
Cooperative-threaded access to relational data

LGPL-3.0 License

ocaml-caqti - 2.1.2

Published by paurkedal about 2 months ago



  • Improve error reporting when failing to load a driver (#115).
  • Fix validation of dead connection in postgresql driver (#119 by Sam
  • Tolerate exceptions from pool resource allocators (#116 reported by Ryan
  • Fix install script for the caqti.opam package to work with caqti.plugin.
  • Fix the announced license exception in the caqti-driver-pgx package.

Dependency updates:

  • Update to tls >= 1.0.0 for caqti-mirage (#120 by Hannes Mehnert).
  • Update tls-eio to >= 0.17.4 for caqti-tls-eio (to eliminate a hack).
  • Update async_kernel to >= v0.17.0 and tcpip to >= 8.1.0 (due to
    resolving deprecations for future compatibility).
ocaml-caqti - 2.1.1 Latest Release

Published by paurkedal 8 months ago


This minor update fixes running of the test suite and packaging issues.

ocaml-caqti - 2.1.0

Published by paurkedal 8 months ago


  • There is now TLS support for PGX. The networking code (for PGX) was
    revised in the process, in particular the EIO variant is now buffered,
    which improves performarce. TLS implemantions are shipped as separate
    packages (caqti-tls*) but caqti-tls-async, caqti-tls-eio, and
    caqti-tls-lwt should be considered experimental and will be omitted
    from the OPAM release for now. On the other hand, caqti-mirage now
    ships with built-in TLS support for PGX.

  • Connect functions now accept an optional configuration. For the time
    being, this is used for TLS parameters and for the optional
    tweaks_version argument, which is still available for backwards

  • The newly introduced Caqti_query.qprintf and associated formatters
    have been moved to a separate module Caqti_query_fmt (#108), to limit
    clashes when used in local open, and since the formatters were nominally

  • Constants of any field type can now be embedded in queries using the new
    Caqti_query.V constructor and associated shortcuts. This allows
    taking advantage of driver-specific encoders, e.g. to correctly convert
    a Ptime.Span.t to the representation expected by the target database

  • Equality with type unification evidence is now available for
    Caqti_type.t and Caqti_type.Field.t. The equality type introduced
    for the purpose is compatible with Type.eq from OCaml 5.1, but will
    not be aliased yet. This required a backwards incompatible adjustment
    of the Caqti_type.Product constructor.

  • Added tuples type constructors with arity up to 12.

  • Added multi-statement parser (Caqti_query.angstrom_list_parser)
    intended for loading SQL schema files.

  • The new caqti.plugin sublibrary is a drop-in replacement for the
    caqti-dynload package. It is based on the dune-site.plugin library.
    Please try it and report back if there are issues.

  • Some updates to external dependencies, esp. we are now at EIO 0.12+.

  • Fixed lacking details in error messages related to driver load failures.

  • Fixed uncaught exceptions for PGX (#113).

ocaml-caqti - 2.0.1

Published by paurkedal about 1 year ago



  • Upgrade Eio to 0.11.
  • Update README and make a note about caqti-eio and caqti-mirage being
  • Fix build and packaging issues.

This release was sponsored by the OCaml Software Foundation.

ocaml-caqti - 2.0.0

Published by paurkedal about 1 year ago


New features:

  • Added driver based on the pure-OCaml PGX library (#38). However, due to
    lack of TLS support it is not suitable for production, unless you have a
    dedicated secure network.

  • Added support for MirageOS. This only works for the PGX driver, since
    the other drivers link against external C libraries.

  • Added experimental support for Eio, both pure-OCaml and Unix. The
    former supports PGX while the latter supports all drivers.

  • Implemented single-row mode for PostgreSQL (#24), but while this avoids
    uncontrolled memory consumption when a large number of rows is returned,
    it is a lot less efficient.

  • A new pool connection parameter ?max_idle_age provides removal
    resources from pools which have been unused for the given period.

  • Printf-style function Caqti_query.qprintf for dynamic queries
    (GPR#103, Basile Clément).

  • Added general-purpose product type to provide functionality covering
    both product and custom types.

  • Added new tuple types t3, ..., t8 based on the new product type and
    deprecated tup2, tup3, tup4 which are now aliases for these.

Breaking changes:

  • The minimal OCaml requirement is now 4.08.0.

  • The connection functions previously found in caqti-lwt has been moved
    into a sublibrary caqti-lwt.unix as part of the addition of
    caqti-mirage, whereas shared functionality remains in caqti-lwt.
    The LWT connection function is therefore now found in Caqti_lwt_unix.

  • Removed all deprecated functionality and a few unintended or
    undocumented definitions like the type Caqti_blocking.future and

  • Reworked the driver API to accommodate the addition of the PGX driver
    and MirageOS and Eio support, and to avoid exposting internal interfaces
    in the main library. These modules are now found in the sublibraries
    caqti.platform and caqti.platform.unix, depending on their external
    depnedencies. They are not meant for use by applications, though this
    might not have fully clear previously.

  • Removed constructors Custom, Unit, Tup2, Tup3, Tup4 from Caqti_type.t.
    They were private but could in prinicle be matched against.

  • The extensibility of Caqti_type.Field.t has been dropped along with
    the associated functions for registering conversions. This means that
    there are no custom field types any more, only custom row types. The
    purpose of custom field types where to support non-standard types for
    3rd party drivers; we should coordinate additions to the core type
    instead if needed.

  • According to the above point, the caqti-type-calendar is reimplemented
    as a row type, which means the Cdate and Ctime constructors are

  • There are adjustments for the pretty printer for types. (The context is
    assumed to start at the lowest precedence, meaning parentheses around
    lowest-precedence expressions are dropped. Also, redacted is shown
    with suffix notation, allowing us to remove one precedence level.)

  • Moved pool tuning parameters into a configuration object.


  • Fixed a missing Preemptive.detach call for to_stream for Sqlite3.

  • Incorrect error reporting related to type conversions were discovered by
    exhaustiveness checks when making field types non-extensible.


  • The documentation of call now makes clear that the result must be
    retrieved in order to make sure the request is performed. This is made
    relevant by the addition of the PGX driver where request and retrieval
    are fused.

  • Customized the top-level index and some other documentation work.
    Removal of private modules from the main library should also help to
    make the documentation more accessible.

  • Added a benchmark to measure row decoding performance.

  • Improved decoding performance by partially applying the type descriptor.

ocaml-caqti - 1.9.1

Published by paurkedal about 2 years ago


This release only updates the caqti-driver-postgresql package, with the
following fixes:

  • PostgreSQL expects "=" in query values to be URI-encoded (#95).

  • The validation logic for PostgreSQL was missing a call to consume
    available input, meaning that broken pooled connections were reused.

This release was sponsored by the OCaml Software Foundation.

ocaml-caqti - 1.9.0

Published by paurkedal about 2 years ago


New features:

  • Allow unquoted semicolons in query strings in the new API. There are
    corner cases where it is needed, as reported in issue #87, and a parser
    which rejects semicolons are still available for loading schema files
    statement by statement.

  • Add support for MySQL and MariaDB configuration files, as a solution to
    issue #86.

  • Add a limit to the number of times a database connection is reused when
    pooling connections (#94). Thanks to Peter Mondlock for investigating
    resource usage server side motivating this addition.

  • Provide access to the raw SQLite3 connection handle for the purpose of
    defining custom functions (#56).


  • Add missing dune dependency on unix (GPR#85 by David Allsopp).

  • Documentation fixes (GPR#82, GPR#83, GPR#84 by Reynir Björnsson,
    GPR#88 by Jonathan Duarte, and GPR#92 by Jim Tittsler).


  • Caqti_type.field was deprecated in favour of Caqti_type.Field.t.


  • Replace deprecated core_kernel dependency with core.

This release was sponsored by the OCaml Software Foundation.

ocaml-caqti - 1.8.0

Published by paurkedal over 2 years ago


New features:

  • A matchable representation of common causes of errors on the database
    side is now available, with limitations. It focuses on conditions which
    seem most likely useful to handle. At the moment we lack extended error
    codes from SQLite3 needed to make the cause fully precise.

  • Expose the underlying error details from database client libraries.
    This is meant to be use as a last resort, and requires directly linking
    with the relevant drivers.

  • A second set of request construction operators ->., ->?, ->!, and
    ->* were introduced after experience with converting existing code.
    Given the parameter and result type they return a function which
    constructs a request directly from a query string. Avoiding the need to
    compose with @:- simplifies local opens and usage with List.map etc.

  • Environment variables are now expanded in the debug log when using the
    new request constructors introduced in 1.7.0.

  • A new ?tweaks_version connection parameter has been added to control
    when the client is ready to adapt to changes in database session
    parameters or other adjustments of the interaction with specific
    database systems.

  • Enable foreign key constraint checks for SQLite3 starting at tweaks
    version 1.8.


  • Fixed debug logging to pass the correct driver info to the query
    callback instead of a dummy driver info which would cause a failure if


  • The --> operator was renamed to -->!, with a deprecated alias, for
    consistency with the new ->! operator.

  • The old convenience interface for creating requests has been deprecated
    in favour of the new infix operators and the new query template parser.

  • Documented-only deprecations of Caqti_sql_io, Caqti_lwt_sql_io, and
    Caqti_async_sql_io have been annotated.

This release was sponsored by the OCaml Software Foundation.

ocaml-caqti - 1.7.0

Published by paurkedal over 2 years ago


New features:

  • Added a new query-string parser based on Angstrom. Its main advantage
    is that it can be used stand-alone e.g. to load SQL schemas from files
    split into individual statements which can be sent to the database.

  • Support passing a query environment to the connect and pool construction
    functions. This avoids using globals to modify the environment and
    facilitates e.g. targeting different database schemas with different
    connetions or connection pools.

  • A new Caqti_query.E case was added to support the two above cases.
    This is a breaking change, but hopefully does not break existing code.
    The exception (not counting module type of) would be if the
    constructors are aliased along with an alias of the type. On the other
    hand, pattern matching should be compatible since the new constructor is
    only emitted by newly introduced functions.

  • Added a module Caqti_request.Infix providing a new high-level API for
    constructing requests. It uses two-stage combinators, first to apply
    type arguments then to apply the query string. Apart from allowing
    nicer looking code, this solves the problem of switching to a the query
    string parser while maintaining backwards compatibility.

  • Added set_statement_timeout to connection modules, used to set query
    timeout. It is only supported for PostgreSQL and MariaDB. (#74)

  • Added with_transaction function to connection modules. This is just
    fail-safed wrapper around start, commit, and rollback.


  • Fixed delayed recovery of connection pools after loosing connections to
    PostgreSQL. Due to a missing call to consume inputs, the pool validator
    did not discover that a connection was lost before it was attempted

  • Improved resilience against exceptions and monadic errors in callbacks
    and fixed in-use checking.

  • Changed Sqlite3 driver to use non-linear parameters and improve error
    reporting when the wrong number of arguments are received (#77 & GPR#79
    Reynir Björnsson).

Other changes:

  • The Caqti license now uses the LGPL-3.0 Linking Exception instead of a
    rephrasing of the OCaml LGPL Linking Exception which was written for

  • Improved documentation, pretty-printing, logging, and exception details.

  • The test suite has been switched to use Alcotest; not without some
    struggle due to the use of test harness and argument-dependent test
    suite, but the result seems like a clear improvement.

This release was sponsored by the OCaml Software Foundation.

ocaml-caqti - https://github.com/paurkedal/ocaml-caqti/releases/tag/v1.6.0

Published by paurkedal over 3 years ago


  • Set the time zone of PostgreSQL connections to UTC to mitigate an
    undesirable implicit conversion to the local time zone for timestamp.
    This issue was exposed by the specification of field types introduced in
    version 1.4.0. Earlier versions worked as expected, if only accidentally,
    since the time zone is ignored when a string is converted to a
    timestamp. While this change makes timestamp more usable again for
    storing UTC time stamps, I strongly recommend using timestamp with time zone since it's interpretation is unambiguous. The API reference is now
    updated with details about how the ptime OCaml type is mapped for
    different database systems.
  • Drop specification of OCaml string as SQL text for PostgreSQL. This is
    due to issues with implicit conversions and function overloading when the
    desired type on the SQL side is char, varchar, or jsonb.
  • Add Caqti_type.redact to protect sensitive information from being
  • Only log parameters if $CAQTI_DEBUG_PARAM is set to "true".
  • When logging requests, show underlying values for custom types.
  • Reject multi-row response in find_opt implementation for sqlite3.
  • Tolerate Lwt promise rejections in Pool.use.
ocaml-caqti - https://github.com/paurkedal/ocaml-caqti/releases/tag/v1.5.1

Published by paurkedal over 3 years ago


  • Fix option recognition in PostgreSQL driver (GPR#67 mefyl).
  • Fix option recognition in MariaDB driver and add test (Petter A. Urkedal).
ocaml-caqti - https://github.com/paurkedal/ocaml-caqti/releases/tag/v1.5.0

Published by paurkedal over 3 years ago


  • Request the full UTF-8 character for the MariaDB connection.
  • Support int16 and enum types for parameters and rows.
ocaml-caqti - https://github.com/paurkedal/ocaml-caqti/releases/tag/v1.4.0

Published by paurkedal over 3 years ago


  • Fix infinite loop when deserializing an optional tuple (GPR#63 mefyl).
  • Add Caqti_connect_sig.S.with_connection (GPR#61 Anton Bachin).
  • Pass parameter types to PostgreSQL prepare and query functions. This
    avoids the need to CAST parameters on the SQL side in some cases.
  • Add ?post_connect callback to connect_pool.
  • Documentation fixes and improvements (Aaron L. Zeng, Anton Bachin, Petter
    A. Urkedal).
ocaml-caqti - https://github.com/paurkedal/ocaml-caqti/releases/tag/v1.3.0

Published by paurkedal almost 4 years ago


  • Implement affected_count for sqlite backend (GPR#46 jakob).
  • Add method exec_with_affected_count to Caqti_connection_sig.S (GPR#45
  • Add ?max_idle_size to pool creation functions.
  • Dropped dependency on ppx_deriving due to issue with static compilation
    (GPR#50 Ulrik Strid).
  • Pass through $<var>$ in query strings and deprecate $$.
  • Log statements to be executed at debug level.
  • Add COPYING.OCAML and fix license expression in opam files.
  • Misc improvements to tests and documentation (GPR#51 Philippe Wang, GPR#54
    Reynir Björnsson, etc.).
ocaml-caqti - https://github.com/paurkedal/ocaml-caqti/releases/tag/v1.2.4

Published by paurkedal over 4 years ago


  • Switch to TEXT format for PostgreSQL populate implementation.
ocaml-caqti - https://github.com/paurkedal/ocaml-caqti/releases/tag/v1.2.3

Published by paurkedal over 4 years ago


  • Silence PostgreSQL notifications which were printed to stderr. They can
    be re-enabled with a parameter on the connection URI (#33).
  • Improve details in exceptions in two places.
  • Fix info about connection caching for sqlite in README (#35, dgllghr).
ocaml-caqti - https://github.com/paurkedal/ocaml-caqti/releases/tag/v1.2.2

Published by paurkedal almost 5 years ago


  • Update for core v0.13 (GPR#31 Xavier Clerc).
ocaml-caqti - https://github.com/paurkedal/ocaml-caqti/releases/tag/v1.2.1

Published by paurkedal almost 5 years ago


  • Support TEXT literals in queries.
  • Fix decoding of binary results for PostgreSQL (thanks to James Owen).
  • Implement copy-mode for PostgreSQL (GPR#30 James Owen).
ocaml-caqti - https://github.com/paurkedal/ocaml-caqti/releases/tag/v1.2.0

Published by paurkedal about 5 years ago


  • Add a signature for the populate function, and add basic implementations
    for all drivers (GPR#28).
  • Add stream for result extraction (GPR#22 Nathan Rebours).
  • Use the postgres driver when postgres is specified as the URL scheme
    (GPR#25 James Owen).
  • Documentation improvements (GPR#20 Nathan Rebours, etc.).
  • Reimplemented partly ineffective prepare-cache for PostgreSQL.
  • Backwards incompatible changes to the driver API.
  • Backwards incompatible changes to modules marked internal but exposed due
    to being split across packages.
  • Fix forward compatibility past OCaml 4.08 as announced by deprecations.
ocaml-caqti - https://github.com/paurkedal/ocaml-caqti/releases/tag/v1.1.0

Published by paurkedal over 5 years ago


  • Add pretty printer for requests.
  • Add variance to 'a future declarations.
  • Add blocking instance of API.
  • Generalize $. to $<var>. in queries.
  • Infer the expansion of $(<var>.) from $(<var>) if not provided.
  • Fix connection recovery for PostgreSQL (issue #19, Dave Aitken).
  • Fix some unhandled exceptions for PostgreSQL.
  • Fix connection validation for MariaDB.
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