
A lightning fast JavaScript grid/spreadsheet

MIT License

SlickGrid - SlickGrid 2.4.0

Published by 6pac almost 6 years ago

Introducing: Pinned Rows and Columns

  • this was integrated from X-Slickgrid by @ghiscoding
  • it integrates a large amount of new code so please post any issues you may encounter
  • there are new example pages for pinned rows and columns here
SlickGrid - SlickGrid 2.3.16

Published by 6pac over 6 years ago

  • remove header scroll handling as it is interfering with the horizontal scroll of the grid
  • reverse the recent change to the multicolumn sort indicator span location in the DOM
  • add getHeader() and getHeaderColumn() functions. Add these to public interface. Change getHeaderRowColumn and getFooterRowColumn so that they accept either a column id (text) or a column index (number) as a parameter
  • Detail view update (#202)
  • Fix various issues with tristate and multicolumn sorting, including #211, #212
  • in measureScrollbars(), use $viewport variable instead of looking it up in the DOM
SlickGrid - SlickGrid 2.3.15

Published by 6pac over 6 years ago

  • Add A key as keycode
  • headerMenu: move the CSS min-width into plugin code
  • headerMenu: autoAlign left if header drop menu is outside viewport
  • add emulatePagingWhenScrolling option so when scrolling down with downarrow, we have a choice about whether, when we reach the bottom row in the viewpost, to scroll a whole page down and relocate the active row to the top line (true) or just to move the viewport contents up one row (false)
  • deal with empty cacheEntry.RowNode in removeRowsFromCache
  • changed signature of sortedUpdateItem() to be the same as updateItem()
SlickGrid - SlickGrid 2.3.13

Published by 6pac over 6 years ago

Major addition:

  • add Row Detail panel plugin
  • add example: example16-row-detail

Minor enhancements:

  • add OnColumnsChanged event to columnpicker and gridmenu
  • misc small changes to GridMenu control
  • require newRowCreator() function for new rows to be created in cellexternalcopymanager plugin
  • add grid parameter to Formatter call
  • add option to hide 'Force fit' and 'sync rezise buttons in columnpicker and gridmenu controls
  • widen drag areas for columns #184

Bug fixes:

  • clear selection if selectActiveCell is False as per PR #192
  • prevent multiselect behaviour from shift-UP/DOWN when multiSelect option false
  • displayed page number being zero-based
  • force re-measument of scrollbars on resizeCanvas as per PR #182
  • FloatEditor truncating decimals #196
SlickGrid - SlickGrid 2.3.12

Published by 6pac almost 7 years ago

  • add empty label on checkbox selector for styling purposes
  • handle home/end key and the ctrl variants
  • add customizable picker title for i18n purposes
  • add customizable pager text
SlickGrid - SlickGrid 2.3.11

Published by 6pac almost 7 years ago

  • fix formatter null value issues #174
  • fix formatter being called with no data #178
SlickGrid - SlickGrid 2.3.10

Published by 6pac almost 7 years ago

Update version numbers

SlickGrid - SlickGrid 2.3.9

Published by 6pac almost 7 years ago

  • add selection sync to group-checkbox-select example
  • TODO: allow selection/deselection of hidden groups
SlickGrid - SlickGrid v2.3.8

Published by 6pac about 7 years ago

  • minor bug fixes (Issues #140, #141)
  • minor bug fix: PR#124
  • fixes and improvements to excel cut and paste example
  • fix missing option default for options.showCellSelection (unintentional breaking change)
  • change default formatter rendering code to accept non-string simple types, further changes to formatter type recognition as per issue #123
SlickGrid - SlickGrid v2.3.7

Published by 6pac over 7 years ago

  • Create the scrollColumnIntoView function to go to a column without scrolling rows (thanks to PivotalGeorge)
  • minor internal fixes
  • add handle for external column reorder initialisation by passing a function as the value for option AllowColumnReorder
  • add getUID and header stats function to public interface
  • add pre-header row to grid, for user-customisable purpose
  • add draggable grouping plugin and example page (thanks to muthukumarse)
  • add getCurrentRange() to CellRangeSelector
  • add functions sortedAddItem() and sortedUpdateItem() to DataView (thanks to Andre Jonsson)
  • add new example for grouping with checkbox selection of rows and groups
  • add custom offsets for selection box boundary (default to existing)
  • add favicon to all example pages
  • add example of footer row totals as requested by various people
  • add two self-contained multiselect examples (thanks to Tausif Akhter)
  • enhancements to make cellselectionmodel more flexible

wiki improvements are on the way!

SlickGrid - SlickGrid v2.3.6

Published by 6pac over 7 years ago

  • add new type of formatter to allow cell style manipulation
  • fix MLeibman #1086 - removeCellCssStyles Issue
  • fix #88 - Allow retrieval of default DataView filter
  • add editor preclick mode for one-click checkbox editing and other immediate-click editor functionality. add the one-click checkbox to example4-model
  • fix #82 - jquery.event.drag issue with new jQuery versions
  • fix minor issues in Excel copy plugin and example, add readOnlyMode to this plugin
  • allow passed grid container object to be either a jQuery object or plain DOM object
  • add new options for column sorting behaviour on clicking the column header
  • add npm files and update npm repo
SlickGrid - SlickGrid v2.3.2

Published by 6pac about 8 years ago

New features/improvements

  • fix for row/cell selection issue when selecting ranges []
  • add jQueryUI tooltips to the autotooltip example, with example of styling the tooltip.
  • create an example demonstrating a custom editor for the Select2 javascript dropdown
SlickGrid - SlickGrid v2.3.1

Published by 6pac about 8 years ago

New features/improvements

  • fix for DataView paging issue []
  • fix for Grid paging issue related to conflict of paging requirements and enableAddRow
  • example4-model.html modified to remove the slightly hackish:
    dataView.onPagingInfoChanged.subscribe(function (e, pagingInfo) {
      var isLastPage = pagingInfo.pageNum == pagingInfo.totalPages - 1;
      var enableAddRow = isLastPage || pagingInfo.pageSize == 0;
      var options = grid.getOptions();

      if (options.enableAddRow != enableAddRow) {
        grid.setOptions({enableAddRow: enableAddRow});

and replace with

    dataView.onPagingInfoChanged.subscribe(function (e, pagingInfo) {
      grid.updatePagingStatusFromView( pagingInfo );

The grid now stores very minimal information about paging (and provides updatePagingStatusFromView to update it), so it can make decisions without having to turn the enableAddRow option on and off while paging occurs. This breaks separation of concerns very slightly, but the original code is not only brute force, but also forces enableAddRow to be true whenever paging is activated.

When updatePagingStatusFromView is not used, then grid falls back to the previous behaviour (with the 'new row' bug fixed), so this is not a breaking change.

SlickGrid - SlickGrid v2.3.0

Published by 6pac about 8 years ago

New features/improvements

  • updated to work with jQuery 3.x (without needing jQuery-Migrate) -- thanks to lfilho
  • tested with jQuery 1.8.3, 1.11.2, 2.2.4, and 3.1.0
  • added different versions of jquery (1.8.3, 2.2.4, 3.1.0, jQueryUI 1.9.2) to /lib to aid testing
  • breaking change: updated jquery.event.drag-2.2.js and jquery.event.drop-2.2.js to be compatible with jQuery 1.8 to 3, bumped these to jquery.event.drag-2.3.0.js and jquery.event.drop-2.3.0.js
  • added example of jqueryUI autocomplete editor in response to request