
🥗 All-in-one professional pop-up dictionary and page translator which supports multiple search modes, page translations, new word notebook and PDF selection searching.

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ext-saladict - Saladict v7.9.3

Published by crimx over 4 years ago


  1. 机器翻译可选择在网页或内置 PDF 阅读器保留换行。
    Added linebreaks keeping option for machine translators.


  1. 修复独立窗口下单词编辑器无法打开「选择翻译结果」.
    Fixed “Pick translated results” not responding on standalone word editor.
  2. 修复 macOS Firefox 页面闪动问题。
    Fixed page flashing on macOS Firefox.
ext-saladict - Saladict v7.9.2

Published by crimx over 4 years ago


  1. 新增人人词典美剧场景例句。
    Added 91dict with support of displaying related lines from TV series.
  2. 机器翻译新增第二目标语言设置。
    Added fallback target language for machine translators.


  1. 牛津学习词典已失效并不再维护,替换为基于 Dictionary.com 和牛津词典的 Lexico 词典。
    Deprecated Oxford Learner's Dictionaries infavor of Lexico which is based on Dictionary.com and Oxford.
  2. 默认关闭网页翻译。此功能不需要沙拉查词,故已进入维护状态不再添加新功能,建议使用其它官方扩展如彩云小译和谷歌翻译。
    Page Translations are off by default. Please use other official extensions like Google Translate.
  3. 部分机器翻译支持设置荷兰语为目标语言。
    Added support of Dutch as target language on some machine translators.


  1. 修复机器翻译目标语言错乱问题。
    Fixed incorrect machine translate target language.
  2. 修复百度翻译发音语言不正确。
    Fixed incorrect Baidu tts locale.
  3. 修复腾讯翻译一句一段落问题。
    Fixed Tencent translated sentences being rendered as paragraphs .
ext-saladict - Saladict v7.8.0

Published by crimx over 4 years ago


  1. 单词编辑器支持独立窗口。
    Word Editor on standalone window.


  1. 修复「在独立窗口中搜索剪贴板内容」快捷键因「自动查词 」开启导致重复查词。
    Fixed duplicated searching on "Search clipboard content in Standalone Panel" shortcut when "Auto search" is enabled.
  2. 修复查词含空格在柯林斯词典无结果的问题。
    Fixed empty result on Colins with text containing spaces.
ext-saladict - Saladict v7.7.6

Published by crimx over 4 years ago


  1. 单词本导出添加 HTML 转义开关。
    Add HTML characters escape toggle.
  2. 小屏幕优化(适配 utools 插件)。
    Support smaller screen.
ext-saladict - Saladict v7.7.2

Published by crimx over 4 years ago


  1. 应火狐要求在火狐浏览器上去除有道网页翻译支持。
    Removed Youdao page translate as Firefox policy requested.
  2. 优化隐私控制设置。
    Improved privacy management settings.
ext-saladict - Saladict v7.6.2

Published by crimx almost 5 years ago


  1. 面板自定义样式同时覆盖小沙拉图标。
    Salad bowl style can be adjusted with the custom Panel CSS option.
  2. 导出单词补上「换行转换为空格」。
    Word exporting supports replacing linebreaks with space.
ext-saladict - Saladict v7.6.1

Published by crimx almost 5 years ago

  1. 今年最后的更新,感谢一直支持沙拉查词的你!新年快乐!
    Final update of the year. Thank you for supporting Saldict! Happy New Year!


  1. 单词编辑可以快速选择不同上下文翻译。
    Word Editor new offers context translation picker.
  2. 添加「复制 PDF 链接到剪贴板」右键菜单项目。
    Added context menus item "Copu PDF URL to Clipboard".


  1. 更新词典样式到最新。
    Updated dictionaries with latest styles.
  2. 修复部分设备窗口坐标出现小数导致创建失败。
    Fixed window creation failure due to decimal position.
  3. 修复在独立窗口收藏单词没有出现编辑器。
    Fixed Word Editor not showing up with standalone panel.
ext-saladict - Saladict v7.5.4

Published by crimx almost 5 years ago


  1. 独立窗口下可设置查词焦点与切换侧边栏模式。
    Focus and Sidebar buttons on standalone panel.
  2. 优化后台代码,提高性能。
    Background service code refactoring with performance boost.
  3. PDF 拦截默认不开启。推荐使用本地阅读器搭配沙拉查词独立窗口。
    PDF Sniffing is off by default. It is recommended using local viewer with Saladict standalone panel.


  1. 自定义 CSS 对独立面板不生效 #579 (感谢 @ImJoeHs)。
    Fixed custom CSS not working on standalone panel. #579 (tribute to @ImJoeHs)
  2. 更新 Moji 词典。
    Updated Moji dict.
ext-saladict - Saladict v7.5.2

Published by crimx almost 5 years ago


  1. 沙拉图标可以设置位置。
    Salad bowl position now can be configured.


  1. 修复机器翻译不能自动发音。
    Fixed auto-pronunciation issues on machine translators.
  2. 修复编辑生词时触发页面快捷键。
    Fixed unexpected triggering page shortcut on Word Editor.
  3. 修复 PDF 阅读器语言不正确。
    Fixed locale issue on PDF viewer.
  4. 增强查词面板兼容性。
    Improved Dict Panel compatibility.
  5. 修复编辑新增生词时没有自动翻译上下文。
    Fixed context not being auto-translated when editing new added word.
ext-saladict - Saladict v7.4.0

Published by crimx almost 5 years ago


  1. 新增日语词典「MOJi辞書」。
    Added Japanese dictionary「MOJi辞書」.


  1. 修复谷歌发音问题。
    Fixed Google tts.
  2. 修复右键菜单设置更新后失选。
    Fixed missing custom context menus after upgrade.
  3. 修复机器翻译语言识别问题。
    Fixed language detection with machine translators.
  4. 兼容 CSDN 和 Twitter。
    Improved CSDN & Twitter compatibility.
ext-saladict - Saladict v7.3.2

Published by crimx about 5 years ago


  1. 新增有道翻译。
    Add Youdao Translate.
  2. 导出生词本支持设置 HTML 换行。
    Support Notebook export with HTML linebreaks.


  1. 不支持的页面改为显示灰色图标。
    Show gray browser action icon on unsupported sites.


  1. 更新彩云与搜狗接口。
    Update Caiyun & Sogou API.
  2. 修复单词编辑器重复翻译上下文。
    Fix context being translated repeatedly on word editor.
ext-saladict - Saladict v7.2.2

Published by crimx about 5 years ago


  1. 语言匹配可设置必须全部字符都匹配。
    Add an option for selection language to match every character.
  2. 前进后退历史记录同时更新结果。
    Update result while switching search history.


  1. 修复词典展开按钮误触查词。
    Fix unexpected selection triggered by clicking dict expand button.
ext-saladict - Saladict v7.1.1

Published by crimx about 5 years ago


  1. 修复查词面板内选词误触。
    Fix unexpected in-panel selection.
  2. 修复双击划词右键误触。
    Fix double click selection triggered by right click unexpectedly.
  3. 修复编辑生词保存后关闭依然提醒未保存(via @Raistlin916 )。
    Fix unsave alert when closing word editor even if the word is saved (via @Raistlin916 ).
ext-saladict - Saladict v7.1.0

Published by crimx about 5 years ago


  1. 设置快捷键让独立窗口查词面板搜索剪贴板内容。
    New shortcut for searching clipboard content in standalone dict panel.
  2. 添加「触摸模式」选项以修复划词中断问题。
    Fix selection issues by adding a new "touch mode" option.


  1. 修复查词面板输入时误触页面快捷键。
    Fix panel input triggering page shortcuts unexpectedly.


  • 修复设置页面错误显示「潜在威胁」。
  • 修复快捷查词独立窗口下无法内部划词。
  • 修复 Firefox 下 PDF 浏览器无法划词。
  • 修复 WebDAV 在坚果云上创建目录失败。
  • 修复快捷查词窗口弹出位置错误。
  • 修复剑桥词典部分被错误隐藏的区域。
  • 修复查词面板宽度修改后右上弹框出现空白。
  • 修复多行编辑框预加载剪贴板时没有全选。
  • 修复有道网页翻译。
  • 修复沪江小D无法切换同音字。
  • 独立窗口重新激活后会选中编辑框。
ext-saladict - Saladict v7.0.4

Published by crimx about 5 years ago


  1. 正式支持黑暗模式。
    Official dark mode support.
  2. 谷歌翻译、搜狗翻译、腾讯翻译更新接口。
    Google, Sogou, Tencent translate services upgrade.
  3. 剑桥词典等样式更新。
    Layout fix for Cambridge dictionary and more.
  4. 查词窗口不再抢占焦点,独立窗口点击「📌」按钮可切换后台划词。
    Dict Panel no longer steals focus. Standalone Dict Panel can switch to background search via 📌 button on menubar.
  5. 悬浮查词不再干扰页面划词。
    Hover Search Mode won't cancel page selection.
  6. 多行编辑框自动适应高度。
    Multiline editor with responsive height.
  7. 搜索建议和模式切换支持 Tab 和 ↓ 跳转。
    Search Suggests and Profiles Panel support both Tab and ↓ key.
  8. 更好的触摸支持。
    Better touch support.
  9. 其它更多细节期待你的体验。
    More details wait for you to discover.
ext-saladict - Saladict v6.33.7

Published by crimx about 5 years ago


  1. 更新剑桥和搜狗。
    Updated Cambridge and Sogou.
  2. 频繁崩溃的用户请更新到 Chrome 77 。
    Upgrade to Chrome 77 if suffered from ext crashing.
ext-saladict - Saladict v6.33.5

Published by crimx about 5 years ago


  1. 部分用户频繁崩溃似乎是因为 Chrome 76 引入的 bug。请保持浏览器更新等待修复发布。相关信息我会在 #432 更新,可以订阅该 issue 。
    The crashing issue seems to be related to a Chrome 76 bug. Stay tuned for the new Chrome release and subscribe #432 where I will post follow-ups.
ext-saladict - Saladict v6.33.3 #

Published by crimx about 5 years ago


  1. 尝试修复 Chrome 上一个奇怪的 bug 导致部分用户出现扩展崩溃。如果问题继续存在请到 #432 反馈。
    Attempted to fix an unknown Chrome bug which may crash the extension. Comment on #432 if the problem still persists.
ext-saladict - Saladict v6.33.2

Published by crimx over 5 years ago


  1. 新增 Weblio 英和和英词典
    Added Weblio English Japanese dictionary.
  2. 添加机器翻译自动发音。
    Added auto-pronunciation for machine translation dictionaries.


  1. 音频波形控制可分模式开启关闭。
    Waveform panel can be enabled and disabled per profile.
  2. 单词编辑器提供按钮重新翻译上下文。
    Added a new button for re-translating context on Word Editor.
  3. 更新繁体翻译,感谢 @zhtw2013 。
    Updated Traditional Chinese Translation (Thanks to @zhtw2013 ).


  1. 修复上下文获取。
    Fixed context extraction.
  2. 修复查词面板高度偏差。 #375
    Fixed Dict Panel height offset. #375
ext-saladict - Saladict v6.32.0

Published by crimx over 5 years ago


  1. 查词面板底部增加音频控制,支持变速和 AB 循环
    New audio control center at the bottom of Dict Panel with A-B repeat and playback rate support.


  1. 翻译词典加入自动发音列表
    Machine translations are added to the Auto-pronounce list.


  1. 更新汉典 #370
    Updated Zdic dictionary. #370
  2. 修复 pixiv, pornhub 等网站面板消失 #373
    Fixed Dict Panel disappearance on pixiv and pornhub. #373
  3. 其它底层 bugs 修复
    Fixed other low-level bugs.