
Elastic UI Framework 🙌

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eui - v63.0.1

Published by cee-chen about 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Fixed server-side rendering and test-env errors caused by useCurrentEuiBreakpoint (#6117
eui - v63.0.0

Published by chandlerprall about 2 years ago

  • Added new EuiPageTemplate namespaced component that uses context to pass through props (#5768)
  • Added EuiPageSection component for easier section stacking (#5768)
  • Added EuiPageSidebar component that is an upgrade to EuiPageSideBar (#5768)
  • Extended bottomBorder prop to add 'extended' on EuiPageHeader (#5768)
  • Added paddingSize and restrictWidth directly on EuiPageHeaderContent (#5768)
  • Added data-fixed-headers attribute to <body> with the count of fixed EuiHeader components (#5768)
  • Extended usePortal prop on EuiBottomBar to accept EuiPortalProps (#5768)
  • Increased paddingSize support by EuiPage for xl and xs sizes (#5768)
  • Moved restrictWidth default true style to style attribute on EuiPage and EuiPageBody (#5768)
  • Added optional height parameter to euiYScroll(), useEuiYScroll, euiYScrollWithShadows(), and useEuiYScrollWithShadows (#5768)
  • Added repositionOnScroll directly to EuiPopover rendered by mobile version of EuiHeaderLinks (#5768)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed missing render of breadcrumbs on EuiPageHeader when alignItems = 'top' (#5768)
  • Fixed logicalStyle() to return the same value type as was passed in (instead of converting to string) (#5768)


  • Deprecated the old EuiPageTemplate component and renamed to EuiPageTemplate_Deprecated (#5768)
  • Deprecated EuiPageContent and EuiPageContentBody in favor of new EuiPageSection (#5768)
  • Deprecated EuiPageContent and renamed to EuiPageContent_Deprecated (#5768)
  • Deprecated EuiPageContentBody and renamed to EuiPageContentBody_Deprecated (#5768)
  • Deprecated EuiPageContentHeader and renamed to EuiPageContentHeader_Deprecated (#5768)
  • Deprecated EuiPageContentHeaderSection and renamed to EuiPageContentHeaderSection_Deprecated (#5768)
  • Deprecated EuiPageSideBar and renamed to EuiPageSideBar_Deprecated (#5768)

Breaking changes

  • Removed nested EuiPageHeader styles when a child of EuiPageBody (#5768)
  • Changed default paddingSize of EuiPage from m to none (#5768)

CSS-in-JS conversion

  • Converted EuiPage and EuiPageBody to Emotion (#5768)
  • Converted EuiPageHeader and EuiPageHeaderContent to Emotion (#5768)
  • Removed euiPageRestrictWidth() Sass mixin (#5768)
eui - v62.2.0

Published by chandlerprall about 2 years ago

  • The EuiDataGrid's rowHeightOptions now contain an optional scrollAnchorRow property, which enables vertical layout shift compensation when rendering auto-sized rows. (#6070)
  • Added new React Testing Library EuiToolTip helpers, waitForEuiToolTipVisible and waitForEuiToolTipClose (#6106)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiPortal changes causing rerender issues in test environments (#6105)
eui - v62.1.0

Published by cee-chen about 2 years ago

  • Updated tokenFile, tokenSymbol and tokenRepo default shapes to square instead of rectangle (#6067)
  • Updated EuiGlobalToastList to be a function component (#6068)
  • Added new useCurrentEuiBreakpoint hook, which returns the current browser window width as a named EUI breakpoint size (e.g. xl) (#6079)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed unintentional subcomponent remounting in EuiCodeBlock during rerenders (#6077)
  • Fixed useIsWithinBreakpoints hook not correctly respecting consumer theme breakpoint overrides (#6079)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiBreadcrumbs and EuiHeaderBreadcrumbs to Emotion; removed $euiBreadcrumbSpacing and $euiBreadcrumbTruncateWidth (#5934)
  • Converted EuiDescriptionList to Emotion (#5971)
  • Converted EuiToken to Emotion (#6067)
  • Converted EuiToast, EuiGlobalToastList, and EuiGlobalToastListItem to Emotion (#6068)
  • Moved .euiBody-hasPortalContent styles that used to live in _portal.scss to Emotion EuiGlobalStyles (#6075)
eui - v62.0.2

Published by cee-chen about 2 years ago

  • Added new React Testing Library ByDataTestSubj utilities for targeting EUI's data-test-subj attributes. These can be accessed by importing custom RTL render and screen utils from @elastic/eui/lib/test/rtl. (#6091)
  • Added new React Testing Library EuiPopover helpers, waitForEuiPopoverOpen and waitForEuiPopoverClose (#6091)

Bug fixes

  • Restored non-Emotion classNames to EuiCommentEvent's children (#6089)
eui - v62.0.1

Published by cee-chen about 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug preventing EuiPortal from working in server-side rendering (#6055)
  • Fixed an EuiFilterButton accessibility error (#6076)
  • Fixed EuiImage rendering empty captions (#6081)
  • Fixed EuiImage not respecting text-align on parents (#6081)
eui - v62.0.0

Published by chandlerprall about 2 years ago

  • Updated EuiText.img styles to prevent images from growing full width (#5969)
  • Improved EuiImage's allowFullScreen screen reader experience (#5969)
  • Updated EuiImage's full screen mode to use the fullScreenExit icon (#5969)
  • Updated EuiPopover's display prop to accept any CSS display value (#5977)
  • Added data-popover-open attribute to EuiPopover's panel (#5977)
  • Changed EuiPopover's box-shadow to filter (#5977)
  • Added logicalSizeCSS and logicalSizeStyle for quickly producing width and height styles (#5977)
  • Increased the opacity of the shadow color in dark mode (#5977)
  • Improved screen reader accessibility for EuiDataGrid column headers (#6034)
  • Added tokenMetricCounter and tokenMetricGauge to EuiToken (#6064)
  • Removed the nested aria-label on the EuiAvatar icon to simplify a11y (#6071)
  • Added timelineAvatarAriaLabel to EuiComment (#6071)

Bug fixes

  • Reverted the change EuiCommentEvent.username type from ReactNode to string (#6071)
  • Fixed searchable single selection EuiSelectables not correctly highlighting the checked option on initial render (#6072)

Breaking changes

  • Updated EuiImage.className to be applied to the img instead of the parent wrapper figure and added wrapperProps prop so that consumers can apply props to the figure element (#5969)
  • Renamed EuiPopover's display prop value inlineBlock to inline-block (#5977)
  • EuiPopover: Removed false as an option from initialFocus (#6044)
  • Renamed timelineIcon on EuiComment to timelineAvatar (#6071)


  • Converted EuiImage to Emotion (#5969)
  • Converted EuiPopover, EuiPopoverTitle, EuiPopoverFooter, EuiInputPopover (#5977)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiErrorBoundary to Emotion (#6053)
  • Converted EuiTextDiff to Emotion (#6056)
  • Converted euiBreakpoint mixin to Emotion. (#6057)
eui - v61.0.0

Published by chandlerprall over 2 years ago

  • Added eventIcon, eventIconAriaLabel, and eventColor props to EuiComment (#6030)
  • Updated EuiComment.actions type to accept ReactNode[] (#6030)
  • Updated .euiMarkdownEditor display to flex to prevent display issues when the markdown editor is inside a EuiComment (#6030)
  • Added styles for kbd's within EuiText (#6049)
  • Added keyboard glyph to EuiIcon (#6058)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug in EuiTimelineItem where classNames were not being applied (#6030)
  • Fixed multiple missing CSS logical properties within EuiText children (#6059)


  • Deprecated EuiIcon's keyboardShortcut in favor of keyboard (#6058)

Breaking changes

  • Changed EuiCommentEvent.username type from ReactNode to string (#6030)
  • Updated EuiCommentList and EuiComment to use EuiTimeline and EuiTimelineItem respectively. This change makes the EuiCommentList to be always required (#6030)
  • Removed EuiComment.type (#6030)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiComment to Emotion (#6030)
eui - v60.3.0

Published by chandlerprall over 2 years ago

  • EuiDataGrid's imperative API now exposes the scrollTo and scrollToItem APIs of react-window. (#6042)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed drag and drop interactions on EuiAccordion elements (#6031)
  • Fixed EuiDataGrid's row count/indices announced to screen readers when virtualized (#6033)
  • Fixed EuiDataGrid's current cell row/column position announced to screen readers when sorted and paginated, and also improved column identification and announcement cadence (#6033)
  • Fixed EuiContextMenuPanelDescriptor's width prop type to correctly reflect that it allows all CSS width values, not just numbers (#6043)
  • Fixed EuiSelectable onChange keyboard events not being correctly passed back on React v16 (#6045)
eui - v60.2.0

Published by chandlerprall over 2 years ago

  • Added cluster, container, kubernetesNode, kubernetesPod and namespace glyphs to EuiIcon (#6001)
  • Added a default title to EuiDataGrid's column headers, allowing header text to remain visible if truncated due to column widths (#6013)
  • Added a popoverScreenReaderText prop to EuiPopover that allows customizing screen reader instructions when a popover first opens (#6017)
  • Enhanced EuiDataGrid's column header actions popover to be keyboard navigable via up/down arrow keys (#6017)
  • EuiDataGrid now accepts a virtualizationOptions.onItemsRendered callback, as well as virtualizationOptions.className (#6019)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the focus context of EuiDataGrid to ensure that focusedCell maintains it's referential integrity. This ensures that React hooks can use this safely as a dependency. (#6007)
  • Fixed buggy EuiDataGrid column header display on sorted columns with no actions (#6014)
  • Fixed EuiPopover unintentionally passing the offset prop as an HTML attribute to its div wrapper (#6017)
  • Fixed EuiDataGrid focus/scroll jumping occurring when the first interaction the user had with the grid was the scrollbar(s) (#6018)
eui - v60.1.2

Published by cee-chen over 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiSelectable's onChange callback not passing back a persisted event on React 16 (#6026)
  • Fixed EuiText not correctly inheriting classNames when both the color and textAlign props were passed (#6027)
eui - v60.1.1

Published by chandlerprall over 2 years ago

Bug fixes

Fixed issue with EuiPanel where the Emotion styles were not being passed when it was rendered as a button (#6010)

eui - v60.1.0

Published by chandlerprall over 2 years ago

  • Added focusRegionOnTextChange prop to EuiScreenReaderLive (#5995)
  • Enhanced EuiSkipLink's overrideLinkBehavior scroll and focus UX (#5996)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiAccordion props type not being correctly inferred (#5974)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiScreenReaderOnly to Emotion (#5846)
  • Converted EuiIcon to Emotion; removed $euiIconLoadingOpacity, $euiIconColors, and $euiIconSizes (#5967)
  • Converted EuiProgress to Emotion and removed $euiProgressColors and $euiProgressSizes (#5986)
eui - v60.0.0

Published by chandlerprall over 2 years ago

  • Added configuration options to EuiProvider.cache to enable more granular style insertion (#5853)
  • Added a utility classes component (#5853)
  • Added utility classes configuration options to EuiProvider (#5853)
  • Added gutterSize prop to EuiTimeline (#5955)
  • Added optional onActiveOptionChange callback to EuiSelectable (#5978)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug in EuiTimelineItem where the vertical line was not showing on the last item when verticalAlign was set to center (#5955)
  • Fixed bug in logicalCSS() where the left and right logicalPositions were wrong (#5955)
  • Fixed a maximum call stack error in EuiComboBox when an option group contains hundreds of thousands of options (#5976)

Breaking changes

  • Removed component prop from EuiTimelineItem, which now defaults to li. Consequently, a EuiTimeline (ol) is required to wrap the timeline items (#5955)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiStat to Emotion (#5968)
eui - v59.1.0

Published by chandlerprall over 2 years ago

  • Added new color prop to EuiLoadingSpinner (#5878)
  • Added the overrideLinkBehavior prop to EuiSkipLink for applications that use hash routers (#5957)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiSelectableMessage flex layout when containing multiple children nodes (#5966)
  • Fixed export location of JS based shadow mixins (#5970)


  • Converted EuiFacetGroup and EuiFacetButton to Emotion and removed $euiFacetGutterSizes (#5878)
eui - v59.0.1

Published by chandlerprall over 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Fixed custom styles from being overridden in EuiText and EuiTextColor (#5960)
  • Fixed EuiCallOut from consuming all available vertical height with flex-grow (#5963)
eui - v59.0.0

Published by chandlerprall over 2 years ago

  • Added a new optional cloneElement prop to EuiTextAlign and EuiTextColor (#5895)
  • Added all border logical properties to the logicalCSS utility (#5895)
  • Added euiTheme.font.familySerif (#5895)
  • Updated API pattern for style mixin functions (#5904)
  • Added isInvalid and disabled as top level props on EuiDatePickerRange (#5918)
  • Updated EuiDatePickerRange delimiter to a sortRight icon which is swapped for alert when isInvalid (#5918)
  • Updated isInvalid and disabled visual states EuiSuperDatePicker (#5918)
  • Added the click/keydown event as an argument to EuiSelectable/EuiSelectableTemplateSitewide's onChange prop (#5926)
  • Updated euiTheme.colors.lightestShade to be slightly less blue and euiTheme.colors.body to be slightly darker (#5939)
  • Updated euiBackgroundColor() to accept an optional method property (#5939)
  • Removed duplicated yarn.lock dependencies (#5947)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed visual indicator of invalid EuiDatePickerRange and EuiSuperDatePicker (#5918)
    Fixed EuiCollapsibleNavGroup TypeScript error where title definition was being overridden by an extended div element (#5935)
  • Fixed EuiGlobalToastList/EuiToasts disappearing immediately when given an Infinity timeout (#5954)

Breaking changes

  • Renamed euiTheme.colors.subdued to euiTheme.colors.subduedText (#5895)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiText, EuiTextAlign, and EuiTextColor, and removed their corresponding CSS modifier classes (#5895)
  • Partially converted EuiMarkdownFormat's text size scaling styles (#5895)
  • Removed $euiTextColors, euiScaleText(), and $euiTextConstrainedMaxWidth Sass utilities (#5895)
  • Converted EuiExpression to Emotion (#5941)
eui - v58.1.1

Published by thompsongl over 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiPopover padding by reverting removal of EuiPanel padding classes (#5927)
  • Updated EuiAccordion to show loading spinner instead of extra actions when isLoading (#5896)
eui - v58.1.0

Published by thompsongl over 2 years ago

  • Updated useEuiPaddingCSS() and useEuiBackgroundColorCSS() to render css blocks so consuming components render the key name in the class (#5891)
  • Added padding sizes xs and xl to EuiPanel (#5891)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiSplitPanel contained border radius by setting overflow: hidden (#5891)
  • Fixed EuiCallOut description top margin when only child (#5891)
  • Fixed height stretching of EuiEmptyPrompt by setting grow=false on the nested panel (#5907)
  • Fixed EuiInMemoryTable's loading state from shifting layout (#5914)
  • Fixed accessibility errors with EuiDataGrid's column sorting drag & drop handles (#5916)
  • Fixed EuiMark's screen reader helpers causing scroll issues in Chrome (#5921)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiAccordion to Emotion; Removed $paddingSizes (#5826)
  • Converted EuiPanel to Emotion (#5891)
  • Renamed euiScreenReaderOnlyStyles() mixin to euiScreenReaderOnly() (#5921)
eui - v58.0.0

Published by thompsongl over 2 years ago

  • Updated EuiForm to use forwardRef (#5866)
  • Updated all CSS-in-JS shadow functions parameters to match a (euiTheme, { color? }) order (#5892)
  • Updated euiShadow() parameters to (euiTheme, size, { color? }) (#5892)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiContextMenuPanel (when used within an EuiPopover) to correctly return focus to its popover toggle in all scenarios, not just keyboard Escape press (#5880)
  • Fixed EuiSelectableTemplateSitewide to allow re-opening the search popover (if closed via Escape key) via the Enter key (#5886)
  • Fixed EuiComboBox by centering the enter badge in the list options. (#5890)
  • Fixed EuiTour position calculation issues caused by popover width styles (#5897)
  • Fixed EuiIcon from producing console warning in React.StrictMode (#5899)

Breaking changes

  • Removed watchedItemProps from EuiContextMenuPanel, which now updates like a standard component and no longer needs this logic (#5880)
  • Removed dist/eui.js and dist/eui.min.js webpack bundles. Use the CommonJS (dist/lib) or ESM (dist/es) distributions instead. (#5898)