
MUI X: Build complex and data-rich applications using a growing list of advanced React components, like the Data Grid, Date and Time Pickers, Charts, and more!

mui-x - v6.18.2

Published by LukasTy 11 months ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 11 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🌍 Improve Arabic (ar-SD), Czech (cs-CZ), and Hebrew (he-IL) locales on Data Grid
  • 🌍 Add Basque (eu) and Macedonian (mk) locales on Pickers
  • 🌍 Improve German (de-DE) and Spanish (es-ES) locales on Pickers
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [l10n] Improve Arabic (ar-SD) locale (#11096) @OmarWebDev
  • [l10n] Improve Czech (cs-CZ) locale (#10968) @luborepka
  • [l10n] Improve Hebrew (he-IL) locale (#11056) @LironKiloma

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [l10n] Add Basque (eu) locale and improve Spanish (es-ES) locale (#10985) @lajtomekadimon
  • [l10n] Add Macedonian (mk) locale (#11155) @brsnik
  • [l10n] Improve German (de-DE) locale (#11104) @jho-vema
  • [pickers] Deprecate defaultCalendarMonth prop (#11138) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Fix DateCalendar crashing when given an invalid value (#11101) @flaviendelangle

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Charts / @mui/[email protected]

  • [charts] Fix ChartsTooltip component setup (#11157) @LukasTy
  • [charts] Remove outdated prop-types (#10998) @alexfauquette


  • [docs] Fix incoherent naming of a component in Custom slots and subcomponents page (#11003) @lhilgert9
  • [test] Skip flaky e2e test in webkit (#11115) @cherniavskii
  • [test] Wait for images to load (#11109) @cherniavskii
mui-x - v7.0.0-alpha.1

Published by noraleonte 11 months ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 3 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected] / @mui/[email protected] pro

Breaking changes

  • The string argument of the dayOfWeekFormatter prop has been replaced in favor of the date object to allow more flexibility.

       // If you were still using the day string, you can get it back with your date library.
    -  dayOfWeekFormatter={dayStr => `${dayStr}.`}
    +  dayOfWeekFormatter={day => `${day.format('dd')}.`}
       // If you were already using the day object, just remove the first argument.
    -  dayOfWeekFormatter={(_dayStr, day) => `${day.format('dd')}.`}
    +  dayOfWeekFormatter={day => `${day.format('dd')}.`}
  • The imports related to the calendarHeader slot have been moved from @mui/x-date-pickers/DateCalendar to @mui/x-date-pickers/PIckersCalendarHeader:

     export {
    -} from '@mui/x-date-pickers/DateCalendar';
    +} from '@mui/x-date-pickers/PickersCalendarHeader';
  • The monthAndYear format has been removed.
    It was used in the header of the calendar views, you can replace it with the new format prop of the calendarHeader slot:

    -  formats={{ monthAndYear: 'MM/YYYY' }}
    +    slotProps={{ calendarHeader: { format: 'MM/YYYY' }}}
    +    slotProps={{ calendarHeader: { format: 'MM/YYYY' }}}
     <LocalizationProvider />
  • The adapter.getDiff method have been removed, you can directly use your date library:

     // For Day.js
    -const diff = adapter.getDiff(value, comparing, unit);
    +const diff = value.diff(comparing, unit);
     // For Luxon
    -const diff = adapter.getDiff(value, comparing, unit);
    +const getDiff = (value: DateTime, comparing: DateTime | string, unit?: AdapterUnits) => {
    +  const parsedComparing = typeof comparing === 'string'
    +    ? DateTime.fromJSDate(new Date(comparing))
    +    : comparing;
    +  if (unit) {
    +    return Math.floor(value.diff(comparing).as(unit));
    +  }
    +  return value.diff(comparing).as('millisecond');
    +const diff = getDiff(value, comparing, unit);
      // For DateFns
    -const diff = adapter.getDiff(value, comparing, unit);
    +const getDiff = (value: Date, comparing: Date | string, unit?: AdapterUnits) => {
    +  const parsedComparing = typeof comparing === 'string' ? new Date(comparing) : comparing;
    +  switch (unit) {
    +    case 'years':
    +      return dateFns.differenceInYears(value, parsedComparing);
    +    case 'quarters':
    +      return dateFns.differenceInQuarters(value, parsedComparing);
    +    case 'months':
    +      return dateFns.differenceInMonths(value, parsedComparing);
    +    case 'weeks':
    +      return dateFns.differenceInWeeks(value, parsedComparing);
    +    case 'days':
    +      return dateFns.differenceInDays(value, parsedComparing);
    +    case 'hours':
    +      return dateFns.differenceInHours(value, parsedComparing);
    +    case 'minutes':
    +      return dateFns.differenceInMinutes(value, parsedComparing);
    +    case 'seconds':
    +      return dateFns.differenceInSeconds(value, parsedComparing);
    +    default: {
    +      return dateFns.differenceInMilliseconds(value, parsedComparing);
    +    }
    +  }
    +const diff = getDiff(value, comparing, unit);
     // For Moment
    -const diff = adapter.getDiff(value, comparing, unit);
    +const diff = value.diff(comparing, unit);
  • The adapter.getFormatHelperText method have been removed, you can use the adapter.expandFormat instead:

-const expandedFormat = adapter.getFormatHelperText(format);
+const expandedFormat = adapter.expandFormat(format);

And if you need the exact same output you can apply the following transformation:

 // For Day.js
-const expandedFormat = adapter.getFormatHelperText(format);
+const expandedFormat = adapter.expandFormat(format).replace(/a/gi, '(a|p)m').toLocaleLowerCase();

 // For Luxon
-const expandedFormat = adapter.getFormatHelperText(format);
+const expandedFormat = adapter.expandFormat(format).replace(/(a)/g, '(a|p)m').toLocaleLowerCase();

 // For DateFns
-const expandedFormat = adapter.getFormatHelperText(format);
+const expandedFormat = adapter.expandFormat(format).replace(/(aaa|aa|a)/g, '(a|p)m').toLocaleLowerCase();

 // For Moment
-const expandedFormat = adapter.getFormatHelperText(format);
+const expandedFormat = adapter.expandFormat(format).replace(/a/gi, '(a|p)m').toLocaleLowerCase();
  • The adapter.getMeridiemText method have been removed, you can use the adapter.setHours, and adapter.format methods to recreate its behavior:

    -const meridiem = adapter.getMeridiemText('am');
    +const getMeridiemText = (meridiem: 'am' | 'pm') => {
    +  const date = adapter.setHours(!, meridiem === 'am' ? 2 : 14);
    +  return utils.format(date, 'meridiem');
    +const meridiem = getMeridiemText('am');
  • The adapter.getMonthArray method have been removed, you can use the adapter.startOfYear and adapter.addMonths methods to recreate its behavior:

    -const monthArray = adapter.getMonthArray(value);
    +const getMonthArray = (year) => {
    +  const firstMonth = utils.startOfYear(year);
    +  const months = [firstMonth];
    +  while (months.length < 12) {
    +    const prevMonth = months[months.length - 1];
    +    months.push(utils.addMonths(prevMonth, 1));
    +  }
    +  return months;
    +const monthArray = getMonthArray(value);
  • The adapter.getNextMonth method have been removed, you can use the adapter.addMonths method instead:

    -const nextMonth = adapter.getNextMonth(value);
    +const nextMonth = adapter.addMonths(value, 1);
  • The adapter.getPreviousMonth method have been removed, you can use the adapter.addMonths method instead:

    -const previousMonth = adapter.getPreviousMonth(value);
    +const previousMonth = adapter.addMonths(value, -1);
  • The adapter.getWeekdays method have been removed, you can use the adapter.startOfWeek and adapter.addDays methods instead:

    -const weekDays = adapter.getWeekdays(value);
    +const getWeekdays = (value) => {
    +  const start = adapter.startOfWeek(value);
    +  return [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map((diff) => utils.addDays(start, diff));
    +const weekDays = getWeekdays(value);
  • The isNull method have been removed, you can replace it with a very basic check:

    -const isNull = adapter.isNull(value);
    +const isNull = value === null;
  • The adapter.mergeDateAndTime method have been removed, you can use the adapter.setHours, adapter.setMinutes, and adapter.setSeconds methods to recreate its behavior:

    -const result = adapter.mergeDateAndTime(valueWithDate, valueWithTime);
    +const mergeDateAndTime = <TDate>(
    +   dateParam,
    +   timeParam,
    + ) => {
    +   let mergedDate = dateParam;
    +   mergedDate = utils.setHours(mergedDate, utils.getHours(timeParam));
    +   mergedDate = utils.setMinutes(mergedDate, utils.getMinutes(timeParam));
    +   mergedDate = utils.setSeconds(mergedDate, utils.getSeconds(timeParam));
    +   return mergedDate;
    + };
    +const result = mergeDateAndTime(valueWithDate, valueWithTime);
  • The adapter.parseISO method have been removed, you can directly use your date library:

     // For Day.js
    -const value = adapter.parseISO(isoString);
    +const value = dayjs(isoString);
     // For Luxon
    -const value = adapter.parseISO(isoString);
    +const value = DateTime.fromISO(isoString);
     // For DateFns
    -const value = adapter.parseISO(isoString);
    +const value = dateFns.parseISO(isoString);
     // For Moment
    -const value = adapter.parseISO(isoString);
    +const value = moment(isoString, true);
  • The adapter.toISO method have been removed, you can directly use your date library:

    -const isoString = adapter.toISO(value);
    +const isoString = value.toISOString();
    +const isoString = value.toUTC().toISO({ format: 'extended' });
    +const isoString = dateFns.formatISO(value, { format: 'extended' });
    +const isoString = value.toISOString();
  • The adapter.isEqual method used to accept any type of value for its two input and tried to parse them before checking if they were equal.
    The method has been simplified and now only accepts an already-parsed date or null (ie: the same formats used by the value prop in the pickers)

     const adapterDayjs = new AdapterDayjs();
     const adapterLuxon = new AdapterLuxon();
     const adapterDateFns = new AdapterDateFns();
     const adapterMoment = new AdatperMoment();
     // Supported formats
     const isEqual = adapterDayjs.isEqual(null, null); // Same for the other adapters
     const isEqual = adapterLuxon.isEqual(, DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'));
     const isEqual = adapterMoment.isEqual(moment(), moment('2022-04-17'));
     const isEqual = adapterDateFns.isEqual(new Date(), new Date('2022-04-17'));
     // Non-supported formats (JS Date)
    -const isEqual = adapterDayjs.isEqual(new Date(), new Date('2022-04-17'));
    +const isEqual = adapterDayjs.isEqual(dayjs(), dayjs('2022-04-17'));
    -const isEqual = adapterLuxon.isEqual(new Date(), new Date('2022-04-17'));
    +const isEqual = adapterLuxon.isEqual(, DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'));
    -const isEqual = adapterMoment.isEqual(new Date(), new Date('2022-04-17'));
    +const isEqual = adapterMoment.isEqual(moment(), moment('2022-04-17'));
     // Non-supported formats (string)
    -const isEqual = adapterDayjs.isEqual('2022-04-16', '2022-04-17');
    +const isEqual = adapterDayjs.isEqual(dayjs('2022-04-17'), dayjs('2022-04-17'));
    -const isEqual = adapterLuxon.isEqual('2022-04-16', '2022-04-17');
    +const isEqual = adapterLuxon.isEqual(DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'), DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'));
    -const isEqual = adapterMoment.isEqual('2022-04-16', '2022-04-17');
    +const isEqual = adapterMoment.isEqual(moment('2022-04-17'), moment('2022-04-17'));
    -const isEqual = adapterDateFns.isEqual('2022-04-16', '2022-04-17');
    +const isEqual = adapterDateFns.isEqual(new Date('2022-04-17'), new Date('2022-04-17'));
  • The dateLibInstance prop of LocalizationProvider does not work with AdapterDayjs anymore (#11023). This prop was used to set the pickers in UTC mode before the implementation of a proper timezone support in the components.
    You can learn more about the new approach on the dedicated doc page.

     // When a `value` or a `defaultValue` is provided
    -  dateLibInstance={dayjs.utc}
       <DatePicker value={dayjs.utc('2022-04-17')} />
     // When no `value` or `defaultValue` is provided
    -  dateLibInstance={dayjs.utc}
    -  <DatePicker />
    +  <DatePicker timezone="UTC" />
  • The property hasLeadingZeros has been removed from the sections in favor of the more precise hasLeadingZerosInFormat and hasLeadingZerosInInput properties (#10994). To keep the same behavior, you can replace it by hasLeadingZerosInFormat:

     const fieldRef = React.useRef<FieldRef<FieldSection>>(null);
     React.useEffect(() => {
       const firstSection = fieldRef.current!.getSections()[0];
    -  console.log(firstSection.hasLeadingZeros);
    +  console.log(firstSection.hasLeadingZerosInFormat);
     }, []);
     return (
       <DateField unstableFieldRef={fieldRef} />
  • The adapter.getYearRange method used to accept two params and now accepts a tuple to be consistent with the adapter.isWithinRange method (#10978):

    -adapter.getYearRange(start, end);
    +adapter.getYearRange([start, end])
  • The adapter.isValid method used to accept any type of value and tried to parse them before checking their validity (#10971).
    The method has been simplified and now only accepts an already-parsed date or null.
    Which is the same type as the one accepted by the components value prop.

     const adapterDayjs = new AdapterDayjs();
     const adapterLuxon = new AdapterLuxon();
     const adapterDateFns = new AdapterDateFns();
     const adapterMoment = new AdatperMoment();
     // Supported formats
     const isValid = adapterDayjs.isValid(null); // Same for the other adapters
     const isValid = adapterLuxon.isValid(;
     const isValid = adapterMoment.isValid(moment());
     const isValid = adapterDateFns.isValid(new Date());
     // Non-supported formats (JS Date)
    -const isValid = adapterDayjs.isValid(new Date('2022-04-17'));
    +const isValid = adapterDayjs.isValid(dayjs('2022-04-17'));
    -const isValid = adapterLuxon.isValid(new Date('2022-04-17'));
    +const isValid = adapterLuxon.isValid(DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'));
    -const isValid = adapterMoment.isValid(new Date('2022-04-17'));
    +const isValid = adapterMoment.isValid(moment('2022-04-17'));
     // Non-supported formats (string)
    -const isValid = adapterDayjs.isValid('2022-04-17');
    +const isValid = adapterDayjs.isValid(dayjs('2022-04-17'));
    -const isValid = adapterLuxon.isValid('2022-04-17');
    +const isValid = adapterLuxon.isValid(DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'));
    -const isValid = adapterMoment.isValid('2022-04-17');
    +const isValid = adapterMoment.isValid(moment('2022-04-17'));
    -const isValid = adapterDateFns.isValid('2022-04-17');
    +const isValid = adapterDateFns.isValid(new Date('2022-04-17'));


  • [pickers] Change the input format of adapter.getYearRange to be consistent with adapter.isWithinRange (#10978) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Clean remaining components / componentsProps typings (#11040) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Modify adapter.isEqual method to accept TDate | null instead of any (#10976) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Modify adapter.isValid method to accept TDate | null instead of any (#10971) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Remove the hasLeadingZeros property from FieldSection (#10994) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Remove the deprecated methods and formats from the adapters (#10776) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Remove the legacy UTC implementation for dayjs (#11023) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Remove unused code (#11048) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Move the exports of the calendarHeader slot to @mui/x-date-pickers/PickersCalendarHeader (#11020) @flaviendelangle
  • [DateCalendar] Allow to override the format of the header with a prop (#10990) @flaviendelangle
  • [DateCalendar] Remove the string argument of the dayOfWeekFormatter prop (#10992) @flaviendelangle


  • [docs] Fix incorrect component name in the "Custom slots and subcomponents" page (#11024) @flaviendelangle
  • [docs] Fix typos in pickers migration guide (#11057) @flaviendelangle


  • [core] Clean the component slots doc generation (#11021) @flaviendelangle
  • [core] Fix script to release with next tag (#10996) @LukasTy
  • [test] Wait for images to load (#11004) @cherniavskii
mui-x - v7.0.0-alpha.0

Published by michelengelen 12 months ago

We're thrilled to announce the first alpha release of our next major version, v7.
This release introduces a few breaking changes, paving the way for the upcoming features like Pivoting and DateTimeRangePicker.

A special shoutout to thank the 12 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • πŸš€ First v7 alpha release
  • ✨ Fix aggregation label not showing when renderHeader is used (#10961) @cherniavskii
  • πŸ“˜ Server side data source early documentation
  • πŸ’« New recipes added for the data grid
  • πŸ“ˆ <ChartsReferenceLine /> component is now available
  • 🌍 Add Basque (eu) locale, improve Czech (cs-CZ) and Spanish (es-ES) locales
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

Breaking changes

  • The deprecated components and componentsProps props have been removed. Use slots and slotProps instead. See components section for more details.
  • The print export will now only print the selected rows if there are any.
    If there are no selected rows, it will print all rows. This makes the print export consistent with the other exports.
    You can customize the rows to export by using the getRowsToExport function.
  • The getApplyFilterFnV7 in GridFilterOperator was renamed to getApplyFilterFn.
    If you use getApplyFilterFnV7 directly - rename it to getApplyFilterFn.
  • The signature of the function returned by getApplyFilterFn has changed for performance reasons:
 const getApplyFilterFn: GetApplyFilterFn<any, unknown> = (filterItem) => {
   if (!filterItem.value) {
     return null;
   const filterRegex = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(filterItem.value), 'i');
-  return (cellParams) => {
-  const { value } = cellParams;
+  return (value, row, colDef, apiRef) => {
     return value != null ? filterRegex.test(String(value)) : false;
  • The getApplyQuickFilterFnV7 in GridColDef was renamed to getApplyQuickFilterFn.
    If you use getApplyQuickFilterFnV7 directly - rename it to getApplyQuickFilterFn.
  • The signature of the function returned by getApplyQuickFilterFn has changed for performance reasons:
 const getGridStringQuickFilterFn: GetApplyQuickFilterFn<any, unknown> = (value) => {
   if (!value) {
     return null;
   const filterRegex = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(value), 'i');
-  return (cellParams) => {
-    const { formattedValue } = cellParams;
+  return (value, row, column, apiRef) => {
+    let formattedValue = apiRef.current.getRowFormattedValue(row, column);
     return formattedValue != null ? filterRegex.test(formattedValue.toString()) : false;

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Fix for error thrown when removing skeleton rows, after sorting is applied (#10807) @benjaminbialy
  • [DataGrid] Fix: undefined slot value (#10937) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Print selected rows by default (#10846) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGrid] Remove deprecated components and componentsProps (#10911) @MBilalShafi
  • [DataGrid] Remove legacy filtering API (#10897) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGrid] Fix keyboard navigation for actions cell with disabled buttons (#10882) @michelengelen
  • [DataGrid] Added a recipe for using non-native select in filter panel (#10916) @michelengelen
  • [DataGrid] Added a recipe to style cells without impacting the aggregation cells (#10913) @michelengelen
  • [l10n] Improve Czech (cs-CZ) locale (#10949) @luborepka

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPro] Autosize Columns - Fix headers being cut off (#10666) @gitstart
  • [DataGridPro] Add data source interface and basic documentation (#10543) @MBilalShafi

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPremium] Render aggregation label when renderHeader is used (#10936) @cherniavskii

Date Pickers

Breaking changes

  • The deprecated components and componentsProps props have been removed. Use slots and slotProps instead.

@mui/[email protected]

  • [pickers] Escape non tokens words (#10400) @alexfauquette
  • [fields] Fix MultiInputTimeRangeField section selection (#10922) @noraleonte
  • [pickers] Refine referenceDate behavior in views (#10863) @LukasTy
  • [pickers] Remove components and componentsProps props (#10700) @alexfauquette
  • [l10n] Add Basque (eu) locale and improve Spanish (es-ES) locale (#10819) @lajtomekadimon
  • [pickers] Add short weekdays token (#10988) @alexfauquette

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Charts / @mui/[email protected]

Breaking changes

Types for slots and slotProps got renamed by removing the "Component" which is meaningless for charts.
Unless you imported those types, to create a wrapper, you should not be impacted by this breaking change.

Here is an example of the renaming for the <ChartsTooltip /> component.


  • [charts] Add <ChartsReferenceLine /> component (#10597) (#10946) @alexfauquette
  • [charts] Improve properties JSDoc (#10931) (#10955) @alexfauquette
  • [charts] Rename slots and slotProps types (#10875) @alexfauquette

@mui/[email protected]

  • [codemod] Add v7.0.0/preset-safe (#10973) @LukasTy


  • [docs] Add @next tag to the installation instructions (#10963) @MBilalShafi
  • [docs] Document how to hide the legend (#10951) @alexfauquette
  • [docs] Fix typo in the migration guide (#10972) @flaviendelangle


  • [core] Adds migration docs for charts, pickers and tree view (#10926) @michelengelen
  • [core] Bump monorepo (#10959) @LukasTy
  • [core] Changed prettier branch value to next (#10917) @michelengelen
  • [core] Fix GitHub title tag consistency @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Fixed wrong package names in migration docs (#10953) @michelengelen
  • [core] Merge master into next (#10929) @cherniavskii
  • [core] Update release instructions as per v7 configuration (#10962) @MBilalShafi
  • [license] Correctly throw errors (#10924) @oliviertassinari
mui-x - v6.18.1

Published by michelengelen 12 months ago


We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 9 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • ✨ Fix aggregation label not showing when renderHeader is used (#10961) @cherniavskii
  • πŸ“˜ Server side data source early documentation published
  • πŸ“ˆ <ChartsReferenceLine /> component is now available
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Fix cell value type in quick filtering v7 (#10884) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGrid] Fix keyboard navigation for actions cell with disabled buttons (#10947) @michelengelen
  • [DataGrid] Fix undefined slot values (#10934) @romgrk

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPro] Add data source interface and basic documentation (#10543) @MBilalShafi

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPremium] Render aggregation label when renderHeader is used (#10961) @cherniavskii

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [fields] Fix multi input date time field section selection (#10915) @noraleonte
  • [pickers] Always use up-to-date defaultView (#10889) @LukasTy

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Charts / @mui/[email protected]

  • [charts] Add <ChartsReferenceLine /> component (#10597) @wascou
  • [charts] Improve properties JSDoc (#10931) @alexfauquette


  • [docs] Fix charts docs as stable (#10888) @alexfauquette
  • [docs] Document how to hide the legend (#10954) @alexfauquette


  • [core] Adds new alpha version to version select on the docs (#10944) @michelengelen
  • [core] Fix GitHub title tag consistency @oliviertassinari
mui-x - v6.18.0

Published by alexfauquette 12 months ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 7 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🎁 The Charts package is now officially stable!
  • πŸ₯§ Pie charts are now animated.
  • πŸ“ˆ Line charts now support partial data, and can interpolate missing data.
  • ✨ Allow to ignore diacritics when filtering
  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Allow to ignore diacritics when filtering (#10569) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGrid] Fix a typo in gridFilterApi (#10786) @vu-dao-93
  • [DataGrid] Fix undefined row id (#10670) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Make column autosizing work with dynamic row height (#10693) @cherniavskii
  • [l10n] Allow to customize sorting label per column (#10839) @JerryWu1234

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [pickers] Add reference links to calendar components (#10644) @michelengelen

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Charts / @mui/[email protected]

  • [charts] Add animation on pie chart (#10782) @alexfauquette
  • [charts] Add reference links to shared/misc chart components (#10660) @michelengelen
  • [charts] Allows to connect nulls (#10803) @alexfauquette
  • [charts] Fix axis highlight in dark mode (#10820) @LukasTy


  • [docs] Add a data grid recipe for autosizing columns after fetching row-data (#10822) @michelengelen
  • [docs] Add a data grid recipe showing how to remove cell outline on focus (#10843) @michelengelen
  • [docs] Add demo about how to use charts margin (#10886) @alexfauquette
  • [docs] Improve custom field input demos readability (#10559) @LukasTy


  • [core] Generate slot API descriptions based on slots or components (#10879) @LukasTy
mui-x - v6.17.0

Published by flaviendelangle 12 months ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 9 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🎁 The Tree View package is now officially stable!


  • ✨ Improve the handling of non-numeric values by Data Grid aggregation
  • πŸš€ Support lines with different domains on the line charts
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Allow custom debounce time for row positions calculation (#10708) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGrid] Persist stable row index for focused row (#10674) @cherniavskii

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPro] Fix undefined values passed to valueFormatter for tree leaf nodes (#10748) @cherniavskii

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPremium] Fix avg aggregation to ignore non-numeric values (#10787) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGridPremium] Fix size aggregation to ignore undefined values (#10745) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGridPremium] Fix sum aggregation to ignore non-numeric values (#10730) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGridPremium] Fix cell selection throwing index error on second page and beyond (#10784) @MBilalShafi
mui-x - v6.16.3

Published by romgrk about 1 year ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 7 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🎁 Add a Data Grid recipe for saving & restoring state
  • πŸ’« Support animations on the bar chart
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Allow passing readonly arrays to columns and sortingOrder props (#10686) @pcorpet

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [fields] Correctly respect leading zeroes on seconds section (#10713) @flaviendelangle
  • [fields] Use onChange instead of onKeyPress for Backspace editing (#10494) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Add reference links to DatePicker components (#10626) @michelengelen
  • [pickers] Add reference links to clock components (#10645) @michelengelen
  • [pickers] Add reference links to misc picker components (#10647) @michelengelen
  • [pickers] Add reference links to toolbar components (#10646) @michelengelen
  • [pickers] POC: Change the props received by the FakeTextField component (#10687) @flaviendelangle

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DateRangePicker] Fix touch based range dragging (#10664) @michelengelen

Charts / @mui/[email protected]

  • [charts] Add reference links to area + bar chart components (#10652) @michelengelen
  • [charts] Add reference links to line chart + sparkline components (#10650) @michelengelen
  • [charts] Add reference links to pie + scatter chart components (#10653) @michelengelen
  • [charts] Render only when width and height are resolved (#10714) @alexfauquette
  • [charts] Support animation on BarChart (#9926) @alexfauquette
  • [charts] Use new text component to avoid tick label overflow on x-axis (#10648) @alexfauquette


  • [docs] Add a recipe for saving and restoring state externally (#10722) @michelengelen
  • [docs] Add example about how to add an axis (#10709) @alexfauquette
  • [docs] Customization Playground - fix DesktopDatePicker sx props and styled examples (#10665) @noraleonte
  • [docs] Improve meta description @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Make overview demo work in codesandbox (#10661) @alexfauquette


  • [core] Update React renovate group with @types (#10723) @LukasTy
  • [core] Update styled-components (#10733) @LukasTy
mui-x - v6.16.2

Published by MBilalShafi about 1 year ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 12 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • πŸ“Š Chart's legend text management has been reworked and contains breaking changes (#10138) @alexfauquette
  • πŸ“ Add Bulk editing demo (#10333) @cherniavskii
  • πŸš€ Column grouping now works smoothly with column pinning (#10518) @MBilalShafi
  • 🌍 Improve Arabic (ar-SD) and Spanish (es-ES) locales
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Fix LazyLoading demo crash (#10621) @MBilalShafi
  • [DataGrid] Fix cells overlapping the scrollbar in iOS Safari (#10633) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGrid] Fix getRowId is not defined error (#10613) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Get quick filter to work OOTB with date and dateTime fields (#10636) @MBilalShafi
  • [DataGrid] Make cursor for selectable cells to be default unless editable (#9997) @gitstart
  • [DataGrid] Remove unnecessary syntax in JSDoc (#10567) @Lev-Shapiro
  • [DataGrid] Update row hover behavior to match native hover (#10623) @cherniavskii
  • [l10n] Improve Arabic (ar-SD) locale (#10625) @alabenyahia

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPro] Improve column grouping and column pinning friendship (#10518) @MBilalShafi

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DateTimePicker] Add support for DigitalClock view renderer (#10624) @LukasTy
  • [fields] Bootstrap the multi-HTML input component (#10638) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Fix timezone UTC false positive (#10586) @alexfauquette
  • [l10n] Improve Spanish (es-ES) locale (#10588) @eduardodallmann

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Charts / @mui/[email protected]

Breaking changes

The charts have a new text display mechanism.
It adds line break support and avoids overlapping text in the legend.
This comes with some breaking changes.

  • The DOM structure is modified. An intermediary <tspan /> element has been added. This can impact how your style is applied.

    - <text>The label</text>
    + <text><tspan>The label</tspan></text>
  • The top margin has been reduced from 100 to 50 to benefit from the denser legend.

  • To accurately compute the text size and then place it, styling should be provided as a JS object. For example, to set the legend font size, you should do:

      {/** ... */}
        legend: {
          labelStyle: {
            fontSize: 16,

    Support for other text elements (axis labels and tick labels) will be implemented in follow-up PR.


  • [charts] Fix typo between internal/external variable (#10640) @alexfauquette
  • [charts] Improve the management of the text (#10138) @alexfauquette


  • [docs] Add bulk editing demo (#10333) @cherniavskii
  • [docs] Add reference links to DateRangePicker components (#10629) @michelengelen
  • [docs] Add reference links to DateTimePicker components (#10628) @michelengelen
  • [docs] Add reference links to picker field components (#10631) @michelengelen
  • [docs] Added reference links to TimePicker components (#10627) @michelengelen
  • [docs] Avoid Pickers playground error due to empty views (#10654) @LukasTy
  • [docs] Fix DataGrid[Pro/Premium] reference links (#10620) @michelengelen


  • [core] Bump monorepo (#10619) @alexfauquette
  • [core] Update no-response workflow (#10491) @MBilalShafi
  • [core] Update the issue templates to reflect the new support workflow (#10651) @MBilalShafi
  • [test] Fix testEval not invoking test assertions (#10587) @cherniavskii
  • [test] Fix dev mode warning (#10610) @oliviertassinari
  • [test] Set UUID chance seed in visual tests (#10609) @oliviertassinari
mui-x - v6.16.1

Published by cherniavskii about 1 year ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 10 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • πŸ₯§ Support interaction with pie chart
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Add a new demo with sparklines (#9228) @flaviendelangle
  • [DataGrid] Fix autosize missing a few pixels (#10471) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Make disableColumnSelector demo idempotent (#10548) @MBilalShafi

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [pickers] Avoid calendar layout shifting when changing views (#10541) @LukasTy
  • [pickers] Fix clearable behavior when disabled (#10542) @noraleonte
  • [pickers] Improve customization playground examples (#10544) @noraleonte

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DateRangePicker] Fix InputProps propagation in multi input (#10564) @alexfauquette

Charts / @mui/[email protected]

  • [charts] Display cursor pointer for pie chart only if onClick is provided (#10551) @giladappsforce
  • [charts] Add onClick prop to PieChart (#10506) @giladappsforce
  • [charts] Support slots/slotProps for the tooltip (#10515) @alexfauquette


  • [docs] Add DateRangePicker example with a Button trigger (#10485) @LukasTy
  • [docs] Add section about disabling columns panel (#10328) @MBilalShafi
  • [docs] Add section about overriding slots to base concepts (#10421) @noraleonte
  • [docs] Add "What's new" page listing all release announcements (#9727) @joserodolfofreitas
  • [docs] Update RTL Support section of the grid localization docs (#10561) @MBilalShafi


  • [core] Fix casing consistency with legal and marketing content @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Revert the link in the priority support ticket description (#10517) @michelengelen
  • [CHANGELOG] Polish image @oliviertassinari
mui-x - v6.16.0

Published by michelengelen about 1 year ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 9 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🎁 Add a clearable behavior to all the single input pickers and fields (#9095) @noraleonte

    The pickers and fields now have an out-of-the box implementation for clearing the field value. You can see the documentation for this behavior on the Date Picker documentation.

  • πŸ’« Add Date Picker customization playground (#9581) @noraleonte

    You can play around with style customization options on the Date Picker documentation.

    We are thrilled to hear your feedback about this functionality!

  • πŸš€ Fix header filters menu auto closing on render (#10483) @MBilalShafi

  • 🎯 Fix column headers scroll when theme scoping is used (#10437) @cherniavskii

  • 🌍 Improve Russian (ru-RU) locale on the data grid

  • 🐞 Bugfixes

  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Fix column headers scroll when theme scoping is used (#10437) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGrid] Rename global to globalScope due to Jest issue (#10470) @romgrk
  • [l10n] Improve Russian (ru-RU) locale (#10464 and #10407) @NKodos

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPro] Fix header filters menu auto closing on render (#10483) @MBilalShafi

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [pickers] Add warning to shouldDisableDate validation (#10502) @michelengelen
  • [pickers] Implement clearable field behavior (#9095) @noraleonte
  • [pickers] Refactor dayOfWeekFormatter (#10345) @michelengelen

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Charts / @mui/[email protected]

  • [charts] Share upfront future Pro features (#10465) @oliviertassinari

Tree View / @mui/[email protected]

  • [TreeView] Do not try to focus a collapsed node when re-focusing the TreeView (#10422) @flaviendelangle
  • [TreeView] Fix the typing of the Multiple generic (#10478) @flaviendelangle


  • [docs] Correct the typo in data grid api docs (#10477) @MBilalShafi
  • [docs] Add customization playground (#9581) @noraleonte
  • [docs] Fix Tree View product ID (#10428) @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Fix demo crashing when all rows are deleted (#10438) @cherniavskii
  • [docs] Fix mobile scrollbar column resize (#10455) @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Fix usage of GridRenderCellParams interface (#10435) @cherniavskii


  • [core] Fix typo in header data grid quick filter @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Group D3 renovate PRs (#10480) @flaviendelangle
  • [core] Link the priority support page (#10495) @michelengelen
  • [core] Move the pickers describes to the test utils folder (#10490) @flaviendelangle
  • [core] Priority Support casing normalization @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Remove automated DataGrid performance tests (#10414) @romgrk
  • [core] Sync prism-okaidia.css with docs-infra @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Update issue actions & templates (#10375) @romgrk
  • [core] Update release guide (#10468) @DanailH
mui-x - v6.15.0

Published by DanailH about 1 year ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 9 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • πŸš€ Implement columns auto-sizing (#10180) @romgrk
  • 🎁 Add support for getRowsToExport option to print export on the data grid (#10084) @zreecespieces
  • 🌍 Improve Finnish (fi-FI) locale
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Add support for getRowsToExport option to print export (#10084) @zreecespieces
  • [DataGrid] Fix dev warning about InputLabelProps (#10413) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Refactor GridMenu prop onClickAway to onClose (#10411) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Restore focus after GridMenu closes (#10412) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Fix typing of GridActionsCellItem (#10344) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Hide eval from bundlers (#10329) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Add border: 0 to unmounted focused cell to avoid layout shifts in that row (#10318) @lauri865

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPro] Implement columns auto-sizing (#10180) @romgrk
  • [DataGridPro] Fix keyboard navigation issue in header filters (#10358) @MBilalShafi
  • [DataGridPro] Add missing row hover styles (#10252) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGridPro] Make default filter items have stable references in header filters (#10338) @MBilalShafi

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [pickers] Support tokens without spaces (#10185) @alexfauquette
  • [l10n] Improve Finnish (fi-FI) locale (#10346) @samijouppila

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Charts / @mui/[email protected]

  • [charts] Fix sparkline scale and rendering (#10402) @alexfauquette
  • [charts] Remove components from @mui/material (#10115) @alexfauquette

Tree View / @mui/[email protected]

  • [TreeView] Split features into plugins to prepare for Pro version (#10123) @flaviendelangle


  • [docs] Add charts documentation pages to complete pricing table (#10394) @alexfauquette
  • [docs] Add missing MIT packages on the Licensing page (#10348) @flaviendelangle
  • [docs] Clearer component pattern @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Easier to understand demo (#10370) @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Fix 301 to Material UI @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Improve the column visibility section (#10327) @MBilalShafi
  • [docs] Improve the documentation section rowIdentifier (#10326) @MBilalShafi
  • [docs] Improve pickers localization documentation (#10202) @flaviendelangle
  • [docs] Polish typescript ref usage (#10359) @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Improve charts tooltip wording (#10406) @alexfauquette


  • [core] Cleanup GitHub issues template (#10372) @romgrk
  • [core] Fix Circle CI OOM (#10385) @romgrk
  • [core] Improve sleep test helper @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Remove unwanted prefixes @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Remove duplicate label @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Simplify source @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Upgrade monorepo (#10425) @cherniavskii
  • [core] Upgrade monorepo to have the new typescript-to-prototype (#10224) @flaviendelangle
  • [test] Do not use deprecated adapter methods (#10416) @flaviendelangle
  • [test] Name test suites according to sentence case (#10429) @alexfauquette
mui-x - v6.14.0

Published by noraleonte about 1 year ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 9 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🎁 Fix YearCalendar and MonthCalendar accessibility (#10312) @LukasTy

    The YearCalendar and MonthCalendar items role has been changed from button to radio in order to improve the component's a11y support.
    If you were relying on the mentioned components having a button role for items, you will need to update your usage to expect a radio role instead.

  • 🌍 Improve Japanese (ja-JP), Persian (fa-IR), and Vietnamese (vi-VN) locales on the data grid

  • 🐞 Bugfixes

  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [l10n] Improve Japanese (ja-JP) locale (#10299) @makoto14
  • [l10n] Improve Persian (fa-IR) locale (#10277) @aminsaedi
  • [l10n] Improve Vietnamese (vi-VN) locale (#10280) @khangnguyen2100

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPremium] Fix clipboard import cutting off at 100 rows (#9930) @gitstart

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [pickers] Fix YearCalendar and MonthCalendar a11y (#10312) @LukasTy
  • [pickers] Localize TimeClock meridiem text (#10324) @LukasTy

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Charts / @mui/[email protected]

  • [charts] Add default barGapRatio and increase categoryGapRatio (#10317) @LukasTy
  • [charts] Enable eslint on the package (#10330) @LukasTy

Tree View / @mui/[email protected]

  • [TreeView] Fix box-sizing dependency (#10255) @oliviertassinari


  • [docs] Add conditional range picker props example (#10227) @LukasTy
  • [docs] Add toolbar to the multi-filters demo (#10223) @MBilalShafi
  • [docs] Avoid the use of "We" @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Clarify MUI vs. MUI Core difference @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Enable ariaV7 flag for demos using useDemoData hook (#10204) @cherniavskii
  • [docs] Fix Tree View link to API references (#10282) @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Fix image layout shift (#10313) @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Fix link to MUI X from readme logo @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Fix redirection to Base UI URLs @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Improve Tree View demos (#10268) @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Improve docs for ref type props (#10273) @michelengelen
  • [docs] Improve npm package README (#10269) @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Improve the clarity of the npm links @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Keep installation readme simple @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Make each component feel more standalone @oliviertassinari


  • [core] Add types extension for clarity @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Set logo height to fix layout shift in GitHub @oliviertassinari
  • [core] TrapFocus was renamed to FocusTrap @oliviertassinari
mui-x - v6.13.0

Published by LukasTy about 1 year ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 10 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🎁 Fix anchorRef behavior on range pickers (#10077) @LukasTy
    The range picker popup will now be anchored to the first input element and left aligned like other pickers.
  • 🌍 Improve Slovak (sk-SK) locale on the data grid
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Allow to override the default overlay height in autoHeight mode (#10203) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGrid] Allow to override the default row count component in footer (#10063) @hungmanhle
  • [DataGrid] Fix an error when hovering on a row, the background changed to white (#10214) @chucamphong
  • [DataGrid] Fix custom column docs, remove legacy extendType (#10175) @oliviertassinari
  • [DataGrid] Make the pinned rows be on top of the no rows overlay (#9986) @DanailH
  • [l10n] Improve Slovak (sk-SK) locale (#10182) @msidlo

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPro] Fix column resize with pinned rows (#10229) @cherniavskii

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPremium] Fix aggregated column resizing (#10079) @cherniavskii

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [pickers] Respect the adapter locale in AdapterMoment.getWeekdays (#10221) @flaviendelangle

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DateRangePicker] Fix anchorRef behavior (#10077) @LukasTy

Charts / @mui/[email protected]

  • [charts] Remove require condition from package.json exports (#10272) @Janpot

Tree View / @mui/[email protected]

  • [TreeView] Add missing export (#10245) @flaviendelangle


  • [docs] Add a Getting Started page for the Tree View (#10218) @flaviendelangle
  • [docs] Add pickers Custom opening button page (#10200) @flaviendelangle
  • [docs] Add pie chart demo with a center label (#10220) @giladappsforce
  • [docs] Do not document ignored components (#10258) @flaviendelangle
  • [docs] Fix charts demo using too deep import (#10263) @LukasTy
  • [docs] Fix e.g. typo @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Fix npm package indentation @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Fix typo in tree view docs @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Improve the week picker example (#8257) @flaviendelangle
  • [docs] Include code links in the data grid demo (#10219) @cherniavskii
  • [docs] Polish page for SEO (#10216) @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Use Base UI Portal for the quick filter recipe (#10188) @DanailH


  • [core] Finish migration to GA4 @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Fix yarn docs:create-playground script @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Move @mui/base from peer dependency to dependency (#10215) @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Prevent e.g. typo (#10193) @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Remove unused babel-plugin-tester package (#10243) @LukasTy
mui-x - v6.12.1

Published by alexfauquette about 1 year ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 7 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🏎️ Perf improvement for line charts
  • 🎁 Add referenceDate prop on pickers (#9991) @flaviendelangle
    Find out more about this feature in the documentation section.
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Add a recipe showing how to render components outside of the grid (#10121) @DanailH
  • [DataGrid] Fix valueFormatter being persisted on column type change (#10041) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGrid] Fix error when keyboard navigating an empty grid (#10081) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Replace timeout with useTimeout (#10179) @romgrk

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [pickers] Add referenceDate on picker components (and DateRangeCalendar) (#9991) @flaviendelangle

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Charts / @mui/[email protected]

  • [charts] Move the line item highligh into a dedicated component (#10117) @alexfauquette


  • [docs] Add DemoContainer and DemoItem JSDoc (#10186) @LukasTy
  • [docs] Add link to custom layout page (#10184) @LukasTy
  • [docs] Add tree view nav item (#10181) @LukasTy
  • [docs] Fix wrong chart tooltip reference (#10169) @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Improve chart SEO (#10170) @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Precise expired license key condition (#10165) @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Reorganize the page menu (#10139) @alexfauquette


  • [core] Update babel configs (#9713) @romgrk
  • [test] Disable false positive e2e test on webkit (#10187) @LukasTy
mui-x - v6.12.0

Published by flaviendelangle about 1 year ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 10 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • πŸ“Š Support horizontal bar chart
  • πŸ’« Improved animations on Android devices
  • 🌍 Improve Ukrainian (uk-UA) locale on the data grid
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Allow print export for more than 100 rows (#10045) @MBilalShafi
  • [l10n] Improve Ukrainian (uk-UA) locale (#10076) @mkundos

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [fields] Do not clamp day of month (#9973) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Fix ownerState on desktopPaper slot props (#10103) @LukasTy
  • [pickers] Fix to transform-origin when popper opens to top (#10069) @LukasTy
  • [pickers] Fix YearCalendar scrolling (#10135) @LukasTy
  • [pickers] Improve the typing of the adapter dateWithTimezone method (#10029) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Make openPickerButton toggle picker (#10109) @noraleonte
  • [pickers] Update reduceAnimations default rule (#9864) @LukasTy

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Charts / @mui/[email protected]

  • [charts] Fix import issue (#10111) @alexfauquette
  • [charts] Fix slotProps propagation (#10105) @alexfauquette
  • [charts] Support horizontal bar chart (#9992) @alexfauquette


  • [docs] Address charts docs feedback (#10119) @alexfauquette
  • [docs] Capitalization convention pickers @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Fix a11y issue on plan links (#10026) @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Fix some charts horizontal overflow on mobile devices (#10082) @cupok
  • [docs] Fix typo in quick filter @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Fix typo in the timezone page (#10073) @flaviendelangle


  • [core] Bump monorepo (#10129) @LukasTy
  • [core] Document a bit useLazyRef @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Enable strict type checking options in the top-level tsconfig (#9925) @cherniavskii
  • [core] Increase global e2e timeout (#10134) @LukasTy
  • [core] Remove outdated link (#10125) @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Update no-response workflow (#10102) @DanailH
mui-x - v6.11.2

Published by romgrk about 1 year ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 8 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🏎️ Lower the filtering delay in the grid
  • 🌍 Improve Spanish (es-ES) locale on the data grid
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Fix eval blocked by CSP (#9863) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Fix row id bug (#10051) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Honor disableExport flag in Print Export (#10044) @MBilalShafi
  • [DataGrid] Lower filter debounce delay (#9712) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Unhide potential ref binding issue (#9965) @oliviertassinari
  • [l10n] Improve Chinese (zh-CN) and Chinese(traditional) (zh-TW) locales (#9999) @MyNameIsTakenOMG
  • [l10n] Improve Spanish (es-ES) locale (#10037) @Macampu420

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [pickers] Fix month switcher RTL (#10003) @alexfauquette
  • [pickers] Follow-up on using device motion reduction preference (#9858) @LukasTy
  • [pickers] Pass the shortcut information in the onChange context (#9985) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Replace Grid toolbar component with a styled div (#10052) @LukasTy

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].


  • [docs] Add migration guide for the Tree View (#9987) @flaviendelangle
  • [docs] Fix en-US changelog @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Update column types (#10040) @romgrk


  • [core] Remove unnecessary Box (#9831) @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Set GitHub Action top level permission @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Split the pickers test utils (#9976) @flaviendelangle
mui-x - v6.11.1

Published by DanailH about 1 year ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 8 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • πŸ’« Add theme augmentation to @mui/x-tree-view
  • πŸ“ˆ Enable charts customization using slot and slotProps props
  • 🌍 Improve Finnish (fi-FI) and Icelandic (is-IS) locales on the pickers
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] getCellAggregationResult: Handle null rowNode case (#9915) @romgrk

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [fields] Use numeric inputmode instead of tel (#9918) @LukasTy
  • [pickers] Always respect locale when formatting meridiem (#9979) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Call onChange when selecting a shortcut with changeImportance="set" (#9974) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Refactor themeAugmentation styleOverrides (#9978) @LukasTy
  • [l10n] Improve Finnish (fi-FI) locale (#9795) @kurkle
  • [l10n] Improve Icelandic (is-IS) locale (#9639) @magnimarels

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Charts / @mui/[email protected]

  • [charts] Fix label and tick alignment (#9952) @LukasTy
  • [charts] Remove not functional component styleOverrides (#9996) @LukasTy
  • [charts] Set custom ticks number (#9922) @alexfauquette
  • [charts] Use slot/slotProps for customization (#9744) @alexfauquette
  • [charts] Extend cheerful fiesta palette (#9980) @noraleonte

Tree View / @mui/[email protected]

  • [TreeView] Add theme augmentation (#9967) @flaviendelangle


  • [docs] Clarify the shouldDisableClock migration code options (#9920) @LukasTy


  • [core] Port GitHub workflow for ensuring triage label is present (#9924) @DanailH
  • [docs-infra] Fix the import samples in Api pages (#9898) @alexfauquette
mui-x - v6.11.0

Published by MBilalShafi about 1 year ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 12 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • ⌚️ Move the tree view component from @mui/lab package

    The <TreeView /> component has been moved to the MUI X repository.
    It is now accessible from its own package: @mui/x-tree-view.

  • 🌍 Improve Hebrew (he-IL), Finnish (fi-FI), and Italian (it-IT) locales on the data grid

  • 🐞 Bugfixes

  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Add ariaV7 experimental flag (#9496) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGrid] Fix cell size when column width is set to undefined (#9871) @gitstart
  • [l10n] Improve Hebrew (he-IL) locale (#9820) @itayG98
  • [l10n] Improve Finnish (fi-FI) locale (#9848) @sambbaahh
  • [l10n] Improve Italian (it-IT) locale (#9627) @fabio-rizzello-omnia

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [fields] Correctly handle events with a complete value insertion (#9896) @LukasTy
  • [fields] Fix hours editing on dayjs with timezone and DST (#9901) @flaviendelangle
  • [fields] Fix section clearing with timezone (#9819) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Add CalendarHeader slot (#7784) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Allow to override the InputProps of the TextField using the slotProps (#9849) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Allow to override the opening aria text using the localeText prop on the pickers (#9870) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Fix sx and className props on MobileDateRangePicker (#9853) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Fix default descriptions (#9887) @LukasTy
  • [pickers] Fix offset management on dayjs adapter (#9884) @flaviendelangle
  • [pickers] Use device motion reduction preference (#9823) @LukasTy

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Charts / @mui/[email protected]

  • [charts] Add TS definition to the exported elements (#9885) @alexfauquette
  • [charts] Add sparkline (#9662) @alexfauquette
  • [charts] Fix missing configuration types (#9886) @alexfauquette
  • [charts] Introduce dataset to simplify plot of data from API (#9774) @alexfauquette

Tree View / @mui/[email protected]

  • [TreeView] Add missing exported types (#9862) @flaviendelangle
  • [TreeView] Add tree view to changelog generator script (#9903) @MBilalShafi
  • [TreeView] Create the package on the X repository (#9798) @flaviendelangle
  • [TreeView] Improve props typing (#9855) @flaviendelangle


  • [docs] Add Tree View doc (#9825) @flaviendelangle
  • [docs] Add charts nav item (#9821) @LukasTy
  • [docs] Add charts to MUI X introduction pages (#9704) @joserodolfofreitas
  • [docs] Add example for avoiding picker views layout shift (#9781) @noraleonte
  • [docs] Consistency of Next.js App Router @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Fix API page regression: bring back slots section (#9866) @alexfauquette
  • [docs] Fix demo using Pro while it's MIT (#9842) @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Get ready for next docs-infra change @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Improve the slots documentation Recommended usage section (#9892) @flaviendelangle


  • [core] Fix font loading issue dev-mode (#9843) @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Fix pipeline (#9894) @LukasTy
  • [core] Fix the link-check script on Windows (#9888) @alexfauquette
  • [core] Fix v7 capitalization (#9878) @oliviertassinari
  • [core] Regen doc (#9902) @flaviendelangle
  • [core] Remove benchmark package (#9413) @LukasTy
  • [core] Stop using the deprecated JSX global namespace (#9854) @flaviendelangle
  • [core] Update monorepo (#9846) @flaviendelangle
  • [core] Update tree data API docs (#9827) @cherniavskii
  • [test] Add pickers e2e tests (#9747) @LukasTy
  • [test] Data grid e2e tests follow-up (#9822) @cherniavskii
mui-x - v6.10.2

Published by cherniavskii about 1 year ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 13 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • πŸš€ Improve scatter charts performance
  • πŸ“š Redesigned component API documentation and side navigation
  • 🐞 Bugfixes

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Fix quick filter & aggregation error (#9729) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Fix row click propagation causing error in nested grid (#9741) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGrid] Keep focused cell in the DOM (#7357) @yaredtsy
  • [l10n] Improve Finnish (fi-FI) locale (#9746) @sambbaahh

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPremium] Allow to customize grouping cell offset (#9417) @cherniavskii

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [pickers] Remove the endOfDate from DigitalClock timeOptions (#9800) @noraleonte

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Charts / @mui/[email protected]

  • [charts] Improve JSDoc for axis-related props (#9779) @flaviendelangle
  • [charts] Improve performances of Scatter component (#9527) @flaviendelangle


  • [docs] Add pnpm in more places @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Add pnpm installation instructions for MUI X (#9707) @richbustos
  • [docs] Align pickers "uncontrolled vs controlled" sections (#9772) @LukasTy
  • [docs] Apply style guide to the data grid Layout page (#9673) @richbustos
  • [docs] Differentiate between packages in slotProps docs (#9668) @cherniavskii
  • [docs] Fix charts width in axis pages (#9801) @alexfauquette
  • [docs] Fix wrong prop name in the Editing page (#9753) @m4theushw
  • [docs] New component API page and side nav design (#9187) @alexfauquette
  • [docs] Update overview page with up to date information about the plans (#9512) @joserodolfofreitas


  • [core] Use PR charts version in preview (#9787) @alexfauquette
  • [license] Allow overriding the license on specific parts of the page (#9717) @Janpot
  • [license] Throw in dev mode after 30 days (#9701) @oliviertassinari
  • [license] Only throw in dev mode (#9803) @oliviertassinari
  • [test] Fail the CI when new unexpected files are created (#9728) @oliviertassinari
mui-x - v6.10.1

Published by m4theushw over 1 year ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 11 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🎁 Fix CSV export for values containing double quotes
  • πŸš€ Improve tree data performance
  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • πŸ“š Documentation improvements

Data Grid

@mui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Filtering performance: compile filter applier with eval (#9635) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Fix CSV export for values containing double quotes (#9667) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGrid] Fix column type change not working correctly (#9594) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGrid] Fix quick filter undefined row error (#9708) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Prevent viewportOuterSize.height going negative (#9664) @gitstart
  • [DataGrid] Update focused cell on page change via keyboard (#9203) @m4theushw
  • [DataGrid] Wait for remote stylesheets to load before print (#9665) @cherniavskii

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected], plus:

  • [DataGridPro] Improve tree data performance (#9682) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGridPro] Prevent affecting cells from child DataGrid when resizing a column (#9670) @m4theushw

@mui/[email protected] premium

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Date Pickers

@mui/[email protected]

  • [fields] Fix format and value update order (#9715) @LukasTy
  • [pickers] Remove require usage in comment (#9675) @LukasTy

@mui/[email protected] pro

Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

Charts / @mui/[email protected]

  • [charts] Fix blinking in responsive charts and extremums computation for line charts (#9734) @alexfauquette
  • [charts] Use ESM with imports (#9645) @alexfauquette


  • [docs] Add additional note for license key installation on Next.js (#9575) @joserodolfofreitas
  • [docs] Add paragraph about managing focus of custom edit components (#9658) @m4theushw
  • [docs] Add unsorted icon slot to the custom sort icons demo (#9169) @d4rekanguok
  • [docs] Disable ad for onboarding pages (#9700) @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Disabling ads without toolbar has no effect @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Fix Date Pickers usage to Title Case (#9680) @richbustos
  • [docs] Fix sorting in CustomSortIcons demo (#9656) @MBilalShafi
  • [docs] Improve the UI for pickers introduction (#9644) @alexfauquette
  • [docs] Improve the demo design @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Localization progress, polish (#9672) @oliviertassinari
  • [docs] Normalize the WIP items (#9671) @oliviertassinari


  • [core] Add validate command (#9714) @romgrk
  • [CHANGELOG] Update generator to new format @oliviertassinari
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