
A collection of composable React components for building interactive data visualizations

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victory - v30.5.0

Published by boygirl about 6 years ago

  • #1135 - Allow closed paths for cartesian and polar VictoryLine
  • #1130 - Adds a labelPosition prop to VictoryPie with options startAngle, endAngle and centroid (default). Thanks @sikolio!
  • #1126 - Ensures that onBrushDomainChangeEnd is called for dragging and panning actions. Thanks @jeloagnasin!
victory - v30.4.1

Published by boygirl about 6 years ago

  • #1127 - Fixes a bug with cornerRadius when defined as a function
  • #1124 - Changes cursors in VictoryBrushContainer when allowResize and allowDrag are set to false. Thanks @erick2014
victory - v30.4.0

Published by boygirl about 6 years ago

  • #1121 - Adds a separate onBrushDomainChangeEnd event handler for VictoryBrushContainer that is only called on mouse up events. Thanks @jeloagnasin!
victory - v30.3.1

Published by boygirl about 6 years ago

  • #1104 - Bugfix: correct sorting and stacking horizontal bars with categorical data
victory -

Published by boygirl about 6 years ago

Victory is becoming a monorepo!

This will not be a breaking change for the majority of users, especially those importing all components from the main victory npm package

Breaking Changes

  • The Axis / Grid primitive component has been renamed LineSegment
  • Victory no longer supports git installs
  • victory-chart and victory-core packages export different sets of packages than they used to. See the complete list below

New Package Organization

victory -

Published by boygirl about 6 years ago

  • 1061 Fixes default bar width for chart with only one bar. Thanks @40x
  • 1062 Improvements for victory-native stability
    • Supports clipPath prop on all primitive components
    • generates keys based on name or id prop.
  • 1063 Makes prop-types a real dependency
victory -

Published by boygirl about 6 years ago

  • #1072 Fixes a bug related to correctly stacking grouped components
  • #1074 Fixes a bug that was causing time scale data to be ignored by VictoryVoronoiContainer when calculating voronoi layouts
  • #1076 Implements a whitelist based on static role when calculating data and domain from child components.
  • #1077 Prevents VictoryZoonContainer from downsampling stacked data
  • #1078 Adds barWidth and candleWidth props to VictoryBar and VictoryCandlestick. Adds candleRatio prop to VictoryCandlestick
  • #1079 Adds onBrushCleared callback prop for VictoryBrushContainer
  • #1080 Changes how tooltips are deactivated so that multiple sources may reactivate tooltips (i.e. multiple triggers in VictorySharedEvents or direct triggers and voronoi triggers)
    #1081 Legends now render title and border when data is an empty array (previously nothing was rendered)
victory -

Published by boygirl about 6 years ago

  • #1088 - Bugfix: don’t ignore angle: 0 for text styles
  • #1091 - Fix inconsistent defaultBrushArea behavior. Thanks @bees
  • #1093 - Remove trailing whitespace and incorrect zeroes in transform strings
  • #1094 - Support direction prop for VictoryLabel and Text primitive
  • #1096 - Fix bug in horizontal zooming and panning
  • #1101 - Fix arguments in VictoryVoronoiContainer label function. Thanks @evsheino
victory -

Published by boygirl over 7 years ago

  • Adds VictorySelectionContainer
  • Changes when functional styles and props are evaluated (this may be a breaking change)
    Functional styles and props are now evaluated in the primitive components (Point, Bar etc.)
  • Supports an active prop on all primitive components that is used when evaluating functional styles and props
  • Tooltips now trigger active: true on both labels and data components
  • defaultEvents are supported for containerComponents
victory -

Published by boygirl over 7 years ago

This release includes major breaking changes related to VictoryZoom

  • victory-core/189 and 191
    • Adds VictoryLegend component
  • victory-core/190
    • Allows VictoryContainer to render either <g> or <svg> depending on the value of the standalone prop
    • Passes a timer down in context for VictorySharedEvents
    • Event handlers have access to the context they are being called from via an argument
      • i.e. onClick: (event, targetProps, eventKey, context) => {...}
    • Enhances addEvents so that evented components can pick up "parentControllerProps" from parent state
      • useful for VictoryZoomContainer
    • Adds the ability to define callbacks in the events prop that will be called after setState
      • useful for allowing VictoryZoomContainer to call methods like resumeAnimation
  • victory-chart/427
    • Adds VictoryBrushContainer
    • Adds VictoryZoomContainer to replace VictoryZoom
    • See pull request for examples
    • Deprecates VictoryZoom
    • Changes default styles for VictorySelectionContainer
    • Adds override-able selectionComponent for VictorySelectionContainer
    • Adds domain and standalone to list of props that get stored in parent state
    • Simplifies and standardizes container rendering across components.
victory -

Published by boygirl over 7 years ago

  • victory-chart/429
  • Throttles onWheel and onMouseMove events on Victory container components
  • Exports container event helpers
victory -

Published by boygirl over 7 years ago

victory -

Published by boygirl over 7 years ago


  • VictoryTooltip no longer automatically adds the active prop to data when hovered. To turn this behavior on, set the new activateData boolean prop on VictoryTooltip
  • Deprecates label in favor of labels in VictoryLine and VictoryArea, allowing individual data labels for these components like in other Victory components. This will be a breaking change for anyone using the label prop in VictoryLine or VictoryArea. Series labels will need to be configured manually.
  • VictoryZoomContainer now zooms both x and y dimensions, use the prop dimension="x" to return to the old behavior
  • VictoryZoomContainer now centers zoom behavior on the mouse position rather than the center of the chart
  • VictoryZoomContainer has a minimum zoom level of the extent of the domain / 1000. Set a custom minimum with the minimumZoom prop, which takes an object with numeric values for x and/ or y.
  • VictoryBrushContainer no longer has dimension="x" as the default value.

Deprecation Notice
VictoryVoronoi and VictoryVoronoiTooltip have been replaced by VictoryVoronoiContainer and will be deprecated in version 0.20.0


  • VictoryTooltip no longer automatically adds the active prop to data when hovered. To turn this behavior on, set the new activateData boolean prop on VictoryTooltip
  • Adds a theme prop to VictoryContainer so that custom containers may pick up themes from their parents
  • Removes default title and desc props from VictoryContainer
  • Adds support for providing text as an array for VictoryLabel
  • Adds support for providing style as an array for VictoryLabel so that each line of a multi-line label may be styled independently
  • Changes how null data values are handled by Area and Curve primitives
  • Adds a reduceChildren method to Helpers to ensure order consistency when working with nested children


  • implements data sorting for all components with a sortKey props


  • Adds VictoryVoronoiContainer for hover events (tooltips). VictoryVoronoiContainer has several benefits over VictoryVoronoi and VictoryVoronoiTooltip
    • Supports multi-dataset voronoi
    • Much better performance (voronoi polygons are not actually rendered, so the number of nodes rendered is dramatically lower)
    • Supports multi-data tooltips
    • Supports rectangular selections with a dimension prop
      i.e. dimension="x" creates vertical hover areas for every unique x value in all child data
  • Deprecates label in favor of labels in VictoryLine and VictoryArea, allowing individual data labels for these components like in other Victory components. This will be a breaking change for anyone using the label prop in VictoryLine or VictoryArea. Series labels will need to be configured manually
  • Changes how null values are handled in VictoryArea, and groups all line and area segments (i.e. split by null values) into the same eventKey, so that they operate as a single line for the purposes of events.


  • Supports x and y dimension zooming in VictoryZoomContainer
  • Adds a minimumZoom prop for VictoryZoomContainer
  • Zooming centers on mouse position rather than in the center of the chart


  • Adds a translateY prop for ClipPath to support x, y zoom behavior
  • Removes default clipPadding in ClipPath
victory - Alpha

Published by coopy almost 9 years ago

victory - Alpha

Published by boygirl almost 9 years ago

The following components documented and ready to use; API subject to change:

  • victory-animation
    • victory-axis
    • victory-bar
    • victory-chart
    • victory-label
    • victory-line
    • victory-pie
    • victory-scatter

Functional styles and functional props (where appropriate) are implemented for all the data primitives (VictoryBar, VictoryLine etc.) and VictoryAxis

Components use d3-modules

Basic code coverage across all Victory components.

We make no promises about any code prior to this release. From this point on, you can expect a regular release schedule (~every two weeks) with detailed release notes. Check out our roadmap for upcoming features

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