFilterSelectItem; Use EuiSelectable instead (#6982)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiFilterSelectItem to Emotion (#6982)
  • Removed .euiFilterSelect__items CSS; Use EuiSelectable instead (#6982)
  • Removed .euiFilterSelect__note and .euiFilterSelect__noteContent CSS; Use EuiSelectableMessage instead (#6982)
  • Added focus.transparency and focus.backgroundColor theme tokens (#6984)
eui - v85.0.0

Published by tkajtoch over 1 year ago

  • Updated EuiThemeProvider to set an Emotion theme context that returns the values of useEuiTheme() (#6913)
  • Added size prop to EuiStepsHorizontal, defaulting to the previous size of m (#6928)
  • Added new s sizing to EuiStepsHorizontal (#6928)
  • Added at and key icon glyphs. (#6934)
  • Added a new cloneElementWithCss Emotion utility (#6939)
  • Updated EuiPopover to allow consumer control of all focusTrapProps (#6955)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiDataGrid height calculation bug when browser zoom levels are not 100% (#6895)
  • Fixed EuiTab not correctly passing selection color state to prepend and append children (#6938)
  • Fixed EuiInputPopover to allow consumer control of its focus trap via focusTrapProps (#6955)

Breaking changes

  • EuiProvider will no longer render multiple or duplicate nested instances of itself. If a nested EuiProvider is detected, that instance will return early without further processing, and will warn if configured to do so via setEuiDevProviderWarning. For nested theming, use EuiThemeProvider instead. (#6949)
  • Removed onTrapDeactivation prop from EuiPopover. Use focusTrapProps.onDeactivation instead (#6955)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiFilterGroup and EuiFilterButton to Emotion; Removed styles attached to .euiFilterGroup__popoverPanel (#6957)
eui - v84.0.0

Published by cee-chen over 1 year ago

  • Updated EuiDualRange's minInputProps and maxInputProps to support passing more props to underlying inputs (#6902)
  • EuiFocusTrap now supports configuring cross-iframe focus trapping via the crossFrame prop (#6908)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiFilterButton icon display (#6900)
  • Fixed EuiCombobox compressed plain text display (#6910)
  • Fixed visual appearance of collapse buttons on collapsible EuiResizablePanels (#6926)

Breaking changes

  • EuiFocusTrap now defaults to not trapping focus across iframes (#6908)
eui - v83.1.0

Published by 1Copenut over 1 year ago

  • Added placeholder prop to EuiInlineEdit (#6883)
  • Added sparkles glyph to EuiIcon (#6898)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Safari-only bug for single-line row EuiDataGrids, where cell actions on hover would overlap instead of pushing content to the left (#6881)
  • Fixed EuiButton not correctly merging in passed classNames with its base .euiButton class (#6887)
  • Fixed EuiIcon not correctly passing the style prop custom img icons (#6888)
  • Fixed multiple components with child props (e.g. buttonProps, iconProps, etc.) unsetting EUI's Emotion styling if custom css was passed to the child props object (#6896)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiHeader and EuiHeaderLogo to Emotion (#6878)
  • Removed Sass variables $euiHeaderDarkBackgroundColor, $euiHeaderBorderColor, and $euiHeaderBreadcrumbColor (#6878)
  • Removed Sass mixin @euiHeaderDarkTheme (#6878)
eui - v83.0.0

Published by breehall over 1 year ago

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiPaginationButton styling affected by EuiButtonEmpty's Emotion conversion (#6893)

Breaking changes

  • Removed isPlaceholder prop from EuiPaginationButton (#6893)
eui - v82.2.1

Published by breehall over 1 year ago

  • Updated supported Node engine versions to allow Node 16, 18 and >=20 (#6884)
eui - v82.2.0

Published by breehall over 1 year ago

  • Updated EUI's SVG icons library to use latest SVGO v3 optimization (#6843)
  • Added success color EuiNotificationBadge (#6864)
  • Added badgeColor prop to EuiFilterButton (#6864)
  • Updated EuiBadge to use CSS-in-JS for named colors instead of inline styles. Custom colors will still use inline styles. (#6864)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiButtonGroup and EuiButtonGroupButton to Emotion (#6841)
  • Converted EuiButtonIcon to Emotion (#6844)
  • Converted EuiButtonEmpty to Emotion (#6863)
  • Converted EuiCollapsibleNav and EuiCollapsibleNavGroup to Emotion (#6865)
  • Removed Sass variables $euiCollapsibleNavGroupLightBackgroundColor, $euiCollapsibleNavGroupDarkBackgroundColor, and $euiCollapsibleNavGroupDarkHighContrastColor (#6865)
eui - v82.1.0

Published by breehall over 1 year ago

  • Added ability for EuiMarkdownEditor plugins to disable toolbar buttons (#6840)
eui - v82.0.0

Published by breehall over 1 year ago

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiPopover's types to omit panelProps.hasBorder and panelProps.hasShadow - these props are not customizable on popovers for visual consistency (#6836)

Breaking changes

  • EuiRange & EuiDualRange no longer have a hard limit of 20 displayed ticks. The component now instead detects the width available, and throws an error if each tick has less than 5 pixels of width. We recommend testing your tick usage at smaller screens to ensure they always display legibly to users. (#6829)
eui - v81.3.0

Published by cee-chen over 1 year ago

  • Added timelineWithArrow glyph to EuiIcon (#6822)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiCodeBlock potentially incorrectly ignoring lines ending with a question mark when using the Copy button. (#6794)
  • Fixed EuiCodeBlock to not include line numbers when copying content (#6824)
  • Fixed the expanded row animation on EuiBasicTable causing cross-browser Safari issues (#6826)
eui - v81.2.0

Published by cee-chen over 1 year ago

  • Updated EuiSuperDatePicker to accept an object configuration for isDisabled (#6821)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed broken EuiSuperDatePicker styles (#6821)
eui - v81.1.0

Published by cee-chen over 1 year ago

  • Added EuiInlineEditText and EuiInlineEditTitle components (#6757)
  • Updated EuiDatePickerRange to support inline display (#6795)
  • Added an onError callback prop to EuiErrorBoundary (#6810)
  • Updated EuiDataGrid to only render screen reader text announcing cell position if the cell is currently focused. This should improve the ability to copy and paste multiple cells without SR text. (#6817)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiDatePicker's inline display to correctly render and prevent user interaction when disabled or readOnly (#6795)
  • Fixed EuiDatePicker's inline display to correctly render isInvalid and isLoading icons (#6795)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiDatePickerRange to Emotion (#6795)
eui - v81.0.0

Published by 1Copenut over 1 year ago

  • Added ability to set options.checked to "mixed" in EuiSelectable (#6774)

Bug fixes

  • Portalled components (e.g. EuiPopover, EuiModal, EuiFlyout) will correctly inherit text color from its nearest EuiThemeProvider parent. <EuiText color="default"> is no longer needed. (#6775)

Breaking changes

  • EuiSelectable no longer renders a data-test-selected attribute on its list items. Use the aria-checked property instead (#6774)
  • Nested EuiThemeProviders now render a wrapping <span> element in order to correctly set the inherited text color of all descendants. <EuiText color="default"> is no longer needed. (#6775)
eui - v80.0.0

Published by cee-chen over 1 year ago

  • Improved the contrast ratio of meta labels within EuiSelectableTemplateSitewide to meet WCAG AA guidelines. (#6761)
  • Added vulnerabilityManagementApp glyph to EuiIcon (#6762)
  • Added logoVulnerabilityManagement icon to EuiIcon (#6763)
  • Added onPanelChange callback to EuiContextMenu to provide consumer access to panelId and direction. (#6767)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiComboBox so append and prepend icon buttons are full height and vertically centered. (#6766)
  • Improved the uniformity of dropdown components by hiding the dropdown icon of disabled EuiComboBoxs. (#6768)

Breaking changes

  • EuiFieldNumber now defaults the step prop to "any" (#6760)
  • EUI now globally resets a default Chromium browser style that was decreasing the opacity of disabled select items. (#6768)
eui - v79.0.1

Published by cee-chen over 1 year ago

Bug fixes

  • Fixed broken push EuiFlyout behavior (#6764)
eui - v79.0.0

Published by 1Copenut over 1 year ago

  • Updated all EuiSkeleton components with new props that allow for more control over screen reader live announcements: announceLoadingStatus, announceLoadedStatus, and ariaLiveProps (#6752)
  • Improved keyboard accessibility in EuiPageHeader by ensuring the right side menu items come into focus from left to right. (#6753)

Breaking changes

  • Removed deprecated EuiLoadingContent. Use the EuiSkeleton components instead. (#6754)
eui - v78.0.0

Published by breehall over 1 year ago

  • Improved the contrast ratio of EuiCheckbox, EuiRadio, and EuiSwitch in their unchecked states to meet WCAG AA guidelines. (#6729)
  • Added React Testing Library *ByTestSubject custom commands to within(). RTL utilities can be imported from @elastic/eui/lib/test/rtl. (#6737)
  • Updated EuiAvatar to support a new letter casing prop that allow customizing text capitalization (#6739)
  • Updated EuiFocusTrap to support the gapMode prop configuration (now defaults to padding) (#6744)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed inconsistency in EuiSearchBar's AND/OR semantics between DSL and query string generation (#6717)
  • Fixed EuiFieldNumber's native browser validity detection causing extra unnecessary rerenders (#6741)
  • Fixed the scrollLock property on EuiFocusTrap (and other components using EuiFocusTrap, such as EuiFlyout and EuiModal) to no longer block scrolling on nested portalled content, such as combobox dropdowns (#6744)

Breaking changes

  • EuiAvatars with the default user type will now default to capitalizing all initials in uppercase (#6739)
eui - v77.2.0

Published by 1Copenut over 1 year ago

  • Updated EuiFieldNumber to detect native browser invalid state and show an invalid icon (#6704)
  • Improved the input widths of EuiRange and EuiDualRange when showInput={true} to account for invalid icons (#6704)
  • Improved the isInvalid styling of EuiDualRange when showInput="inputWithPopover" (#6704)
  • Updated EuiFormControlLayoutIcons to render left icons in expected DOM order (#6705)
  • Updated EuiDatePickerRange's isInvalid state to match other range inputs (#6705)
  • Updated EuiSuperDatePicker's isInvalid state to match other range inputs (#6705)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiValidatableControl to correctly display isInvalid states on mount (#6705)
  • Fixed an issue with EuiSearchBar where quoted phrases were not quoted when generating an Elasticsearch query. (#6714)