
Elastic UI Framework 🙌

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eui -

Published by 1Copenut almost 2 years ago


  • Renamed EuiPageSideBarProps to EuiPageSideBarProps_Deprecated, to reduce usage/confusion with EuiPageSidebar (#6468)
eui - v71.0.0

Published by cee-chen almost 2 years ago

  • Implemented new EuiRange and EuiDualRange designs where the levels are now on top of the tracks (#6092)
  • Added discuss and dotInCircle glyphs to EuiIcon (#6434)
  • Added article glyph to EuiIcon (#6437)
  • Changed the EuiProvider usage warnings to not rely on development mode. (#6451)

Breaking changes

  • EuiDualRange now explicitly requires both min and max via props types, to match EuiRange (#6092)
  • EuiRange and EuiDualRange's compressed size no longer impacts track or level sizes, but continues to compress tick and input sizes. (#6092)
  • Removed all variables for the following components from EUI's theme JSON files: (#6443)
    • euiCollapsibleNav*
    • euiColorPicker*
    • euiContextMenu*
    • euiControlBar*
    • euiDataGrid* (except for z-indices and cell padding sizes)
    • euiDatePicker*
    • euiSuperDatePicker*
    • euiDragAndDrop*
    • euiEuiEmptyPrompt*
    • euiFilePicker*
    • euiRange*
    • euiHeaderLinks*
    • euiKeyPad*
    • euiMarkdownEditor*
    • euiResizable*
    • euiSelectable*
    • euiSideNav*
    • euiStep*
    • euiSuggest*
    • euiTable* (except for color variables)
    • euiTooltip*
    • euiButtonFontWeight, euiButtonDefaultTransparency, and euiButtonMinWidth
  • If you were importing any of the above removed JSON variables, we strongly recommend using generic color or sizing variables from useEuiTheme() instead. (#6443)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiRange and EuiDualRange to Emotion; Removed $euiRangeThumbRadius (#6092)
  • Added a new logicalStyles utility that automatically converts all non-logical properties in a style object to their corresponding logical properties (#6426)
  • Added a new logicalShorthandCSS utility that automatically converts margin, padding, and other 4-sided shorthands to their corresponding logical properties (#6429)
  • Added a new logicalBorderRadiusCSS utility that automatically converts border-radius to corresponding logical properties (#6429)
eui - v70.4.0

Published by cee-chen almost 2 years ago

  • Updated EuiTourStep.footerAction type to accept ReactNode[] (#6384)
  • Vertically aligned all footer content so that euiTourStepIndicator is always centered (#6384)
  • Added filterInCircle glyph to EuiIcon (#6385)
  • Added color prop to EuiBeacon (#6420)
  • Added the euiMaxBreakpoint and euiMinBreakpoint CSS-in-JS utilities for creating min/max-width media queries (#6431)

Bug fixes

  • Restores the previous match operator behaviour when the query value is split into multiple terms after analysis. (#6409)
  • Fixed missing slide-in animation on EuiCollapsibleNavs and left-side EuiFlyouts (#6422)
  • Fix bug in EuiCard where footer were not aligned to the bottom of the card (#6424)
  • Fixed multiple component media queries for consumers with custom theme breakpoints (#6431)
eui - v70.3.0

Published by chandlerprall almost 2 years ago

  • EuiSearchBar now automatically wraps special characters not used by query syntax in quotes (#6356)
  • Added alignment prop to EuiBetaBadge (#6361)
  • EuiButton now accepts minWidth={false} (#6373)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiPageTemplate not correctly passing the component prop to the inner main content wrapper. (#6352)
  • EuiSkipLink now correctly calls onClick even when fallbackDestination is invalid (#6355)
  • Permanently fixed EuiModal to not cause scroll-jumping issues on modal open (#6360)
  • Re-fixed EuiPageSection not correctly merging contentProps.css (#6365)
  • Fixed EuiTab not defaulting to size m (#6366)
  • Fixed the shadow sizes of .eui-yScrollWithShadows and .eui-xScrollWithShadows (#6374)
  • Fixed bug in EuiCard where the inner content in vertical cards was not growing 100% in width (#6377)
  • Fixed incorrect margins in EuiSuperDatePicker caused by EuiFlex CSS gap change (#6380)
  • Fixed visual bug in nested EuiFlexGroups, where the parent EuiFlexGroup is responsive but a child EuiFlexGroup is not (#6381)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiModal to Emotion (#6321)


  • EuiButton no longer outputs unnecessary inline styles for minWidth={0} or minWidth={false} (#6373)
  • EuiFacetButton no longer reports type issues when passing props accepted by EuiButton (#6373)
eui - v70.2.0

Published by chandlerprall almost 2 years ago

  • Added a keyboard shortcuts popover to EuiDataGrid's toolbar. This can be visually hidden via toolbarVisibility.showKeyboardShortcuts, but will always remain accessible to keyboard and screen reader users. (#6036)
  • EuiScreenReaderOnly's showOnFocus prop now also shows on focus within its children (#6036)
  • Added onFocus prop callback to EuiSuperDatePicker (#6320)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiSelectable to ensure the full options list is re-displayed when the search bar is controlled and cleared using searchProps.value (#6317)
  • Fixed incorrect padding on xl-sized EuiTabs (#6336)
  • Fixed EuiCard not correctly merging css on its child icons (#6341)
  • Fixed EuiCheckableCard not setting css on the correct DOM node (#6341)
  • Fixed a webkit rendering issue with EuiModals containing EuiBasicTables tall enough to scroll (#6343)
  • Fixed bug in to_initials that truncates custom initials (#6346)
  • Fix bug in EuiCard where layout breaks when horizontal and selectable are both passed (#6348)
eui - v70.1.0

Published by chandlerprall almost 2 years ago

  • Added the hint prop to the <EuiSearchBar />. This prop lets the consumer render a hint below the search bar that will be displayed on focus. (#6319)
  • Added the hasDragDrop prop to EuiPopover. Use this prop if your popover contains EuiDragDropContext. (#6329)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiButton's cursor style when the button is disabled (#6323)
  • Fixed EuiPageTemplate not recognizing child EuiPageSidebars/EuiPageTemplate.Sidebars with css props (#6324)
  • Fixed EuiBetaBadge to always respect its anchorProps values, including when there is no tooltip content (#6326)
  • Temporarily patched EuiModal to not cause scroll-jumping issues on modal open (#6327)
  • Fixed buggy drag & drop behavior within EuiDataGrid's columns & sorting toolbar popovers (#6329)
  • Fixed EuiButton not correctly passing textProps for children inside fragments or i18n components (#6332)
  • Fixed EuiButton not correctly respecting minWidth={0} (#6332)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiTabs to Emotion (#6311)
eui - v67.1.5

Published by chandlerprall almost 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiButton's cursor style when the button is disabled (#6323)
eui - v70.0.0

Published by chandlerprall about 2 years ago

  • Added the enabled option to the <EuiInMemoryTable /> executeQueryOptions prop. This option prevents the Query from being executed when controlled by the consumer. (#6284)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiOverlayMask to set a [data-relative-to-header=above|below] attribute to replace the --aboveHeader and --belowHeader classNames removed in its Emotion conversion (#6289)
  • Fixed EuiHeader CSS using removed EuiOverlayMask class modifiers (#6293)
  • Fixed EuiToolTip not respecting reduced motion preferences (#6295)
  • Fixed a bug with EuiTour where passing any panelProps would cause the beacon to disappear (#6298)

Breaking changes

  • @emotion/css is now a required peer dependency, alongside @emotion/react (#6288)
  • @emotion/cache is no longer required peer dependency, although your project must still use it if setting custom cache/injection locations (#6288)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiCode and EuiCodeBlock to Emotion; Removed euiCodeSyntaxTokens Sass mixin and $euiCodeBlockPaddingModifiers; (#6263)
  • Converted EuiResizableContainer and EuiResizablePanel to Emotion (#6287)
eui - v69.0.0

Published by chandlerprall about 2 years ago

  • Added support for fullWidth prop on EuiForm, which will be the default for all rows/controls within (#6229)
  • Added support for onResizeStart and onResizeEnd callbacks to EuiResizableContainer (#6236)
  • Added optional case sensitive option matching to EuiComboBox with the isCaseSensitive prop (#6268)
  • EuiFlexItem now supports grow={0} (#6270)
  • Added the alignItems prop to EuiFlexGrid (#6281)
  • Added filter, filterExclude, filterIgnore, filterInclude, indexTemporary, infinity, sortAscending, and sortDescending glyphs to EuiIcon (#6282)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiTextProps to show the color type option inherit as default (#6267)
  • EuiFlexGroup now correctly respects gutterSize when responsive (#6270)
  • Fixed the last breadcrumb in EuiBreadcrumbs's breadcrumbs array not respecting truncate overrides (#6280)

Breaking changes

  • EuiFlexGrid no longer supports columns={0}. Use EuiFlexGroup instead for normal flex display (#6270)
  • EuiFlexGrid now uses modern display: grid CSS (#6270)
  • EuiFlexGroup, EuiFlexGrid, and EuiFlexItem now use modern gap CSS instead of margins and negative margins (#6270)
  • EuiFlexGroup no longer applies responsive styles to column or columnReverse directions (#6270)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiFlexGroup, EuiFlexGrid, and EuiFlexItem to Emotion (#6270)
eui - v67.1.2

Published by chandlerprall about 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiFlyout not correctly merging passed css (#6248)
  • Fixed EuiNotificationEvent not correctly merging passed classNames (#6248)
  • Fixed EuiAvatar to no longer mutate the object passed to its style prop (#6251)
eui - v64.0.5

Published by chandlerprall about 2 years ago

Note: this release is a backport containing changes originally made in 67.1.0, 67.1.1, and 67.1.2

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiInMemoryTable's internal state tracking to include changes of sorting.sort values (#6228)
  • Fixed EuiDataGrid's broken fullscreen mode when nested within an EuiAccordion (#6235)
  • Fixed EuiAvatar to no longer mutate the object passed to its style prop (#6251)
eui - v67.1.1

Published by chandlerprall about 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiDataGrid's broken fullscreen mode when nested within an EuiAccordion (#6235)
  • Fixed EuiPageSection not correctly merging contentProps.css (#6239)
  • Fixed EuiPageHeaderContent not correctly merging passed classNames (#6239)
  • Fixed EuiAccordion not correctly merging buttonProps.css and arrowProps.css (#6239)
  • Fixed EuiProgress not correctly merging labelProps.css (#6239)
  • Fixed EuiImage not correctly merging wrapperProps.css (#6239)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiFlyout to Emotion; Removed $euiFlyoutBorder and $euiFlyoutPaddingModifiers (#6213)
eui - v67.1.0

Published by chandlerprall about 2 years ago

  • Added an optional dev-mode check to log, warn, or error if a component is rendered outside of EuiProvider (#6216)
  • Updated EuiBadge's disabled styling to match EuiButton (#6224)
  • Added the custom_component search filter type for the EuiSearchBar. This new type gives the consumer control to render the search filter dropdown. (#6226)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Query.toESQuery() to generate bool queries instead of relying on match query logic, to work with non-text fields (#6220)
  • Fixed EuiInMemoryTable's internal state tracking to include changes of sorting.sort values (#6228)
  • Fixed bug in EuiButton where iconSize was not being applied (#6230)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiBadge to Emotion (#6224)
eui - v67.0.0

Published by chandlerprall about 2 years ago

  • Updated EuiSuggest to accept the isPreFiltered prop (#5930)
  • Updated EuiOverlayMask to use EuiPortal (#6090)
  • Updated EuiToolTipPopover to be a function component (#6104)
  • Added EuiToolTipAnchor and EuiToolTipArrow components (#6104)
  • Added a new component prop to EuiPageSection, allowing overriding of the default section tag (#6192)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed global styles being inserted into the wrong location when a EuiProvider cache is not configured. (#6202)
  • Fixed bug where className and rest props were not being passed to the EuiNotificationEvent (#6208)
  • Fixed various nested componentProps throwing type errors on the css prop (#6211)


  • Added @deprecated flags to EuiPageContent_Deprecated, EuiPageContentBody_Deprecated, EuiPageContentHeader_Deprecated, EuiPageContentHeaderSection_Deprecated, EuiPageSideBar_Deprecated and EuiPageTemplate_Deprecated, which will provide helpful hints to IDEs that support jsdoc flags. Consumers will have until August 2023 to migrate from these deprecated components. (#6194)

Breaking changes

  • Removed onClick prop from EuiOverlayMask. Use a nested EuiFocusTrap instead. (#6090)
  • Removed euiCallOutColor Sass mixin (#6201)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiOverlayMask to Emotion (#6090)
  • Converted EuiToolTip to Emotion styling (#6104)
  • Converted EuiPagination, EuiPaginationButton, and EuiPaginationButtonArrow to Emotion (#6109)
eui - v66.0.0

Published by chandlerprall about 2 years ago

  • Added the gutterSize prop to EuiDescriptionList (#6175)
  • Added tooltipText as an optional prop on EuiListGroupItem (#6186)

Bug fixes

  • Updated the EuiHeaderSectionItem to not render if empty (#6158)
  • Added memoization to useEuiTheme's return value, supporting React's shallow prop comparison optimizations (#6165)
  • Fixed an EuiPageSidebar bug where inline styles were not correctly updating (#6191)

Breaking changes

  • Removed .euiIEFlexWrapFix global className and internetExplorerOnly() Sass mixin, as IE is no longer a supported browser (#6154)
  • Removed all IE fixes/fallbacks in EUI CSS (#6161)
  • Removed all IE fixes/fallbacks in EUI JS (#6162)
eui - v65.0.2

Published by chandlerprall about 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Fixed missing EuiDataGrid cell popover shadows in Safari (#6163)
  • Fixed a bug in some development environments which prevented EuiIcon from loading icons asynchronously (#6166)
  • Updated the build process to include json files, fixing imports from the @elastic/eui package (#6172)
eui - v65.0.1

Published by thompsongl about 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the text size of EuiDescriptionListTitle when EuiDescriptionList is compressed (#6160)
eui - v65.0.0

Published by thompsongl about 2 years ago


  • Added anchorProps to allow passing more props to the anchoring wrapper in EuiToolTip and EuiBetaBadge (#6110)
  • Added an empty shade background color to hollow style EuiBetaBadge (#6110)
  • Changed design of select button in selectable EuiCards (#6110)
  • Updated button ghost colors to be colorMode = 'dark' themed text buttons (#6150)
  • Renamed ButtonColor and ButtonSize types to prefixed versions EuiButtonColor and EuiButtonSize (#6150)


  • Deprecated ghost color for EuiButton, EuiButtonIcon, EuiButtonEmpty (#6150)

Breaking changes

  • Removed EuiButtonIconColor and EuiButtonEmptyColor types, use EuiButtonIconProps['color'] and EuiButtonEmptyProps['color'] instead (#6150)
  • Removed support for ghost color from EuiButtonGroup (#6150)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Removed euiHasBetaBadge() Sass mixin (#6110)
  • Converted EuiCard, EuiCheckableCard to Emotion, removed $euiCheckableCardPadding, $euiCardSpacing, $euiCardBottomNodeHeight, $euiCardSelectButtonBorders, $euiCardSelectButtonBackgrounds, and $euiCardPaddingModifiers (#6110)
  • Converted EuiButton to Emotion (#6150)
  • Converted color styles of EuiButtonIcon, EuiButtonEmpty, EuiButtonGroup (#6150)
eui - v64.0.1

Published by thompsongl about 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Fixed CollapsedItemActions ref callback not accounting for null value (#6145)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Added logicalCSSWithFallback() utility for logical properties without full browser support (#6124)
  • Converted euiFullHeight() Sass mixin to Emotion (#6124)
  • Converted all global CSS utility classes to Emotion (#6124)
eui - v64.0.0

Published by chandlerprall about 2 years ago

  • Added onPositionChange callback prop to EuiPopover for when the popover positon changes (#6087)
  • Added isDisabled prop to EuiAccordion (#6095)
  • Added css prop to CommonProps interface (#6118)
  • Added new useIsWithinMaxBreakpoint and useIsWithinMinBreakpoint service hooks (#6119)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the steps prop type for useEuiTour to not require onFinish (#6087)
  • Fixed JS breakpoint hooks (useCurrentEuiBreakpoint, useIsWithinBreakpoints, and euiBreakpoint) to correctly handle custom theme breakpoint keys (#6111)
  • Fixed :first-child/:nth-child console warnings for consumers not passing in a cache to EuiProvider (#6126)
  • Fixed EuiScreenReaderLive double announcements on VO when focusRegionOnTextChange is not set (#6133)
  • Fixed onBlur and onFocus handlers from EuiDatePickerRange being incorrectly applied to wrapping element rather than the start/end control datepickers. (#6136)
  • Fixed missing data-fixed-headers property in some layout configurations using EuiPageTemplate. (#6140)
  • Fixed EuiAspectRatio sometimes incorrectly inheriting its height from parent containers as opposed to from its aspect ratio (#6141)
  • Fixed EuiAspectRatio to allow custom styles to be passed by consumers (#6141)
  • Fixed eui.d.ts containing @testing-library type definitions (#6142)

Breaking changes

  • Removed getBreakpoint. Use useCurrentEuiBreakpoint instead (#6119)
  • Removed BREAKPOINTS and BREAKPOINT_KEYS. Use euiTheme.breakpoint instead (#6119)
  • Removed isWithinBreakpoints. Use useIsWithinBreakpoints instead (#6119)
  • Removed isWithinMaxBreakpoint. Use useIsWithinMaxBreakpoint instead (#6119)
  • Removed isWithinMinBreakpoint. Use useIsWithinMinBreakpoint instead (#6119)
  • EuiFlyout now only accepts a named breakpoint size for its pushMinBreakpoint prop (#6119)
  • EuiCollapsibleNav now only accepts a named breakpoint size for its dockedBreakpoint prop (#6119)
  • @emotion/cache is now a required peer dependency, alongside @emotion/react (#6126)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiTour to Emotion (#6087)