
The Cocoa Dependency Manager.

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CocoaPods - 0.3.0

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago

Multiple targets

Add support for multiple static library targets in the Pods Xcode project with
different sets of depedencies. This means that you can create a separate
library which contains all dependencies, including extra ones that you only use
in, for instance, a debug or test build. [docs]

# This Podfile will build three static libraries:
# * libPods.a
# * libPods-debug.a
# * libPods-test.a

# This dependency is included in the `default` target, which generates the
# `libPods.a` library, and all non-exclusive targets.
dependency 'SSCatalog'

target :debug do
  # This dependency is only included in the `debug` target, which generates
  # the `libPods-debug.a` library.
  dependency 'CocoaLumberjack'

target :test, :exclusive => true do
  # This dependency is *only* included in the `test` target, which generates
  # the `libPods-test.a` library.
  dependency 'Kiwi'

Install libraries from anywhere

A dependency can take a git url if the repo contains a podspec file in its
root, or a podspec can be loaded from a file or HTTP location. If no podspec is
available, a specification can be defined inline in the Podfile. [docs]

# From a spec repo.
dependency 'SSToolkit'

# Directly from the Pod’s repo (if it contains a podspec).
dependency 'SSToolkit', :git => ''

# Directly from the Pod’s repo (if it contains a podspec) with a specific commit (or tag).
dependency 'SSToolkit', :git    => '',
                        :commit => '2adcd0f81740d6b0cd4589af98790eee3bd1ae7b'

# From a podspec that's outside a spec repo _and_ the library’s repo. This can be a file or http url.
dependency 'SSToolkit', :podspec => ''

# If no podspec is available anywhere, you can define one right in your Podfile.
dependency do |s|         = 'SSToolkit'
  s.version      = '0.1.3'
  s.platform     = :ios
  s.source       = { :git => '', :commit => '2adcd0f81740d6b0cd4589af98790eee3bd1ae7b' }
  s.resources    = 'Resources'
  s.source_files = 'SSToolkit/**/*.{h,m}'
  s.frameworks   = 'QuartzCore', 'CoreGraphics'

  def s.post_install(target)
    prefix_header = config.project_pods_root + target.prefix_header_filename'a') do |file|
      file.puts(%{#ifdef __OBJC__\n#import "SSToolkitDefines.h"\n#endif})

Add a post_install hook to the Podfile class

This allows the user to customize, for instance, the generated Xcode project
before it’s written to disk. [docs]

# Enable garbage collection support for MacRuby applications.
post_install do |installer|
  installer.project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_GC'] = 'supported'


Generate a Podfile.lock file next to the Podfile, which contains a manifest of
your application’s dependencies and their dependencies.

  - JSONKit (1.4)
  - LibComponentLogging-Core (1.1.4)
  - LibComponentLogging-NSLog (1.0.2):
    - LibComponentLogging-Core (>= 1.1.4)
  - RestKit-JSON-JSONKit (0.9.3):
    - JSONKit
    - RestKit (= 0.9.3)
  - RestKit-Network (0.9.3):
    - LibComponentLogging-NSLog
    - RestKit (= 0.9.3)
  - RestKit-ObjectMapping (0.9.3):
    - RestKit (= 0.9.3)
    - RestKit-Network (= 0.9.3)

  - RestKit (0.9.3)

  - RestKit-JSON-JSONKit
  - RestKit-ObjectMapping

Generate Xcode projects from scratch

We no longer ship template projects with the gem, but instead generate them
programmatically. This code has moved out into its own Xcodeproj gem,
allowing you to automate Xcode related tasks.

CocoaPods - 0.34.0

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago

  • Add support for loading podspecs from only specific spec-repos via
    sources. By default, when there are no sources specified in a Podfile all
    source repos will be used. This has always been the case. However, this
    implicit use of sources is now deprecated. Once you specify specific sources,
    no repos will be included by default. For example:

      source ''
      source ''

    Any source URLs specified that have not yet been added will be cloned before
    resolution begins.
    François Benaiteau
    Fabio Pelosin
    Samuel Giddins

  • Added the pod repo list command which lists all the repositories.
    Luis Ascorbe
Bug Fixes
  • Works around an Xcode issue where linting would fail even though xcodebuild
    actually succeeds. also doesn't fail when this issue occurs, so it's
    safe for us to do the same.
    Kra Larivain
    Boris Bügling
    Eloy Durán
    Samuel E. Giddins
  • Fixes the detection of JSON podspecs included via :path.
  • Fixes an issue where pod install would crash during Plist building if any
    pod has invalid UTF-8 characters in their title or description.
    Ladislav Martincik
  • Fix crash when the URL of a private GitHub repo is passed to pod spec create as an argument.
    Fabio Pelosin


Bug Fixes
  • Fixes an issue where pod lib lint would crash if a podspec couldn't be
    Kyle Fuller
  • Fixes an issue where pod init would not add source 'master' to newly
    created Podfiles.
    Ash Furrow


  • The use of the $PODS_ROOT environment variable has been deprecated and
    should not be used. It will be removed in future versions of CocoaPods.

  • Add support for loading podspecs from specific spec-repos only, a.k.a. ‘sources’.
    By default, when not specifying any specific sources in your Podfile, the ‘master’
    spec-repo will be used, as was always the case. However, once you specify specific
    sources the ‘master’ spec-repo will not be included by default. For example:

      source 'private-spec-repo'
      source 'master'

    François Benaiteau
    Fabio Pelosin

  • The Pods directory has been reorganized. This might require manual
    intervention in projects where files generated by CocoaPods have manually been
    imported into the user's project (common with the acknowledgements files).
    Fabio Pelosin
    Michele Titolo

  • Plugins are now expected to include the cocoapods-plugin.rb file in
    Fabio Pelosin

  • The specification requires_arc attribute now defaults to true.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Add support to specify dependencies per build configuration:

    pod 'Lookback', :configurations => ['Debug']

    Currently configurations can only be specified per single Pod.
    Joachim Bengtsson
    Eloy Durán
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Improved performance of git downloads using shallow clone.
    Marin Usalj
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Simplify installation: CocoaPods no longer requires the
    compilation of the troublesome native extensions.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Add hooks for plugins. Currently only the installer hook is supported.
    A plugin can register itself to be activated after the installation with the
    following syntax:

    Pod::HooksManager.register(:post_install) do |installer_context|
      # implementation

    The installer_context is an instance of the Pod::Installer:HooksContext
    class which provides the information about the installation.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Add a support for migrating the sandbox to new versions of CocoaPods.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Display an indication for deprecated Pods in the command line search.
    Hugo Tunius

  • Use the CLIntegracon gem for the integration tests.
    Marius Rackwitz

  • Include configurations that a user explicitly specifies, in their Podfile,
    when the --no-integrate option is specified.
    Eloy Durán

  • Properly quote the -isystem values in the xcconfig files.
    Eloy Durán

  • Remove the installation post install message which presents the CHANGELOG.
    Fabio Pelosin
    Eloy Durán

  • Add support for user-specified project directories with the
    --project-directory option.
    Samuel E. Giddins

  • Now the plutil tool is used when available to produce
    output consistent with Xcode.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Indicate the name of the pod whose requirements cannot be satisfied.
    Seivan Heidari
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Add support for JSON specs to external sources (:path, :git, etc)
    Kyle Fuller

  • Generate the workspaces using the same output of Xcode.
    Fabio Pelosin

Bug Fixes
CocoaPods - 0.9.1

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago


Bug fixes
  • CocoaPods 0.9.x needs Xcodeproj 0.3.0.
CocoaPods - 0.9.2

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago


Bug fixes
  • When generating the PodsDummy class, make that class unique to each target. #402
  • Raise an informative error message when the platform in the Podfile is omitted or incorrect. #403
CocoaPods - 0.8.0

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago


Breaking change

Syntax change in Podfile: dependency has been replaced by pod.

ruby platform :ios pod 'JSONKit', '~> 1.4' pod 'Reachability', '~> 2.0.4'

Bug fixes
  • Properly quote all paths given to Git.
CocoaPods - 0.9.0

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago


  • Force downloading the ‘bleeding edge’ version of a pod with the :head flag. #392
  • Support for weak frameworks. #263
  • Use double quotes when shelling out. This makes a url like $HOME/local/lib work. #396
Bug fixes
  • Relaxed linter to accepts pod that only specify paths to preserve (like TuneupJS).
  • Gender neutralization of podfile documentation. #384
  • Exit early when using an old RubyGems version (< 1.4.0). These versions contain subtle bugs
    related to prerelease version comparisons. Unfortunately, OS X >= 10.7 ships with 1.3.6. #398
CocoaPods - 0.7.0

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago


  • Added support for branches in git repos.
  • Added support for linting remote files, i.e. pod spec lint http://raw/file.podspec.
  • Improved Spec create template.
  • The indentation is automatically stripped for podspecs strings.
Bug fixes
  • The default warnings of Xcode are not overriden anymore.
  • Improvements to the detection of the license files.
  • Improvements to pod spec lint.
  • CocoaPods is now case insensitive.
CocoaPods - 0.6.0

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago

A full list of all the changes since 0.5.1 can be found [here][6].

Link with specific targets

CocoaPods can now integrate all the targets specified in your Podfile.

To specify which target, in your Xcode project, a Pods target should be linked
with, use the link_with method like so:

platform :ios

workspace 'MyWorkspace'

link_with ['MyAppTarget', 'MyOtherAppTarget']
dependency 'JSONKit'

target :test, :exclusive => true do
xcodeproj 'TestProject', 'Test' => :debug
link_with 'TestRunnerTarget'
dependency 'Kiwi'

NOTE: As you can see it can take either one target name, or an array of names.

  • If no explicit Xcode workspace is specified and only one project exists in
    the same directory as the Podfile, then the name of that project is used as the
    workspace’s name.
  • If no explicit Xcode project is specified for a target, it will use the Xcode
    project of the parent target. If no target specifies an expicit Xcode project
    and there is only one project in the same directory as the Podfile then that
    project will be used.
  • If no explicit target is specified, then the Pods target will be linked with
    the first target in your project. So if you only have one target you do not
    need to specify the target to link with.

See #76 for more info.

Finally, CocoaPods will add build configurations to the Pods project for all
configurations in the other projects in the workspace. By default the
configurations are based on the Release configuration, to base them on the
Debug configuration you will have to explicitely specify them as can be seen
above in the following line:

xcodeproj 'TestProject', 'Test' => :debug


CocoaPods will now generate documentation for every library with the
[appledoc][5] tool and install it into Xcode’s documentation viewer.

You can customize the settings used like so:

s.documentation = { :appledoc => ['--product-name', 'My awesome project!'] }

Alternatively, you can specify a URL where an HTML version of the documentation
can be found:

s.documentation = { :html => '' }

See #149 and
#151 for more info.

Licenses & Documentation

CocoaPods will now generate two 'Acknowledgements' files for each target specified
in your Podfile which contain the License details for each Pod used in that target
(assuming details have been specified in the Pod spec).

There is a markdown file, for general consumption, as well as a property list file
that can be added to a settings bundle for an iOS application.

You don't need to do anything for this to happen, it should just work.

If you're not happy with the default boilerplate text generated for the title, header
and footnotes in the files, it's possible to customise these by overriding the methods
that generate the text in your Podfile like this:

class ::Pod::Generator::Acknowledgements
  def header_text
    "My custom header text"

You can even go one step further and customise the text on a per target basis by
checking against the target name, like this:

class ::Pod::Generator::Acknowledgements
  def header_text
    if @target_definition.label.end_with?("MyTargetName")
      "Custom header text for MyTargetName"
      "Custom header text for other targets"

Finally, here's a list of the methods that are available to override:


Introduced two new classes: LocalPod and Sandbox.

The Sandbox represents the entire contents of the POD_ROOT (normally
SOURCE_ROOT/Pods). A LocalPod represents a pod that has been installed within
the Sandbox.

These two classes can be used as better homes for various pieces of logic
currently spread throughout the installation process and provide a better API
for working with the contents of this directory.

Xcodeproj API

All Xcodeproj APIs are now in snake_case, instead of camelCase. If you are
manipulating the project from your Podfile's post_install hook, or from a
podspec, then update these method calls.


  • #188: list command now
    displays the specifications introduced in the master repo if it is given as an
    option the number of days to take into account.
  • #188: Transferred search
    layout improvements and options to list command.
  • #166: Added printing
    of homepage and source to search results.
  • #177: Added --stat
    option to display watchers and forks for pods hosted on GitHub.
  • #177: Introduced colors
    and tuned layout of search.
  • #112: Introduced --push
    option to $ pod setup. It configures the master spec repository to use the private
    push URL. The change is preserved in future calls to $ pod setup.
  • #153: It is no longer
    required to call $ pod setup.
  • #163: Print a template
    for a new ticket when an error occurs.
  • Added a new Github-specific downloader that can download repositories as a
    gzipped tarball.
  • No more global state is kept during resolving of dependencies.
  • Updated Xcodeproj to have a friendlier API.


  • #142: Xcode 4.3.2 no longer
    supports passing the -fobj-arc flag to the linker and will fail to build. The
    addition of this flag was a workaround for a compiler bug in previous versions.
    This flag is no longer included by default - to keep using this flag, you need to
    add set_arc_compatibility_flag! to your Podfile.
  • #183: Fix for
    .DS_Store file in ~/.cocoapods prevents $ pod install from running.
  • #134: Match
    IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET build setting with deployment_target option in
    generated Pods project file.
  • #142: Add -fobjc-arc to
    OTHER_LDFLAGS if any pods require ARC.
  • #148: External encoding
    set to UTF-8 on Ruby 1.9 to fix crash caused by non-ascii characters in pod
  • Ensure all header search paths are quoted in the xcconfig file.
  • Added weak quoting to ibtool input paths.
CocoaPods - 0.6.1

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago


Bug fixes
  • Switched to master branch for specs repo.
  • Fixed a crash with pod spec lint related to preserve_paths.
  • Fixed a bug that caused subspecs to not inherit the compiler flags of the top level specification.
  • Fixed a bug that caused duplication of system framworks.
CocoaPods - 0.5.0

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago

No longer requires MacRuby. Runs on MRI 1.8.7 (OS X system version) and 1.9.3.

A full list of all the changes since 0.3.0 can be found [here][7].

CocoaPods - 0.34.4

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago

Bug Fixes
  • Fixes a crash when running pod outdated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that external sources (as specified in the Podfile) are downloaded
    when their source is missing, even if their specification is present.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fixes an issue where running pod install/update while the Xcode project
    is open can cause the open project to have build failures until Xcode
    is restarted.
    Kyle Fuller
  • Fixes a crash when using file URLs as a source.
    Kurry Tran
  • Fixes an issue when using pods in static library targets and building with
    Xcode 6 which requires OTHER_LIBTOOLFLAGS instead of OTHER_LDFLAGS, thus
    basically reverting to the previous Xcode behaviour, for now at least.
    Kyle Fuller
    Eloy Durán
  • Fixes an issue running the resources script when Xcode is installed to a
    directory with a space when compiling xcassets.
    Kyle Fuller
  • Fixes an issue when installing Pods with resources to a target which
    doesn't have any resources.
    Kyle Fuller
  • Ensure that git 1.7.5 or newer is installed when running pod.
    Kyle Fuller
CocoaPods - 0.34.2

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago

  • Make the output of pod outdated show what running pod update will do.
    Takes into account the sources specified in the Podfile.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Allows the use of the GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITION flag ${inherited}
    without emitting a warning.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Integration with user project will no longer replace an existing
    base build configuration.
    Robert Jones
Bug Fixes
  • Improved sanitizing of configuration names to avoid generating invalid
    preprocessor definitions.
    Boris Bügling
  • More robust generation of source names from URLs.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Allow the Validator to only use specific sources.
    Allows customizable source for pod spec lint and pod lib lint,
    with both defaulting to master.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Takes into account the sources specified in Podfile running
    pod outdated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensures that the master repo is shallow cloned when added via a Podfile
    source directive.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensures that the user project is not saved when there are no
    user targets integrated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix a crash when running pod install with an empty target that inherits a
    pod from a parent target.
    Kyle Fuller
  • Take into account versions of a Pod from all specified sources when
    resolving dependencies.
    Thomas Visser
  • Sanitize build configuration names in target environment header macros.
    Kra Larivain
CocoaPods - 0.34.0.rc2

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago

Bug Fixes
  • Fixes an issue where pod lib lint would crash if a podspec couldn't be
    Kyle Fuller
  • Fixes an issue where pod init would not add source 'master' to newly
    created Podfiles.
    Ash Furrow


  • The use of the $PODS_ROOT environment variable has been deprecated and
    should not be used. It will be removed in future versions of CocoaPods.

  • Add support for loading podspecs from specific spec-repos only, a.k.a. ‘sources’.
    By default, when not specifying any specific sources in your Podfile, the ‘master’
    spec-repo will be used, as was always the case. However, once you specify specific
    sources the ‘master’ spec-repo will not be included by default. For example:

      source 'private-spec-repo'
      source 'master'

    François Benaiteau
    Fabio Pelosin

  • The Pods directory has been reorganized. This might require manual
    intervention in projects where files generated by CocoaPods have manually been
    imported into the user's project (common with the acknowledgements files).
    Fabio Pelosin
    Michele Titolo

  • Plugins are now expected to include the cocoapods-plugin.rb file in
    Fabio Pelosin

  • The specification requires_arc attribute now defaults to true.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Add support to specify dependencies per build configuration:

    pod 'Lookback', :configurations => ['Debug']

    Currently configurations can only be specified per single Pod.
    Joachim Bengtsson
    Eloy Durán
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Improved performance of git downloads using shallow clone.
    Marin Usalj
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Simplify installation: CocoaPods no longer requires the
    compilation of the troublesome native extensions.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Add hooks for plugins. Currently only the installer hook is supported.
    A plugin can register itself to be activated after the installation with the
    following syntax:

    Pod::HooksManager.register(:post_install) do |installer_context|
      # implementation

    The installer_context is an instance of the Pod::Installer:HooksContext
    class which provides the information about the installation.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Add a support for migrating the sandbox to new versions of CocoaPods.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Display an indication for deprecated Pods in the command line search.
    Hugo Tunius

  • Use the CLIntegracon gem for the integration tests.
    Marius Rackwitz

  • Include configurations that a user explicitly specifies, in their Podfile,
    when the --no-integrate option is specified.
    Eloy Durán

  • Properly quote the -isystem values in the xcconfig files.
    Eloy Durán

  • Remove the installation post install message which presents the CHANGELOG.
    Fabio Pelosin
    Eloy Durán

  • Add support for user-specified project directories with the
    --project-directory option.
    Samuel E. Giddins

  • Now the plutil tool is used when available to produce
    output consistent with Xcode.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Indicate the name of the pod whose requirements cannot be satisfied.
    Seivan Heidari
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Add support for JSON specs to external sources (:path, :git, etc)
    Kyle Fuller

  • Generate the workspaces using the same output of Xcode.
    Fabio Pelosin

Bug Fixes
CocoaPods - 0.34.1

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago

Bug Fixes
  • Doesn't take into account the trailing .git in repository URLs when
    trying to find a matching specs repo.
    Samuel Giddins
CocoaPods - 0.33.1

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago

Bug Fixes
CocoaPods - 0.34.0.rc1

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago

  • The use of the $PODS_ROOT environment variable has been deprecated and
    should not be used. It will be removed in future versions of CocoaPods.

  • Add support for loading podspecs from specific spec-repos only, a.k.a. ‘sources’.
    By default, when not specifying any specific sources in your Podfile, the ‘master’
    spec-repo will be used, as was always the case. However, once you specify specific
    sources the ‘master’ spec-repo will not be included by default. For example:

      source 'private-spec-repo'
      source 'master'

    François Benaiteau
    Fabio Pelosin

  • The Pods directory has been reorganized. This might require manual
    intervention in projects where files generated by CocoaPods have manually been
    imported into the user's project (common with the acknowledgements files).
    Fabio Pelosin
    Michele Titolo

  • Plugins are now expected to include the cocoapods-plugin.rb file in
    Fabio Pelosin

  • The specification requires_arc attribute now defaults to true.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Add support to specify dependencies per build configuration:

    pod 'Lookback', :configurations => ['Debug']

    Currently configurations can only be specified per single Pod.
    Joachim Bengtsson
    Eloy Durán
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Improved performance of git downloads using shallow clone.
    Marin Usalj
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Simplify installation: CocoaPods no longer requires the
    compilation of the troublesome native extensions.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Add hooks for plugins. Currently only the installer hook is supported.
    A plugin can register itself to be activated after the installation with the
    following syntax:

    Pod::HooksManager.register(:post_install) do |installer_context|
      # implementation

    The installer_context is an instance of the Pod::Installer:HooksContext
    class which provides the information about the installation.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Add a support for migrating the sandbox to new versions of CocoaPods.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Display an indication for deprecated Pods in the command line search.
    Hugo Tunius

  • Use the CLIntegracon gem for the integration tests.
    Marius Rackwitz

  • Include configurations that a user explicitly specifies, in their Podfile,
    when the --no-integrate option is specified.
    Eloy Durán

  • Properly quote the -isystem values in the xcconfig files.
    Eloy Durán

  • Remove the installation post install message which presents the CHANGELOG.
    Fabio Pelosin
    Eloy Durán

  • Add support for user-specified project directories with the
    --project-directory option.
    Samuel E. Giddins

  • Now the plutil tool is used when available to produce
    output consistent with Xcode.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Indicate the name of the pod whose requirements cannot be satisfied.
    Seivan Heidari
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Add support for JSON specs to external sources (:path, :git, etc)
    Kyle Fuller

  • Generate the workspaces using the same output of Xcode.
    Fabio Pelosin

Bug Fixes
CocoaPods - 0.33.0

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago

  • The deprecated pre_install and the pod_install hooks of the specification
    class have been removed.
    Fabio Pelosin
  • Added the cocoapods-trunk plugin which introduces the trunk subcommand.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • The pod push sub-command has been moved to the pod repo push sub-command.
    Moreover pushing to the master repo from it has been disabled.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Overhauled command line interface. Add support for auto-completion script
    (d). If auto-completion is enabled for your shell you can configure it for
    CocoaPods with the following command:

    rm -f /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_pod
    dpod --completion-script > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_pod
    exec zsh

    Currently only the Z shell is supported.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • The --version flag is now only supported for the root pod command. If
    used in conjunction with the --verbose flag the version of the detected
    plugins will be printed as well.
    Fabio Pelosin

  • The extremely meta cocoaPods-plugins is now installed by default providing
    information about the available and the installed plug-ins.
    David Grandinetti
    Olivier Halligon
    Fabio Pelosin

  • Validate the reachability of social_media_url, documentation_url and
    docset_url in podspecs we while linting a specification.
    Kyle Fuller

  • Print the current version when the repo/lockfile requires a higher version.
    Samuel E. Giddins

  • Show help when running the pod command instead of defaulting to pod install.
    Kyle Fuller

Bug Fixes
CocoaPods - 0.32.1

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago

Bug Fixes
CocoaPods - 0.32.0

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago


Bug Fixes
CocoaPods - 0.31.0

Published by segiddins almost 10 years ago


Bug Fixes
Package Rankings
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