
Edge-side rendering and fullstack Vite framework

MIT License

vitedge - 0.13.2

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago

  • Fix: Skip props request in SSR when handler is missing. Fixes #33
vitedge - 0.13.1

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago

  • Update esbuild dependency to match [email protected]. Fixes #31
  • Update vite-ssr dependency for minor fixes.
vitedge - 0.13.0

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago


  • API endpoints can now return a Fetch Response (e.g. return fetch('') or return new Response('...'). This enables using the API as a proxy. The main way to return data is still using serializable objects such as return { data: { value: true } }.
  • Props requests during SPA are now more intelligent. If a handler for the current route is not found in the filesystem (<root>/functions/props/routeName.js), the request will be skipped. Previously, you had to provide route.meta.propsGetter: false manually to skip requests but this is not needed anymore.
  • Added CORS utilities (see docs).


  • Worker types.

Breaking changes

  • When deploying to Node environments (e.g. Vercel), the request passed to the backend handlers (API and Props) is now a Fetch Request to make it similar to the development environment. The original Node's request is provided as rawRequest. --- CFW deployments are not affected.
vitedge - 0.12.1

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago

  • Use experimental Node flag for file resolution without extension.
  • Bump vite-ssr to support React's styled-components.
vitedge - 0.12.0

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago

  • Feat: Support for dynamic routes in API (URL parameters).
  • Feat: Specify a different SSR entry point in the CLI (vitedge [build|dev] --ssr path/entry.ts).
  • Feat: Pass options to Rollup build for functions in the plugin (plugins: [vitedge({ ... })]).
vitedge - 0.11.0

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago

  • Props/API handlers can now return status and statusText at the top level (before they had to be wrapped in options).
  • Support redirects from props handlers by just returning a 3xx status code and a Location header.
  • Errors thrown in props/API handlers are automatically parsed as JSON responses and passed to page components as props.
  • Provided a set of common error constructors (e.g. throw new BadRequestError('yikes', { inputs: ['email'] })) and a way to extend them.
vitedge - 0.10.5

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago

  • Use ESM for SSR build.
  • Use 'browser' field when importing from dependencies.
vitedge - 0.10.4

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago

  • HMR for reloading page props when the file with the props handler is saved.
vitedge - 0.10.3

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago


  • Fix: Reload page props when route parameters change (same route name, different params).


  • Fix: Remove usage of Suspense internally to avoid flickering while loading props.
vitedge - 0.10.2

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago


vitedge - 0.10.1

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago

  • feat: Provide handleEvent utility for Node environments (Vercel, Netlify).
  • fix: Remove generated index.html file.
vitedge - 0.10.0

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago

  • Experimental support for React 🙈 🙉 🙊
vitedge - 0.9.0

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago

  • Support self-requests on workers during SSR 🎉 (can be used together with Suspense).
  • Serve dynamic files (sitemap, graphql, etc) during development.
  • Undocumented option pageProps is now an object.
vitedge - 0.8.0

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago

  • Auto register ClientOnly component.
  • Support @vueuse/head for managing head tags.
  • Breaking: <Helmet> component is no longer exported. Use vueuse/head instead.
vitedge - 0.7.0

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago

  • Local SSR dev server with vitedge dev --ssr 🎉
  • Fix --mode flag in CLI
  • Stop accessing deprecated Vite property to avoid warnings
  • Breaking: the exported Webpack configuration for building the worker is now a function that accepts { root: '...' } options.
vitedge - 0.6.2

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago

  • Preload deep nested dependencies/assets using Vite manifest.
vitedge - 0.6.1

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago

  • Support [email protected] (there was an internal change in plugin aliases).
  • Add default browser cache-control for static assets.
vitedge - 0.6.0

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago

Breaking changes

  • The plugin must now be imported from vitedge/plugin.js instead of vitedge/plugin.cjs.
  • Only environment variables prefixed with VITEDGE_ are loaded in the backend.
  • Web Crypto polyfill is no longer included automatically to speed up installation time. However, it will be used if it's added as dev dependency.
vitedge - 0.5.1

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago

  • API and props endpoints are now reloaded instantly on file change
vitedge - 0.5.0

Published by frandiox over 3 years ago

  • Support Vite 2