
Interactive Tables and Data Grids for JavaScript

MIT License

tabulator - Mutators and Accessors

Published by olifolkerd about 8 years ago

Mutators and Accessors Added

Mutators (setters) and Accessors (getters) have been added to allow you to manipulate the table data as it enters and leaves your Tabulator, allowing you to convert values for use in your table and then change them again as they leave.

Time Sorter Added

A time sorter has been added to help sorting time columns.

Money Formatter Improved

The money formatter has been improved to cope with non numeric values.

getData Function Improved

The _getData_ function can now be passed an argument to decide if you want to return all of the table data or just that matching the current filter/sort.

tabulator - Events and Callbacks Overhaull

Published by olifolkerd about 8 years ago

The events and callbacks system has been completely overhauled to make interacting with Tabulator programatically even easier.

Full documentation of all the new callbacks can be found on the Tabulator Website.

rowEdit Callback replaced with cellEdited

the _rowEdit_ callback has been replaced with the _cellEdited_ callback. no only is this more descriptive of the event, it also contains new arguments, passing the old value of the cell, the new value, the DOM objects for the cell and the row and the name of the field being edited.

rowContext Callback no longer prevents default context menu

The _rowContext_ callback no longer prevents the default browser context menu from opening

New data flow callbacks added

New callbacks to monitor all stages of data flow in the system have been added.

  • dataLoading
  • dataLoaded
  • dataLoadError
  • dataEdited
  • dataFiltering
  • dataFiltered
  • dataSorting
  • dataSorted

Callbacks Renamed

Several callbacks have been renamed to make sure they all follow the same naming conventions.
Callbacks ending in _Load_ now end in _Loaded.
Callbacks ending with _Edit
now end with _Edited_

Movable Row Placeholder Style Added

The _tabulator-row-moving_ class has been added to allow styling of the movable row placeholder.

Scrollable Empty Tables

Empty tables can now be scrolled horizontally if the headers exceed the width of the tabulator.

Improved Sorters and Editors

Sorter and editor functions are now passed an additional _data_ argument so they can see all the data for the current row rather than just the cell being processed.

tabulator - Bugfixes

Published by olifolkerd about 8 years ago

fixed issue with typo in __resizeRow()_ function definition

fixed issue with _deleteRow()_ function under certain edge cases

tabulator - Packaged Themes and Much More

Published by olifolkerd about 8 years ago

Packaged Themes

Four new prepacked themes have now been included with tabulator:

  • Simple - A plain, simplistic layout showing only basic grid lines.
  • Midnight - A dark, stylish layout using simple shades of grey.
  • Modern - A neat, stylish layout using one primary color.
  • Autumn - A colorful, bright layout using shades of orange and brown.

A demo of each of these in action can be found on the Examples page.

Textarea Formatter and Editor

A new _textarea_ formatter and editor have been added to allow for the display and editing of multi-line text.

For more Information on the formatter, check out the Formatter Documentation.

For more Information on the editor, check out the Editor Documentation.

Header Filters

Is is now possible to filter the table data directly from the column headers, by setting the _headerFilter_ parameter in the column definition object for that column.

For more Information on the header filtering, check out the Header Filtering Documentation.

Editable Column Titles

Column titles now can be made user editable by setting the _editableTitle_ parameter to _true_ in a columns definition object.

For more Information, check out the Editable Column Title Documentation.

IE Compatibility Issues Resolved

Various compatibility issues with Internet Explorer 11 have now been resolved.

tabulator - Column Management Overhaul

Published by olifolkerd over 8 years ago

Column Header Tooltips

It is now possible to set tooltips to display on column headers. This is particularly useful when your columns are too narrow to display full header names.

Add and Remove Columns

you can now add and remove columns from a table using the _addColumn_ and _deleteColumn_ functions

setColumns Rendering Fix

Set columns has been updated to fix a rendering glitch when changing the number of columns.

New dataFiltered Callback

The _dataFiltered_ callback is now available offering access to the filtered subset of the table data after new data is loaded into a table or a filter operation is performed.

Input Validation

All functions now validate argument data before updating the table.

tabulator - Convert HTML Tables to Tabulators

Published by olifolkerd over 8 years ago

Create Tabulator from HTML Table

It is now possible to create a tabulator directly from an HTML table element, converting all the tables data directly in to Tabulator

Progressive Rendering on Scroll

Progressive rendering has been updated so it is now triggered as the user scrolls down the table, leading to a much smoother rendering experience.

NOTE - Progressive rendering is no longer enabled by default, you must enable it using the _progressiveRender_ option.

More CSS Styling Options

Event more Tabulator elements have had thier classes added to the CSS file

Improved Redraw Function

The redraw function has been updated to improve table redrawing, and to add the option for a full table redraw including all data.

Rendering Tweaks

A number of rendering issues have been fixed.

Full details on this update can be found on the Tabulator Website

tabulator - Minor Graphical Tweaks

Published by olifolkerd over 8 years ago

A selection of updates to improve table rendering

tabulator - Styles Moved to tabulator.css

Published by olifolkerd over 8 years ago

Styling Moved to tabulator.css

All styling options have been moved from the tabulator constructor to tabulator.css to allow greater flexibility in styling the table.

NOTE tabulator.css must now be loaded before tabulator.js when setting up Tabulator in a file.

More information can be found here

Column Resize Bug Fixed

Columns will now resize smoothly even when the cursor leaves the tabulator element.

tabulator - Fixes for rendering glitches

Published by olifolkerd over 8 years ago

tabulator - Pagination Maths Update

Published by olifolkerd over 8 years ago

Rendering fix to pagination maths

tabulator - Version 2.0.0

Published by olifolkerd over 8 years ago

Progressive Rendering

Progressive rendering has been added to improve the rendering of large data sets without blocking the UI.

Click here for more information.


Pagination has been added to display only a section of data at a time, allowing for smaller tables without scroll bars.

Click here for more information.

Optimized Filtering, Sorting & Rendering

The Filtering, Sorting & Rendering systems have been significantly upgraded to offer improved performance when loading and rendering data.

tabulator - Tooltips & Button Formatters, Custom Filters and more

Published by olifolkerd over 8 years ago


On hover tooltips can now be set on a global or per column basis using the tooltip parameter. Click Here for more details.

New Formatters

A couple of new formatters have been added for creating button columns:

  • buttonTick - displays a tick icon on eac row (for use as a button)
  • buttonCross - displays a cross icon on eac row (for use as a button)

An additional formatter has been added for colored cells:

  • color - sets the background colour of the cell to the value. Can be any valid CSS color eg. #ff0000, #f00, rgb(255,0,0), red, rgba(255,0,0,0), hsl(0, 100%, 50%)

See Formatting Data for more details

Custom Filter Functions

If you want to perform more complicated filter operations you can now pass a callback function to the setFilter method. Click Here for more details.

dataEdited Event

The dataEdited event is now triggered when an action edits data in the table, (ed. editing a cell, adding/deleting a row)

Additional improvements

  • rendering speeds have been improved for large data sets (> 1000 rows)
  • row deletion bug fixed
  • examples.html has been improved
tabulator - Alt Row Background Colours

Published by olifolkerd over 8 years ago

Options parameter _rowAltBackgroundColor_ added. this can be used to set the background colour of the alternating rows.

tabulator - Column Layout Persistence and Cell Editing Improvements

Published by olifolkerd over 8 years ago

Column Layout Updates

A number of column manipulation functions have been added in this release. For detailed documentation on these functions click here.

Persistent Column Layout

Tabulator can store the layout of columns in a cookie so that each time a user comes back to the page, the table is laid out just as they left it. To enable this feature set the _columnLayoutCookie_ options parameter to _true_.

Set New Column Definitions

Column definitions can be changed after Tabulator creation using the _setColumns_ function.

Get Column Definitions

To get the current column definition array (including any changes made through user actions, such as resizing or re-ordering columns), call the _getColumns_ function.

Cell Editor Updates

A number of updates have been made to the cell editing system, For detailed documentation click here.

New Editing Class

When cells are being edited, they now gain the _tabulator-editing_ class.

Abort Edit

It is now possible to abort the creation of an editor by returning _false_ from the editor function instead of the editor DOM element.

tabulator - Column Visibility Toggles

Published by olifolkerd almost 9 years ago

Column Visibility Toggle Functions

_showCol_ function to show hidden columns.
_hideColl_ to hide visible columns.
_toggleCol_ to toggle the visibility of columns.

A detailed explanation of these functions can be found Here.

Number Editor

A new editor has been added, _number_ uses a number formatted input element for editing numbers, Has increment and decrement buttons.

tabulator - Movable Rows and Columns

Published by olifolkerd almost 9 years ago

Movable Rows

Using the _movableRows_ parameter you can now allow users to reorder the rows of the table.

Movable Columns

Using the _movableCols_ parameter you can now allow users to reorder the columns of the table.

Full details on the new features can be found Here.

tabulator - Custom Indexing and Row Visibility

Published by olifolkerd almost 9 years ago

Custom Indexing

The Tabulators index field can now be set using the _index_ options parameter

Row Visibility

Visibility of columns can now be set using the _visible_ parameter in the column d

tabulator - Multi Column Sorting Added

Published by olifolkerd almost 9 years ago

tabulator - Sorter bug fix

Published by olifolkerd almost 9 years ago

tabulator - bower bug fix

Published by olifolkerd almost 9 years ago