
Interactive Tables and Data Grids for JavaScript

MIT License

tabulator - Updates and fixes

Published by olifolkerd almost 6 years ago

  • handle promise rejection on paged ajax loading
  • fix scoping issue in responsive layout module initialization
  • fix issue with cellClick callback not being passed correct arguments when used with the editor option
  • calculate correct right table margin when using right hand frozen columns to allow all columns to be visible when horizontal scrollbar is active
  • fixed "vertical scrolling" issue when table redrawn on resize, virtual DOM now takes account of horizontal scroll bar when redrawing in position
  • prevent tristate tickCross editor form changing value on blur
  • prevent mutation of data when used for column calculation rows
  • fixed typos in deprecation messages
tabulator - Updates and fixes

Published by olifolkerd almost 6 years ago

  • select editor now correctly handles values of an empty string
  • select editors as header filters with auto value list enabled now correctly retrieve column values list
  • select/autocomplete editor list z-index set to ensure it is always on top
  • mapping of deprecated tick formmatter now functions correctly when no formatterParams option is present in the column definition
tabulator - Tree Navigation, Vertical Column Headers, Autocomplete Editors and more!...

Published by olifolkerd almost 6 years ago

There are a large number of updates to Tabulator in this release, Checkout the Release Notes for full details

tabulator - Updates and fixes

Published by olifolkerd about 6 years ago

  • Removed orphaned files from src folder
  • Fixed typo in localization of header filter placeholder
  • Prevent multiple triggers of header filters from multiple success calls on same value
  • Improve pagination systems handling of last_page value when it is set to 0
  • Allow creation of Tabulator on empty table element
  • Merge in fix for typo in class naming in loader class
  • Fix typo in scrollTo function on column component
  • Ensure tickCross formatter treats empty strings as empty values
  • Fix issue with clipboard module preventing copy of user selected text ranges
  • Fixed issues with inter-table row movement when enabled in both directions between two tables
tabulator - NPM Dist Folder Reinclude

Published by olifolkerd about 6 years ago

remove dist folder from gitignore

tabulator - NPM Package Repair

Published by olifolkerd about 6 years ago

  • Fix missing dist folder in npm package
  • fix cell component cancelEdit function error
  • fix target param typo in link formatter
tabulator - Post 4.0 Launch Fixes

Published by olifolkerd about 6 years ago

  • Add Default SCSS flag to variables to allow users to override them
  • ensure row height normalization takes into account non-cell elements in row
  • fix click event on responsive collapse formatter button
  • replace old jquery is function with native code
  • change ajax module post data format to match get format
  • handle undefined values in formatter empty string function
tabulator - Reinstate Module Exports Wrapper

Published by olifolkerd about 6 years ago

Reinstate the module.exports wrapper for node require functionality

tabulator - jQuery Removed and Promise Based Architecture

Published by olifolkerd about 6 years ago

The core of Tabulator is now Dependency Free!!! no more jQuery.

Tabulator has also moved to using a Promise based architecture to make it easier for you to call functions in the right order.

There are a huge number of updates to Tabulator in this release, Checkout the Release Notes for full details

tabulator - Updates and Fixes

Published by olifolkerd over 6 years ago


  • the like filter can now handle null values
  • the excel downloader now uses the xslx.js inbuilt data parser to handle extra data formats like dates
  • the getHtml function can now handle nested data


  • pagination number buttons no longer trigger form submission if table is created inside form
  • aria tags for pagination number buttons have been fixed
  • null cell values are now correctly handled when copied to clipboard
  • horizontal scroll sync between headers and body is now correctly maintained in pagination mode when data is retrieved over ajax
  • unnecessary quotation marks have been removed from calc functions in SCSS files
  • the placeholder element is now correctly positioned in empty tables in classic render mode
  • row group collapse now works correctly in classic render mode
  • when all groups are collapsed in classic render mode then now correctly remain full table width
  • nested groups are now successfully removed when made empty due to row move
tabulator - Updates and Fixes

Published by olifolkerd over 6 years ago


  • the bootstrap 4 theme now styles pagination buttons to match bootstrap 4 styling.
  • the input header filter search clear "X" button has been removed on Microsoft browsers as they do not trigger events correctly.


  • fixed variable scope issue on cell edit
  • clipboard copy now works correctly in IE 11
  • addRow behaviour now behaves as expected when adding rows to a paginated table with insufficient rows to fill the table
  • fixed scaling issue on column calculations when viewed in chrome with zoom > 100%
  • the horizontal scroll of the table is no longer reset when a large vertical scroll is made
tabulator - Updated and Fixes

Published by olifolkerd over 6 years ago


  • frozen cell heights are now taken into account when calculating row heights
  • all column definition properties can now be set via attribute on th element when parsing in from a table element


  • a row can no longer be added to the selected rows list more than once at a time
  • missing index scope on row deletion fixed
  • bootstrap 4 theme selected row styling fixed
  • mouseup event binding on table now correctly removed after moving row has been dropped
  • row elements are no longer removed when drag finishes
  • pagination number buttons are no longer hidden due to rounding error in footer width
tabulator - Clipboard, Rendering Updates, Progressive Ajax Loading and Much much more...

Published by olifolkerd over 6 years ago

tabulator - Updates and Fixes

Published by olifolkerd over 6 years ago


  • a single column definition array can now be used between multiple tables
  • edit success and cancel functions can no longer be called once the cell is no longer being edited
  • the edit cancel function is now automatically called if an editable cell looses focus and the editor does not handle the blur event.


  • infinite recursion issue fixed when leaving an editable cell that fails validation
  • the progress formatter has been fixed to allow its max and min boundaries to be correctly passed to the progress editor
tabulator - Tweaks and Fixes

Published by olifolkerd over 6 years ago


  • The columnVisibilityChanged callback is now correctly fired when column visibility is changed
  • A regression in the localization system affected localizing nested data has now been fixed
  • Frozen rows are now correctly initialized if they have not been initialized before being frozen
  • left scroll reset issues in classic render mode have now been fixed
tabulator - Tweaks and Bugfixes

Published by olifolkerd over 6 years ago


  • The progress formatter now scales correctly, and respects the columns align property
  • The updateOrAddRow function now correctly returns row components
  • Virtual DOM calculations have been fixed to allow the scrollToRow function to work correctly when the number of rows in the table is enough to show a scrollbar but not enough to fill the window buffer.
  • The localization extension can now handle columns with nested fields
tabulator - Edit Event Order Fixes

Published by olifolkerd over 6 years ago


  • Tabbing from editable cells, now correctly triggers validators and saves value
  • Table height is now set correctly before render mode is chosen
  • Unreachable return statements in sorters have been refactored to prevent warnings in the console
tabulator - Render Mode Detection Fixed

Published by olifolkerd over 6 years ago


  • Render mode auto detection now works correctly for classic mode
  • table size adjustment is now fixed in classic mode
  • Component objects are now passed to history callbacks
  • rowMoved history actions has been renamed to rowMove to fit in with naming conventions


  • Local pagination with remote data now works
  • tabulator-field attribute now set on column header elements
  • headerToolip function is now called on mouseenter of the column header to allow for updating tooltip
tabulator - Scroll Rendering Issues Fixed

Published by olifolkerd over 6 years ago

  • Fixed regression with scrollToRow function
  • Table resizing now keeps table in the same vertical scroll position