
A simple web browser client for Ampache

AGPL-3.0 License

ample - 0.41.1

Published by mitchray about 2 years ago


  • Missing checkboxes on Multi-rater page
  • Some search views stuck on 'mobile' layout
ample - 0.41.0

Published by mitchray about 2 years ago


  • Remove songs from playlists
  • Reorder songs in playlists (press button to enter reorder mode)
  • Randomize order of songs in playlists
  • Update From Tags added to context menu of artists/albums/songs
  • Update Artwork added to context menu of artists/albums
  • Added Actions to all Listers throughout the app (e.g. search results)


  • Smartlist Refresh button moved to be above songs
ample - 0.40.1

Published by mitchray about 2 years ago


  • Rolled back Svelte version as Quick Search became glitchy
ample - 0.40.0

Published by mitchray about 2 years ago

Requires at least Ampache 5.4.1


  • Lyrics panel, supporting timestamped lyrics if present. New button near the volume slider.
    • Notification for missing lyrics
    • Notification for lyrics present, but not timestamped
  • Use quotation marks in Quick Search to perform an exact search, e.g. "Rain" will not show results like Brain or Acid Rain
  • "Fancy" search from Quick Search, to narrow down results. One or more of artist, album or title/song
    • e.g. artist:trivium album:dragon
    • If song or title is present at all, search results will be for songs. E.g. artist:trivium song:fire
    • Otherwise if album is present, search results will be for albums. E.g. artist:trivium album:dragon
    • Finally, if only artist is present, search results will be for artists. E.g. artist:trivium


  • Notifications are all disabled by default now
  • Releases featuring an artist (but not by that artist) are separated from that artists releases, denoted by " (appearance)" in the release type


  • Favicon should be back now
ample - 0.39.0

Published by mitchray over 2 years ago


  • Notification system! (enabled by default, specific types can be disabled Notifications > Settings)




  • Advanced search fields are now responsive


  • Waveform colours weren't updating after browser back/forward
  • Cross-origin playback from the demo server
  • Support Ampache installations which are in a subdirectory (e.g.
ample - 0.38.0

Published by mitchray over 2 years ago


  • Save Lister limits for each type (Artist/Album/Song etc)
  • Find alternate versions of currently playing song (instead of exact title matching)



  • Don't clear queue when end of list is reached and repeat is not enabled
  • Remove lister table striping (seeing if I miss it)
  • Moved Smartlist refresh button out of the playlist name


  • Songs less than 1 minute were missing the leading zero (e.g. :43)
  • Some items were causing layout shifts while loading
  • Pull the latest metadata for currently playing song to make sure ratings etc are in sync
  • Attempt to play next song in queue if there is an error loading
ample - 0.37.0

Published by mitchray over 2 years ago

[0.37.0] - 2022-05-18


  • Dynamic style for genre cards, based on keyword matching



  • Changed genre page to use tabs, instead of Artists/Albums/Songs being separate pages


  • Lister background color glitched sometimes when switching from List to Grid
ample - 0.36.0

Published by mitchray over 2 years ago


  • Remember Lister column selections
  • Option to view Lister in grid layout
  • Genre pagination
  • Genre grid layout
  • Play songs from genre (based on artist genre)
ample - 0.35.0

Published by mitchray over 2 years ago

Recommend clearing browser cache after install to get latest CSS changes


  • Sticky columns in Lister will have a 'hovered' style when covering other columns
  • Save volume setting


  • Going back to Roboto font, but the fancy variable version this time
  • Reorganised most page layouts into a tab format; showing more items by default
  • Tabs are loaded on demand, which should improve performance
  • Moved "Unrated > Mass Assign" to its own "Multi-rater" page
  • Changed "Favorites" order in sidebar as the following pages all have the same layout


  • Checkbox would squish when Lister is overflowing
  • Sidebar mini mode scrolls now on small screens (hover labels disabled for now)
  • Album card images would collapse during load
ample - 0.34.0

Published by mitchray over 2 years ago

Requires at least Ampache 5.3.1


  • Ability to toggle lister columns (resets each time but will save in future release)
  • New lister columns
    • Songs: Plays, Quality, Size
    • Albums: Length, Type
    • Artists: Length
  • Advanced search updates
    • "My Rating (song)" for albums and artists
    • "My Rating (album)" for artists
    • "Song Count" for albums and artists
    • "Album Count" for artists
    • "Song Artist" for albums
    • "Played by Me (Artist)" for albums
    • "Recently added" for albums
  • A "Duplicates found" link will appear next to the search bar if the currently playing song matches another of the (exact) same title by that artist. Planning on expanding into other 'health checks'.


  • Unrated -> Mass Assign will show results automatically
  • Date and number columns don't need to be resizable


  • Close the search results if an image is clicked
ample - 0.33.0

Published by mitchray over 2 years ago

Requires at least Ampache 5.2.1

Just catching up on updates from Ampache


  • Album and artist objects for playlist and playlist_name in advanced search
  • no_tag (genre) in advanced search


  • De-emphasised genre tags (didn't feel that the purple was working)
ample - 0.32.0

Published by mitchray over 2 years ago


  • Could not scroll queue using touch devices


  • Reorder queue items by dragging the cover art
  • A few colour tweaks here and there
ample - 0.31.0

Published by mitchray almost 3 years ago


  • Lister column resize handles and checkboxes were not visible in dark mode


  • Updated layout for playlists
ample - 0.30.0

Published by mitchray almost 3 years ago

Big behind the scenes changes, clear your browser cache if you have problems


  • New visual style for many items
  • Overhauled color system
ample - 0.22.0

Published by mitchray almost 3 years ago



  • Album actions (play, shuffle etc) now always visible instead of revealed on hover
  • Album/artist images are now links
ample - 0.21.0

Published by mitchray almost 3 years ago

Mostly behind the scenes changes, but should provide a better experience viewing tables


  • Search results won't show categories with zero results
  • Revised table display
    • Predefined column widths instead of autofit (still resizable), with horizontal scrolling
    • Name and actions (play, shuffle etc) always visible
    • Larger artwork
    • Double-click any column resizer bar to reset all columns to default widths


  • Virtual tables (where only visible rows are present in the DOM), also fixes some visual glitches which bugged me
ample - 0.20.0

Published by mitchray almost 3 years ago

Small release for recent changes to multi-version API support in Ampache; can be skipped if not using the develop branch of Ampache


  • Specify desired API version instead of getting it from handshake
ample - 0.19.0

Published by mitchray almost 3 years ago

Requires at least Ampache 5.1.1

Some big under the hood changes; should scale better with large collections


  • Paginate All Artists/Albums instead of preloading everything (the 5.1.1 requirement )
  • Light/dark mode toggle now available on login; and removed motion effect from login page
  • Theme improvements, many for light mode specifically


  • Albums by date was not displaying properly


  • Sidebar slideout with all artists/albums; not happy with the performance due to needing all items to be loaded, but might return one day
ample - 0.18.0

Published by mitchray almost 3 years ago


  • Fade out on manual pause/next/previous; fade in on manual resume


  • Wrap genres list when many exist
  • Escape the MusicBrainz Compare regex input
  • Queue wasn't being cleared properly, causing duplicate waveforms
ample - 0.17.0

Published by mitchray almost 3 years ago


  • Recently Played on homepage will auto-refresh once song changes
  • Unrated->Mass Assign now has unrated song preset


  • Albums/artists not loading