
Starcoin - A Move smart contract blockchain network that scales by layering

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starcoin - v1.0.0

Published by jolestar over 3 years ago

Generate the Genesis block and the main network is launched.

  • [genesis] Generate genesis block, block hash: 0x80848150abee7e9a3bfe9542a019eb0b8b01f124b63b011f9c338fdb935c417d
  • [config] Set disable_miner_client to true in main network (#2514)
  • [rpc] state.get_account_state_set api supports set state_root parameter (#2512)
  • [cli] Improved management of multi-signature accounts (#2505)



  • [genesis] 生成创世区块,区块哈希:0x80848150abee7e9a3bfe9542a019eb0b8b01f124b63b011f9c338fdb935c417d
  • [config] 主网节点默认设置 disable_miner_client 为 true,不再启动进程内挖矿客户端 (#2514)
  • [rpc] state.get_account_state_set 接口支持指定 state_root 参数 (#2512)
  • [cli] 改进多签账号对管理 (#2505)
starcoin - v1.0.0-rc

Published by jolestar over 3 years ago

Introduce Treasury and prepare for main network launch.

  • [cli] Add command to generate package with modules and init script (#2481)
  • [sip5] Implement Treasury and release stdlib v3 (#2465)
  • [sip21] Receipt identifier (#2490)
  • [stdlib] Remove deprecated methods and release stdlib v4 (#2491)
  • [genesis] Prepare main network genesis config (#2489 #2500 #2501)
  • [indexer] Fix indexer bug #2493 (#2494)
  • [sync] Sync target select optimization (#2487)
  • [slog] Introduce struct log (#2484)
  • [cmd] Implement airdrop cmd (#2479)
  • [sync] Update accumulator sync task of redundant buffer size (#2475)


  • [cli] 添加命令,生成带有模块和启动脚本的 Package (#2481)
  • [sip5] 实现国库并发布 stdlib v3 (#2465)
  • [sip21] 实现收款识别码,包含校验位,封装地址以及账号初始化的 authkey (#2490)
  • [stdlib] 删除已废弃的方法并发布 stdlib v4 (#2491)
  • [genesis] 准备主网络 genesis 配置(#2489 #2500 #2501)
  • [indexer] 修复 indexer bug #2493 (#2494)
  • [sync] 同步目标选择优化 (#2487)
  • [slog] 引入结构日志 (#2484)
  • [cmd] 实现空投命令 (#2479)
  • [sync] 优化 Accumulator 同步任务 (#2475)
starcoin - v1.0.0-beta.6

Published by jolestar over 3 years ago

  • [stratum] Fix stratum hang on
  • [stdlib] Batch peer to peer v2 (#2463)
  • [k8s] Update k8s config. (#2459)
  • [cmd] add a cmd to submit upgrade vm config proposal (#2466)
  • Bump syn from 1.0.70 to 1.0.71 (#2462)
  • Bump backtrace from 0.3.57 to 0.3.58 (#2456)
  • [transaction-builder-generator:]Fix python deserialization (#2467)
  • [stdlib] bug fix for stdlib upgrade (#2461)
  • [stdlib] make stdlib upgrade not affected by PublishOption, improve error handle, and bug fix (#2450)
  • [stdlib] Implement collection2 (#2453)
  • [events] generate event data format for usage in sdks (#2458)
  • [network-p2p]add max_connections_per_address. (#2454)
  • Bump libc from 0.2.93 to 0.2.94 (#2451)
  • [ci] continue release assert when some platform failed. (#2448)


  • [stratum] 修复 stratum 服务端卡住问题
  • [stdlib] 实现点对点交易 v2 版本(#2463)
  • [k8s] 升级k8s配置 (#2459)
  • [cmd] 增加升级 vm 配置提议的命令 (#2466)
  • 升级 syn 从 1.0.70 到 1.0.71 (#2462)
  • 升级 backtrace 从 0.3.57 到 0.3.58 (#2456)
  • [transaction-builder-generator] 修复 python 代码序列化问题 (#2467)
  • [stdlib] 修复 stdlib 升级的 bug (#2461)
  • [stdlib] 实现 stdlib 升级不影响 PublishOption,增强错误处理 (#2450)
  • [stdlib] 实现 collection2 (#2453)
  • [events] 实现 event 的代码生成,方便在 sdk 中使用(#2458)
  • [network-p2p] 增加 max_connections_per_address. (#2454)
  • 升级 libc 从 0.2.93 到 0.2.94 (#2451)
  • [ci] 防止因为某个平台的二进制编译失败中断其他平台的编译 (#2448)
starcoin - v1.0.0-beta.5

Published by jolestar over 3 years ago

Network protocol upgrade, optimize transaction broadcast protocol; Support stratum mining pool protocol; Move contract upgrade method optimization: support incompatible upgrade through governance, and implement hard fork through on-chain governance (sip-4).

Note: starcoin nodes should upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible, a hard fork test will be conducted soon, which will cause nodes with older versions to be unable to execute the latest blocks.

  • [cmd] Added PeerWatcher command to listen for peer changes on the p2p network via Light Node Protocol #2379
  • [move] Implement merkle tree proof verifier, Ethereum storage proof verifier via Move contract, prepare for future offchain data validation and cross-chain with Ethereum #2418 #2436
  • [stratum] The node has built-in support for the stratum pool protocol, allowing pool clients to connect directly to starcoin nodes #2437
  • [sip] Implementing sip-4: SIP as a feature flag for hard forking via on-chain governance #2421
  • [vm] Move VM upgrade to version 1.2 #2387
  • [network] Add transaction hash broadcast, optimize transaction broadcast efficiency #2425
  • [stdlib] Move contract upgrade support via governance for incompatible upgrades, preparing for special case upgrade needs #2422
  • [config] Fix a config compatibility bug, ensure config file compatibility #2439
  • [network] Filter nodes that do not support the p2p network rpc protocol (e.g. light nodes) when synchronizing, and fix a bug in handshake protocol message handling #2442
  • [proxima] Reset proxima network, proxima network supports the latest version of nodes #2433


网络协议升级,优化交易广播机制;支持 stratum 矿池协议;合约升级方式优化:支持通过治理方式实现不兼容性升级,以及实现通过链上治理进行硬分叉(sip-4).

注意: 节点请尽快升级到最新版本,即将进行一次硬分叉测试,会导致旧版本的节点无法执行最新区块。

  • [cmd] 新增 PeerWatcher 命令,通过轻节点协议接入 p2p 网络中,可监听 p2p 网络上的 peer 变化 #2379
  • [move] 通过 Move 合约实现 merkle tree proof verifier, Ethereum storage proof verifier, 为未来 offchain 数据验证以及和 Ethereum 跨链做准备 #2418 #2436
  • [stratum] 节点内置支持 stratum 矿池协议,矿池客户端可以直接连接到 starcoin 节点 #2437
  • [sip] 实现 sip-4: SIP 作为功能开关实现通过链上治理进行硬分叉 #2421
  • [vm] Move VM 升级到 1.2 版本 #2387
  • [network] 新增交易 hash 广播,优化交易广播效率 #2425
  • [stdlib] 合约升级支持通过治理方式实现不兼容性升级,为特殊情况下的升级需求做准备 #2422
  • [config] 修复一个配置兼容性 bug,保证配置文件的兼容性 #2439
  • [network] 同步时过滤不支持 p2p network rpc 协议的节点(比如轻节点),以及修复握手协议消息处理的一个 bug #2442
  • [proxima] 重置 proxima network,proxima 网络支持最新版本的节点 #2433
starcoin - v1.0.0-beta.4

Published by jolestar over 3 years ago

Network protocol updates to prepare for new protocols or support for light nodes in the future.

  • [json-rpc] Broadcast blocks to json-rpc subscribers when nodes are in sync, applications on top of json-rpc can process blocks in a more timely #2379
  • [block-relayer] Block broadcast optimization for more accurate information about uncle blocks on the chain, to more timely adjustment of block time target #2390 #2394
  • [network] Network protocol update, nodes exchange supported protocols when handshakings with each other, in preparation for add new protocols or support for lighting node in the future #2391
  • [sync] Fix a problem that slowed down synchronization if too many peers were connected #2396
  • [log & metric] Optimize logs and metrics for troubleshooting #2395 #2384
  • [contracts] Implement airdrop smart contracts base on Merkle tree #2389



  • [json-rpc] 当节点处于同步状态时,也对 json-rpc 的订阅者广播区块,json-rpc 的之上的应用可以及时处理区块 #2379
  • [block-relayer] 区块广播优化,让链上的叔块信息更准确,便于及时调整出块目标时间 #2390 #2394
  • [network] 网络协议更新,节点互相握手时交换支持的协议,为未来新增协议或者支持轻节点做准备 #2391
  • [sync] 修复如果连接的 peer 太多的情况下,会导致同步变慢的问题 #2396
  • [log & metric] 优化日志以及 metrics,方便排查问题 #2395 #2384
  • [contracts] 实现基于 Merkle tree 的空投合约 #2389
starcoin - v1.0.0-beta.3

Published by jolestar over 3 years ago

Main feature and update

Optimize the peer selection strategy during sync.

  • [sync] Fix a bug in state handling during sync.#2360
  • [metrics & log] Improve the metrics collection and network-rpc logs for future optimization. #2364 #2368
  • [sdk] Fix bug in python transaction generator. #2365
  • [cli] Add commands for signing and verifying signatures. #2363
  • [cli] Added tool to export all Resource from state. #2366
  • [documentation] Documentation update for DAO-related commands. #2358


优化同步时候的 peer 选择策略,保证同步更及时。

  • [sync] 修复同步时状态处理的一个 bug。#2360
  • [metrics & log] 完善同步的 metrics 信息收集,以及 network-rpc 日志,方便未来继续做优化。 #2364 #2368
  • [sdk] 修复 python transaction generator 的 bug。 #2365
  • [cli] 新增签名和验证签名的命令。#2363
  • [cli] 新增从状态中导出全量 Resource 的工具。#2366
  • [document] DAO 相关命令的文档更新。#2358
starcoin - v1.0.0-beta.2

Published by jolestar over 3 years ago

Main feature and update

Optimize sync and network broadcast message handle.

  • [sync] Optimize sync, using the peer's score as sync peer's weight.
  • [network] Optimize network broadcast message handle.
  • [config] Add new config option: max_incoming_peers and max_outgoing_peers, max_incoming_peers + max_outgoing_peers = max_peers.



  • [sync] 同步优化,使用 peer 的信誉分来作为初始化的同步权重,优先从分数高的节点同步. #2345
  • [network] 优化消息处理机制,尽量降低区块广播和处理延迟. #2350
  • [config] 新增两个配置项目: max_incoming_peers 和 max_outgoing_peers,max_incoming_peers + max_outgoing_peers = max_peers.
starcoin - v1.0.0-beta.1

Published by jolestar over 3 years ago

Main feature and update

  • [genesis] Generate and include barnard genesis.
  • [network] Optimize block broadcast.


  • [genesis] 生成 Barnard 网络的创世块并包含到二进制中.
  • [network] 优化区块广播策略.

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starcoin - v1.0.0-beta

Published by jolestar over 3 years ago

Main feature and update

Upgrade MoveVm and refactor Stdlib. To support the new abilities syntax, and ScriptFunction as defined in Module. Prepare to officially launch the new Barnard network.

[move-vm & stdlib] Upgrade MoveVM, support new abilities syntax, and refactor stdlib to support ScriptFunction as defined in Module, clean up old built-in scripts.#2270 #2283 #2293 #2289 #2308
[move-vm] ScriptFunction's parameter type changed to bytes. #2326
[stdlib] Include source code for stdlib in starcoin binary for developers. #2280
[stdlib] Provides the Collection Module for storing user resources in contracts easily, and for future support of NFT. #2313
[cli] Cli supports direct calls ScriptFunction. #2312
[storage] Add configuration for cache size, user can modify configuration to reduce node memory usage #2251
[rpc] Query block of rpc api to return thin block, reduce response data size. #2254
[network] p2p network upgrade and bug fix #2223 #2297 #2301 #2316
[sync] Optimize error handling during sync and peer selection policy #2285 #2320 starcoin/pull/2320)
[doc] Reorganize and optimize documentation #2217 #2218 #2225 #2257


[move-vm & stdlib] 升级 MoveVM, 支持新的 abilities 语法, 并重构 stdlib ,支持 Module 中定义的 ScriptFunction, 清理掉旧的内置 script。#2270 #2283 #2293 #2289 #2308
[move-vm] ScriptFunction 的参数类型更改为二进制,方便 VM 层扩展参数类型。#2326
[stdlib] 包含 stdlib 的源码在 starcoin 二进制中方便开发者使用。#2280
[stdlib] 提供 Collection Module,作为一种通用的用户 Resource 存储集合,方便合约中存储用户资源,也为未来支持 NFT 做准备。#2313
[cli] Cli 支持直接调用 ScriptFunction. #2312
[storage] 增加缓存大小的配置,用户可修改配置降低节点内存使用 #2251
[rpc] 查询 block 的 rpc 接口返回 thin block,降低接口返回数据大小。#2254
[network] p2p 网络升级以及 bug 修复 #2223 #2297 #2301 #2316
[sync] 优化同步时的错误处理以及 peer 选择策略 #2285 #2320
[doc] 重新组织和优化文档 #2217 #2218 #2225 #2257

starcoin - v1.0.0-alpha.2

Published by jolestar over 3 years ago

starcoin - v1.0.0-alpha.1

Published by jolestar over 3 years ago

Main feature and update

[move-vm] Upgrade move-vm to latest for support new Move language features. #2194
[rpc] RPC improvement and bugfix #2179, #2205
[devops] Prepare barnard network deploy config #2158
[p2p-network] Upgrade libp2p to 0.35.1 and add more test. #2182
[storage] Keep block id with transaction info and remove transaction id to block id mapping.#2196
[rust] Upgrade toolchain to 1.50.0 #2181


[move-vm] 将 move-vm 升级到最新版本以支持新的 Move 语言功能。 #2194
[RPC] RPC改进和错误修正 #2179, #2205
[devops] 准备 barnard 网络部署配置 #2158
[p2p-network] 升级 libp2p 到 0.35.1 并添加更多测试。#2182
[storage] 保留区块 id 到 transaction info,删除交易 id 与区块 id 的映射表。 #2196
[rust] 将 toolchain 升级到 1.50.0 #2181

starcoin - v1.0.0-alpha

Published by jolestar over 3 years ago

Main feature and update

[rpc] Implement list-resource api and optimize rpc #2018, #2050
[types] Transaction and Block refactor. #2019, #2136
[config] Rework in config and and cli option #2026, #2029, #2084, #2077
[move-vm] Upgrade move vm and fix some bug. #2085, #2148, #2031
[mint] Optimize mint. #2035
[genesis] Barnard network config and fix genesis config. #2054, #2047
[network-rpc & sync] Sync and network rpc optimize. #2053, #2075, #2139
[system] System reinforcement. #2086, #2093, #2106, #2112, #2149, #2129, #2114

[deps] Upgrade jsonrpc to 17 and deps cleanup #2052, #2119,


[rpc] 实现 list-resource API并优化 rpc. #2018, #2050
[type] 重构 Transaction 和 Block. #2019, #2136
[config] 重构 config 和 cli 参数 #2026, #2029, #2084, #2077
[move-vm] 升级 move vm 并修复一些bug. #2085, #2148, #2031
[mint] 优化 mint. #2035
[genesis] Barnard 网络配置和修复 genesis 配置. #2054, #2047
[network-rpc & sync] 同步与网络rpc优化. #2053, #2075, #2139
[system]] 系统加固. #2086, #2093, #2106, #2112, #2149, #2129, #2114

[deps] 将 jsonrpc 升级到 17 和 deps 清理 #2052, #2119

starcoin - Release v0.9.5

Published by tiangong3624749 over 3 years ago

Sync optimize;

starcoin - v0.10.1

Published by guangyuz almost 4 years ago

Main feature and update

[rpc] add gas_price and account_sign_message api #2008
[types] refactor BlockHeader #2014
[types] improve BlockHeaderExtra deserialization #2013
[types] review hash compatibility and add test #2004
[vm] refactor module compatibility check #1993
[vm] refactor gas schedule #1947
[stress] made a detailed stress test plan and improved stress tool #1992
[network] optimize tx propagation #1990
[sync] use new peer while sync #1991
[chain] optimize uncle block verification #1984
[ci] config node selector for halley & proxima pod #1999
[ci] deploy halley to kubernetes #1987


[rpc] 增加 gas_price 和 account_sign_message 接口 #2008
[types] 重构 BlockHeader #2014
[types] 改进 BlockHeaderExtra 反序列化 #2013
[types] 梳理哈希兼容性并添加测试 #2004
[vm] 重构 Module 兼容性检查 #1993
[vm] 重构 gas 调度器 #1947
[stress] 制定详细压测计划并改进压测工具 #1992
[network] 优化交易广播 #1990
[sync] 同步时使用新的更优 peer 代替老 peer #1991
[chain] 优化叔块校验 #1984
[ci] 为 halley 和 proxima pod 配置结点选择器 #1999
[ci] 通过 kubernetes 部署 halley #1987

starcoin - v0.10.0

Published by guangyuz almost 4 years ago

Main feature and update

[statedb] StateDB and AccessPath refactor #1932
[vm] upgrade vm to version 0105 #1926
[stdlib] add block reward event #1915
[stdlib] set min time for two phase upgrade #1922
[hash] change hash prefix to STARCOIN #1939
[chain & network] Keep BlockInfo in ChainStatus and switch in network handshake #1943
[network] Upgrade libp2p to 0.33.0 #1921
[pow]Add extra field to block header && block number to subscribe mint block #1942
[rpc] Chain rpc improve #1938
[rpc] add account change password api #1927
[config] config refactor #1925
[tools] fix x tool unavailability #1940


[statedb] 重构 StateDB 和 AccessPath #1932
[vm] 虚拟机升级到 v0105 #1926
[stdlib] 增加区块奖励事件 #1915
[stdlib] 增设两阶段提交最小时间间隔 #1922
[hash] 将哈希前缀改为STARCOIN #1939
[chain & network] 在 ChainStatus 中保存 BlockInfo 并在网络握手时切换 #1943
[network] 升级 libp2p 到 v0.33.0 #1921
[pow] 在区块头中增加额外字段来订阅 mint block #1942
[rpc] 改进 Chain rpc #1938
[rpc] 增加 account change password api #1927
[config] 重构 config #1925
[tools] 修复 coverage 工具 #1940

starcoin - v0.9.4

Published by guangyuz almost 4 years ago

Main feature and update

[sync & network] add peer scoring mechanism #1906
[statedb] cache node hash for jellyfish merkle tree #1894
[vm] benchmark transaction scripts gas consumption #1898
[rpc] update contact call api #1874
[rpc] update jsonrpc api on dry run #1895
[cmd] handle scmd error for help and version display. #1876
[cmd] pass version/long version by args and fix git version. #1878
[cmd] add tools to replay data on a new chain #1909
[cmd] add stat cmd and add sync metrics #1875
[ci] use k8s runner for ci. #1897
[ci] enable code coverage report on pr #1904
[ci] add a codecov config #1910
[bench] fix benchmark report #1892
[rust & ci] upgrade rust to 1.49.0 and rebuild runner image #1916


[sync & network] 增加链同步 peer 打分机制 #1906
[statedb] jellyfish 默克尔树节点 hash 缓存 #1894
[vm] 标准库交易脚本 gas 消耗 benchmark #1898
[rpc] 更新 contract 调用 api #1874
[rpc] 更新 jsonrpc api #1895
[cmd] 帮助和版本显示命令错误处理 #1876
[cmd] Version 作为参数传递,scmd 不再自动生成 version #1878
[cmd] 增加数据重放工具 #1909
[cmd] 增加 stat 命令和 sync 测量信息 #1875
[ci] 持续集成工具里使用 k8s runner #1897
[ci] 通过 pr 激活代码覆盖率报告 #1904
[ci] 增加 codecov 配置 #1910
[bench] 修复 benchmark 报告中的bug #1892
[rust & ci] 升级 rust 到 1.49.0 #1916

starcoin - v0.9.3

Published by jolestar almost 4 years ago

Main feature and update

  1. [rpc & cli] Implemented Windows access json rpc api via IPC. (#516)
  2. [jsonrpc client] Fix the bug that miner_client cannot continue mining after network failure. (#1762)
  3. [miner] Fixed block verify error bug due to time error (#1865)


  1. [rpc & cli] 实现 Windows 通过 IPC 方式访问接口,方便 Windows 用户使用 cli console. (#516)
  2. [jsonrpc client] 实现断网自动重连机制,修复了 miner_client 网络故障后无法继续挖矿的 bug. (#1762)
  3. [miner] 修复了由于时间误差导致的区块验证错误 bug (#1865)

Milestone starcoin-0.9.3

starcoin - v0.9.2

Published by jolestar almost 4 years ago

Main feature and update

  1. [network] Optimizing network messages and network services. (#1804)
  2. [jsonrpc] JSON rpc support rate limit (#1824)
  3. [network] p2p rpc support rate limit (#1833)
  4. [sync & security] Report peer's reputation based on verify result when syncing, disconnect malicious nodes (#1837)
  5. [jsonrpc] Add account.sign_txn_request api (#1839)
  6. [chain] Refactor block verify logic (#1840)
  7. [stdlib] Add peer_to_peer_batch script for bulk transfers and account creation (#1847)
  8. [jsonrpc] Refactor and optimize pubsub (#1856)
  9. [storage config] Support setting maximum number of open files (#1855)
  10. [network config] Support for mdns config for node discovery on LAN (#1845)
  11. [sync] Refactor and optimize network synchronization, improve synchronization speed and enhance synchronization fault tolerance mechanism. Support skipping PoW difficulty verify when sync from trust peers. (#1824) ([#1826]( pull/1846)) (#1857) ([#1848]( 1848))


  1. [network] 优化网络消息以及网络服务. (#1804)
  2. [jsonrpc] JSON rpc 接口增加 rate limit 设置(#1824)
  3. [network] p2p rpc 接口增加 rate limit 设置(#1833)
  4. [sync & security] 同步时根据校验结果汇报 peer 的 reputation, 断开恶意节点(#1837)
  5. [jsonrpc] 新增 account.sign_txn_request 接口,方便无 sdk 的编程语言组装以及签名交易(#1839)
  6. [chain] 重构 chain 模块中的区块校验逻辑 (#1840)
  7. [stdlib] Add peer_to_peer_batch 脚本方便批量转账以及创建账号 (#1847)
  8. [jsonrpc] 重构以及优化 pubsub (#1856)
  9. [storage config] 限制以及支持设置最大打开文件数 (#1855)
  10. [network config] 支持 mdns 开关方便局域网内的节点发现 (#1845)
  11. [sync] 重构以及优化网络同步,提高同步速度,增强同步容错机制。支持从信任节点同步时跳过 PoW 难度校验 (#1824) (#1826) (#1857) (#1848)
starcoin - Release v0.9.1

Published by tiangong3624749 almost 4 years ago

Main feature and update

  1. [miner] trigger Generate block event by transaction only on demand mode. (#1760)
  2. [test] add functional tests for stdlib. (#1722)
  3. [miner_client] Add hash rate for solver thread (#1772)
  4. [miner] Do not log error if mint task is none. (#1770)
  5. [sync] Add a limit to rollback block count, for avoid use too much memory (#1773)
  6. [account] fix account init in executor (#1763)
  7. [network] Add report peer method to network api and do some cleanup. (#1779)
  8. [types]fix error when serialize and deserialize back 0 (#1783)
  9. [chain]fix txn info view when blockmeta (#1785)
  10. [miner & chain]refactor miner & BlockTemplate & OpenedBlock. (#1793)
  11. [sync & storage]Failed block storage (#1786)
  12. [chain]refactor block connect. (#1795)
  13. [deps] Clean some unused deps. (#1791)
  14. [node] Print node start other error. (#1784)
  15. [chain]optimize block connect. (#1797)
  16. [storage] Clean some unused deps. (#1802)
  17. [indexer] sync node data to elasticsearch (#1794)


  1. [miner]只在按需模式下使用定时出块. (#1760)
  2. [test]添加Stdlib测试用例. (#1722)
  3. [miner_client]添加算力统计(#1772)
  4. [miner]调整挖矿任务为空的日志级别 (#1770)
  5. [sync]添加回滚区块数限制 (#1773)
  6. [account]优化执行器的账号初始(#1763)
  7. [network]添加上报节点方法的网络接口,做一些代码清理(#1779)
  8. [types]修复系列化、反序列化的问题(#1783)
  9. [chain]修改BlockMetadata的交易信息(#1785)
  10. [miner & chain]重构miner、BlockTemplate、OpenedBlock (#1793)
  11. [sync & storage]存储执行失败区块 (#1786)
  12. [chain]构成区块执行 (#1795)
  13. [deps]清理无用依赖. (#1791)
  14. [node]打印节点启动错误 (#1784)
  15. [chain]优化区块执行. (#1797)
  16. [storage]清理无用依赖 (#1802)
  17. [indexer]同步数据到搜索引擎 (#1794)
starcoin - v0.9.0

Published by tiangong3624749 almost 4 years ago

Main feature and update

  1. [stdlib] Release stdlib v7 and generate new genesis. (#1683)
  2. [Kube] Add pods for stress test (#1684)
  3. [vm] upgrade move coverage tool (#1679)
  4. [cmd & chain]Add uncle_path cmd. (#1678)
  5. [chain] Fix uncle block header verify bug when epoch change. (#1686)
  6. [cmd & chain]Add epoch_uncle_summary_by_number cmd. (#1696)
  7. [sync] Output target and peer info in sync progress report. (#1695)
  8. [chain]refactor EpochUncleSummary. (#1700)
  9. [sync] sync start cmd supports sync from specified peers. (#1702)
  10. [gensis_config] Update peer_id of seeds (#1705)
  11. [docker]Feature/docker push hub (#1699)
  12. [chain]rollback block size metric. (#1706)
  13. [consensus]cryptonight-rs: Fix thread local memory leak (#1707)
  14. [rpc & cmd & chain]Unify json api (#1673)
  15. [stdlib]Update take_offer script. (#1711)
  16. [solver] Fix segfault fault when libloading open code (#1713)
  17. [libp2p]network p2p upgrade (#1676)
  18. [network] Optimize network handshake message (#1714)
  19. [cmd]add block id for account show. (#1715)
  20. [docker]Feature/docker update (#1716)
  21. [network] Rpc use libp2p request-response, and upgrade libp2p to 0.30.1 (#1717)
  22. [stdlib & script]Override upgrade plan (#1724)
  23. [txpool & cmd & rpc]review txpool&account rpc error code (#1725)
  24. [windows]fix build failure on windows (#1723)
  25. [txpool]add more json api for txpool (#1732)
  26. [txpool]add full field to txpool status api (#1734)
  27. [test]override_upgrade_plan. (#1733)
  28. [windows]Fix Windows compile (#1735)
  29. [network] Refactor PeerMessage (#1726)
  30. [rpc & cmd]Support set output format in console (#1739)
  31. [txpool]Refactor get txns rpc. (#1741)
  32. [network] Fix network peer reconnect event report bug and refactor network command. (#1740)
  33. [sync] Trigger a check sync event after sync done. (#1751)
  34. [config]make rpc api configurable (#1750)


  1. [stdlib]发布Stdlib v7版,重新生成genesis (#1683)
  2. [Kube]增加压力测试pod (#1684)
  3. [vm] 更新move覆盖率统计工具(#1679)
  4. [cmd & chain]添加uncle的path等命令 (#1678)
  5. [chain]修复Epoch切换时叔块Header校验的问题 (#1686)
  6. [cmd & chain]添加epoch_uncle_summary_by_number命令 (#1696)
  7. [sync]输出同步过程中的目标和节点信息(#1695)
  8. [chain]重构EpochUncleSummary(#1700)
  9. [sync]同步启动命令支持指定某个节点 (#1702)
  10. [gensis_config]更新Seeds的id (#1705)
  11. [docker]推送docker镜像(#1699)
  12. [chain]添加区块回滚数的统计指标 (#1706)
  13. [consensus]修复本地线程内存溢出问题 (#1707)
  14. [rpc & cmd & chain]统一json接口(#1673)
  15. [stdlib]更新take_offe脚本 (#1711)
  16. [solver]修复类库加载时的片段失败问题 (#1713)
  17. [libp2p]升级p2p网络 (#1676)
  18. [network]优化网络握手协议 (#1714)
  19. [cmd]为account的show命令增加block id参数 (#1715)
  20. [docker]更新docker配置 (#1716)
  21. [network]远程调用使用libp2p的request-response,同时升级libp2p到0.30.1 (#1717)
  22. [stdlib & script]支持覆盖模块更新计划 (#1724)
  23. [txpool & cmd & rpc]交易池和账号模块的错误码(#1725)
  24. [windows]修复windows编译失败 (#1723)
  25. [txpool]为交易池添加更多的Json接口 (#1732)
  26. [txpool]交易池状态接口显示所有字段 (#1734)
  27. [test]测试覆盖模块更新计划 (#1733)
  28. [windows]修复Windows编译(#1735)
  29. [network]重构PeerMessage协议 (#1726)
  30. [rpc & cmd]支持命令行设置输出格式 (#1739)
  31. [txpool]重构get_txns接口 (#1741)
  32. [network]修复网络重连事发送异常的问题,重构网络命令(#1740)
  33. [sync]同步完成,发送检查同步的事件 (#1751)
  34. [config]完成远程调用接口的配置 (#1750)
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