
A high performance rust-powered UI layout library

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taffy - v0.3.6

Published by nicoburns over 1 year ago


  • Fix: Ignore align_content when flex_wrap is set to nowrap (#383)
taffy - v0.3.5

Published by nicoburns over 1 year ago


  • Fix display: none when it is set on a flexbox child (#380)
  • Fix display: none when it is set on a grid child (#381)
taffy - v0.3.4

Published by nicoburns over 1 year ago


  • Fix display: none when it is set for the only node in the hierarchy (#377)
taffy - v0.3.3

Published by nicoburns over 1 year ago


  • Added enable_rounding and disable_rounding methods to the Taffy struct which enable consumers of Taffy to obtain unrounded f32 values for the computed layouts if they want them. Rounding remains enabled by default.


  • Fixed rounding algorithm such that it never leaves gaps between adjacent nodes (#369)
  • Fixed compiling with the grid feature disabled (#370)
  • Fixed compiling with the std feature disabled
taffy - v0.3.2

Published by nicoburns over 1 year ago


  • Allow partial nested values to be deserialized into a Style using the serde feature.
taffy - v0.3.1

Published by nicoburns over 1 year ago

A small bugfix for the 0.3.0 release


  • The serde feature now works when the grid feature is enabled
taffy - v0.3.0 "CSS Grid"

Published by nicoburns over 1 year ago


  • CSS Grid algorithm support
  • Style helper functions

See below for details of breaking changes.

New Feature: CSS Grid

We very excited to report that we now have support for CSS Grid layout. This is in addition to the existing Flexbox layout support, and the two modes interoperate. You can set a node to use Grid layout by setting the display property to Display::Grid.

Learning Resources

Taffy implements the CSS Grid specification faithfully, so documentation designed for the web should translate cleanly to Taffy's implementation. If you are interested in learning how to use CSS Grid, we would recommend the following resources:

  • CSS Grid Garden. This is an interactive tutorial/game that allows you to learn the essential parts of CSS Grid in a fun engaging way.
  • A Complete Guide To CSS Grid by CSS Tricks. This is detailed guide with illustrations and comphrehensive written explanation of the different Grid propertie and how they work.

Supported Features & Properties

In addition to the usual sizing/spacing proerties (size, min_size, padding, margin, etc), the following Grid style properties are supported on Grid Containers:

Property Explanation
grid-template-columns The track sizing functions of the grid's explicit columns
grid-template-rows The track sizing functions of the grid's explicit rows
grid-auto-rows Track sizing functions for the grid's implicitly generated rows
grid-auto-columns Track sizing functions for the grid's implicitly generated columns
grid-auto-flow Whether auto-placed items are placed row-wise or column-wise. And sparsely or densely.
gap The size of the vertical and horizontal gaps between grid rows/columns
align-content Align grid tracks within the container in the inline (horizontal) axis
justify-content Align grid tracks within the container in the block (vertical) axis
align-items Align the child items within their grid areas in the inline (horizontal) axis
justify-items Align the child items within their grid areas in the block (vertical) axis

And the following Grid style properties are supported on Grid Items (children):

Property Explanation
grid-row The (row) grid line the item starts at (or a span)
grid-column The (column) grid line the item end at (or a span)
align-self Align the item within it's grid area in the inline (horizontal) axis. Overrides align-items.
justify-self Align the item within it's grid area in the block (vertical) axis. Overrides justify-items.

The following properties and features are not currently supported:

  • Subgrids
  • Masonry grid layout
  • Named grid lines
  • Named areas: grid-template-areas and grid-area
  • grid-template or grid shorthand


See examples/grid_holy_grail.rs for an example using Taffy to implement the so-called Holy Grail Layout. If you want to run this example, the don't forget the enable the CSS Grid cargo feature:

cargo run --example grid_holy_grail --features grid

New Feature: Style Helpers

Ten new helper functions have added to the taffy prelude. These helper functions have short, intuitive names, and have generic return types which allow them to magically return the correct type depending on context. They make defining styles much easier, and means you won't typically need to use types like Dimension or TrackSizingFunction directly.

For example, instead of:

let size : Size<Dimension> = Size { width: Dimension::Points(100.0), height: Dimension::Percent(50.0) };

you can now write

let size : Size<Dimension> = Size { width: points(100.0), height: percent(50.0) };

And that same helper function will work other types like LengthPercentage and MinTrackSizingFunction that also have a Points variant. There are also generic impl's for Size<T>, Rect<T> and Line<T> which means if your node is the same size in all dimensions you can even write

let size : Size<Dimension> = points(100.0);

Available style helpers:

Breaking API changes

Changes to alignment style types

  • AlignContent and JustifyContent has been merged.
    • JustifyContent is now an alias of AlignContent and contains the Stretch variant.
    • This variant will be ignored (falling back to Start) when applied Flexbox containers. It is valid value for Grid containers.
  • AlignItems and AlignSelf have been merged.
    • The Auto variant of AlignSelf has been removed. You should now use Option::None if you wish to specify AlignSelf::Auto.
    • AlignSelf is now an alias of AlignItems.
    • JustifyItems and JustifySelf aliases have been added. These properties have no affect on Flexbox containers, but apply to Grid containers.
  • Default impls have been removed from all alignment types. This is because the correct default varies by property, and the types are now shared between multiple properties. The Style struct still has a default for each alignment property, so this is considered unlikely to affect you in practice.

Strict style types

  • New types LengthPercentage and LengthPercentageAuto have been added.
    • LengthPercentage is like Dimension but only contains the Points and Percent variants, which allows us to increase type safety for properties that don't support the Auto value.
    • LengthPercentageAuto is currently identical to Dimension but will allow us to expand dimension in future to support values like MinContent, MaxContent and FitContent.
  • Some style properties have been updated to use either LengthPercentage or LengthPercentageAuto instead of Dimension. You will need to update your code, but it is recommended that you use the new style helpers (see above) rather than using the new types directly (although you certainly can use them directly if you want to).

Position properties renamed

  • The position property is now renamed to inset and is now in line with CSS inset specs
  • The position_type property is now renamed to position and is now in line with CSS position specs. The PositionType enum has been similarly renamed to Position.

Changes to LayoutTree

  • Added generic associated type to LayoutTree for a ChildIter, an iterator on the children of a given node.
  • Changed the children method of LayoutTree to return the ChildIter generic associated type to allow for custom tree storage implementations which do not store the children of a node contiguously.
  • Added child_count method to LayoutTree for querying the number of children of a node. Required because the children method now returns an iterator instead of an array.
  • Added is_childless method to LayoutTree for querying whether a node has no children.

AvailableSpace has been moved

The AvailableSpace enum has been moved from the layout module to the style module. If you are importing it via the prelude then you will unaffected by the change.


  • Flexbox nodes sized under a min-content constraint now size correctly (#291)
  • Aspect ratio is now applied correctly in many circumstances
  • Absolutely positioned items now apply margins correctly
  • Min/max size are now applied correctly
  • Inset applied incorrectly to relatively positioned flexbox children when both top and bottom or left and right were specified (#348)
  • Fix case where column-gap style could be used in place of row-gap style (when using a percentage gap with an indefinite container size)


  • Removed top_from_points, bot_from_points, top_from_percent, and bot_from_percent methods removed from Rect<Dimension>. These functions were incredibly specific for an unusual use case, so we would be surprised if anyone was using them. Please use the new style helpers instead.
  • Removed min_main_size, max_main_size, min_cross_size, max_cross_size, and cross_size methods from Style. Use the more general cross and main methods directly on the size, min_size, and max_size properties instead.
  • Removed main_margin_start, main_margin_end, cross_margin_start, cross_margin_end from Style. Use the more general main_start, main_end, cross_start, and cross_end on the margin property instead.
taffy - 0.2.2

Published by nicoburns over 1 year ago



  • Border or padding on the horizontal axis could, in some cases, increase the height of nodes.
taffy - 0.2.1

Published by nicoburns over 1 year ago



  • In case of conflicts, min_size now overrides max_size which overrides size (#261). This is the behaviour specified in the CSS specification, and was also the behaviour in Taffy v0.1.0, but a regression was introduced in Taffy v0.2.0.
  • taffy::compute_layout has been made public allowing Taffy to be used with custom storage (#263)
taffy - 0.2.0

Published by nicoburns over 1 year ago


New features

Flexbox "gap" and AlignContent::SpaceEvenly

The gap property is now supported on flex containers. This can make it much easier to create even spacing or "gutters" between nodes.

Additionally we have a SpaceEvenly variant to the AlignContent enum to support evenly spaced justification in the cross axis (equivalent to align-content: space-evenly in CSS)

Debug module and cargo feature

Two debugging features have been added:

  • taffy::debug::print_tree(&Taffy, root) - This will print a debug representation of the computed layout of an entire node tree (starting at root), which can be useful for debugging layouts.
  • A cargo feature debug. This enabled debug logging of the layout computation process itself (this is probably mainly useful for those working taffy itself).

Performance improvements

A number of performance improvements have landed since taffy 0.1:

  • Firstly, our custom taffy::forest storage implementation was ripped out and replaced with a much simpler implementation using the slotmap crate. This led to performance increases of up to 90%.
  • Secondly, the caching implementation was improved by upping the number of cache slots from 2 to 4 and tweaking how computed results are allocated to chache slots to better match the actual usage patterns of the flexbox layout algorithm. This had a particularly dramatic effect on deep hierachies (which often involve recomputing the same results repeatedly), fixing the exponential blowup that was previously exhibited on these trees and improving performance by over 1000x in some cases!

Benchmarks vs. Taffy 0.1

Benchmark Taffy 0.1 Taffy 0.2 % change (0.1 -> 0.2)
wide/1_000 nodes (2-level hierarchy) 699.18 µs 445.01 µs -36.279%
wide/10_000 nodes (2-level hierarchy) 8.8244 ms 7.1313 ms -16.352%
wide/100_000 nodes (2-level hierarchy) 204.48 ms 242.93 ms +18.803%
deep/4000 nodes (12-level hierarchy)) 5.2320 s 2.7363 ms -99.947%
deep/10_000 nodes (14-level hierarchy) 75.207 s 6.9415 ms -99.991%
deep/100_000 nodes (17-level hierarchy) - 102.72 ms -
deep/1_000_000 nodes (20-level hierarchy) - 799.35 ms -

(note that the table above contains multiple different units (milliseconds vs. microseconds vs. nanoseconds))

As you can see, we have actually regressed slightly in the "wide" benchmarks (where all nodes are siblings of a single parent node). Although it should be noted our results in these benchmarks are still very fast, especially on the 10,000 node benchmark which we consider to be the most realistic size where the result is measured in microseconds.

However, in the "deep" benchmarks we see dramatic improvements. The previous version of Taffy suffered from exponential blowup in the case of deeply nested hierachies. This has resulted in somewhat silly improvements like the 10,000 node (14-level) hierachy where Taffy 0.2 is a full 1 million times faster than Taffy 0.1. We've also included results with larger numbers of nodes (although you're unlikely to need that many) to demonstrate that this scalability continues up to even deeper levels of nesting.

Benchmarks vs. Yoga

Yoga benchmarks run via it's node.js bindings (the yoga-layout-prebuilt npm package), they were run a few times manually and it was verified that variance in the numbers of each run was minimal. It should be noted that this is using an old version of Yoga.

Benchmark Yoga Taffy 0.2
yoga/10 nodes (1-level hierarchy) 45.1670 µs 33.297 ns
yoga/100 nodes (2-level hierarchy) 134.1250 µs 336.53 ns
yoga/1_000 nodes (3-level hierarchy) 1.2221 ms 3.8928 µs
yoga/10_000 nodes (4-level hierarchy) 13.8672 ms 36.162 µs
yoga/100_000 nodes (5-level hierarchy) 141.5307 ms 1.6404 ms

(note that the table above contains multiple different units (milliseconds vs. microseconds vs. nanoseconds))

While we're trying not to get too excited (there could easily be an issue with our benchmarking methodology which make this an unfair comparison), we are pleased to see that we seem to be anywhere between 100x and 1000x times faster depending on the node count!

Breaking API changes

Node creation changes

  • taffy::Node is now unique only to the Taffy instance from which it was created.
  • Renamed Taffy.new_node(..) -> Taffy.new_with_children(..)
  • Renamed Taffy.new_leaf() -> Taffy.new_leaf_with_measure()
  • Added taffy::node::Taffy.new_leaf() which allows the creation of new leaf-nodes without having to supply a measure function

Error handling/representation improvements

  • Renamed taffy::Error -> taffy::error::TaffyError
  • Replaced taffy::error::InvalidChild with a new InvalidChild variant of taffy::error::TaffyError
  • Replaced taffy::error::InvalidNode with a new InvalidNode variant of taffy::error::TaffyError
  • The following method new return Err(TaffyError::ChildIndexOutOfBounds) instead of panicking:
    • taffy::Taffy::remove_child_at_index
    • taffy::Taffy::replace_child_at_index
    • taffy::Taffy::child_at_index
  • Taffy::remove now returns a Result<usize, Error>, to indicate if the operation was sucessful (and if it was, which ID was invalidated).

Some uses of Option<f32> replaced with a new AvailableSpace enum

A new enum Taffy::layout::AvailableSpace has been added.

The definition looks like this:

/// The amount of space available to a node in a given axis
pub enum AvailableSpace {
    /// The amount of space available is the specified number of pixels
    /// The amount of space available is indefinite and the node should be laid out under a min-content constraint
    /// The amount of space available is indefinite and the node should be laid out under a max-content constraint

This enum is now used instead of Option<f32> when calling Taffy.compute_layout (if you previously passing Size::NONE to compute_layout, then you will need to change this to Size::MAX_CONTENT).

And a different instance of it is passed as a new second parameter to MeasureFunc. MeasureFuncs may choose to use this parameter in their computation or ignore it as they see fit. The canonical example of when it makes sense to use it is when laying out text. If MinContent has been passed in the axis in which the text is flowing (i.e. the horizontal axis for left-to-right text), then you should line-break at every possible opportunity (e.g. all word boundaries), whereas if MaxContent has been passed then you shouldn't line break at all..

Builder methods are now const where possible

  • Several convenience constants have been defined: notably Style::DEFAULT
  • Size<f32>.zero() is now Size::<f32>::ZERO
  • Point<f32>.zero() is now Point::<f32>::ZERO
  • Size::undefined() is now Size::NONE


  • Removed taffy::forest::Forest. taffy::node::Taffy now handles it's own storage using a slotmap (which comes with a performance boost up to 90%).
  • Removed taffy::number::Number. Use Option<f32> is used instead
    • the associated public MinMax and OrElse traits have also been removed; these should never have been public
  • Removed unused dependencies hashbrown, hash32, and typenum. slotmap is now the only required dependency (num_traits and arrayvec are also required if you wish to use taffy in a no_std environment).


  • Miscellaneous correctness fixes which align our implementation with Chrome:

    • Nodes can only ever have one parent
    • Fixed rounding of fractional values to follow latest Chrome - values are now rounded the same regardless of their position
    • Fixed computing free space when using both flex-grow and a minimum size
    • Padding is now only subtracted when determining the available space if the node size is unspecified, following section 9.2.2 of the flexbox spec
    • MeasureFunc (and hence NodeData and hence Forest and hence the public Taffy type) are now Send and Sync, enabling their use in async and parallel applications
  • Taffy can now be vendored using cargo-vendor (README.md is now included in package).

taffy - 0.1.0

Published by nicoburns over 1 year ago


This is the first release of Taffy, but Taffy is a continuation of an older abandoned library stretch

0.1.0 Changed

  • the order field of Layout is now public, and describes the relative z-ordering of nodes
  • renamed crate from stretch2 to taffy
  • updated to the latest version of all dependencies to reduce upstream pain caused by duplicate dependencies
  • renamed stretch::node::Strech -> taffy::node::Taffy

0.1.0 Fixed

  • fixed feature strategy for alloc and std: these can now be compiled together, with std's types taking priority

0.1.0 Removed

  • removed Javascript / Kotlin / Swift bindings
    • the maintainer team lacks expertise to keep these working
    • more serious refactors are planned, and this will be challenging to keep working through that process
    • if you are interested in helping us maintain bindings to other languages, get in touch!
  • the serde_camel_case and serde_kebab_case features have been removed: they were poorly motivated and were not correctly additive (if both were enabled compilation would fail)
  • removed the Direction and Overflow structs, and the corresponding direction and overflow fields from Style
    • these had no effect in the current code base and were actively misleading

stretch2 0.4.3

A version of this library was also released as stretch2. The following notes describe the differences between this release and stretch 0.3.2, the abandoned crate from which this library was forked.



  • fixed an exponential performance blow-up with deep nesting
  • fixed percent height values, which were using parent width
  • recomputing layout no longer moves children of non-zero-positioned parent
  • fixed broken Swift bindings