
Needle Engine is a web-based runtime for 3D apps. It runs on your machine for development, and can be deployed anywhere. It is flexible, extensible and includes networking and XR - across platforms. Documentation at


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needle-engine-support - 3.31.6

Published by marwie 8 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Fix: CanvasGroup causing performance to drop over time


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needle-engine-support - 3.32.18-exp

Published by marwie 8 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Add: vite plugin for collecting build information
  • Fix: USDZExporter not respecting button option so Open in Quicklook button was always created
  • Fix: vite plugin for copying files didnt respect needle.config.json build directory
  • Fix: AnimatorController exception happening in deepClone (NE-4227)
  • Fix: minor false warning log for deserializing postprocessing effects
  • Fix: vite dependency watcher plugin should handle version containing alias like npm@three@160
  • Fix: NeedleXRSession feature support should catch exception that might happen when running inside iframe with insufficient permissions
  • Change: ARSessionRoot align placed scene to camera during placement preview and actual placement so they match up
  • Change: bump postprocessing package to 6.33.4 for three 160 support
  • Change: vite plugin dependency watcher should now reload website when the server has changed due to changed package.json dependency

Unity Integration

  • Fix: DeployToFTP component respecting needle.config.json
  • Change: ExportInfo Open Workspace button now opens Readme in project directory by default (if it exists)


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needle-engine-support - 3.32.17-exp

Published by marwie 8 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Fix: visionOS input handling and hands rendering
  • Fix: Error during USDZ text export
  • Fix: vite plugin error for cases where config object was missing
  • Fix: Rare issue where re-entering AR causes error due to missing reticle
  • Change: component onDestroy is now called before Object3D and resouces are disposed/destroyed
  • Change: WebARSessionRoot z-forward looks now towards user/camera

Unity Integration

  • Fix: DeployToFTP URL encoding when opening url
  • Fix: Fog not exporting for scenes without GltfObject component
  • Fix: Issue in ComponentGenerator component when no ExportInfo is in scene
  • Change: BugReporter description can now be cancelled
  • Change: Try fix issue where npm tools package fails to install
  • Change: Try improving license check for cases where the internet connection is lost


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needle-engine-support - 3.32.16-exp

Published by marwie 9 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Add: NeedleXRController isHand property
  • Add: WebARSessionRoot customReticle to allow how the AR session placement looks
  • Add: NeedleXRController getHandJointPose(jointName) API
  • Add: Static NeedleXRSession.onXRSessionStart and onXRSessionEnd
  • Fix: Custom Avatar was despawning when not in multi-user session (added dontDestroy flag to PlayerState)
  • Fix: USDZExporter without WebXR component in scene does now again create quicklook button
  • Fix: Bug in Avatar where assigning head or hands objects would cause errors
  • Fix: Hide XR buttons during running session
  • Fix: Bump threejs version to fix OrbitControls not handling pointerup if it doesnt happen over the passed in target element
  • Change: NeedleXRController does now not emit pointermove event every frame but only when above a set position/rotation threshold
  • Change: time.smoothedFPS is now smoothed over 60 frames
  • Change: loaded GLB name in loading overlay is now less technical
  • Change: static NeedleXRSession.onXRStart is now onXRSessionStart


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needle-engine-support - 3.32.15-exp

Published by marwie 9 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Fix: Hands rendering on visionOS
  • Fix: NeedleXRController now supports pinch gesture and emits pinch event for devices that don't properly implement the WebXR API and don't invoke the selectstart events (e.g. visionOS)
  • Fix: USDZExporter should not use doubleSided for skeletal meshes
  • Fix: safeguard against null reference error in DragControls.alignManipulator
  • Fix: Gizmo labels being raycastable
  • Fix: Gizmo cache stopped working due to wrong isDestroyed check
  • Fix: Error caused by Canvas UI when starting XR session
  • Fix: onPointerEnter and onPointerExit is not called for all controllers


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needle-engine-support - 3.32.14-exp

Published by marwie 9 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Add: Renderer sharedMeshes property to easily access all mesh objects that belong to the renderer
  • Fix: WebXRController ray rendering frame delay
  • Fix: Avoid WebXRHand model sometimes not being properly cleaned up
  • Fix: minor console.log fixes

Unity Integration

  • Fix: compiler error on windows


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needle-engine-support - 3.32.13-exp

Published by marwie 9 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Add: AudioSource preload property
  • Fix: BoxCollider now automatically detects changes on scale property and updates underlying physics engine collider size
  • Fix: error in mobile VR touch (without physical controllers)
  • Change: Calls to instantiate now don't accept a null or missing object to instantiate anymore
  • Change: Rigidbody component now updates underlying physics properties immediately when dirty before invoking applyForce() or applyImpulse()

Unity Integration

  • Add: AudioSource preload property
  • Change: Samples Window now shows installed version
  • Change: Warn if installed samples are out-dated or not supported with the current Needle Engine version


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needle-engine-support - 3.31.5

Published by marwie 9 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Fix: builds for nextjs

Unity Integration

  • Add: check if supported samples package is installed


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needle-engine-support - 3.32.12-exp

Published by marwie 9 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Fix: ParticleSystem modifying assigned material instance in some cases
  • Fix: PostProcessing DepthOfField effect api change in postprocessing package
  • Fix: nextjs production builds with needle-engine
  • Fix: input.addEventListener for key events stopped working
  • Fix: issue in physics async draincollision callback sometimes failing when objects were already destroyed
  • Fix: WebXR controller and hand models should not be destroyed with the XRRig
  • Change: WebXR on non-secure connections now shows warning and button for WebAR and WebVR are disabled

Unity Integration

  • Add: Support for Build Window preview build button for nextjs projects
  • Add: nextjs template to templates dropdown
  • Fix: issue where tools project generation ran multiple times


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needle-engine-support - 3.31.2

Published by marwie 9 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Fix: PostProcessing DepthOfField effect focus distance change in postprocessing package
  • Fix: nextjs production build when referencing types imported from @needle-tools/engine


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needle-engine-support - 3.32.11-exp

Published by marwie 9 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Add: various more documentation comments
  • Add: NeedleXRController now exposes gripspace linearVelocity
  • Fix: input event causing error due to missing pointerId
  • Fix: DragControls not checking if an event was already used
  • Fix: EventSystem calling input event methods on disabled components
  • Change: Calculate worldspace data only once per frame in NeedleXRController

Unity Integration

  • Add: expose collider membership and filter group options
  • Fix: prevent rare error caused by empty/missing entries in UnityGLTF plugins


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needle-engine-support - 3.32.10-exp

Published by marwie 9 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Add: XRControllerFollow option to follow gripspace or rayspace
  • Fix: ParticleSystem trail not rendering if assigned material culling was set to front
  • Fix: ParticleSystem incorrect InheritVelocity when creating a new instance
  • Fix: NeedleXRController index in NeedleXRSession.controllers array now matches the NeedleXRController.index (the index of the inputdevice)
  • Change: ?stats url parameter now also shows FPS in WebXR session
  • Change: this.context.xr now contains the whole type information


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needle-engine-support - 3.32.9-exp

Published by marwie 9 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Add: various more documentation comments
  • Add: pointer events now expose pressure property
  • Fix: pointerCapture now works with all buttons
  • Fix: raycast call did not skip hidden objects
  • Fix: XRController hit rendering does now skip SkinnedMeshes for performance reasons
  • Change: touchup did emit onPointerExit every time, it now only happens if the touch hits another object (or none)
  • Change: pointerId now is a unique id generated from device-index + button-index, input events now also expose a deviceId property
  • Change: EventSystem optimization for skipping raycast for e.g. pointermove event on objects that don't have a component that implements the onPointerMove method


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needle-engine-support - 3.32.8-exp

Published by marwie 9 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Fix: AudioSource error when creating three's PositionalAudio object where GameObject was missing
  • Fix: Collider center offset being falsely applied resulting in wrong object placement
  • Fix: Physics debug visualization should be updated in post physics step fixing a visual frame delay
  • Fix: WebXR AR/VR buttons are now always created


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needle-engine-support - 3.32.7-exp

Published by marwie 9 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Add: first version of setPointerCapture and releasePointerCapture that acts similarly to HTML pointer capture and can be used to receive onPointerMove events when the pointer has left the object until it is either released or onPointerUp happens (this currently only works with the primary button)
  • Fix: Remove console.log in instantiate call
  • Change: used pointer events will still be propagated to all components
  • Change: reduce default Gizmos.Label size

Unity Integration

  • Fix EditorSync, bump dependency
  • Change: EditorSync editor now shows warning if Auto Compress for local development is enabled. With compression the required extensions that are only used for development are stripped and therefore Auto Compress needs to be enabled while using Editor Sync.


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needle-engine-support - 3.31.1

Published by marwie 9 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Fix: AssetRefernence.instantiate does now clone instantiate options before awaiting asset loading

Unity Integration

  • Fix: bump EditorSync version
  • Change: EditorSync editor now shows warning to disable AutoCompress on ExportInfo


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needle-engine-support - 3.32.6-exp

Published by marwie 9 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Fix: AssetRefernence.instantiate does now clone instantiate options before awaiting asset loading
  • Fix: onPointerMove event was not being called in XR
  • Fix: Timeline paused but evaluated should still start audio playback e.g. when controller through scroll

Unity Integration

  • Fix: avoid call to SessionState.GetBool on other threads when generating the tools project


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needle-engine-support - 3.32.5-exp

Published by marwie 9 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Fix: issue where onEnterXR callback was possibly not being invoked on all scripts if a script was removed or deleted during onEnterXR (and the underlying array was modified) causing e.g. the CollaborativeSandbox AR placement to not work
  • Fix: minor issue where controller ray visualization would not respect rig scale


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needle-engine-support - 3.32.4-exp

Published by marwie 9 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Add: NeedleXRSession fadeTransition() that can be used to cover teleportation. It returns a promise that is resolved when fade to black has completed
  • Fix: error in next template caused by wrong internal imports
  • Fix: WebXR should not show quicklook button when useQuicklookExport is disabled
  • Change: debug mobile console now also captures errors at load time, mobile console shows automatically on quest browser (for local development)


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needle-engine-support - 3.32.3-exp

Published by marwie 9 months ago

Needle Engine

  • Add: origin field to NEPointerEvent which references the object that raised the event (e.g. the XRController)
  • Add: delayForFrames(numOfFrames) util method returning a promise that will resolve after the given amount of frames (equivalent to delay which will take a time in milliseconds)
  • Fix: prevent access to geometry of a destroyed mesh in physics call
  • Fix: AR passthrough placement with controllers
  • Fix: issue where AR could not be started twice
  • Change: AR placement fallback to camera placement if controller hit-test is not available (e.g. when using Quest simulator)


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