
The Cocoa Dependency Manager.

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CocoaPods - 1.0.1

Published by mrackwitz over 8 years ago

  • None.
Bug Fixes
CocoaPods - 1.0.0

Published by segiddins over 8 years ago

  • Validate that resource bundles declared in the podspec contain resources.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improvements to the error messaging around missing dependencies.
    Orta Therox
  • Make sharing schemes for development pods an installation option
    (share_schemes_for_development_pods) and disable sharing schemes
    by default.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes

1.0.0.rc.2 (2016-05-04)

  • None.
Bug Fixes
  • Handle when an abstract target has no declared platform without crashing.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Don't recurse into child directories to find podspecs when running
    pod spec lint.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.rc.1 (2016-04-30)

  • The pod init command now uses target inheritance for test targets
    in the generated Podfile.
    Orta Therox
  • Support customized build directories by letting user xcconfig definitions
    rely on the new overridable alias build variable PODS_BUILD_DIR.
    Marius Rackwitz
Bug Fixes
  • Fix for pod repo push --help throwing an error.
    Boris Bügling
  • The warning for not having utf-8 set as the default encoding for a
    terminal now properly respects the --no-ansi argument.
    Joshua Kalpin

1.0.0.beta.8 (2016-04-15)

  • None.
Bug Fixes
  • Headers from vendored frameworks no longer end up in the HEADER_SEARCH_PATH
    when using frameworks. They are now assumed to be already present as modular
    headers in the framework itself.
    Mark Spanbroek
  • Access to the Pod::SourcesManager constant has been restored, though its use
    is considered deprecated and subject to removal at any time. Migrate to use
    Pod::Config.instance.sources_manager in some manner as soon as possible.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Running pod repo update --silent will now properly silence git output while
    updating the repository.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.7 (2016-04-15)

  • When an unknown build configuration is mentioned in the Podfile, CocoaPods
    will suggest the build configurations found in the user project.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improved the error message when a matching spec cannot be found,
    mentioning that now pod repo update is not implicit when running pod install.
    Orta Therox
  • Add support for sharded specs directories.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Pass the build setting OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS to codesign for the generated
    embed frameworks build phase's script, as Xcode does when signing natively.
    Václav Slavík
Bug Fixes
  • Sort files from Dir.glob explicitly to produce same result on case sensitive
    file system as result on case insensitive file system.
    Soutaro Matsumoto
  • Fix build path for resource bundles.
    Marius Rackwitz
    generated embed resources build phase's script, so that UI test targets can
    be run.
  • Ensure that a CFBundleVersion is set for resource bundles' Info.plist
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.6 (2016-03-15)

  • Running pod install doesn't imply an automatic spec repo update.
    The old behavior can be achieved by passing in the option --repo-update
    or running pod repo update.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Remove the configuration variable skip_repo_update as the default behavior
    varies now between pod install and pod (update|outdated).
    Marius Rackwitz
  • The master specs repo will no longer perform 'no-op' git fetches. This should
    help to reduce the load on GitHub's servers.
    Daniel Tomlinson
  • The specs repos will no longer support shallow clones to reduce CPU load
    on git servers. Pre-existing shallow clones of the master repo will
    automatically be upgraded to deep clones when the repo is updated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will check that all public_header_files and
    private_header_files are also present in source_files.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • The master specs repository can no longer be added via pod repo add, but
    instead must be done via pod setup.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Print a friendly error message when the platform for a target cannot be
    Samuel Giddins
    generated embed frameworks build phase's script, so that UI test targets can
    be run.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix build paths for resources bundles.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Validate that a Podfile does not declare the same target twice.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.5 (2016-03-08)

  • Development pods will no longer be implicitly unlocked. This makes CocoaPods respect
    constraints related to dependencies of development pods in the lockfile.

    If you change the constraints of a dependency of your development pod and want to
    override the locked version, you will have to use
    pod update ${DEPENDENCY_NAME} manually.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı

  • Add the 📦 emoji in front of CocoaPods Script Build Phases
    to quickly and visually differentiate them from other phases.
    Olivier Halligon
  • Enable syntax highlighting on the Podfile in the generated
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fixes paths passed for resources bundles in the copy resources script.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix saying the master specs repo exists when it has not been set up.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Move ${TARGET_DEVICE_ARGS} out of the quotations for --sdk in the
    Copy Pods Resources build phase.
    seaders #4940
  • Handle when $PATH isn't set.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Module maps that are set per-platform will be installed for the correct
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.4 (2016-02-24)

  • Allow deduplication to take effect even when the same pod is used with
    different sets of subspecs across different platforms.
    This changes the general naming scheme scoped pod targets. They are
    suffixed now on base of what makes them different among others for the
    same root spec instead of being prefixed by the dependent target.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Pass COCOAPODS_VERSION as environment variable when invoking the
    Marius Rackwitz
Bug Fixes
  • Pods are built by default in another scoping level of the build products
    directory identified by their name to prevent name clashes among
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix mixed integrations where static libraries are used along frameworks
    from different target definitions in one Podfile.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Pass target device arguments to ibtool in the copy resources script, fixing
    compilation of storyboards when targeting versions of iOS prior to iOS 8.
  • Fix pod repo lint when passed a path argument.
    Boris Bügling

1.0.0.beta.3 (2016-02-03)

  • None.
Bug Fixes
  • Don't try to embed project headers into frameworks.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix a crash in the analyzer when target deduplication is deactivated.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Handle CoreData mapping models with recursive resource globs.
    Eric Firestone
  • Generate valid xcconfig when target name includes spaces.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Properly add resource files to resources build phase.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix suggestion of sudo when it actually isn't needed.
    Marcel Jackwerth
  • Set the TARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY to support both iPhone and iPad for iOS
    resource bundle targets.
    Andy Rifken
  • Share user schemes of Pods.xcodeproj after generating deterministic UUIDS.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only attempt to import a framework during linting if the pod has source
    files, and is thus being built by CocoaPods.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Determine whether an external source needs to be fetched when updating a
    dependency regardless of subspec names.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.2 (2016-01-05)

  • Present a friendly error suggesting running pod install when there are
    missing local podspecs when running pod outdated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Don't warn about setting base config when identical to current config.
    Jed Lewison
  • Add user_targets method to the UmbrellaTargetDescription in the
    post-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Always fetch a :podspec dependency's podspec when it is missing in the
    Pods directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file will now be generated properly for resource bundles,
    setting the proper CFBundlePackageType and omitting the CFBundleExecutable
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix crash when deintegrating due to major version change and there are
    multiple root-level Xcode projects.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure the sandbox_root attribute is set on the pre-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.1 (2015-12-30)

  • The link_with Podfile DSL method has been removed in favor of target
    Samuel Giddins
  • The :exclusive => true Podfile DSL target option has been removed in favor
    of the inherit! :search_paths directive.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The specification of :head dependencies has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated :local dependency option has been removed in favor of the
    equivalent :path option.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated dependency method in the Podfile DSL has been removed in
    favor of the equivalent pod method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated preferred_dependency method in the Specification DSL has been
    removed in favor of the equivalent default_subspecs method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The docset_url Specification attribute has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Build configuration names are no longer set as pre-processor defines, but
    rather POD_CONFIGURATION_$CONFIGURATION_NAME is defined in order to lessen
    conflicts with pod code.
Highlighted Enhancements That Need Testing
  • The Podfile DSL has been cleaned up, with the removal of confusing options and
    the introduction of abstract targets, search paths-only inheritance, the
    specification of installation options, and the removal of head dependencies.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Add the ability to add a custom commit message when pushing a spec.
    Bart Jacobs
  • Added support for pod env to print the pod environment without having to crash.
    Hemal Shah
  • Add support for specifying :source with a pod dependency.
    Eric Firestone
  • Ask user to run pod install when a resource not found during in copy resources script.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Add support to track .def sources.
  • Add support to track .def files as headers.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Pod::Installer::PostInstallHooksContext now offers access to the sandbox
    Marcelo Fabri
  • Improve sorting algorithm for pod search.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve pod search performance while using --full flag.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve message when there is no spec in repos for dependency set in Podfile.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Reduce the number of times the user's Xcode project is opened, speeding up
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improving the performance of Pod::Installer::Analyzer#generate_pod_targets
    Daniel Ribeiro
  • Framework pods that have a header_mappings_dirs set will now produce
    frameworks with headers that respect the nesting.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now ensure that pods with a header_mappings_dirs have all
    of their headers inside that directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Pods will be validated with the -Wincomplete-umbrella compiler flag to
    ensure module maps are valid.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now attempt to build an app that imports the pod.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file's CFBundleIdentifier is now set via the
    PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER build setting, consistent with Xcode 7.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Externally-sourced pods will now have their specifications quickly linted.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the deployment target on pods to be that which is defined in the
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set a deployment target for resource bundle targets.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are no longer integrated with CocoaPods will be properly
    de-integrated when installation occurs.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are integrated will be ensured that they have all
    CocoaPods-related settings and phases properly installed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Total de-integration will happen whenever the major version of CocoaPods
    changes, ensuring backwards-incompatible changes are properly applied.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows specifying installation options via the install!
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows marking targets as abstract and specifying the pod
    inheritance mode via the inherit! directive.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fix compiling of localized resources.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix compiling of asset catalog files inside resource bundles.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Prevent installer to be run from inside sandbox directory.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve repo lint error message when no repo found with given name.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Fix a crash in dependency resolution when running Ruby 2.3.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix handling of localized files in Pods installed as frameworks.
    Tim Bodeit
  • Only include native targets when generating the Podfile in pod init.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that generated Info.plist files have a CFBundleShortVersionString
    that is precisely three dot-separated numbers.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY build setting if integrating with a
    tvOS extension target, or a target that has the setting set to YES.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only the root directory of externally-sourced pods will be searched for
    Samuel Giddins
  • Remove the library name's extension when adding it in the "linker flags" build
    setting to support dynamic libraries.
    Andrea Cremaschi
  • Specifying relative subspec names to the linter is now supported.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Headers used to build a pod will no longer be duplicated for frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key is now specified in the Info.plist
    file for tvOS pods built as frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix Swift code completion for Development Pods by using realpath for
    symlinked source files.
    Boris Bügling
  • Avoid the duplicate UUID warning when a Pod is installed for multiple
    Samuel Giddins
  • Changing the name of a target in a Podfile will no longer cause warnings about
    being unable to set the base configuration XCConfig.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that linking multiple times against the same framework does not trigger
    the duplicate module name check for frameworks.
    Boris Bügling
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix lint in Xcode 7.2, it requires -destination.
    Boris Bügling
  • Empty podfiles / target blocks no longer break the user's Xcode project.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The pre-processor define for DEBUG will be set for all debug-based build
    configurations when building pods.
    Samuel Giddins
CocoaPods - 1.0.0.rc.2

Published by segiddins over 8 years ago

  • None.
Bug Fixes
  • Handle when an abstract target has no declared platform without crashing.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Don't recurse into child directories to find podspecs when running
    pod spec lint.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.rc.1 (2016-04-30)

  • The pod init command now uses target inheritance for test targets
    in the generated Podfile.
    Orta Therox
  • Support customized build directories by letting user xcconfig definitions
    rely on the new overridable alias build variable PODS_BUILD_DIR.
    Marius Rackwitz
Bug Fixes
  • Fix for pod repo push --help throwing an error.
    Boris Bügling
  • The warning for not having utf-8 set as the default encoding for a
    terminal now properly respects the --no-ansi argument.
    Joshua Kalpin

1.0.0.beta.8 (2016-04-15)

  • None.
Bug Fixes
  • Headers from vendored frameworks no longer end up in the HEADER_SEARCH_PATH
    when using frameworks. They are now assumed to be already present as modular
    headers in the framework itself.
    Mark Spanbroek
  • Access to the Pod::SourcesManager constant has been restored, though its use
    is considered deprecated and subject to removal at any time. Migrate to use
    Pod::Config.instance.sources_manager in some manner as soon as possible.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Running pod repo update --silent will now properly silence git output while
    updating the repository.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.7 (2016-04-15)

  • When an unknown build configuration is mentioned in the Podfile, CocoaPods
    will suggest the build configurations found in the user project.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improved the error message when a matching spec cannot be found,
    mentioning that now pod repo update is not implicit when running pod install.
    Orta Therox
  • Add support for sharded specs directories.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Pass the build setting OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS to codesign for the generated
    embed frameworks build phase's script, as Xcode does when signing natively.
    Václav Slavík
Bug Fixes
  • Sort files from Dir.glob explicitly to produce same result on case sensitive
    file system as result on case insensitive file system.
    Soutaro Matsumoto
  • Fix build path for resource bundles.
    Marius Rackwitz
    generated embed resources build phase's script, so that UI test targets can
    be run.
  • Ensure that a CFBundleVersion is set for resource bundles' Info.plist
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.6 (2016-03-15)

  • Running pod install doesn't imply an automatic spec repo update.
    The old behavior can be achieved by passing in the option --repo-update
    or running pod repo update.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Remove the configuration variable skip_repo_update as the default behavior
    varies now between pod install and pod (update|outdated).
    Marius Rackwitz
  • The master specs repo will no longer perform 'no-op' git fetches. This should
    help to reduce the load on GitHub's servers.
    Daniel Tomlinson
  • The specs repos will no longer support shallow clones to reduce CPU load
    on git servers. Pre-existing shallow clones of the master repo will
    automatically be upgraded to deep clones when the repo is updated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will check that all public_header_files and
    private_header_files are also present in source_files.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • The master specs repository can no longer be added via pod repo add, but
    instead must be done via pod setup.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Print a friendly error message when the platform for a target cannot be
    Samuel Giddins
    generated embed frameworks build phase's script, so that UI test targets can
    be run.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix build paths for resources bundles.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Validate that a Podfile does not declare the same target twice.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.5 (2016-03-08)

  • Development pods will no longer be implicitly unlocked. This makes CocoaPods respect
    constraints related to dependencies of development pods in the lockfile.

    If you change the constraints of a dependency of your development pod and want to
    override the locked version, you will have to use
    pod update ${DEPENDENCY_NAME} manually.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı

  • Add the 📦 emoji in front of CocoaPods Script Build Phases
    to quickly and visually differentiate them from other phases.
    Olivier Halligon
  • Enable syntax highlighting on the Podfile in the generated
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fixes paths passed for resources bundles in the copy resources script.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix saying the master specs repo exists when it has not been set up.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Move ${TARGET_DEVICE_ARGS} out of the quotations for --sdk in the
    Copy Pods Resources build phase.
    seaders #4940
  • Handle when $PATH isn't set.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Module maps that are set per-platform will be installed for the correct
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.4 (2016-02-24)

  • Allow deduplication to take effect even when the same pod is used with
    different sets of subspecs across different platforms.
    This changes the general naming scheme scoped pod targets. They are
    suffixed now on base of what makes them different among others for the
    same root spec instead of being prefixed by the dependent target.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Pass COCOAPODS_VERSION as environment variable when invoking the
    Marius Rackwitz
Bug Fixes
  • Pods are built by default in another scoping level of the build products
    directory identified by their name to prevent name clashes among
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix mixed integrations where static libraries are used along frameworks
    from different target definitions in one Podfile.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Pass target device arguments to ibtool in the copy resources script, fixing
    compilation of storyboards when targeting versions of iOS prior to iOS 8.
  • Fix pod repo lint when passed a path argument.
    Boris Bügling

1.0.0.beta.3 (2016-02-03)

  • None.
Bug Fixes
  • Don't try to embed project headers into frameworks.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix a crash in the analyzer when target deduplication is deactivated.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Handle CoreData mapping models with recursive resource globs.
    Eric Firestone
  • Generate valid xcconfig when target name includes spaces.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Properly add resource files to resources build phase.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix suggestion of sudo when it actually isn't needed.
    Marcel Jackwerth
  • Set the TARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY to support both iPhone and iPad for iOS
    resource bundle targets.
    Andy Rifken
  • Share user schemes of Pods.xcodeproj after generating deterministic UUIDS.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only attempt to import a framework during linting if the pod has source
    files, and is thus being built by CocoaPods.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Determine whether an external source needs to be fetched when updating a
    dependency regardless of subspec names.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.2 (2016-01-05)

  • Present a friendly error suggesting running pod install when there are
    missing local podspecs when running pod outdated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Don't warn about setting base config when identical to current config.
    Jed Lewison
  • Add user_targets method to the UmbrellaTargetDescription in the
    post-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Always fetch a :podspec dependency's podspec when it is missing in the
    Pods directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file will now be generated properly for resource bundles,
    setting the proper CFBundlePackageType and omitting the CFBundleExecutable
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix crash when deintegrating due to major version change and there are
    multiple root-level Xcode projects.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure the sandbox_root attribute is set on the pre-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.1 (2015-12-30)

  • The link_with Podfile DSL method has been removed in favor of target
    Samuel Giddins
  • The :exclusive => true Podfile DSL target option has been removed in favor
    of the inherit! :search_paths directive.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The specification of :head dependencies has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated :local dependency option has been removed in favor of the
    equivalent :path option.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated dependency method in the Podfile DSL has been removed in
    favor of the equivalent pod method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated preferred_dependency method in the Specification DSL has been
    removed in favor of the equivalent default_subspecs method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The docset_url Specification attribute has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Build configuration names are no longer set as pre-processor defines, but
    rather POD_CONFIGURATION_$CONFIGURATION_NAME is defined in order to lessen
    conflicts with pod code.
Highlighted Enhancements That Need Testing
  • The Podfile DSL has been cleaned up, with the removal of confusing options and
    the introduction of abstract targets, search paths-only inheritance, the
    specification of installation options, and the removal of head dependencies.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Add the ability to add a custom commit message when pushing a spec.
    Bart Jacobs
  • Added support for pod env to print the pod environment without having to crash.
    Hemal Shah
  • Add support for specifying :source with a pod dependency.
    Eric Firestone
  • Ask user to run pod install when a resource not found during in copy resources script.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Add support to track .def sources.
  • Add support to track .def files as headers.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Pod::Installer::PostInstallHooksContext now offers access to the sandbox
    Marcelo Fabri
  • Improve sorting algorithm for pod search.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve pod search performance while using --full flag.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve message when there is no spec in repos for dependency set in Podfile.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Reduce the number of times the user's Xcode project is opened, speeding up
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improving the performance of Pod::Installer::Analyzer#generate_pod_targets
    Daniel Ribeiro
  • Framework pods that have a header_mappings_dirs set will now produce
    frameworks with headers that respect the nesting.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now ensure that pods with a header_mappings_dirs have all
    of their headers inside that directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Pods will be validated with the -Wincomplete-umbrella compiler flag to
    ensure module maps are valid.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now attempt to build an app that imports the pod.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file's CFBundleIdentifier is now set via the
    PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER build setting, consistent with Xcode 7.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Externally-sourced pods will now have their specifications quickly linted.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the deployment target on pods to be that which is defined in the
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set a deployment target for resource bundle targets.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are no longer integrated with CocoaPods will be properly
    de-integrated when installation occurs.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are integrated will be ensured that they have all
    CocoaPods-related settings and phases properly installed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Total de-integration will happen whenever the major version of CocoaPods
    changes, ensuring backwards-incompatible changes are properly applied.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows specifying installation options via the install!
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows marking targets as abstract and specifying the pod
    inheritance mode via the inherit! directive.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fix compiling of localized resources.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix compiling of asset catalog files inside resource bundles.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Prevent installer to be run from inside sandbox directory.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve repo lint error message when no repo found with given name.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Fix a crash in dependency resolution when running Ruby 2.3.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix handling of localized files in Pods installed as frameworks.
    Tim Bodeit
  • Only include native targets when generating the Podfile in pod init.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that generated Info.plist files have a CFBundleShortVersionString
    that is precisely three dot-separated numbers.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY build setting if integrating with a
    tvOS extension target, or a target that has the setting set to YES.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only the root directory of externally-sourced pods will be searched for
    Samuel Giddins
  • Remove the library name's extension when adding it in the "linker flags" build
    setting to support dynamic libraries.
    Andrea Cremaschi
  • Specifying relative subspec names to the linter is now supported.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Headers used to build a pod will no longer be duplicated for frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key is now specified in the Info.plist
    file for tvOS pods built as frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix Swift code completion for Development Pods by using realpath for
    symlinked source files.
    Boris Bügling
  • Avoid the duplicate UUID warning when a Pod is installed for multiple
    Samuel Giddins
  • Changing the name of a target in a Podfile will no longer cause warnings about
    being unable to set the base configuration XCConfig.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that linking multiple times against the same framework does not trigger
    the duplicate module name check for frameworks.
    Boris Bügling
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix lint in Xcode 7.2, it requires -destination.
    Boris Bügling
  • Empty podfiles / target blocks no longer break the user's Xcode project.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The pre-processor define for DEBUG will be set for all debug-based build
    configurations when building pods.
    Samuel Giddins
CocoaPods - 1.0.0.rc.1

Published by segiddins over 8 years ago

  • The pod init command now uses target inheritance for test targets
    in the generated Podfile.
    Orta Therox
  • Support customized build directories by letting user xcconfig definitions
    rely on the new overridable alias build variable PODS_BUILD_DIR.
    Marius Rackwitz
Bug Fixes
  • Fix for pod repo push --help throwing an error.
    Boris Bügling
  • The warning for not having utf-8 set as the default encoding for a
    terminal now properly respects the --no-ansi argument.
    Joshua Kalpin

1.0.0.beta.8 (2016-04-15)

  • None.
Bug Fixes
  • Headers from vendored frameworks no longer end up in the HEADER_SEARCH_PATH
    when using frameworks. They are now assumed to be already present as modular
    headers in the framework itself.
    Mark Spanbroek
  • Access to the Pod::SourcesManager constant has been restored, though its use
    is considered deprecated and subject to removal at any time. Migrate to use
    Pod::Config.instance.sources_manager in some manner as soon as possible.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Running pod repo update --silent will now properly silence git output while
    updating the repository.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.7 (2016-04-15)

  • When an unknown build configuration is mentioned in the Podfile, CocoaPods
    will suggest the build configurations found in the user project.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improved the error message when a matching spec cannot be found,
    mentioning that now pod repo update is not implicit when running pod install.
    Orta Therox
  • Add support for sharded specs directories.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Pass the build setting OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS to codesign for the generated
    embed frameworks build phase's script, as Xcode does when signing natively.
    Václav Slavík
Bug Fixes
  • Sort files from Dir.glob explicitly to produce same result on case sensitive
    file system as result on case insensitive file system.
    Soutaro Matsumoto
  • Fix build path for resource bundles.
    Marius Rackwitz
    generated embed resources build phase's script, so that UI test targets can
    be run.
  • Ensure that a CFBundleVersion is set for resource bundles' Info.plist
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.6 (2016-03-15)

  • Running pod install doesn't imply an automatic spec repo update.
    The old behavior can be achieved by passing in the option --repo-update
    or running pod repo update.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Remove the configuration variable skip_repo_update as the default behavior
    varies now between pod install and pod (update|outdated).
    Marius Rackwitz
  • The master specs repo will no longer perform 'no-op' git fetches. This should
    help to reduce the load on GitHub's servers.
    Daniel Tomlinson
  • The specs repos will no longer support shallow clones to reduce CPU load
    on git servers. Pre-existing shallow clones of the master repo will
    automatically be upgraded to deep clones when the repo is updated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will check that all public_header_files and
    private_header_files are also present in source_files.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • The master specs repository can no longer be added via pod repo add, but
    instead must be done via pod setup.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Print a friendly error message when the platform for a target cannot be
    Samuel Giddins
    generated embed frameworks build phase's script, so that UI test targets can
    be run.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix build paths for resources bundles.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Validate that a Podfile does not declare the same target twice.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.5 (2016-03-08)

  • Development pods will no longer be implicitly unlocked. This makes CocoaPods respect
    constraints related to dependencies of development pods in the lockfile.

    If you change the constraints of a dependency of your development pod and want to
    override the locked version, you will have to use
    pod update ${DEPENDENCY_NAME} manually.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı

  • Add the 📦 emoji in front of CocoaPods Script Build Phases
    to quickly and visually differentiate them from other phases.
    Olivier Halligon
  • Enable syntax highlighting on the Podfile in the generated
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fixes paths passed for resources bundles in the copy resources script.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix saying the master specs repo exists when it has not been set up.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Move ${TARGET_DEVICE_ARGS} out of the quotations for --sdk in the
    Copy Pods Resources build phase.
    seaders #4940
  • Handle when $PATH isn't set.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Module maps that are set per-platform will be installed for the correct
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.4 (2016-02-24)

  • Allow deduplication to take effect even when the same pod is used with
    different sets of subspecs across different platforms.
    This changes the general naming scheme scoped pod targets. They are
    suffixed now on base of what makes them different among others for the
    same root spec instead of being prefixed by the dependent target.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Pass COCOAPODS_VERSION as environment variable when invoking the
    Marius Rackwitz
Bug Fixes
  • Pods are built by default in another scoping level of the build products
    directory identified by their name to prevent name clashes among
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix mixed integrations where static libraries are used along frameworks
    from different target definitions in one Podfile.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Pass target device arguments to ibtool in the copy resources script, fixing
    compilation of storyboards when targeting versions of iOS prior to iOS 8.
  • Fix pod repo lint when passed a path argument.
    Boris Bügling

1.0.0.beta.3 (2016-02-03)

  • None.
Bug Fixes
  • Don't try to embed project headers into frameworks.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix a crash in the analyzer when target deduplication is deactivated.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Handle CoreData mapping models with recursive resource globs.
    Eric Firestone
  • Generate valid xcconfig when target name includes spaces.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Properly add resource files to resources build phase.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix suggestion of sudo when it actually isn't needed.
    Marcel Jackwerth
  • Set the TARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY to support both iPhone and iPad for iOS
    resource bundle targets.
    Andy Rifken
  • Share user schemes of Pods.xcodeproj after generating deterministic UUIDS.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only attempt to import a framework during linting if the pod has source
    files, and is thus being built by CocoaPods.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Determine whether an external source needs to be fetched when updating a
    dependency regardless of subspec names.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.2 (2016-01-05)

  • Present a friendly error suggesting running pod install when there are
    missing local podspecs when running pod outdated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Don't warn about setting base config when identical to current config.
    Jed Lewison
  • Add user_targets method to the UmbrellaTargetDescription in the
    post-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Always fetch a :podspec dependency's podspec when it is missing in the
    Pods directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file will now be generated properly for resource bundles,
    setting the proper CFBundlePackageType and omitting the CFBundleExecutable
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix crash when deintegrating due to major version change and there are
    multiple root-level Xcode projects.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure the sandbox_root attribute is set on the pre-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.1 (2015-12-30)

  • The link_with Podfile DSL method has been removed in favor of target
    Samuel Giddins
  • The :exclusive => true Podfile DSL target option has been removed in favor
    of the inherit! :search_paths directive.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The specification of :head dependencies has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated :local dependency option has been removed in favor of the
    equivalent :path option.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated dependency method in the Podfile DSL has been removed in
    favor of the equivalent pod method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated preferred_dependency method in the Specification DSL has been
    removed in favor of the equivalent default_subspecs method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The docset_url Specification attribute has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Build configuration names are no longer set as pre-processor defines, but
    rather POD_CONFIGURATION_$CONFIGURATION_NAME is defined in order to lessen
    conflicts with pod code.
Highlighted Enhancements That Need Testing
  • The Podfile DSL has been cleaned up, with the removal of confusing options and
    the introduction of abstract targets, search paths-only inheritance, the
    specification of installation options, and the removal of head dependencies.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Add the ability to add a custom commit message when pushing a spec.
    Bart Jacobs
  • Added support for pod env to print the pod environment without having to crash.
    Hemal Shah
  • Add support for specifying :source with a pod dependency.
    Eric Firestone
  • Ask user to run pod install when a resource not found during in copy resources script.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Add support to track .def sources.
  • Add support to track .def files as headers.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Pod::Installer::PostInstallHooksContext now offers access to the sandbox
    Marcelo Fabri
  • Improve sorting algorithm for pod search.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve pod search performance while using --full flag.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve message when there is no spec in repos for dependency set in Podfile.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Reduce the number of times the user's Xcode project is opened, speeding up
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improving the performance of Pod::Installer::Analyzer#generate_pod_targets
    Daniel Ribeiro
  • Framework pods that have a header_mappings_dirs set will now produce
    frameworks with headers that respect the nesting.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now ensure that pods with a header_mappings_dirs have all
    of their headers inside that directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Pods will be validated with the -Wincomplete-umbrella compiler flag to
    ensure module maps are valid.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now attempt to build an app that imports the pod.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file's CFBundleIdentifier is now set via the
    PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER build setting, consistent with Xcode 7.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Externally-sourced pods will now have their specifications quickly linted.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the deployment target on pods to be that which is defined in the
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set a deployment target for resource bundle targets.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are no longer integrated with CocoaPods will be properly
    de-integrated when installation occurs.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are integrated will be ensured that they have all
    CocoaPods-related settings and phases properly installed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Total de-integration will happen whenever the major version of CocoaPods
    changes, ensuring backwards-incompatible changes are properly applied.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows specifying installation options via the install!
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows marking targets as abstract and specifying the pod
    inheritance mode via the inherit! directive.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fix compiling of localized resources.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix compiling of asset catalog files inside resource bundles.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Prevent installer to be run from inside sandbox directory.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve repo lint error message when no repo found with given name.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Fix a crash in dependency resolution when running Ruby 2.3.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix handling of localized files in Pods installed as frameworks.
    Tim Bodeit
  • Only include native targets when generating the Podfile in pod init.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that generated Info.plist files have a CFBundleShortVersionString
    that is precisely three dot-separated numbers.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY build setting if integrating with a
    tvOS extension target, or a target that has the setting set to YES.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only the root directory of externally-sourced pods will be searched for
    Samuel Giddins
  • Remove the library name's extension when adding it in the "linker flags" build
    setting to support dynamic libraries.
    Andrea Cremaschi
  • Specifying relative subspec names to the linter is now supported.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Headers used to build a pod will no longer be duplicated for frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key is now specified in the Info.plist
    file for tvOS pods built as frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix Swift code completion for Development Pods by using realpath for
    symlinked source files.
    Boris Bügling
  • Avoid the duplicate UUID warning when a Pod is installed for multiple
    Samuel Giddins
  • Changing the name of a target in a Podfile will no longer cause warnings about
    being unable to set the base configuration XCConfig.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that linking multiple times against the same framework does not trigger
    the duplicate module name check for frameworks.
    Boris Bügling
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix lint in Xcode 7.2, it requires -destination.
    Boris Bügling
  • Empty podfiles / target blocks no longer break the user's Xcode project.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The pre-processor define for DEBUG will be set for all debug-based build
    configurations when building pods.
    Samuel Giddins
CocoaPods - 1.0.0.beta.8

Published by segiddins over 8 years ago

  • None.
Bug Fixes
  • Headers from vendored frameworks no longer end up in the HEADER_SEARCH_PATH
    when using frameworks. They are now assumed to be already present as modular
    headers in the framework itself.
    Mark Spanbroek
  • Access to the Pod::SourcesManager constant has been restored, though its use
    is considered deprecated and subject to removal at any time. Migrate to use
    Pod::Config.instance.sources_manager in some manner as soon as possible.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Running pod repo update --silent will now properly silence git output while
    updating the repository.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.7 (2016-04-15)

  • When an unknown build configuration is mentioned in the Podfile, CocoaPods
    will suggest the build configurations found in the user project.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improved the error message when a matching spec cannot be found,
    mentioning that now pod repo update is not implicit when running pod install.
    Orta Therox
  • Add support for sharded specs directories.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Pass the build setting OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS to codesign for the generated
    embed frameworks build phase's script, as Xcode does when signing natively.
    Václav Slavík
Bug Fixes
  • Sort files from Dir.glob explicitly to produce same result on case sensitive
    file system as result on case insensitive file system.
    Soutaro Matsumoto
  • Fix build path for resource bundles.
    Marius Rackwitz
    generated embed resources build phase's script, so that UI test targets can
    be run.
  • Ensure that a CFBundleVersion is set for resource bundles' Info.plist
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.6 (2016-03-15)

  • Running pod install doesn't imply an automatic spec repo update.
    The old behavior can be achieved by passing in the option --repo-update
    or running pod repo update.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Remove the configuration variable skip_repo_update as the default behavior
    varies now between pod install and pod (update|outdated).
    Marius Rackwitz
  • The master specs repo will no longer perform 'no-op' git fetches. This should
    help to reduce the load on GitHub's servers.
    Daniel Tomlinson
  • The specs repos will no longer support shallow clones to reduce CPU load
    on git servers. Pre-existing shallow clones of the master repo will
    automatically be upgraded to deep clones when the repo is updated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will check that all public_header_files and
    private_header_files are also present in source_files.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • The master specs repository can no longer be added via pod repo add, but
    instead must be done via pod setup.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Print a friendly error message when the platform for a target cannot be
    Samuel Giddins
    generated embed frameworks build phase's script, so that UI test targets can
    be run.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix build paths for resources bundles.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Validate that a Podfile does not declare the same target twice.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.5 (2016-03-08)

  • Development pods will no longer be implicitly unlocked. This makes CocoaPods respect
    constraints related to dependencies of development pods in the lockfile.

    If you change the constraints of a dependency of your development pod and want to
    override the locked version, you will have to use
    pod update ${DEPENDENCY_NAME} manually.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı

  • Add the 📦 emoji in front of CocoaPods Script Build Phases
    to quickly and visually differentiate them from other phases.
    Olivier Halligon
  • Enable syntax highlighting on the Podfile in the generated
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fixes paths passed for resources bundles in the copy resources script.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix saying the master specs repo exists when it has not been set up.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Move ${TARGET_DEVICE_ARGS} out of the quotations for --sdk in the
    Copy Pods Resources build phase.
    seaders #4940
  • Handle when $PATH isn't set.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Module maps that are set per-platform will be installed for the correct
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.4 (2016-02-24)

  • Allow deduplication to take effect even when the same pod is used with
    different sets of subspecs across different platforms.
    This changes the general naming scheme scoped pod targets. They are
    suffixed now on base of what makes them different among others for the
    same root spec instead of being prefixed by the dependent target.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Pass COCOAPODS_VERSION as environment variable when invoking the
    Marius Rackwitz
Bug Fixes
  • Pods are built by default in another scoping level of the build products
    directory identified by their name to prevent name clashes among
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix mixed integrations where static libraries are used along frameworks
    from different target definitions in one Podfile.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Pass target device arguments to ibtool in the copy resources script, fixing
    compilation of storyboards when targeting versions of iOS prior to iOS 8.
  • Fix pod repo lint when passed a path argument.
    Boris Bügling

1.0.0.beta.3 (2016-02-03)

  • None.
Bug Fixes
  • Don't try to embed project headers into frameworks.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix a crash in the analyzer when target deduplication is deactivated.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Handle CoreData mapping models with recursive resource globs.
    Eric Firestone
  • Generate valid xcconfig when target name includes spaces.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Properly add resource files to resources build phase.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix suggestion of sudo when it actually isn't needed.
    Marcel Jackwerth
  • Set the TARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY to support both iPhone and iPad for iOS
    resource bundle targets.
    Andy Rifken
  • Share user schemes of Pods.xcodeproj after generating deterministic UUIDS.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only attempt to import a framework during linting if the pod has source
    files, and is thus being built by CocoaPods.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Determine whether an external source needs to be fetched when updating a
    dependency regardless of subspec names.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.2 (2016-01-05)

  • Present a friendly error suggesting running pod install when there are
    missing local podspecs when running pod outdated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Don't warn about setting base config when identical to current config.
    Jed Lewison
  • Add user_targets method to the UmbrellaTargetDescription in the
    post-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Always fetch a :podspec dependency's podspec when it is missing in the
    Pods directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file will now be generated properly for resource bundles,
    setting the proper CFBundlePackageType and omitting the CFBundleExecutable
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix crash when deintegrating due to major version change and there are
    multiple root-level Xcode projects.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure the sandbox_root attribute is set on the pre-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.1 (2015-12-30)

  • The link_with Podfile DSL method has been removed in favor of target
    Samuel Giddins
  • The :exclusive => true Podfile DSL target option has been removed in favor
    of the inherit! :search_paths directive.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The specification of :head dependencies has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated :local dependency option has been removed in favor of the
    equivalent :path option.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated dependency method in the Podfile DSL has been removed in
    favor of the equivalent pod method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated preferred_dependency method in the Specification DSL has been
    removed in favor of the equivalent default_subspecs method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The docset_url Specification attribute has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Build configuration names are no longer set as pre-processor defines, but
    rather POD_CONFIGURATION_$CONFIGURATION_NAME is defined in order to lessen
    conflicts with pod code.
Highlighted Enhancements That Need Testing
  • The Podfile DSL has been cleaned up, with the removal of confusing options and
    the introduction of abstract targets, search paths-only inheritance, the
    specification of installation options, and the removal of head dependencies.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Add the ability to add a custom commit message when pushing a spec.
    Bart Jacobs
  • Added support for pod env to print the pod environment without having to crash.
    Hemal Shah
  • Add support for specifying :source with a pod dependency.
    Eric Firestone
  • Ask user to run pod install when a resource not found during in copy resources script.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Add support to track .def sources.
  • Add support to track .def files as headers.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Pod::Installer::PostInstallHooksContext now offers access to the sandbox
    Marcelo Fabri
  • Improve sorting algorithm for pod search.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve pod search performance while using --full flag.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve message when there is no spec in repos for dependency set in Podfile.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Reduce the number of times the user's Xcode project is opened, speeding up
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improving the performance of Pod::Installer::Analyzer#generate_pod_targets
    Daniel Ribeiro
  • Framework pods that have a header_mappings_dirs set will now produce
    frameworks with headers that respect the nesting.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now ensure that pods with a header_mappings_dirs have all
    of their headers inside that directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Pods will be validated with the -Wincomplete-umbrella compiler flag to
    ensure module maps are valid.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now attempt to build an app that imports the pod.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file's CFBundleIdentifier is now set via the
    PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER build setting, consistent with Xcode 7.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Externally-sourced pods will now have their specifications quickly linted.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the deployment target on pods to be that which is defined in the
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set a deployment target for resource bundle targets.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are no longer integrated with CocoaPods will be properly
    de-integrated when installation occurs.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are integrated will be ensured that they have all
    CocoaPods-related settings and phases properly installed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Total de-integration will happen whenever the major version of CocoaPods
    changes, ensuring backwards-incompatible changes are properly applied.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows specifying installation options via the install!
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows marking targets as abstract and specifying the pod
    inheritance mode via the inherit! directive.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fix compiling of localized resources.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix compiling of asset catalog files inside resource bundles.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Prevent installer to be run from inside sandbox directory.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve repo lint error message when no repo found with given name.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Fix a crash in dependency resolution when running Ruby 2.3.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix handling of localized files in Pods installed as frameworks.
    Tim Bodeit
  • Only include native targets when generating the Podfile in pod init.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that generated Info.plist files have a CFBundleShortVersionString
    that is precisely three dot-separated numbers.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY build setting if integrating with a
    tvOS extension target, or a target that has the setting set to YES.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only the root directory of externally-sourced pods will be searched for
    Samuel Giddins
  • Remove the library name's extension when adding it in the "linker flags" build
    setting to support dynamic libraries.
    Andrea Cremaschi
  • Specifying relative subspec names to the linter is now supported.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Headers used to build a pod will no longer be duplicated for frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key is now specified in the Info.plist
    file for tvOS pods built as frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix Swift code completion for Development Pods by using realpath for
    symlinked source files.
    Boris Bügling
  • Avoid the duplicate UUID warning when a Pod is installed for multiple
    Samuel Giddins
  • Changing the name of a target in a Podfile will no longer cause warnings about
    being unable to set the base configuration XCConfig.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that linking multiple times against the same framework does not trigger
    the duplicate module name check for frameworks.
    Boris Bügling
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix lint in Xcode 7.2, it requires -destination.
    Boris Bügling
  • Empty podfiles / target blocks no longer break the user's Xcode project.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The pre-processor define for DEBUG will be set for all debug-based build
    configurations when building pods.
    Samuel Giddins
CocoaPods - 1.0.0.beta.7

Published by segiddins over 8 years ago

  • When an unknown build configuration is mentioned in the Podfile, CocoaPods
    will suggest the build configurations found in the user project.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improved the error message when a matching spec cannot be found,
    mentioning that now pod repo update is not implicit when running pod install.
    Orta Therox
  • Add support for sharded specs directories.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Pass the build setting OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS to codesign for the generated
    embed frameworks build phase's script, as Xcode does when signing natively.
    Václav Slavík
Bug Fixes
  • Sort files from Dir.glob explicitly to produce same result on case sensitive
    file system as result on case insensitive file system.
    Soutaro Matsumoto
  • Fix build path for resource bundles.
    Marius Rackwitz
    generated embed resources build phase's script, so that UI test targets can
    be run.
  • Ensure that a CFBundleVersion is set for resource bundles' Info.plist
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.6 (2016-03-15)

  • Running pod install doesn't imply an automatic spec repo update.
    The old behavior can be achieved by passing in the option --repo-update
    or running pod repo update.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Remove the configuration variable skip_repo_update as the default behavior
    varies now between pod install and pod (update|outdated).
    Marius Rackwitz
  • The master specs repo will no longer perform 'no-op' git fetches. This should
    help to reduce the load on GitHub's servers.
    Daniel Tomlinson
  • The specs repos will no longer support shallow clones to reduce CPU load
    on git servers. Pre-existing shallow clones of the master repo will
    automatically be upgraded to deep clones when the repo is updated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will check that all public_header_files and
    private_header_files are also present in source_files.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • The master specs repository can no longer be added via pod repo add, but
    instead must be done via pod setup.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Print a friendly error message when the platform for a target cannot be
    Samuel Giddins
    generated embed frameworks build phase's script, so that UI test targets can
    be run.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix build paths for resources bundles.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Validate that a Podfile does not declare the same target twice.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.5 (2016-03-08)

  • Development pods will no longer be implicitly unlocked. This makes CocoaPods respect
    constraints related to dependencies of development pods in the lockfile.

    If you change the constraints of a dependency of your development pod and want to
    override the locked version, you will have to use
    pod update ${DEPENDENCY_NAME} manually.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı

  • Add the 📦 emoji in front of CocoaPods Script Build Phases
    to quickly and visually differentiate them from other phases.
    Olivier Halligon
  • Enable syntax highlighting on the Podfile in the generated
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fixes paths passed for resources bundles in the copy resources script.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix saying the master specs repo exists when it has not been set up.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Move ${TARGET_DEVICE_ARGS} out of the quotations for --sdk in the
    Copy Pods Resources build phase.
    seaders #4940
  • Handle when $PATH isn't set.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Module maps that are set per-platform will be installed for the correct
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.4 (2016-02-24)

  • Allow deduplication to take effect even when the same pod is used with
    different sets of subspecs across different platforms.
    This changes the general naming scheme scoped pod targets. They are
    suffixed now on base of what makes them different among others for the
    same root spec instead of being prefixed by the dependent target.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Pass COCOAPODS_VERSION as environment variable when invoking the
    Marius Rackwitz
Bug Fixes
  • Pods are built by default in another scoping level of the build products
    directory identified by their name to prevent name clashes among
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix mixed integrations where static libraries are used along frameworks
    from different target definitions in one Podfile.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Pass target device arguments to ibtool in the copy resources script, fixing
    compilation of storyboards when targeting versions of iOS prior to iOS 8.
  • Fix pod repo lint when passed a path argument.
    Boris Bügling

1.0.0.beta.3 (2016-02-03)

  • None.
Bug Fixes
  • Don't try to embed project headers into frameworks.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix a crash in the analyzer when target deduplication is deactivated.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Handle CoreData mapping models with recursive resource globs.
    Eric Firestone
  • Generate valid xcconfig when target name includes spaces.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Properly add resource files to resources build phase.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix suggestion of sudo when it actually isn't needed.
    Marcel Jackwerth
  • Set the TARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY to support both iPhone and iPad for iOS
    resource bundle targets.
    Andy Rifken
  • Share user schemes of Pods.xcodeproj after generating deterministic UUIDS.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only attempt to import a framework during linting if the pod has source
    files, and is thus being built by CocoaPods.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Determine whether an external source needs to be fetched when updating a
    dependency regardless of subspec names.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.2 (2016-01-05)

  • Present a friendly error suggesting running pod install when there are
    missing local podspecs when running pod outdated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Don't warn about setting base config when identical to current config.
    Jed Lewison
  • Add user_targets method to the UmbrellaTargetDescription in the
    post-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Always fetch a :podspec dependency's podspec when it is missing in the
    Pods directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file will now be generated properly for resource bundles,
    setting the proper CFBundlePackageType and omitting the CFBundleExecutable
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix crash when deintegrating due to major version change and there are
    multiple root-level Xcode projects.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure the sandbox_root attribute is set on the pre-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.1 (2015-12-30)

  • The link_with Podfile DSL method has been removed in favor of target
    Samuel Giddins
  • The :exclusive => true Podfile DSL target option has been removed in favor
    of the inherit! :search_paths directive.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The specification of :head dependencies has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated :local dependency option has been removed in favor of the
    equivalent :path option.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated dependency method in the Podfile DSL has been removed in
    favor of the equivalent pod method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated preferred_dependency method in the Specification DSL has been
    removed in favor of the equivalent default_subspecs method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The docset_url Specification attribute has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Build configuration names are no longer set as pre-processor defines, but
    rather POD_CONFIGURATION_$CONFIGURATION_NAME is defined in order to lessen
    conflicts with pod code.
Highlighted Enhancements That Need Testing
  • The Podfile DSL has been cleaned up, with the removal of confusing options and
    the introduction of abstract targets, search paths-only inheritance, the
    specification of installation options, and the removal of head dependencies.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Add the ability to add a custom commit message when pushing a spec.
    Bart Jacobs
  • Added support for pod env to print the pod environment without having to crash.
    Hemal Shah
  • Add support for specifying :source with a pod dependency.
    Eric Firestone
  • Ask user to run pod install when a resource not found during in copy resources script.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Add support to track .def sources.
  • Add support to track .def files as headers.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Pod::Installer::PostInstallHooksContext now offers access to the sandbox
    Marcelo Fabri
  • Improve sorting algorithm for pod search.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve pod search performance while using --full flag.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve message when there is no spec in repos for dependency set in Podfile.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Reduce the number of times the user's Xcode project is opened, speeding up
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improving the performance of Pod::Installer::Analyzer#generate_pod_targets
    Daniel Ribeiro
  • Framework pods that have a header_mappings_dirs set will now produce
    frameworks with headers that respect the nesting.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now ensure that pods with a header_mappings_dirs have all
    of their headers inside that directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Pods will be validated with the -Wincomplete-umbrella compiler flag to
    ensure module maps are valid.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now attempt to build an app that imports the pod.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file's CFBundleIdentifier is now set via the
    PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER build setting, consistent with Xcode 7.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Externally-sourced pods will now have their specifications quickly linted.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the deployment target on pods to be that which is defined in the
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set a deployment target for resource bundle targets.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are no longer integrated with CocoaPods will be properly
    de-integrated when installation occurs.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are integrated will be ensured that they have all
    CocoaPods-related settings and phases properly installed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Total de-integration will happen whenever the major version of CocoaPods
    changes, ensuring backwards-incompatible changes are properly applied.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows specifying installation options via the install!
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows marking targets as abstract and specifying the pod
    inheritance mode via the inherit! directive.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fix compiling of localized resources.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix compiling of asset catalog files inside resource bundles.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Prevent installer to be run from inside sandbox directory.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve repo lint error message when no repo found with given name.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Fix a crash in dependency resolution when running Ruby 2.3.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix handling of localized files in Pods installed as frameworks.
    Tim Bodeit
  • Only include native targets when generating the Podfile in pod init.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that generated Info.plist files have a CFBundleShortVersionString
    that is precisely three dot-separated numbers.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY build setting if integrating with a
    tvOS extension target, or a target that has the setting set to YES.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only the root directory of externally-sourced pods will be searched for
    Samuel Giddins
  • Remove the library name's extension when adding it in the "linker flags" build
    setting to support dynamic libraries.
    Andrea Cremaschi
  • Specifying relative subspec names to the linter is now supported.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Headers used to build a pod will no longer be duplicated for frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key is now specified in the Info.plist
    file for tvOS pods built as frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix Swift code completion for Development Pods by using realpath for
    symlinked source files.
    Boris Bügling
  • Avoid the duplicate UUID warning when a Pod is installed for multiple
    Samuel Giddins
  • Changing the name of a target in a Podfile will no longer cause warnings about
    being unable to set the base configuration XCConfig.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that linking multiple times against the same framework does not trigger
    the duplicate module name check for frameworks.
    Boris Bügling
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix lint in Xcode 7.2, it requires -destination.
    Boris Bügling
  • Empty podfiles / target blocks no longer break the user's Xcode project.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The pre-processor define for DEBUG will be set for all debug-based build
    configurations when building pods.
    Samuel Giddins
CocoaPods - 1.0.0.beta.6

Published by segiddins over 8 years ago

  • Running pod install doesn't imply an automatic spec repo update.
    The old behavior can be achieved by passing in the option --repo-update
    or running pod repo update.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Remove the configuration variable skip_repo_update as the default behavior
    varies now between pod install and pod (update|outdated).
    Marius Rackwitz
  • The master specs repo will no longer perform 'no-op' git fetches. This should
    help to reduce the load on GitHub's servers.
    Daniel Tomlinson
  • The specs repos will no longer support shallow clones to reduce CPU load
    on git servers. Pre-existing shallow clones of the master repo will
    automatically be upgraded to deep clones when the repo is updated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will check that all public_header_files and
    private_header_files are also present in source_files.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • The master specs repository can no longer be added via pod repo add, but
    instead must be done via pod setup.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Print a friendly error message when the platform for a target cannot be
    Samuel Giddins
    generated embed frameworks build phase's script, so that UI test targets can
    be run.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix build paths for resources bundles.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Validate that a Podfile does not declare the same target twice.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.5 (2016-03-08)

  • Development pods will no longer be implicitly unlocked. This makes CocoaPods respect
    constraints related to dependencies of development pods in the lockfile.

    If you change the constraints of a dependency of your development pod and want to
    override the locked version, you will have to use
    pod update ${DEPENDENCY_NAME} manually.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı

  • Add the 📦 emoji in front of CocoaPods Script Build Phases
    to quickly and visually differentiate them from other phases.
    Olivier Halligon
  • Enable syntax highlighting on the Podfile in the generated
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fixes paths passed for resources bundles in the copy resources script.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix saying the master specs repo exists when it has not been set up.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Move ${TARGET_DEVICE_ARGS} out of the quotations for --sdk in the
    Copy Pods Resources build phase.
    seaders #4940
  • Handle when $PATH isn't set.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Module maps that are set per-platform will be installed for the correct
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.4 (2016-02-24)

  • Allow deduplication to take effect even when the same pod is used with
    different sets of subspecs across different platforms.
    This changes the general naming scheme scoped pod targets. They are
    suffixed now on base of what makes them different among others for the
    same root spec instead of being prefixed by the dependent target.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Pass COCOAPODS_VERSION as environment variable when invoking the
    Marius Rackwitz
Bug Fixes
  • Pods are built by default in another scoping level of the build products
    directory identified by their name to prevent name clashes among
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix mixed integrations where static libraries are used along frameworks
    from different target definitions in one Podfile.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Pass target device arguments to ibtool in the copy resources script, fixing
    compilation of storyboards when targeting versions of iOS prior to iOS 8.
  • Fix pod repo lint when passed a path argument.
    Boris Bügling

1.0.0.beta.3 (2016-02-03)

  • None.
Bug Fixes
  • Don't try to embed project headers into frameworks.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix a crash in the analyzer when target deduplication is deactivated.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Handle CoreData mapping models with recursive resource globs.
    Eric Firestone
  • Generate valid xcconfig when target name includes spaces.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Properly add resource files to resources build phase.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix suggestion of sudo when it actually isn't needed.
    Marcel Jackwerth
  • Set the TARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY to support both iPhone and iPad for iOS
    resource bundle targets.
    Andy Rifken
  • Share user schemes of Pods.xcodeproj after generating deterministic UUIDS.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only attempt to import a framework during linting if the pod has source
    files, and is thus being built by CocoaPods.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Determine whether an external source needs to be fetched when updating a
    dependency regardless of subspec names.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.2 (2016-01-05)

  • Present a friendly error suggesting running pod install when there are
    missing local podspecs when running pod outdated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Don't warn about setting base config when identical to current config.
    Jed Lewison
  • Add user_targets method to the UmbrellaTargetDescription in the
    post-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Always fetch a :podspec dependency's podspec when it is missing in the
    Pods directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file will now be generated properly for resource bundles,
    setting the proper CFBundlePackageType and omitting the CFBundleExecutable
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix crash when deintegrating due to major version change and there are
    multiple root-level Xcode projects.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure the sandbox_root attribute is set on the pre-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.1 (2015-12-30)

  • The link_with Podfile DSL method has been removed in favor of target
    Samuel Giddins
  • The :exclusive => true Podfile DSL target option has been removed in favor
    of the inherit! :search_paths directive.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The specification of :head dependencies has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated :local dependency option has been removed in favor of the
    equivalent :path option.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated dependency method in the Podfile DSL has been removed in
    favor of the equivalent pod method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated preferred_dependency method in the Specification DSL has been
    removed in favor of the equivalent default_subspecs method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The docset_url Specification attribute has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Build configuration names are no longer set as pre-processor defines, but
    rather POD_CONFIGURATION_$CONFIGURATION_NAME is defined in order to lessen
    conflicts with pod code.
Highlighted Enhancements That Need Testing
  • The Podfile DSL has been cleaned up, with the removal of confusing options and
    the introduction of abstract targets, search paths-only inheritance, the
    specification of installation options, and the removal of head dependencies.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Add the ability to add a custom commit message when pushing a spec.
    Bart Jacobs
  • Added support for pod env to print the pod environment without having to crash.
    Hemal Shah
  • Add support for specifying :source with a pod dependency.
    Eric Firestone
  • Ask user to run pod install when a resource not found during in copy resources script.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Add support to track .def sources.
  • Add support to track .def files as headers.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Pod::Installer::PostInstallHooksContext now offers access to the sandbox
    Marcelo Fabri
  • Improve sorting algorithm for pod search.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve pod search performance while using --full flag.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve message when there is no spec in repos for dependency set in Podfile.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Reduce the number of times the user's Xcode project is opened, speeding up
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improving the performance of Pod::Installer::Analyzer#generate_pod_targets
    Daniel Ribeiro
  • Framework pods that have a header_mappings_dirs set will now produce
    frameworks with headers that respect the nesting.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now ensure that pods with a header_mappings_dirs have all
    of their headers inside that directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Pods will be validated with the -Wincomplete-umbrella compiler flag to
    ensure module maps are valid.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now attempt to build an app that imports the pod.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file's CFBundleIdentifier is now set via the
    PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER build setting, consistent with Xcode 7.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Externally-sourced pods will now have their specifications quickly linted.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the deployment target on pods to be that which is defined in the
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set a deployment target for resource bundle targets.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are no longer integrated with CocoaPods will be properly
    de-integrated when installation occurs.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are integrated will be ensured that they have all
    CocoaPods-related settings and phases properly installed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Total de-integration will happen whenever the major version of CocoaPods
    changes, ensuring backwards-incompatible changes are properly applied.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows specifying installation options via the install!
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows marking targets as abstract and specifying the pod
    inheritance mode via the inherit! directive.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fix compiling of localized resources.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix compiling of asset catalog files inside resource bundles.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Prevent installer to be run from inside sandbox directory.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve repo lint error message when no repo found with given name.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Fix a crash in dependency resolution when running Ruby 2.3.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix handling of localized files in Pods installed as frameworks.
    Tim Bodeit
  • Only include native targets when generating the Podfile in pod init.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that generated Info.plist files have a CFBundleShortVersionString
    that is precisely three dot-separated numbers.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY build setting if integrating with a
    tvOS extension target, or a target that has the setting set to YES.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only the root directory of externally-sourced pods will be searched for
    Samuel Giddins
  • Remove the library name's extension when adding it in the "linker flags" build
    setting to support dynamic libraries.
    Andrea Cremaschi
  • Specifying relative subspec names to the linter is now supported.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Headers used to build a pod will no longer be duplicated for frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key is now specified in the Info.plist
    file for tvOS pods built as frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix Swift code completion for Development Pods by using realpath for
    symlinked source files.
    Boris Bügling
  • Avoid the duplicate UUID warning when a Pod is installed for multiple
    Samuel Giddins
  • Changing the name of a target in a Podfile will no longer cause warnings about
    being unable to set the base configuration XCConfig.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that linking multiple times against the same framework does not trigger
    the duplicate module name check for frameworks.
    Boris Bügling
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix lint in Xcode 7.2, it requires -destination.
    Boris Bügling
  • Empty podfiles / target blocks no longer break the user's Xcode project.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The pre-processor define for DEBUG will be set for all debug-based build
    configurations when building pods.
    Samuel Giddins
CocoaPods - 1.0.0.beta.5

Published by segiddins over 8 years ago

  • Development pods will no longer be implicitly unlocked. This makes CocoaPods respect
    constraints related to dependencies of development pods in the lockfile.

    If you change the constraints of a dependency of your development pod and want to
    override the locked version, you will have to use
    pod update ${DEPENDENCY_NAME} manually.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı

  • Add the 📦 emoji in front of CocoaPods Script Build Phases
    to quickly and visually differentiate them from other phases.
    Olivier Halligon
  • Enable syntax highlighting on the Podfile in the generated
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fixes paths passed for resources bundles in the copy resources script.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix saying the master specs repo exists when it has not been set up.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Move ${TARGET_DEVICE_ARGS} out of the quotations for --sdk in the
    Copy Pods Resources build phase.
    seaders #4940
  • Handle when $PATH isn't set.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Module maps that are set per-platform will be installed for the correct
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.4 (2016-02-24)

  • Allow deduplication to take effect even when the same pod is used with
    different sets of subspecs across different platforms.
    This changes the general naming scheme scoped pod targets. They are
    suffixed now on base of what makes them different among others for the
    same root spec instead of being prefixed by the dependent target.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Pass COCOAPODS_VERSION as environment variable when invoking the
    Marius Rackwitz
Bug Fixes
  • Pods are built by default in another scoping level of the build products
    directory identified by their name to prevent name clashes among
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix mixed integrations where static libraries are used along frameworks
    from different target definitions in one Podfile.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Pass target device arguments to ibtool in the copy resources script, fixing
    compilation of storyboards when targeting versions of iOS prior to iOS 8.
  • Fix pod repo lint when passed a path argument.
    Boris Bügling

1.0.0.beta.3 (2016-02-03)

  • None.
Bug Fixes
  • Don't try to embed project headers into frameworks.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix a crash in the analyzer when target deduplication is deactivated.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Handle CoreData mapping models with recursive resource globs.
    Eric Firestone
  • Generate valid xcconfig when target name includes spaces.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Properly add resource files to resources build phase.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix suggestion of sudo when it actually isn't needed.
    Marcel Jackwerth
  • Set the TARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY to support both iPhone and iPad for iOS
    resource bundle targets.
    Andy Rifken
  • Share user schemes of Pods.xcodeproj after generating deterministic UUIDS.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only attempt to import a framework during linting if the pod has source
    files, and is thus being built by CocoaPods.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Determine whether an external source needs to be fetched when updating a
    dependency regardless of subspec names.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.2 (2016-01-05)

  • Present a friendly error suggesting running pod install when there are
    missing local podspecs when running pod outdated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Don't warn about setting base config when identical to current config.
    Jed Lewison
  • Add user_targets method to the UmbrellaTargetDescription in the
    post-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Always fetch a :podspec dependency's podspec when it is missing in the
    Pods directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file will now be generated properly for resource bundles,
    setting the proper CFBundlePackageType and omitting the CFBundleExecutable
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix crash when deintegrating due to major version change and there are
    multiple root-level Xcode projects.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure the sandbox_root attribute is set on the pre-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.1 (2015-12-30)

  • The link_with Podfile DSL method has been removed in favor of target
    Samuel Giddins
  • The :exclusive => true Podfile DSL target option has been removed in favor
    of the inherit! :search_paths directive.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The specification of :head dependencies has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated :local dependency option has been removed in favor of the
    equivalent :path option.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated dependency method in the Podfile DSL has been removed in
    favor of the equivalent pod method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated preferred_dependency method in the Specification DSL has been
    removed in favor of the equivalent default_subspecs method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The docset_url Specification attribute has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Build configuration names are no longer set as pre-processor defines, but
    rather POD_CONFIGURATION_$CONFIGURATION_NAME is defined in order to lessen
    conflicts with pod code.
Highlighted Enhancements That Need Testing
  • The Podfile DSL has been cleaned up, with the removal of confusing options and
    the introduction of abstract targets, search paths-only inheritance, the
    specification of installation options, and the removal of head dependencies.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Add the ability to add a custom commit message when pushing a spec.
    Bart Jacobs
  • Added support for pod env to print the pod environment without having to crash.
    Hemal Shah
  • Add support for specifying :source with a pod dependency.
    Eric Firestone
  • Ask user to run pod install when a resource not found during in copy resources script.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Add support to track .def sources.
  • Add support to track .def files as headers.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Pod::Installer::PostInstallHooksContext now offers access to the sandbox
    Marcelo Fabri
  • Improve sorting algorithm for pod search.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve pod search performance while using --full flag.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve message when there is no spec in repos for dependency set in Podfile.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Reduce the number of times the user's Xcode project is opened, speeding up
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improving the performance of Pod::Installer::Analyzer#generate_pod_targets
    Daniel Ribeiro
  • Framework pods that have a header_mappings_dirs set will now produce
    frameworks with headers that respect the nesting.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now ensure that pods with a header_mappings_dirs have all
    of their headers inside that directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Pods will be validated with the -Wincomplete-umbrella compiler flag to
    ensure module maps are valid.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now attempt to build an app that imports the pod.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file's CFBundleIdentifier is now set via the
    PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER build setting, consistent with Xcode 7.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Externally-sourced pods will now have their specifications quickly linted.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the deployment target on pods to be that which is defined in the
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set a deployment target for resource bundle targets.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are no longer integrated with CocoaPods will be properly
    de-integrated when installation occurs.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are integrated will be ensured that they have all
    CocoaPods-related settings and phases properly installed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Total de-integration will happen whenever the major version of CocoaPods
    changes, ensuring backwards-incompatible changes are properly applied.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows specifying installation options via the install!
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows marking targets as abstract and specifying the pod
    inheritance mode via the inherit! directive.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fix compiling of localized resources.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix compiling of asset catalog files inside resource bundles.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Prevent installer to be run from inside sandbox directory.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve repo lint error message when no repo found with given name.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Fix a crash in dependency resolution when running Ruby 2.3.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix handling of localized files in Pods installed as frameworks.
    Tim Bodeit
  • Only include native targets when generating the Podfile in pod init.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that generated Info.plist files have a CFBundleShortVersionString
    that is precisely three dot-separated numbers.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY build setting if integrating with a
    tvOS extension target, or a target that has the setting set to YES.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only the root directory of externally-sourced pods will be searched for
    Samuel Giddins
  • Remove the library name's extension when adding it in the "linker flags" build
    setting to support dynamic libraries.
    Andrea Cremaschi
  • Specifying relative subspec names to the linter is now supported.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Headers used to build a pod will no longer be duplicated for frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key is now specified in the Info.plist
    file for tvOS pods built as frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix Swift code completion for Development Pods by using realpath for
    symlinked source files.
    Boris Bügling
  • Avoid the duplicate UUID warning when a Pod is installed for multiple
    Samuel Giddins
  • Changing the name of a target in a Podfile will no longer cause warnings about
    being unable to set the base configuration XCConfig.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that linking multiple times against the same framework does not trigger
    the duplicate module name check for frameworks.
    Boris Bügling
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix lint in Xcode 7.2, it requires -destination.
    Boris Bügling
  • Empty podfiles / target blocks no longer break the user's Xcode project.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The pre-processor define for DEBUG will be set for all debug-based build
    configurations when building pods.
    Samuel Giddins
CocoaPods - 1.0.0.beta.4

Published by segiddins over 8 years ago

  • Allow deduplication to take effect even when the same pod is used with
    different sets of subspecs across different platforms.
    This changes the general naming scheme scoped pod targets. They are
    suffixed now on base of what makes them different among others for the
    same root spec instead of being prefixed by the dependent target.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Pass COCOAPODS_VERSION as environment variable when invoking the
    Marius Rackwitz
Bug Fixes
  • Pods are built by default in another scoping level of the build products
    directory identified by their name to prevent name clashes among
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix mixed integrations where static libraries are used along frameworks
    from different target definitions in one Podfile.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Pass target device arguments to ibtool in the copy resources script, fixing
    compilation of storyboards when targeting versions of iOS prior to iOS 8.
  • Fix pod repo lint when passed a path argument.
    Boris Bügling

1.0.0.beta.3 (2016-02-03)

  • None.
Bug Fixes
  • Don't try to embed project headers into frameworks.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix a crash in the analyzer when target deduplication is deactivated.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Handle CoreData mapping models with recursive resource globs.
    Eric Firestone
  • Generate valid xcconfig when target name includes spaces.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Properly add resource files to resources build phase.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix suggestion of sudo when it actually isn't needed.
    Marcel Jackwerth
  • Set the TARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY to support both iPhone and iPad for iOS
    resource bundle targets.
    Andy Rifken
  • Share user schemes of Pods.xcodeproj after generating deterministic UUIDS.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only attempt to import a framework during linting if the pod has source
    files, and is thus being built by CocoaPods.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Determine whether an external source needs to be fetched when updating a
    dependency regardless of subspec names.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.2 (2016-01-05)

  • Present a friendly error suggesting running pod install when there are
    missing local podspecs when running pod outdated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Don't warn about setting base config when identical to current config.
    Jed Lewison
  • Add user_targets method to the UmbrellaTargetDescription in the
    post-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Always fetch a :podspec dependency's podspec when it is missing in the
    Pods directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file will now be generated properly for resource bundles,
    setting the proper CFBundlePackageType and omitting the CFBundleExecutable
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix crash when deintegrating due to major version change and there are
    multiple root-level Xcode projects.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure the sandbox_root attribute is set on the pre-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.1 (2015-12-30)

  • The link_with Podfile DSL method has been removed in favor of target
    Samuel Giddins
  • The :exclusive => true Podfile DSL target option has been removed in favor
    of the inherit! :search_paths directive.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The specification of :head dependencies has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated :local dependency option has been removed in favor of the
    equivalent :path option.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated dependency method in the Podfile DSL has been removed in
    favor of the equivalent pod method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated preferred_dependency method in the Specification DSL has been
    removed in favor of the equivalent default_subspecs method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The docset_url Specification attribute has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Build configuration names are no longer set as pre-processor defines, but
    rather POD_CONFIGURATION_$CONFIGURATION_NAME is defined in order to lessen
    conflicts with pod code.
Highlighted Enhancements That Need Testing
  • The Podfile DSL has been cleaned up, with the removal of confusing options and
    the introduction of abstract targets, search paths-only inheritance, the
    specification of installation options, and the removal of head dependencies.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Add the ability to add a custom commit message when pushing a spec.
    Bart Jacobs
  • Added support for pod env to print the pod environment without having to crash.
    Hemal Shah
  • Add support for specifying :source with a pod dependency.
    Eric Firestone
  • Ask user to run pod install when a resource not found during in copy resources script.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Add support to track .def sources.
  • Add support to track .def files as headers.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Pod::Installer::PostInstallHooksContext now offers access to the sandbox
    Marcelo Fabri
  • Improve sorting algorithm for pod search.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve pod search performance while using --full flag.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve message when there is no spec in repos for dependency set in Podfile.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Reduce the number of times the user's Xcode project is opened, speeding up
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improving the performance of Pod::Installer::Analyzer#generate_pod_targets
    Daniel Ribeiro
  • Framework pods that have a header_mappings_dirs set will now produce
    frameworks with headers that respect the nesting.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now ensure that pods with a header_mappings_dirs have all
    of their headers inside that directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Pods will be validated with the -Wincomplete-umbrella compiler flag to
    ensure module maps are valid.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now attempt to build an app that imports the pod.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file's CFBundleIdentifier is now set via the
    PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER build setting, consistent with Xcode 7.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Externally-sourced pods will now have their specifications quickly linted.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the deployment target on pods to be that which is defined in the
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set a deployment target for resource bundle targets.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are no longer integrated with CocoaPods will be properly
    de-integrated when installation occurs.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are integrated will be ensured that they have all
    CocoaPods-related settings and phases properly installed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Total de-integration will happen whenever the major version of CocoaPods
    changes, ensuring backwards-incompatible changes are properly applied.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows specifying installation options via the install!
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows marking targets as abstract and specifying the pod
    inheritance mode via the inherit! directive.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fix compiling of localized resources.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix compiling of asset catalog files inside resource bundles.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Prevent installer to be run from inside sandbox directory.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve repo lint error message when no repo found with given name.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Fix a crash in dependency resolution when running Ruby 2.3.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix handling of localized files in Pods installed as frameworks.
    Tim Bodeit
  • Only include native targets when generating the Podfile in pod init.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that generated Info.plist files have a CFBundleShortVersionString
    that is precisely three dot-separated numbers.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY build setting if integrating with a
    tvOS extension target, or a target that has the setting set to YES.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only the root directory of externally-sourced pods will be searched for
    Samuel Giddins
  • Remove the library name's extension when adding it in the "linker flags" build
    setting to support dynamic libraries.
    Andrea Cremaschi
  • Specifying relative subspec names to the linter is now supported.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Headers used to build a pod will no longer be duplicated for frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key is now specified in the Info.plist
    file for tvOS pods built as frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix Swift code completion for Development Pods by using realpath for
    symlinked source files.
    Boris Bügling
  • Avoid the duplicate UUID warning when a Pod is installed for multiple
    Samuel Giddins
  • Changing the name of a target in a Podfile will no longer cause warnings about
    being unable to set the base configuration XCConfig.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that linking multiple times against the same framework does not trigger
    the duplicate module name check for frameworks.
    Boris Bügling
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix lint in Xcode 7.2, it requires -destination.
    Boris Bügling
  • Empty podfiles / target blocks no longer break the user's Xcode project.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The pre-processor define for DEBUG will be set for all debug-based build
    configurations when building pods.
    Samuel Giddins
CocoaPods - 1.0.0.beta.3

Published by segiddins over 8 years ago

  • None.
Bug Fixes
  • Don't try to embed project headers into frameworks.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix a crash in the analyzer when target deduplication is deactivated.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Handle CoreData mapping models with recursive resource globs.
    Eric Firestone
  • Generate valid xcconfig when target name includes spaces.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Properly add resource files to resources build phase.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix suggestion of sudo when it actually isn't needed.
    Marcel Jackwerth
  • Set the TARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY to support both iPhone and iPad for iOS
    resource bundle targets.
    Andy Rifken
  • Share user schemes of Pods.xcodeproj after generating deterministic UUIDS.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only attempt to import a framework during linting if the pod has source
    files, and is thus being built by CocoaPods.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Determine whether an external source needs to be fetched when updating a
    dependency regardless of subspec names.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.2 (2016-01-05)

  • Present a friendly error suggesting running pod install when there are
    missing local podspecs when running pod outdated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Don't warn about setting base config when identical to current config.
    Jed Lewison
  • Add user_targets method to the UmbrellaTargetDescription in the
    post-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Always fetch a :podspec dependency's podspec when it is missing in the
    Pods directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file will now be generated properly for resource bundles,
    setting the proper CFBundlePackageType and omitting the CFBundleExecutable
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix crash when deintegrating due to major version change and there are
    multiple root-level Xcode projects.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure the sandbox_root attribute is set on the pre-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.1 (2015-12-30)

  • The link_with Podfile DSL method has been removed in favor of target
    Samuel Giddins
  • The :exclusive => true Podfile DSL target option has been removed in favor
    of the inherit! :search_paths directive.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The specification of :head dependencies has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated :local dependency option has been removed in favor of the
    equivalent :path option.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated dependency method in the Podfile DSL has been removed in
    favor of the equivalent pod method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated preferred_dependency method in the Specification DSL has been
    removed in favor of the equivalent default_subspecs method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The docset_url Specification attribute has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Build configuration names are no longer set as pre-processor defines, but
    rather POD_CONFIGURATION_$CONFIGURATION_NAME is defined in order to lessen
    conflicts with pod code.
Highlighted Enhancements That Need Testing
  • The Podfile DSL has been cleaned up, with the removal of confusing options and
    the introduction of abstract targets, search paths-only inheritance, the
    specification of installation options, and the removal of head dependencies.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Add the ability to add a custom commit message when pushing a spec.
    Bart Jacobs
  • Added support for pod env to print the pod environment without having to crash.
    Hemal Shah
  • Add support for specifying :source with a pod dependency.
    Eric Firestone
  • Ask user to run pod install when a resource not found during in copy resources script.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Add support to track .def sources.
  • Add support to track .def files as headers.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Pod::Installer::PostInstallHooksContext now offers access to the sandbox
    Marcelo Fabri
  • Improve sorting algorithm for pod search.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve pod search performance while using --full flag.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve message when there is no spec in repos for dependency set in Podfile.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Reduce the number of times the user's Xcode project is opened, speeding up
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improving the performance of Pod::Installer::Analyzer#generate_pod_targets
    Daniel Ribeiro
  • Framework pods that have a header_mappings_dirs set will now produce
    frameworks with headers that respect the nesting.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now ensure that pods with a header_mappings_dirs have all
    of their headers inside that directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Pods will be validated with the -Wincomplete-umbrella compiler flag to
    ensure module maps are valid.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now attempt to build an app that imports the pod.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file's CFBundleIdentifier is now set via the
    PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER build setting, consistent with Xcode 7.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Externally-sourced pods will now have their specifications quickly linted.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the deployment target on pods to be that which is defined in the
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set a deployment target for resource bundle targets.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are no longer integrated with CocoaPods will be properly
    de-integrated when installation occurs.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are integrated will be ensured that they have all
    CocoaPods-related settings and phases properly installed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Total de-integration will happen whenever the major version of CocoaPods
    changes, ensuring backwards-incompatible changes are properly applied.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows specifying installation options via the install!
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows marking targets as abstract and specifying the pod
    inheritance mode via the inherit! directive.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fix compiling of localized resources.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix compiling of asset catalog files inside resource bundles.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Prevent installer to be run from inside sandbox directory.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve repo lint error message when no repo found with given name.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Fix a crash in dependency resolution when running Ruby 2.3.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix handling of localized files in Pods installed as frameworks.
    Tim Bodeit
  • Only include native targets when generating the Podfile in pod init.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that generated Info.plist files have a CFBundleShortVersionString
    that is precisely three dot-separated numbers.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY build setting if integrating with a
    tvOS extension target, or a target that has the setting set to YES.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only the root directory of externally-sourced pods will be searched for
    Samuel Giddins
  • Remove the library name's extension when adding it in the "linker flags" build
    setting to support dynamic libraries.
    Andrea Cremaschi
  • Specifying relative subspec names to the linter is now supported.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Headers used to build a pod will no longer be duplicated for frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key is now specified in the Info.plist
    file for tvOS pods built as frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix Swift code completion for Development Pods by using realpath for
    symlinked source files.
    Boris Bügling
  • Avoid the duplicate UUID warning when a Pod is installed for multiple
    Samuel Giddins
  • Changing the name of a target in a Podfile will no longer cause warnings about
    being unable to set the base configuration XCConfig.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that linking multiple times against the same framework does not trigger
    the duplicate module name check for frameworks.
    Boris Bügling
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix lint in Xcode 7.2, it requires -destination.
    Boris Bügling
  • Empty podfiles / target blocks no longer break the user's Xcode project.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The pre-processor define for DEBUG will be set for all debug-based build
    configurations when building pods.
    Samuel Giddins
CocoaPods - 1.0.0.beta.2

Published by segiddins almost 9 years ago

  • Present a friendly error suggesting running pod install when there are
    missing local podspecs when running pod outdated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Don't warn about setting base config when identical to current config.
    Jed Lewison
  • Add user_targets method to the UmbrellaTargetDescription in the
    post-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Always fetch a :podspec dependency's podspec when it is missing in the
    Pods directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file will now be generated properly for resource bundles,
    setting the proper CFBundlePackageType and omitting the CFBundleExecutable
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix crash when deintegrating due to major version change and there are
    multiple root-level Xcode projects.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure the sandbox_root attribute is set on the pre-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.1 (2015-12-30)

  • The link_with Podfile DSL method has been removed in favor of target
    Samuel Giddins
  • The :exclusive => true Podfile DSL target option has been removed in favor
    of the inherit! :search_paths directive.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The specification of :head dependencies has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated :local dependency option has been removed in favor of the
    equivalent :path option.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated dependency method in the Podfile DSL has been removed in
    favor of the equivalent pod method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated preferred_dependency method in the Specification DSL has been
    removed in favor of the equivalent default_subspecs method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The docset_url Specification attribute has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Build configuration names are no longer set as pre-processor defines, but
    rather POD_CONFIGURATION_$CONFIGURATION_NAME is defined in order to lessen
    conflicts with pod code.
Highlighted Enhancements That Need Testing
  • The Podfile DSL has been cleaned up, with the removal of confusing options and
    the introduction of abstract targets, search paths-only inheritance, the
    specification of installation options, and the removal of head dependencies.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Add the ability to add a custom commit message when pushing a spec.
    Bart Jacobs
  • Added support for pod env to print the pod environment without having to crash.
    Hemal Shah
  • Add support for specifying :source with a pod dependency.
    Eric Firestone
  • Ask user to run pod install when a resource not found during in copy resources script.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Add support to track .def sources.
  • Add support to track .def files as headers.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Pod::Installer::PostInstallHooksContext now offers access to the sandbox
    Marcelo Fabri
  • Improve sorting algorithm for pod search.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve pod search performance while using --full flag.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve message when there is no spec in repos for dependency set in Podfile.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Reduce the number of times the user's Xcode project is opened, speeding up
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improving the performance of Pod::Installer::Analyzer#generate_pod_targets
    Daniel Ribeiro
  • Framework pods that have a header_mappings_dirs set will now produce
    frameworks with headers that respect the nesting.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now ensure that pods with a header_mappings_dirs have all
    of their headers inside that directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Pods will be validated with the -Wincomplete-umbrella compiler flag to
    ensure module maps are valid.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now attempt to build an app that imports the pod.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file's CFBundleIdentifier is now set via the
    PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER build setting, consistent with Xcode 7.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Externally-sourced pods will now have their specifications quickly linted.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the deployment target on pods to be that which is defined in the
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set a deployment target for resource bundle targets.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are no longer integrated with CocoaPods will be properly
    de-integrated when installation occurs.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are integrated will be ensured that they have all
    CocoaPods-related settings and phases properly installed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Total de-integration will happen whenever the major version of CocoaPods
    changes, ensuring backwards-incompatible changes are properly applied.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows specifying installation options via the install!
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows marking targets as abstract and specifying the pod
    inheritance mode via the inherit! directive.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fix compiling of localized resources.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix compiling of asset catalog files inside resource bundles.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Prevent installer to be run from inside sandbox directory.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve repo lint error message when no repo found with given name.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Fix a crash in dependency resolution when running Ruby 2.3.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix handling of localized files in Pods installed as frameworks.
    Tim Bodeit
  • Only include native targets when generating the Podfile in pod init.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that generated Info.plist files have a CFBundleShortVersionString
    that is precisely three dot-separated numbers.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY build setting if integrating with a
    tvOS extension target, or a target that has the setting set to YES.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only the root directory of externally-sourced pods will be searched for
    Samuel Giddins
  • Remove the library name's extension when adding it in the "linker flags" build
    setting to support dynamic libraries.
    Andrea Cremaschi
  • Specifying relative subspec names to the linter is now supported.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Headers used to build a pod will no longer be duplicated for frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key is now specified in the Info.plist
    file for tvOS pods built as frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix Swift code completion for Development Pods by using realpath for
    symlinked source files.
    Boris Bügling
  • Avoid the duplicate UUID warning when a Pod is installed for multiple
    Samuel Giddins
  • Changing the name of a target in a Podfile will no longer cause warnings about
    being unable to set the base configuration XCConfig.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that linking multiple times against the same framework does not trigger
    the duplicate module name check for frameworks.
    Boris Bügling
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix lint in Xcode 7.2, it requires -destination.
    Boris Bügling
  • Empty podfiles / target blocks no longer break the user's Xcode project.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The pre-processor define for DEBUG will be set for all debug-based build
    configurations when building pods.
    Samuel Giddins
CocoaPods - 1.0.0.beta.1

Published by segiddins almost 9 years ago

  • The link_with Podfile DSL method has been removed in favor of target
    Samuel Giddins
  • The :exclusive => true Podfile DSL target option has been removed in favor
    of the inherit! :search_paths directive.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The specification of :head dependencies has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated :local dependency option has been removed in favor of the
    equivalent :path option.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated dependency method in the Podfile DSL has been removed in
    favor of the equivalent pod method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated preferred_dependency method in the Specification DSL has been
    removed in favor of the equivalent default_subspecs method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The docset_url Specification attribute has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Build configuration names are no longer set as pre-processor defines, but
    rather POD_CONFIGURATION_$CONFIGURATION_NAME is defined in order to lessen
    conflicts with pod code.
Highlighted Enhancements That Need Testing
  • The Podfile DSL has been cleaned up, with the removal of confusing options and
    the introduction of abstract targets, search paths-only inheritance, the
    specification of installation options, and the removal of head dependencies.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Add the ability to add a custom commit message when pushing a spec.
    Bart Jacobs
  • Added support for pod env to print the pod environment without having to crash.
    Hemal Shah
  • Add support for specifying :source with a pod dependency.
    Eric Firestone
  • Ask user to run pod install when a resource not found during in copy resources script.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Add support to track .def sources.
  • Add support to track .def files as headers.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Pod::Installer::PostInstallHooksContext now offers access to the sandbox
    Marcelo Fabri
  • Improve sorting algorithm for pod search.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve pod search performance while using --full flag.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve message when there is no spec in repos for dependency set in Podfile.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Reduce the number of times the user's Xcode project is opened, speeding up
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improving the performance of Pod::Installer::Analyzer#generate_pod_targets
    Daniel Ribeiro
  • Framework pods that have a header_mappings_dirs set will now produce
    frameworks with headers that respect the nesting.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now ensure that pods with a header_mappings_dirs have all
    of their headers inside that directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Pods will be validated with the -Wincomplete-umbrella compiler flag to
    ensure module maps are valid.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now attempt to build an app that imports the pod.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file's CFBundleIdentifier is now set via the
    PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER build setting, consistent with Xcode 7.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Externally-sourced pods will now have their specifications quickly linted.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the deployment target on pods to be that which is defined in the
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set a deployment target for resource bundle targets.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are no longer integrated with CocoaPods will be properly
    de-integrated when installation occurs.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are integrated will be ensured that they have all
    CocoaPods-related settings and phases properly installed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Total de-integration will happen whenever the major version of CocoaPods
    changes, ensuring backwards-incompatible changes are properly applied.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows specifying installation options via the install!
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows marking targets as abstract and specifying the pod
    inheritance mode via the inherit! directive.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fix compiling of localized resources.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix compiling of asset catalog files inside resource bundles.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Prevent installer to be run from inside sandbox directory.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve repo lint error message when no repo found with given name.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Fix a crash in dependency resolution when running Ruby 2.3.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix handling of localized files in Pods installed as frameworks.
    Tim Bodeit
  • Only include native targets when generating the Podfile in pod init.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that generated Info.plist files have a CFBundleShortVersionString
    that is precisely three dot-separated numbers.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY build setting if integrating with a
    tvOS extension target, or a target that has the setting set to YES.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only the root directory of externally-sourced pods will be searched for
    Samuel Giddins
  • Remove the library name's extension when adding it in the "linker flags" build
    setting to support dynamic libraries.
    Andrea Cremaschi
  • Specifying relative subspec names to the linter is now supported.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Headers used to build a pod will no longer be duplicated for frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key is now specified in the Info.plist
    file for tvOS pods built as frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix Swift code completion for Development Pods by using realpath for
    symlinked source files.
    Boris Bügling
  • Avoid the duplicate UUID warning when a Pod is installed for multiple
    Samuel Giddins
  • Changing the name of a target in a Podfile will no longer cause warnings about
    being unable to set the base configuration XCConfig.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that linking multiple times against the same framework does not trigger
    the duplicate module name check for frameworks.
    Boris Bügling
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix lint in Xcode 7.2, it requires -destination.
    Boris Bügling
  • Empty podfiles / target blocks no longer break the user's Xcode project.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The pre-processor define for DEBUG will be set for all debug-based build
    configurations when building pods.
    Samuel Giddins
CocoaPods - 0.39.0

Published by segiddins about 9 years ago

  • Podfile-specified options are passed to plugins as hashes that treat string
    and symbol keys identically.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Only link dynamic vendored frameworks and libraries of pod dependencies.
    Kevin Coleman

0.39.0.rc.1 (2015-10-05)

  • Support for adding dependency target vendored libraries and frameworks to build settings.
    Kevin Coleman
  • Always link the aggregate target as static to the user project.
    Marius Rackwitz

0.39.0.beta.5 (2015-10-01)

  • Activesupport 4 is now required, breaking compatibility with applications
    locked to 3.x.y.
Bug Fixes
  • Give a meaningful message for the case where there is no available stable
    version for a pod, and there is no explicit version requirement.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Use watchsimulator when validating pods with the watchOS platform.
    Thomas Kollbach
  • C or C++ preprocessor output files with .i extension now have their compiler
    flags set correctly.
    Andrea Aresu
  • Remove SDKROOT relative search path as it isn't needed anymore since XCTest.
    Boris Bügling
  • Podfile generated by pod init now specifies iOS 8.0 as the default platform
    and includes use_frameworks! for Swift projects.
    Jamie Evans
  • Support for the new tvos platform.
    Boris Bügling
  • Either generate just one pod target or generate it once for each target
    Marius Rackwitz
    DYLIB_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION for pods integrated as dynamic frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The headers folders paths for static library pods will be unset, fixing
    validation when archives are uploaded to iTunes Connect.
    Boris Bügling
    Samuel Giddins
  • Don't require the platform attribute for targets without any declared pods
    when running pod install --no-integrate.
    Sylvain Guillopé
  • Gracefully handle exception if creating the repos directory fails due to a
    system error like a permission issue.
    Sylvain Guillopé

0.39.0.beta.4 (2015-09-02)

Bug Fixes
  • Using vendored frameworks without a Headers directory will no longer cause a
    Samuel Giddins
  • Computing the set of transitive dependencies for a pod target,
    even if the target is scoped, will no longer smash the stack.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Take into account a specification's exclude_files when constructing resource
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix resolving to platform-compatible versions of transitive dependencies.
    Samuel Giddins

0.39.0.beta.3 (2015-08-28)

Bug Fixes
  • This release fixes a file permissions error when using the RubyGem.
    Samuel Giddins

0.39.0.beta.2 (2015-08-27)

Bug Fixes

0.39.0.beta.1 (2015-08-26)

Bug Fixes
CocoaPods - 0.39.0.rc.1

Published by segiddins about 9 years ago

  • Support for adding dependency target vendored libraries and frameworks to build settings.
    Kevin Coleman
  • Always link the aggregate target as static to the user project.
    Marius Rackwitz

0.39.0.beta.5 (2015-10-01)

  • Activesupport 4 is now required, breaking compatibility with applications
    locked to 3.x.y.
Bug Fixes
  • Give a meaningful message for the case where there is no available stable
    version for a pod, and there is no explicit version requirement.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Use watchsimulator when validating pods with the watchOS platform.
    Thomas Kollbach
  • C or C++ preprocessor output files with .i extension now have their compiler
    flags set correctly.
    Andrea Aresu
  • Remove SDKROOT relative search path as it isn't needed anymore since XCTest.
    Boris Bügling
  • Podfile generated by pod init now specifies iOS 8.0 as the default platform
    and includes use_frameworks! for Swift projects.
    Jamie Evans
  • Support for the new tvos platform.
    Boris Bügling
  • Either generate just one pod target or generate it once for each target
    Marius Rackwitz
    DYLIB_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION for pods integrated as dynamic frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The headers folders paths for static library pods will be unset, fixing
    validation when archives are uploaded to iTunes Connect.
    Boris Bügling
    Samuel Giddins
  • Don't require the platform attribute for targets without any declared pods
    when running pod install --no-integrate.
    Sylvain Guillopé
  • Gracefully handle exception if creating the repos directory fails due to a
    system error like a permission issue.
    Sylvain Guillopé

0.39.0.beta.4 (2015-09-02)

Bug Fixes
  • Using vendored frameworks without a Headers directory will no longer cause a
    Samuel Giddins
  • Computing the set of transitive dependencies for a pod target,
    even if the target is scoped, will no longer smash the stack.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Take into account a specification's exclude_files when constructing resource
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix resolving to platform-compatible versions of transitive dependencies.
    Samuel Giddins

0.39.0.beta.3 (2015-08-28)

Bug Fixes
  • This release fixes a file permissions error when using the RubyGem.
    Samuel Giddins

0.39.0.beta.2 (2015-08-27)

Bug Fixes

0.39.0.beta.1 (2015-08-26)

Bug Fixes
CocoaPods - 0.39.0.beta.5

Published by segiddins about 9 years ago

  • Activesupport 4 is now required, breaking compatibility with applications
    locked to 3.x.y.
Bug Fixes
  • Give a meaningful message for the case where there is no available stable
    version for a pod, and there is no explicit version requirement.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Use watchsimulator when validating pods with the watchOS platform.
    Thomas Kollbach
  • C or C++ preprocessor output files with .i extension now have their compiler
    flags set correctly.
    Andrea Aresu
  • Remove SDKROOT relative search path as it isn't needed anymore since XCTest.
    Boris Bügling
  • Podfile generated by pod init now specifies iOS 8.0 as the default platform
    and includes use_frameworks! for Swift projects.
    Jamie Evans
  • Support for the new tvos platform.
    Boris Bügling
  • Either generate just one pod target or generate it once for each target
    Marius Rackwitz
    DYLIB_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION for pods integrated as dynamic frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The headers folders paths for static library pods will be unset, fixing
    validation when archives are uploaded to iTunes Connect.
    Boris Bügling
    Samuel Giddins
  • Don't require the platform attribute for targets without any declared pods
    when running pod install --no-integrate.
    Sylvain Guillopé
  • Gracefully handle exception if creating the repos directory fails due to a
    system error like a permission issue.
    Sylvain Guillopé

0.39.0.beta.4 (2015-09-02)

Bug Fixes
  • Using vendored frameworks without a Headers directory will no longer cause a
    Samuel Giddins
  • Computing the set of transitive dependencies for a pod target,
    even if the target is scoped, will no longer smash the stack.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Take into account a specification's exclude_files when constructing resource
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix resolving to platform-compatible versions of transitive dependencies.
    Samuel Giddins

0.39.0.beta.3 (2015-08-28)

Bug Fixes
  • This release fixes a file permissions error when using the RubyGem.
    Samuel Giddins

0.39.0.beta.2 (2015-08-27)

Bug Fixes

0.39.0.beta.1 (2015-08-26)

Bug Fixes
CocoaPods - 0.39.0.beta.4

Published by segiddins about 9 years ago

Bug Fixes
  • Using vendored frameworks without a Headers directory will no longer cause a
    Samuel Giddins
  • Computing the set of transitive dependencies for a pod target,
    even if the target is scoped, will no longer smash the stack.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Take into account a specification's exclude_files when constructing resource
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix resolving to platform-compatible versions of transitive dependencies.
    Samuel Giddins

0.39.0.beta.3 (2015-08-28)

Bug Fixes
  • This release fixes a file permissions error when using the RubyGem.
    Samuel Giddins

0.39.0.beta.2 (2015-08-27)

Bug Fixes

0.39.0.beta.1 (2015-08-26)

Bug Fixes
CocoaPods - 0.39.0.beta.3

Published by segiddins about 9 years ago

Bug Fixes
  • This release fixes a file permissions error when using the RubyGem.
    Samuel Giddins

0.39.0.beta.2 (2015-08-27)

Bug Fixes

0.39.0.beta.1 (2015-08-26)

Bug Fixes
CocoaPods - 0.39.0.beta.2

Published by segiddins about 9 years ago

Bug Fixes

0.39.0.beta.1 (2015-08-26)

Bug Fixes
CocoaPods - 0.39.0.beta.1

Published by segiddins about 9 years ago

Bug Fixes
CocoaPods - 0.38.2

Published by segiddins about 9 years ago

Bug Fixes
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