
Straight-forward Svelte UI for the Web

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kahi-ui - v0.4.7

Published by novacbn almost 3 years ago


ALL CHANGES: https://github.com/novacbn/kahi-ui/compare/v0.4.6...v0.4.7

  • Revamped internal library typings.
kahi-ui - v0.4.6

Published by novacbn almost 3 years ago


ALL CHANGES: https://github.com/novacbn/kahi-ui/compare/v0.4.5...v0.4.6

  • Revamped internal context handling for: Breadcrumb.

  • Added the following Components / Component Features

    • Disclosure

      • Carousel — Renders children as a carousel of slide elements, with snap scrolling.

        • <Carousel.Container> — Wrapper Component providing the scrolling context.

          • <Carousel.Container orientation="vertical"> — Used to set the slide items to scroll vertically, instead of horizontally.
          • <Carousel.Container spacing="tiny/small/medium/large/huge" spacing_x="tiny/small/medium/large/huge" spacing_y="tiny/small/medium/large/huge"> — Used to configure gap spacing between each slide item.
        • <Carousel.Section> — Used for wrapping Carousel slides.

    • Interactables

      • FileDropInput — Renders a stylized box that accepts file drops and clicks to open file open prompt.

        • <FileDropInput accept={string}> — Used to set an accepted allow list of file types in file open prompt. Binding to accept.
        • <FileDropInput multiple={boolean}> — Used to enable the underlying <input type="file" /> to accept multiple files at once. Binding to multiple.
        • <FileDropInput palette="accent/dark/light/alert/affirmative/negative"> — Used to change the rendered color palette.
kahi-ui - v0.4.5

Published by novacbn about 3 years ago


ALL CHANGES: https://github.com/novacbn/kahi-ui/compare/v0.4.4...v0.4.5

  • Added CSS Theming Variables to the following Components: Tab.

  • Added the following Components / Component Features

    • Disclosure

      • Accordion — Presents child content in a stack, where each item can be selectively clicked to be revealed.

        • <Accordion.Container> — Wrapper Component which provides stylings and Svelte Contexts for radio / checkbox button functionality.

          • <Accordion.Container behavior="inclusive/exclusive"> — Used to switch the Accordion between checkbox (inclusive) and radio (exclusive) button modes.
          • <Accordion.Container logic_name="XXX"> — Used to synchronize the form name between each radio / checkbox button.
          • <Accordion.Container logic_state="XXX"> — Used to set which form ID(s) is the currently active accordion item(s).
        • <Accordion.Group> — Used for grouping together <Accordion.Label> / <Accordion.Section> Components.

          • <Tab.Group logic_id="XXX"> — Used to synchronize the form IDs between the radio buttons, tab content, and Svelte Contexts.
        • <Accordion.Label> — Used for creating radio / checkbox buttons for selecting the active accordion item(s).

          • <Accordion.Label state> — Wrapper around <input type="checkbox/radio" checked={false/true}>, used to make the item active.
          • <Accordion.Label palette="accent/dark/light/alert/affirmative/negative"> — Used to change the rendered color palette.
        • <Accordion.Section> — Used for wrapping accordion item content that will render when active.

          • <Accordion.Section loading="lazy"> — Disables rendering of item content to DOM when not active.
  • Updated the following Components / Component Features

    • Utilities

      • Transition

        • <Transition animation="clip"> — Reversed direction property handling so enter variations come from their direction, rather than expand to their direction. Matching the <Transition animation="slide"> variations.
kahi-ui - v0.4.4

Published by novacbn about 3 years ago


ALL CHANGES: https://github.com/novacbn/kahi-ui/compare/v0.4.3...v0.4.4

  • Fixed Svelte Compiler ARIA warnings about missing for / href attribute, even if provided by developer.

  • Moved base element styles earlier in stylesheet imports, to reduce specificity conflicts.

  • Added the following Components / Component Features

    • Display

      • Table

        • <Table.Column colspan={number | string} rowspan={number | string}> / <Table.Heading colspan={number | string} rowspan={number | string}> — Bindings to colspan / rowspan attributes.
  • Fixed the following Components / Component Features

    • Disclosure

      • Tab

        • <Tab.Anchor> — Fixed text coloring being inherited from base <Anchor> styles.
    • Interactables

      • Form

        • <Form.Label for="XXX"> — Fixed authoritive context not being set when no parent context is found.
  • Removed the following Components / Component Features

    • Interactables

      • Button

        • <Button for="XXX"> — Removed the ability to set empty <label for> via true value.
  • Updated the following Components / Component Features

    • Display

      • Table

        • <Table.Column bind:element> / <Table.Heading bind:element> — Changed from deprecated HTMLTableDataCellElement / HTMLTableHeaderCellElement -> HTMLTableCellElement.
    • Interactables

      • Button

        • <Button for> / <Button href> — Changed from using role=button to .button class as the selector.
kahi-ui - v0.4.3

Published by novacbn about 3 years ago


ALL CHANGES: https://github.com/novacbn/kahi-ui/compare/v0.4.2...v0.4.3

  • Added CSS Theming Variables to the following Components: Button, Check, Form, Radio, Switch, TextInput.

  • Revamped internal context handling for Check, Form, HiddenInput, Radio, Switch, Tab, TextInput.

  • Added the following Components / Component Features

    • Interactables

      • Switch

        • Providing child content in the default unnamed slot will wrap the Component and content in a <Form.Label> with spacing as siblings.
    • Overlays

      • Clickable — Increases clickable area of child <Clickable.Anchor> / <Clickable.Label> to the entirety of parent. Surfacing any other interactable Components above that.

        • <Clickable.Container> — Wrapper display: contents Component which sets position: relative on immedidate children.
        • <Clickable.Anchor> — Works like a regular <Anchor> but with clickable-item class preset.
        • <Clickable.Label> — Works like a regular <Form.Label> but with clickable-item class preset. And sets the Form ID context to match <Clickable.Label for>.
  • Updated the following Components / Component Features

    • Navigation

      • Anchor

        • (BREAKING) Changed link coloring to inherit current color. Works better in most composable situations, e.g. w/ Clickable

          • Use <Anchor palette="XXX"> to color links according to palette.
kahi-ui - v0.4.2

Published by novacbn about 3 years ago


ALL CHANGES: https://github.com/novacbn/kahi-ui/compare/v0.4.1...v0.4.2

  • Added the following Components / Component Features

    • Display

      • Badge

        • <Badge shape="none/pill/rounded"> — Changes the border radius shape of the Component.
    • Layout

      • Center — Centers the child content within its self using Flexbox.

      • Position — Applies special positioning rules to child content depending <Position variation>.

        • <Position variation="floated"> — Positions the child content in a corner of the containing parent without affecting layout.

          • <Position variation="floated" placement="bottom/top" alignment_x="left/right"> — Positions the child content in a top / bottom corner.
          • <Position variation="raised" placement="bottom/left/right/top"> — Positions the child content while affecting the layout.
    • Utilities

      • Transition

        • <Transition duration="number|string"> — Provide a percentage decimal (e.g. 1.2 which means 120%) to control how long of the theme's animation duration is played.
  • Deprecated the following Components / Component Features

    • Display

      • Badge

        • (BREAKING) <Badge position="floated/raised"> — Current behavior is deprecated in favor of using Position.
    • Feedback

      • Dot

        • (BREAKING) <Dot position="floated/raised"> — Current behavior is deprecated in favor of using Position.
kahi-ui - v0.4.1

Published by novacbn about 3 years ago


  • Added IS_SERVER: boolean constant.

  • Added the following Actions / Action Features

    • intersection_observer(HTMLElement, {on_intersect: (intersections: IntersectionObserverEntry[]) => void}): IIntersectionObserverAction — Light Svelte Action wrapper around the IntersectionObserver API.

      • intersection_observer({...: IntersectionObserverInit}) — Pass IntersectionObserverInit options.
      • NOTE: Properties map to snake_case, e.g. rootMargin -> root_margin
    • mutation_observer(HTMLElement, {on_mutate: (mutations: MutationRecord[]) => void}): IMutationObserverAction — Light Svelte Action wrapper around the MutationObserver API.

      • mutation_observer({...: MutationObserverInit}) — Pass MutationObserverInit options.
      • NOTE: Properties map to snake_case, e.g. attributeFilter -> attribute_filter
  • Added the following Components / Component Features

    • Utilities

      • BrowserRender — Disables rendering of child content whenever Component is initialized on a Server.

      • ServerRender — Disables rendering of child content whenever Component is initialized on the Browser.

      • IntersectionRender — Starts rendering the child content whenever the content intersects the viewport, via a IntersectionObserver.

        • <IntersectionRender fallthrough={boolean}> — When true, always renders content in SSR environments, e.g. SvelteKit
        • <IntersectionRender loading="eager"> — Changes behavior to stop rendering the child content whenever it leaves the viewport, instead of persisting.
        • <IntersectionRender has_intersected={boolean}> — Is true after the child content has intersected once.
        • <IntersectionRender is_intersecting={boolean}> — Is true whenever the child content is intersecting.
        • <IntersectionRender root> — Maps to IntersectionObserverInit.root.
        • <IntersectionRender root_margin> — Maps to IntersectionObserverInit.rootMargin.
        • <IntersectionRender threshold> — Maps to IntersectionObserverInit.threshold.
kahi-ui - v0.4.0

Published by novacbn about 3 years ago


  • Added CSS Theming Variables to the following Components: Anchor, Badge, Box, Breadcrumb, Card, Container, Divider, Dot, Ellipsis, Group, Hero, List, Progress, Spinner, Table, Tile, Wave.

  • Fixed <XXX sizing="{VIEWPORT}:{SIZING}> modifiers not having correct values.

  • Added the following Components / Component Features

    • Navigation

      • Anchor

        • <Anchor palette="accent/dark/light/alert/affirmative/negative"> — Used to change the rendered color palette.
    • Utilities

      • <Transition> — Encapsulates the child content within an controllable animation.

        • <Transition delay="number|string"> — Provide a percentage decimal (e.g. 1.2 which means 120%) to control how long of the transition duration to wait before playing.

        • <Transition direction="bottom/left/right/top"> — On supported animations, controls the direction in which the animation moves towards. With most animations defaulting to bottom.

        • <Transition variation="enter/exit/undefined"> — If enter, the enter animation plays. If exit, exit animation plays. No animation plays when provided undefined.

        • <Transition on:animationend on:animationstart> — Passthrough of the Browser animationend / animationstart events.

        • <Transition animation="XXX"> — Controls which animation is played.

          • <Transition animation="clip"> — Sets to a clip-path / opacity "blinders" animation.
          • <Transition animation="fade"> — Sets to a simple opacity "fade in" / "fade out" animation.
          • <Transition animation="scale"> — Sets to a transform: scale / opacity "zoom in" / "zoom out" animation.
          • <Transition animation="slide"> — Sets to a transform: translate / opacity sliding movement animation.
  • Updated the following Components / Component Features

    • Navigation

      • Breadcrumb

        • <Breadcrumb.Item active> — Changed from a active={true} being bolded, to active={false} being lower opacity. Works better in situations where a parent container has bolded text.
  • Removed the following Components / Component Features

    • Feedback

      • Spinner

        • (BREAKING) <Spinner variation="dual"> — Removed previously deprecated feature.
kahi-ui - v0.3.5

Published by novacbn about 3 years ago


  • Added the following Components / Component Features

    • *

      • <XXX elevation="none"> — Removes elevation from the Component.
    • Display

      • Table

        • <Table.Container sizing="tiny/small/medium/large/huge"> — Added support for modifying the text sizing / spacings of all children.
    • Overlays

      • Overlay

        • <Overlay orientation="horizontal/mobile:horizontal/tablet:horizontal/desktop:horizontal/widescreen:horizontal"> — Lays content out horizontally.
    • Surfaces

      • Box

        • <Box elevation="none/lowest/low/medium/high/highest"> — Changes the background box shadow for facsimile of elevated height off the page.
        • <Box shape="none/pill/rounded"> — Changes the border radius shape of the Component.
      • Card / Tile

        • <XXX.Footer orientation="vertical/mobile:vertical/tablet:vertical/desktop:vertical/widescreen:vertical"> — Lays content out vertically.
        • <XXX.Footer alignment="center/stretch" alignment_x="left/right/center/stretch" alignment_y="top/bottom/center/stretch"> — Used to align the content.
    • Utilities

      • Portal

        • <Portal loading="lazy"> — Disables rendering to HTML of the default slot content when not active / mounted.
kahi-ui - v0.3.4

Published by novacbn about 3 years ago


  • Fixed keybind({repeat: true}) Svelte Action dispatching on_bind before all keys of combinations are pressed.

  • Added the following Components / Component Features

    • Interactables

      • Form

        • <Form.Group on:change> — Dispatches whenever the <Form.Group logic_state> value changes via Svelte Context.
    • Utilities

      • Portal

        • <Portal on:mount> — Dispatches whenever the Portal Component successfully mounts.
  • Updated the following Components / Component Features

    • *

    • Utilities

      • Portal

        • Updated to hide content whenever not yet mounted.
kahi-ui - v0.3.3

Published by novacbn about 3 years ago


  • Added --font-content-size-local-* / --font-headline-size-local-* properties, which use em values instead of rem.

  • Fixed viewport("widescreen") / viewports({widescreen: true}) using incorrect values.

  • Updated --font-content-size-* / --font-headline-size-* CSS variables to --font-content-size-root-* / --font-headline-size-root-*.

  • Added the following Components / Component Features

    • Surfaces

      • Card / Tile

        • <Card.Container sizing="tiny/small/medium/large/huge"> / <Tile.Container sizing="tiny/small/medium/large/huge"> — Added support for modifying the text sizing / spacings of all children.
  • Fixed the following Components / Component Features

    • Navigation

      • Breadcrumb

        • <Breadcrumb.Container separator="XXX"> — Fixed typings to not error on no value being present.
  • Updated the following Components / Component Features

    • Navigation

      • Breadcrumb

        • Updated spacing for separators small -> tiny tier.
    • Surfaces

      • Card

        • <Card.Figure> — non-fullbleed media is now centered on both axis.
        • Updated border / spacing handling to work better with <Card.Figure> with non-fullbleed media.
      • Card / Tile

        • <Card.Header> / <Tile.Header> — Updated font size large -> medium
        • Updated spacing to be slightly more compact.
kahi-ui - v0.3.2

Published by novacbn about 3 years ago


  • Fixed attribute mapping not rejecting false values.
kahi-ui - v0.3.1

Published by novacbn about 3 years ago


  • Fixed some internal Component typings.

  • Added the following Components / Component Features

    • Disclosure

      • Tab

        • <Tab.Container> — Wrapper Component which provides stylings and Svelte Contexts for radio button functionality.

          • <Tab.Container logic_name="XXX"> — Used to synchronize the form name between each radio button.
          • <Tab.Container logic_state="XXX"> — Used to set which form ID is the current active tab.
          • <Tab.Container sizing="tiny/small/medium/large/huge"> — Used to change how large the children buttons renders as.
        • <Tab.Group> — Used for grouping together <Tab.Label> / <Tab.Section> Components.

          • <Tab.Group logic_id="XXX"> — Used to synchronize the form IDs between the radio buttons, tab content, and Svelte Contexts.
        • <Tab.Label> — Used for providing radio buttons for navigating tabs without Javascript.

          • <Tab.Label state> — Wrapper around <input type="radio" checked={false/true}>, used to make the tab active.
        • <Tab.Anchor> — Used for providing page-based navigation buttons.

          • <Tab.Anchor current="XXX"> — Wrapper around aria-current, used to make the tab active.
        • <Tab.Anchor> / <Tab.Label>

          • <Tab.XXX palette="accent/dark/light/alert/affirmative/negative"> — Used to change the rendered color palette.
        • <Tab.Section> — Used for wrapping tab content that will render when active.

          • <Tab.Section loading="lazy"> — When paired with <Tab.Group> / <Tab.Label>, disables rendering of tab content to DOM when not active.
    • Feedback

      • Progress

        • <Progress> — Used for displaying the process of an ongoing action to the end-user.

          • <Progress palette="accent/dark/light/alert/affirmative/negative"> — Used to change the rendered color palette.
          • <Progress shape="circle"> — Used to change the rendering of the Component to be a circle.
          • <Progress size="tiny/small/medium/large/huge"> — Used to change how large the Component renders as.
          • <Progress value="0.0...1.0"> — Used to control the current percent displayed.
  • Added the following Actions / Action Features

    • keybind(HTMLElement, {binds: string | string[], on_bind: (event: IKeybindEvent) => void}): IKeybindAction — Used to bind multiple key combinations to activate a keybind callback.

      • keybind(HTMLElement, {repeat?: boolean, repeat_throttle?: number}) — Used to control if the on_bind callback is repeated for held down active keybinds, and how long between each repeat call.
kahi-ui - v0.3.0

Published by novacbn about 3 years ago


  • First NPM release, install via npm install @kahi-ui/framework.
kahi-ui - v0.2.16

Published by novacbn about 3 years ago

  • Fixed dark mode transition being laggy on WebKit / Blink Browsers.

  • Fixed scrollbar not having height applied to it on WebKit / Blink Browsers.

  • Updated scrollbar with theming for dark mode.

  • Updated colors, spacings, and other visual modifiers.

  • Added initial support for Theming CSS Variables

    • --font-family-(monospace/normal) — References the available font familes.

      • e.g. font-family: var(--font-family-monospace);
    • --font-(content/headline)-(line-height/size)-(nano/tiny/small/medium/large/huge/massive) — References the available font sizes and their associated line heights.

      • e.g. font-size: var(--font-content-size-medium);
    • --palette-(auto/auto-off/inverse/inverse-off/accent/neutral/dark/off-dark/light/off-light/alert/affirmative/negative)-(lightest/light/normal/bold/boldest) — References the available shades for the semantic color palette.

      • e.g. color: rgb(var(--palette-accent-bold));
      • IMPORTANT: The semantic shades naming depends on the theme used. e.g. the default theme flips light <-> dark shades around and shifts the shading scale, for dark mode.
      • NOTE: The auto / auto-off palettes are their respective dark / light, depending on if the Framework is in dark mode.
      • NOTE: The inverse / inverse-off palettes are always the opposite of the auto / auto-off palettes.
      • NOTE: The off palettes are "off color" variations of the dark / light palettes.
    • --radius-(circle/pill/small/medium) — References the available border radius and shape associated radii.

      • e.g. border-radius: var(--radius-medium);
    • --sizes-(content/embedded/icon)-(tiny/small/medium/large/huge) — References the available sizing levels for Content sizes, Embedded Media widths, and Icon sizes.

      • e.g. width: var(--sizes-icon-small);height: var(--sizes-icon-small);
    • --spacing-(local/root)-(tiny/small/medium/large/huge) — References the available spacing levels, with root spacing using rem and local using em.

      • e.g. padding-left: var(--spacing-root-small);
  • Added the following Components / Component Features

    • Interactables

      • Button

        • <Button type="reset" value="XXX"> — Added support for rendering <input type="reset" />.
      • TextInput

        • <TextInput palette="XXX" variation="flush" /> — Added support for text colors in flush variations.
    • Navigation

      • Menu

        • <Menu.Container sizing="XXX"> — Added support for setting sizing for menu content.
        • <Menu.Anchor palette="XXX"> / <Menu.Button palette="XXX"> / <Menu.Label palette="XXX"> — Added support for palettes.
    • Typography

      • Heading

        • <Heading palette="XXX"> — Is now supported for all the built-in semantic palettes.
      • Text

        • <Text variation="headline"> - Is now supported for all headline sizes.
  • Deprecated the following Components / Component Features

    • Feedback

      • Spinner

        • (BREAKING) <Spinner variation="dual"> — Will no longer be available in the future.
      • Wave

        • (BREAKING) <Wave size="XXX"> — Not a useful modifier, also to add consistency with Dot.
  • Updated the following Components / Component Features

    • *

      • <XXX palette="auto-inverse"> — Changed from auto-inverse -> inverse to be consistent with new CSS Variables.
    • Interactables

      • Button

        • <Button value="XXX"> — Fixed <input />-based Buttons not rendering properly.
      • Form

        • <Form.Control on:click> — Added missing event typing definitions.
    • Navigation

      • Menu

        • <Menu.Label> — Added missing event typing definitions.
    • Utilities

      • ContextBackdrop

        • <ContextBackdrop on:click> — Added missing event typing definitions.
kahi-ui - v0.2.15

Published by novacbn about 3 years ago


  • Deprecated the following Components / Component Features

    • Navigation

      • Omni

        • <Omni.Container logic_id="XXX"> — Current behavior is deprecated in favor of using Popover in combination with global modifiers like hidden.
  • Updated the following Components

    • *

      • Migrated all Components to internally use new experiemental $$Props TypeScript type aliasing.
      • Fixed Svelte Compiler warnings for unused exports.
    • Navigation

      • Menu

        • <Menu.Container class="XXX"> — Fixed not accepting property input.
kahi-ui - v0.2.14

Published by novacbn over 3 years ago


  • Updated the following Components

    • Display

      • Table

        • Fixed table bottom borders to use deeper nested ::before to fix Chrome rendering bug.
    • Navigation

      • Aside

        • Removed rendering of Offscreen wrapper when logic_id is not set.
    • Overlays

      • Offscreen / Popover

        • Removed unintended behavior of inheriting the current logic / state contexts.
      • Overlay

        • Removed unintended property typings.
    • Utilities

      • Portal

        • Fixed exception thrown when trying to mount Portal container element.
        • Fixed Portal not removing children upon being destroyed.
  • Updated the following Actions

    • click_outside

      • (POTENTIALLY BREAKING) Added validation check if the click target is actually inside the the DOM or off-screen.
        • If you had a Component which changes its DOM layout before the click event handler was fired, previously the action would emit a false positive.
        • e.g. the documentation web application's dark mode toggle icon. It changes the icon whenever clicked.
  • Added the following Stores

    • mediaquery(query: string): Readable<boolean> / mediaqueries(queries: string[], options: IMediaQueriesOptions): Readable<boolean> — Returns true whenever any of the given Media Queries are valid.

      • mediaqueries(queries, {behavior: "and"}) — Requires all given Media Queries to be valid instead of any.
    • viewport(viewport: string): Readable<boolean> — Single viewport version of viewports.

  • Updated the following Stores

    • attribute

      • (POTENTIALLY BREAKING) Updated to remove attributes set target element if provided value is falsy.
    • prefersscheme

      • Updated to utilize the new mediaquery Store internally.
    • viewports(viewports: Record<string, boolean>): Readable<string>

      • Refactored implementation for quicker updates.
      • Only passing in a single Viewport will return an instance of viewport.
kahi-ui - v0.2.13

Published by novacbn over 3 years ago

  • Added the following Components

    • Interactables

      • HiddenInput — Useful for providing hidden constants for form submissions that the end-user doesn't need to modify.
  • Updated the following Components

    • Feedback

      • Ellipsis

        • Updated to disable line wrapping on the inner characters.
    • Interactables

      • Check / Radio

        • Added <XXX variation="flush"> — Changes the appearance to only show the inner box / circle shape.
    • Navigation

      • Menu

        • Added <Menu.Label> — Useful for wrapping a form Component as a Menu option.
        • Added property passthrough for Menu.Anchor / Menu.Button / Menu.Divider / Menu.Heading to Menu.Item.
        • Updated typings for Menu.Anchor / Menu.Button / Menu.Divider / Menu.Heading.
    • Surfaces

      • Card / Tile

        • Added <XXX variation="flush"> — Changes the appearance to remove exterior padding, background, and box shadow.
kahi-ui - v0.2.12

Published by novacbn over 3 years ago


  • Upgraded Storybook 6.3.0-rc.11 -> 6.3.2.

  • Updated the following Components

    • Interactables

      • Form

        • Updated Form.Control / Form.HelpText / Form.Label not properly handling global modifiers / properties.
      • TextInput

        • Added <TextInput align="center/justify/left/right"> — Aligns the text displayed within the TextInput.

        • Added <TextInput transform="capitalize/lowercase/uppercase"> — Transform the character casing of text displayed within the TextInput.

          • IMPORTANT: This will only affect the VISUAL DISPLAY, not the value retrieved via value binding.
      • Check / Radio / Switch / TextInput

        • Added <XXX on:blur on:focus> — Events fired whenever the Component loses focus or gains focus from the end-user, respectively.
    • Navigation

      • Aside

        • Updated <Aside.Section> with disabled flex-shrink when not last of type.
    • Typography

      • Heading / Text

        • Updated handling for <Heading align="XXX" transform="XXX"> / <Text align="XXX" transform="XXX"> to internally use variables.
      • Text

        • Updated all <Text is="XXX"> elements to accept <Text align="XXX">.
kahi-ui - v0.2.11

Published by novacbn over 3 years ago


  • Bump Browser minimum version requirements.

    • Utilizing inset in Popover.

      • Chrome 87+ (November 2020)

      • Edge 87+ (November 2020)

      • Firefox 66+ (March 2019)

        • Minimum was already Firefox 67+.
      • Safari 14.1+ (April 2021)

        • Minimum was already Safari 14.1+.
  • Added <XXX spacing="{VIEWPORT}:none"> / <XXX spacing-{AXIS}="{VIEWPORT}:none"> support for Components that needed the zero pixel variable.

  • Added the following Components

    • Overlays

      • Offscreen — Useful for wrapping excess content offscreen that the end-user can show via buttons on the Viewport edges.

        • <Offscreen alignment="center/stretch" alignment_x="left/right/center/stretch" alignment_y="top/bottom/center/stretch"> — Defaults to stretch, used to align the content.
        • <Offscreen hidden="true/mobile/tablet/desktop/widescreen"> — Used to control which Viewports the excess content is hidden on.
        • <Offscreen logic_id="XXX"> — Used to set the HTML id for the state checkbox which controls when content is being shown.
        • <Offscreen placement="top/left/bottom/right"> — Defaults to left, used to control which edge to show the content along.
        • <Offscreen captive> — Enables the backdrop.
        • <Offscreen dismissable> — Enables the backdrop to be clickable, and dismisses the Offscreen.
        • <Offscreen on:active> — Fires whenever the Offscreen is made active, either via scripting or the end-user.
        • <Offscreen on:dismiss> — Fires whenever the Offscreen is dismissed, either via scripting or the end-user.
      • Popover — Useful for creating overflow menus that the end-user can show via buttons.

        • <Popover alignment_x="left/right/center" alignment_y="top/bottom/center"> — Defaults to center, used to align the content.
        • <Popover hidden="true/mobile/tablet/desktop/widescreen"> — Used to control which Viewports the excess content is hidden on.
        • <Popover logic_id="XXX"> — Used to set the HTML id for the state checkbox which controls when content is being shown.
        • <Popover placement="top/left/bottom/right"> — Defaults to bottom, used to control which edge to show the content along.
        • <Popover spacing="none/tiny/small/medium/large/huge"> — Defaults to none, used to control how far away the Popover's floating content will appear away from the base content.
        • <Popover dismissable> — Enables the Popover to close whenever its content are clicked outside of.
        • <Popover on:active> — Fires whenever the Popover is made active, either via scripting or the end-user.
        • <Popover on:dismiss> — Fires whenever the Popover is dismissed, either via scripting or the end-user.
  • Updated the following Components

    • Navigation

      • Aside

        • Added <Aside.Container placement="left/right"> — Used to control which Viewport edge the Aside will be on when collapsed on Mobile / Tablet.
        • Added <Aside.Container on:active> — Fires whenever the Aside is made active, either via scripting or the end-user.
        • Added <Aside.Container on:dismiss> — Fires whenever the Aside is dismissed, either via scripting or the end-user.
        • Migrated <Aside.Container> to internally use Offscreen for collapsing functionality.
        • Updated last <Aside.Section> to flew grow to parent height.
    • Overlays

      • Overlay

        • Fixed Overlay potentially resetting between viewport changes.
    • Surfaces

      • Card

        • Updated <Card.Section> to have increased y-axis padding when the first / last child of a <Card.Container>.
        • Updated only last <Card.Section> to only flex grow parent height.
      • Card / Tile

        • Updated border size slightly for better Dark Mode readability.
        • Updated default elevation to be lowest instead of low.
  • Updated the following Stores / Contexts

    • get_state_context(): Writable<boolean>

      • get_state_context(): Writable<boolean> -> get_state_context(): Writable<boolean> | undefined — No longer throws an error when the Svelte Context cannot be found.