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spacemacs - Add dotfile variable to enable the paste micro-state

Published by syl20bnr over 9 years ago

  • New dotfile variable dotspacemacs-enable-paste-micro-state which defaults to t.
spacemacs - Vagrant, SLIME, paste micro-state, Tweak and Fixes

Published by syl20bnr over 9 years ago

Hot new feature

  • Little but very useful new feature: paste micro-state, see documentation for more info.

New layers

  • New Vagrant layer (thanks to BrianHicks)
  • New SLIME layer (thanks to farmerpat)


  • Move ace-window into spacemacs layer, key bindings are SPC w C, SPC w W and SPC b M (thanks to justbur)


  • Extend dotspacemacs-smartparens-strict-mode to Clojure REPL (thanks to nwolfe)


  • Auto-save dotfile when C-c C-c


  • Add web-mode key-bindings, see documentation for more info (thanks to emmanueltouzery)


  • Fix bindings SPC h n and SPC h N (thanks to rpglover64)

Tweaks and fixes

  • Add PNG image support for startup banner, see documentation (thanks to emmanueltouzery)
  • Add SPC t C-f toggle for auto-fill-mode, set default fill column to 78
  • Add toggle for debug on error on SPC t D
  • Add property :use-minibuffer to micro-state
  • Hide lighter of ruby-test mode
  • Typos and documentation improvements (thanks to devinrhode2, fotoetienne, cmccloud, mijoharas)
spacemacs - dotspacemacs and git-timemachine

Published by syl20bnr over 9 years ago


  • Fix inheritance of emacs-lisp-mode keymap (also fix if for evil-leader key bindings)
  • Fix unnecessary reloading of config.el files in helm-spacemacs which has the side effect of reverting the user config declared in the dotspsacemacs/config function.


  • Fix docstring for git-timemachine micro-state (thanks to emmanueltouzery)
spacemacs - Fix loading with 'all

Published by syl20bnr over 9 years ago


  • Fix the loading of spacemacs when the variable dotspacemacs-configuration-layers is set to 'all


  • Move key binding y to Y in git-timemachine micro-state.
spacemacs - Dotfile changes evaluation without restart, new layers, tweaks and fixes

Published by syl20bnr over 9 years ago

Important note: The dotfile format has changed

  • the configuration layer variables have been moved to a new function dotspacemacs/layers
  • the other dotspacemacs variables have been moved to the function dotspacemacs/init
  • the local variable ;; -*- mode: emacs-lisp -*- has to be changed for ;; -*- mode: dotspacemacs -*-

The old format is still compatible with 0.64.0 but it is strongly recommended to update your dotfile, see the .spacemacs.template file for reference.

Hot new feature

It is now possible to apply the changes made to the dotfile with SPC m c c without restarting spacemacs. Be sure to at least update the local variable of your dotfile (as mentioned in the important note above) to make it work. See documentation for more info.

New layers

  • New ace-window layer (thanks to justbur)
  • New evil-snipe layer (thanks to endrebak)
  • New tmux layer (thanks to rphillips)


  • Enable helm-semantic-or-imenu to jump with Semantic instead of Imenu (thanks to tuhdo)
  • Show function signature of current function point is inside at the top (with global-semantic-stickyfunc-mode) (thanks to tuhdo)
  • Show function signature of current function at point at the bottom (with global-semantic-idle-summary-mode) (thanks to tuhdo)
  • Add Srefactor for refactoring using Semantic parser framework. Bind it to SPC m r (thanks to tuhdo)


  • Fix lazy loading of golden-ratio settings


  • Add support for vim-empty-lines layer (thanks to sooheon)
  • ess-smart-equals is now optional (thanks to michelk)


  • Add SPC a e m for geeknote-move command (thanks to avendael)


  • Add copy commit hash on y key binding in git-timemachine micro-state (thanks to emmanueltouzery)
  • Fix not killed Magit COMMIT_EDITMSG temporary buffer (thanks to herbertjones)


  • Optional hindent-mode (thanks to michelk)
  • Fix flycheck loading (thanks to bjarkevad)
  • Add evil key bindings for structured-haskell-mode. See documentation for more info (thanks to bjarkevad)


  • Correctly lazy load helm-c-yasnippet


  • Add haml-mode and slim-mode to html layer (thanks to hrvladev)


  • Add an option for displaying the currently clocked in org-task in mode-line, use SPC tmc to toggle (thanks to luxbock)


  • New segment to show the line or character count of the current selection (thanks to emmanueltouzery)


  • Add SPC p c to trigger projectile-compile-project (thanks to jb55)
  • Add SPC p t to open NeoTree in the project root (thanks to bjarkevad)
  • SPC p ! to run shell command in project root (thanks to jb55)
  • SPC p & to run async shell command in project root (thanks to jb55)


  • Fix yas-snippet-dirs initialization. It is now possible to add custom yasnippet directories in the dotfile (thanks to herbertjones)


  • New [Spacemacs Search] button on startup page and buttons help in echo area (thanks to trishume)
  • New scroll micro-state on SPC n , and SPC n . (remove the previous key bindings on H and L) (thanks to herbertjones)
  • Add SPC f F to open file under point (thanks to michelk)
  • Evilify process-menu-mode (thanks to jcpetkovich)
  • Enable visual line movements in visual state (thanks to cpaulik)
  • Call evil-set-jump before auto-highlight-symbol and helm-swoop (thanks to luxbock)
  • Fix iedit lazy loading (allowing iedit to be effectively available in all buffers) (thanks to cpaulik)
  • Fix detection of hidden directories as layer directories (thanks to herbertjones)
  • Fix boundp check for 'spacemacs-use-helm-projectile' (thanks to Codas)
  • Fix for dotspacemacs-command-key which will now correctly override any key bindings defined in spacemacs
  • Add new micro-state property :execute-binding-on-enter
  • Documentation typos and improvements (thanks to hrvladev, BrianHicks, devinrhode2, Tyler-Anderson)
spacemacs - Clojure, Haskell, Micro-states and more

Published by syl20bnr over 9 years ago


  • New variable dotspacemacs-colorize-cursor-according-to-state (non nil by default)


Big revamp of the clojure layer to adapt it to spacemacs conventions.

  • add exhaustive key bindings for clj-refactor (thanks to luxbock)
  • add support for send to REPL conventions
  • Remove auto-activation of paredit
  • evil-lisp-state is now available via SPC k
  • Add support for golden-ratio with cider popup buffer
  • Fix broken link in README (thanks to nwolfe)


  • Add support for ghci-ng (thanks to bjarkevad)
  • Add variable haskell-enable-ghci-ng-support (thanks to bjarkevad)
  • Add support for structured-haskell-mode (thanks to bjarkevad)
  • Add variable haskell-enable-shm-support (thanks to bjarkevad)
  • Fix issue with loading of company-ghc (thanks to bjarkevad)


  • Automatic start of ensime server if a .ensime file is detected (thanks to chrisbarrett)
  • Fix issue with ensime '.' command (thanks to chrisbarrett)
  • Enable eldoc (thanks to chrisbarrett)


  • Re-enable enh-ruby-mode (replace ruby-mode) (thanks to exitface)
  • Fix file extensions (thanks to exitface)


  • Add exhaustive key bindings for markdown layer (thanks to pseudonom)


  • Enable mouse support in terminal (thanks to jayjay)


  • List most recently used files first (thanks to tuhdo)
  • Use helm-projectile as default action for projectile-switch-project (thanks to tuhdo)


  • Add R key binding to change root to currently selected node (thanks to nashamri)


  • Add key bindings for auto completion menu (thanks to mijoharas)
  • Add variable company-mode-use-tab-instead-of-enter to use TAB instead of RET to complete (thanks to mijoharas)
  • Rename variable company-mode/enable-yas to company-mode-enable-yas to respect the conventions
  • Rename variable company-mode/completion-cancel-keywords to company-mode-completion-cancel-keywords
  • Add company-quickhelp (thanks to Funnnny)



  • Fix loading of the layer (thanks to BrianHicks)


  • Add helm-flyspell to replace function cofi/helm-flypell-correct (thanks to cpaulik)
  • Add SPC S d to change dictionary (thanks to herbertjones)



  • Show trailing whitespaces in programming modes (thanks to tuhdo)
  • Add configuration for hippie-expand in spacemacs layer (thanks to tuhdo)
  • Add variable spacemacs-evil-cursor-colors allowing users to customize the cursor and state colors
  • Fix incorrect spacemacs version (thanks to TheGreenHabi)

Typos correction

thanks to michaelsproul, nashamri

spacemacs - Go fixes, Clojure tweak

Published by syl20bnr over 9 years ago

  • Fix company-go loading order in go layer (thanks to Funnnny)
  • Fix duplicated load-path in go-oracle initialization (thanks to Pursuit92)
  • Move clojure go to variable key binding from SPC m g v to SPC m g g to match the conventions (thanks to fotoetienne)
  • New contrib layer ansible (thanks to BrianHicks)
  • New contrib layer extra-langs which installs a bunch of niche languages (thanks to trishume)
  • trishume user layer is now deprecated
  • Lots of new key bindings for scala layer using ensime, see documentation for more info (thanks to bjarkevad)
  • Add hungry-delete with a toggle on SPC t d, default value is nil (thanks to trishume)
  • Add the possibility to use evil-lisp-state everywhere, it is now on SPC k prefix. Some key bindings have been modified to get better mnemonic keys, see documentation for more info
  • Initialize ruby-test-mode in the ruby layer (thanks to kofno)
  • New variable dotspacemacs-loading-progress-bar with default value t. On some systems or builds turning this setting off (nil) can improve the startup performance
  • Support GOPATH with multiple entries in go layer (thanks to artemave)
  • Put back git gutter on the right fringe by default (on the left fringe it can be overwritten by flycheck icons)
  • New functions to clear python inferior buffer on C-l (thanks to danielwuz)
  • Update all SPC m i bindings for launching an inferior REPL process to the new convention SPC m s i
  • Refactor spacemacs init to make it possible for a user to override some evil parameters which must be set before requiring evil. For instance the parameters evil-want-C-u-scroll and evil-want-fine-undo
  • Update the conventions
  • Typo and various fixes (thanks to luxbock, mijoharas, nwolfe, devinrhode2 and hrvladev)
spacemacs - Revert and fix old behavior of auto-highlight-symbol on `*`

Published by syl20bnr over 9 years ago

  • Fixes *, # and SPC s h (issues #380 and #265) by lazy loading auto-highlight-symbol (thanks to herbertjones)
  • New contrib layer finance. ledger has been moved to this layer.
  • New contrib layer markdown. markdown-mode and markdown-toc have been moved to this layer.
  • Add support for dynamic documentation in spacemacs/define-micro-state
  • New micro-state windows-manipulation, see documentation for more info (thanks to CestDiego)
  • New special value 'all supported in dotspacemacs-configuration-layers, when used instead of a list all packages will be installed.
  • New dotspacemacs variable dotspacemacs-delete-orphan-packages, if non-nil the orphan packages are deleted on startup.
  • Add function spacemacs/set-evil-cursor-color to easily change the cursor colors in dotspacemacs/config
  • Add company-ess to ess layer (thanks to jcpetkovich)
  • Add bundler support to the ruby layer (thanks to bru)
  • Ignore some boring buffers for winner mode (thanks to danielwuz)
  • Add golden-ratio support for evil window move commands (thanks to cpaulik)
  • Add support for zonokai and moe themes
  • Add a key binding to force focus back to the minibuffer on SPC w b
  • Add yasnippet to company-mode source in python layer (thanks to mijoharas)
  • Add cider-jump-back key binding to clojure layer (thanks to fotoetienne)
  • Add a prompt to ask for package update with [Update] link.
  • Add * and # to auto-highlight-symbol micro-state, see documentation for more info
  • Remove * and # key bindings for auto-highlight-symbol
  • Lazy load ghc-comp-init in `haskell layer](
  • Lazy load autohotkey mode
  • Skip go-oracle configuration in go layer if `GOPATH environment variable is not found
  • Fixes spacemacs/next-error and spacemacs/previous-error key bindings (thanks to cpaulik)
  • Fixes evil-lisp-state support in evil-escape (thanks to razcampagne)
  • Fixes CSS yasnippet load issue #532 (thanks to jcpetkovich)
  • Fixes SPC f e h overwritting SPC f prefix command #569
  • Fixes progress bar length in spacemacs buffer
  • Set sp-cancel-autoskip-on-backward-movement to nil, fixes #545 (thanks to exitface)
  • Change SPC f d to a safer key binding SPC f D (thanks to pesterhazy)
  • Change auto-complete configuration to ac-auto-start 0 and ac-delay 0.2, should fix #443
  • Update solarized-theme to 1.2.1 (thanks to Funnnny)
  • Tweak rainbow-identifiers brightness and saturation for solarized-dark theme.
  • Display the number of packages in a backup slot when selecting one with ido.
  • Various typo fixes and documentation fixes (thanks to m3hr, t3chnoboy)

This version has a fast forwarded version number from 0.53.0 to 0.60.0 because it introduce a new Update/Rollback mechanism.

  • New Update and Rollback mechanism for packages with new links on the spacemacs startup page: [Update] and [Rollback], it is now strongly recommended to use these links instead of package-list-packages or paradox, see documentation for more info
  • New contrib layer php (thanks to stormpat)
  • New contrib layer ocaml (thanks to ranjitjhala)
  • New contrib layer evernote (thanks to avendael)
  • New micro-state for Helm, press TAB to enable it, see documentation for more info
  • Add Ruby on Rails support in ruby layer (thanks to bru)
  • Add nyan cat support to colors layer, to enable it set colors-enable-nyan-cat-progress-bar to t, see documentation for more info.
  • Add go-rename support to go layer (thanks to Pursuit92)
  • Add pbcopy package to osx layer (thanks to danielwuz)
  • Various improvement to clojure layer (thanks to bonega):
    • Use the same minor modes in clojure-mode and REPL where possible
    • cider-stracktraces is now started in emacs state
    • Prettify symbols in both clojure-mode and cider-repl
    • Prettify partial-symbol
    • Activate evil leader in cider-stacktrace-mode
  • Enable lazy loading of ess layer (thanks to jcpetkovich)
  • Replace ess-smart-underscore with ess-smart-equals in ess layer (thanks to sooheon)
  • Evilify anaconda-nav-mode (thanks to jcpetkovich)
  • Evilify git-rebase-mode (thanks to jcpetkovich)
  • Enable smartparens in inferior-python-mode (thanks to bonega)
  • Allow open file in external app in dired-mode (thanks to danielwuz)
  • Disable auto-center of point in current buffer on evil-jumper (thanks to danielwuz)
  • Prompt to save files with SPC q q (thanks to ralesi)
  • Add documentation to Django key bindings, see documentation (thanks to BrianHicks)
  • Add new macro spacemacs|define-micro-state
  • Remove stale information and add tips about perspectives in perspectives layer (thanks to CestDiego)
  • Major update of
  • Typo fixes (thanks to bjarkevad)
spacemacs - Fix helm-spacemacs

Published by syl20bnr over 9 years ago

  • Fix helm-spacemacs duplicated package candidates (thanks to CestDiego for the report)
spacemacs - Csharp, Django, ESS, Toggle Framework. Yasnippet, tweaks and fixes

Published by syl20bnr over 9 years ago

  • Add new contrib layer csharp (thanks to bjarkevad)
  • Add Django support via pony-mode for python layer, see documentation for more info (thanks to BrianHicks)
  • Add ESS noweb (knitr/sweave) keybindings to ess layer (thanks to jcpetkovich)
  • Update ess layer key bindings according to the conventions, see documentation for more info
  • Introduce a framework for toggles, no documentation for now but it can be tested by invoking helm-spacemacs with SPC f e h then going to the next tab with C-l (reminder: SPC h l resumes the last helm buffer) (thanks to trishume for the idea)
  • Add a new default directory for yasnippet snippets in private directory. This directory is automatically loaded by yasnippet, this is the perfect place to put user specific snippets (thanks to ralesi)
  • New variable for clojure layer clojure-enable-fancify-symbols. Default value is nil, see documentation for more info (thanks to oppenlander)
  • Better ex-command :nohlsearch which now works as expected (i.e. like in Vim) (thanks to kini for the report)
  • Fix regression with fonts in Cygwin Emacs version (thanks to mijoharas for the report)
  • git-gutter-fr:side variable can now be correctly overridden in .spacemacs (thanks to jstokes for the report)
spacemacs - Property ':powerline-scale' and Fixes

Published by syl20bnr over 9 years ago

  • Change property :powerline-offset of dotspacemacs-default-font to :powerline-scale (default value is 1.1)
  • Remove explicit size or height in fallback font specs. This allows the fallback fonts to scale up and down with the default font using frame zooming (SPC z f +)
  • Powerline separators now correctly scale up and down when zooming the frame (SPC z f +)
  • The powerline is now correctly displayed in startup buffers (*Messages*, *spacemacs*, *Compile-Log*)
  • Fix a crash with Emacs version 24.3.50+ when installing ELPA packages (due to the backport of the 24.4 archive structure).
  • Fix evil-terminal-cursor mode for iterm2 (thanks to danielwuz)
  • Fix regression in visual block insertion state with evil-escape when inserting a f
  • Add leuven, monokai and zenburn to default value for dotspacemacs-themes
  • Rename spacemacs-mode lighter to Spacemacs
spacemacs - Fix error with `spacemacs/set-font`

Published by syl20bnr over 9 years ago

  • Fix error by displaying a message about the deprecation of function spacemacs/set-font. Use the variable dotspacemacs-default-font instead.
spacemacs - Fix crash

Published by syl20bnr over 9 years ago

  • Fix a crash if the default font is not available on the system
spacemacs - Better font support, Magit SVN, New supported themes, tweak and fixes

Published by syl20bnr over 9 years ago

  • Better support for default font with a new variable dotspacemacs-default-font, see documentation for more info
  • Easy tweak of powerline height via the property :powerline-offset of variable dotspacemacs-default-font, see documentation for more info
  • Better fallback fonts
  • Correctly set the desired font size of both default font and fallback fonts
  • Add support for a bunch of non conventional theme packages (thanks to Ambrosia)
  • Add magit-svn plugin to git layer. Enable it with the layer variable git-enable-magit-svn-plugin.
  • Move rainbow-delimiters back into spacemacs layer since it is a useful package to have by default to edit elisp code (thanks to trishume)
  • Fix a critical bug where cancelling Emacs exit had no effect
spacemacs - evil-escape regression fix

Published by syl20bnr over 9 years ago

  • Fix regression where fd would not work while in emacs state
spacemacs - Missing documentation

Published by syl20bnr over 9 years ago

Important: This release introduces a breaking change: the variable name dotspacemacs-default-theme has been replaced for dotspacemacs-themes and the value is now a list. You can now define several themes, the first one is loaded when Spacemacs starts. You can cycle through your list with SPC T n

  • Replace variable dotspacemacs-default-theme by dotspacemacs-themes. See documentation for more info
  • Extend dotspacemacs-configuration-variables with properties, see documentation for more info
  • Add alchemist.el to erlang-elixir layer (thanks to Ambrosia)
  • Add go-autocomplete and company-go packages to go layer (thanks to Funnnny)
  • Move all rainbow-xxx packages to the colors layer
  • Add variable colors-enable-rainbow-identifiers to the colors layer. Default value is nil.
  • Add vi like key bindings for doc-view-mode, see documentation for more info
  • Add key binding SPC t h to toggle the highlight of the current line
  • Add cython-mode to python layer (thanks to CestDiego)
  • Add evil-anzu package (replace old spacemacs hack to integrate stock anzu)
  • Fix scala-mode2 - Indentation error #383 (thanks to chrisbarrett)
  • Fix the behavior of <tab> in term-mode buffers due to yasnippet (thanks to PythonNut)
  • Remove definition of variable multi-term-program which prevented users from defining their own shell (thanks to t3chnoboy)
  • Remove setting TeX-master variable in auctex layer (thanks to jmhammond)
  • Disable hack for powerline height, see code
  • First unit and functional tests of core with Travis CI setup (thanks to lazywithclass)
  • Typo fixes and documentation update (thanks to jezenielzapanta, agsdot, dthg, fkautz, lionelyoung)