
Development repository for the App Center SDK for iOS, macOS and tvOS.

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appcenter-sdk-apple - 3.2.0

Published by xabldint over 4 years ago

Version 3.2.0

App Center

  • [Feature] Add support for XCFrameworks.
  • [Improvement] Use namespaced NSUserDefaults keys with the MSAppCenter prefix for all the keys set by the SDK. Fixed a few keys missing namespace.
  • [Feature] Swift Package Manager support for Analytics and Crashes modules.

App Center Crashes

  • [Improvement] Update PLCrashReporter to 1.6.0.
appcenter-sdk-apple - 3.1.1

Published by xabldint over 4 years ago

Version 3.1.1

App Center Crashes

  • [Improvement] Update PLCrashReporter to 1.5.1.
  • [Fix] Remove the multiple attachments warning as that is now supported by the portal.
appcenter-sdk-apple - 3.1.0

Published by xabldint over 4 years ago

Version 3.1.0

App Center Distribute

  • [Feature] Add a disableAutomaticCheckForUpdate API that needs to be called before SDK start in order to turn off automatic check for update.
  • [Feature] Add a checkForUpdate API to manually check for update.
appcenter-sdk-apple - 3.0.0

Published by xabldint over 4 years ago

Version 3.0.0

App Center

  • [Fix] Optimization of release objects from memory during the execution of a large number of operations.
  • [Fix] Disable module debugging for release mode in the SDK to fix dSYM warnings.
  • [Fix] Fix SDK crash at application launch on iOS 12.0 (CTTelephonyNetworkInfo.serviceSubscriberCellularProviders issue).
  • [Fix] The SDK was considering 201-299 status code as HTTP errors and is now fixed to accept all 2XX codes as successful.
  • [Fix] Fix macOS SDK binaries not to contain strong copies for symbolic links.
  • [Improvement] Replaced sqlite query concatenation with more secure bindings.

App Center Auth

App Center Auth is retired and has been removed from the SDK.

App Center Crashes

  • [Fix] Fix an issue to call Crashes delegate callbacks even though a modal window is being shown on macOS apps.
  • [Fix] Fix an issue when React Native SDK did not send wrapperSdk information.
  • [Improvement] Update PLCrashReporter to 1.4.0.

App Center Data

App Center Data is retired and has been removed from the SDK.

App Center Distribute

  • [Feature] Add updateTrack property to be able to explicitly set either MSUpdateTrackPrivate or MSUpdateTrackPublic update track. By default, a public distribution group is used. Breaking change: To allow users to access releases of private groups you now need to migrate your application to call MSDistribute.updateTrack = MSUpdateTrackPrivate before the SDK start. Please read the documentation for more details.
  • [Behavior change] The public distribution is simplified to provide only one public group. If you have existing public groups defined for your application your users will receive the latest version of all public groups.
  • [Fix] Fix a crash when SFAuthenticationSession accesses the controller which is in the process of being released.
  • [Fix] Fix sign-in when switching to third-party apps while activating updates.
appcenter-sdk-apple - 2.5.3

Published by xabldint almost 5 years ago

Version 2.5.3

App Center

  • [Fix] Improve log messages for errors when it failed to read/write auth token history.

App Center Auth

  • [Fix] Fix build warnings when adding App Center Auth framework in project.

App Center Crashes

  • [Improvement] Report additional details for macOS exceptions thrown on the main thread.
  • [Fix] Fix to send crashes when an application was launched in background and enters foreground.
  • [Fix] Validate error attachment size to avoid server error or out of memory issues (using the documented limit which is 7MB).
  • [Fix] Fix an issue where crash might contain incorrect data if two consecutive crashes occurred in a previous version of the application.

App Center Distribute

  • [Fix] Fix missing alert dialogs in apps that use iOS 13's new UIScene API (multiple scenes are not yet supported).
  • [Fix] Fix an issue where users would sometimes be prompted multiple times to sign in with App Center.
appcenter-sdk-apple - 2.5.1

Published by xabldint almost 5 years ago

Version 2.5.1

App Center

  • [Fix] Fix warnings in Xcode 11 when SDK is installed via CocoaPods.
appcenter-sdk-apple - 2.5.0

Published by xabldint about 5 years ago

Version 2.5.0

App Center

  • [Fix] Fix header issues with projects not using clang modules.

App Center Crashes

  • [Feature] iOS and macOS extensions support.

App Center Data

  • [Fix] Reduce retries on Data-related operations to fail fast and avoid the perception of calls "hanging".
  • [Fix] Fix an issue where the optional delegate method data:didCompletePendingOperation:forDocument:withError: would throw an exception if not implemented (when using MSData.setRemoteOperationDelegate).
appcenter-sdk-apple - 2.4.0

Published by xabldint about 5 years ago

Version 2.4.0

App Center

  • [Feature] App Center now supports Carthage integration.

App Center Auth

  • [Fix] Fix token storage initialization if services are started via [MSAppCenter startService:] method.
  • [Fix] Redirect URIs are now hidden in logs.
  • [Fix] Fix interactive sign in on iOS 13. Temporary fix, will be revisited in the future.
  • [Feature] Updated the Microsoft Authentication Library dependency to v0.7.0.

App Center Analytics

  • [Fix] Fix crash involving SDK's ms_viewWillAppear method.

App Center Data

  • [Breaking change] Rename delegate method data:didCompletePendingOperation:forDocument:withError: from MSRemoteOperationDelegate to data:didCompleteRemoteOperation:forDocumentMetadata:withError:.
appcenter-sdk-apple - 2.3.0

Published by xabldint about 5 years ago

Version 2.3.0

App Center Auth

  • [Feature] App Center Auth logging now includes MSAL logs.

App Center Crashes

  • [Feature] Catch "low memory warning" and provide the API to check if it has happened in last session: MSCrashes.hasReceivedMemoryWarningInLastSession().
  • [Fix] Fix main thread checker's warning during crash processing on macOS.

App Center Distribute

  • [Fix] Obfuscate app secret value that appears as URI part in verbose logs for in-app updates.
appcenter-sdk-apple - 2.2.0

Published by xabldint over 5 years ago

Version 2.2.0

App Center

  • [Feature] Now supports tvOS.
  • [Feature] Add isRunningInAppCenterTestCloud in MSAppCenter to provide method to check if the application is running in Test Cloud.
  • [Fix] Drop and recreate the database when it is corrupted.

App Center Analytics

  • [Feature] Now supports tvOS.

App Center Crashes

  • [Feature] Now supports tvOS.

App Center Data

  • [Feature] Add support for offline list of documents.
  • [Feature] Change the default time-to-live (TTL) from 1 day to infinite (never expire).
  • [Feature] Add readOptions parameter to the list API.
  • [Feature] Serialize nil and NSNull document values.

App Center Distribute

  • [Fix] Fix crash when an application was minimized on trying to reinstall after setup failure.
appcenter-sdk-apple - 2.1.0

Published by xabldint over 5 years ago

Version 2.1.0


  • [Fix] Remove Keychain permission pop-up on macOS.
  • [Fix] Improve encryption security.


  • [Feature] Support setting latency of sending events via [MSAnalytics setTransmissionInterval:].


  • [Feature] Expose the ID Token and Access Token JWTs in the MSUserInformation object passed to the sign in callback.
  • [Fix] Fix changing signing status may cause logs (e.g., events) to be delayed.
  • [Fix] Validate custom URL scheme before starting Auth and log an error message when it is invalid.
  • [Fix] Fix rare condition where a user is prompted again for their credentials instead of refreshing the token silently.


  • [Fix] Fix an issue where invalid characters in the document ID are accepted at creation time but causing errors while trying to read or delete the document. The characters are #, \, /, ?, and all whitespaces.
  • [Feature] setRemoteOperationListener method allows to be notified of a pending operation being executed when a client device goes from offline to online.
appcenter-sdk-apple - 2.0.1

Published by xabldint over 5 years ago

Version 2.0.1

Version 2.0.1 of the App Center SDK includes two new modules: Auth and Data. This version has a breaking change, it only supports Xcode 10.0.0+.


App Center Auth is a cloud-based identity management service that enables you to authenticate users and manage their identities. You can also leverage user identities in other App Center services. *iOS only, not available for macOS.


The App Center Data service provides functionality enabling developers to persist app data in the cloud in both online and offline scenarios. This enables you to store and manage both user-specific data as well as data shared between users and across platforms. *iOS only, not available for macOS.


  • [Feature] After calling [MSAuth signInWithCompletionHandler:], the next crashes are associated with an accountId corresponding to the signed in user. This is a different field than the userId set by [MSAppCenter setUserId:]. Calling [MSAuth signOut] stops the accountId association for the next crashes.
  • [Fix] Print an error and return immediately when calling [MSCrashes notifyWithUserConfirmation:] with confirmation handlers not implemented.


  • [Fix] Starting the application with "Guided Access" enabled blocks the update flow since in-app update is not possible in this mode.


  • [Feature] After calling [MSAuth signInWithCompletionHandler:], the push installation is associated to the signed in user with an accountId and can be pushed by using the accountId audience. This is a different field than the userId set by [MSAppCenter setUserId:]. The push installation is also updated on calling [MSAuth signOut] to stop the association.
  • [Fix] Fix updating push installation when setting the user identifier via [MSAppCenter setUserId:].
appcenter-sdk-apple - 1.14.0

Published by xabldint over 5 years ago

Version 1.14.0


  • [Fix] Fix a crash in case decrypting a value failed.


  • [Feature] Preparation work for a future change in transmission protocol and endpoint for Analytics data on macOS. There is no impact on your current workflow when using App Center.


  • [Fix] Fix crash on invoking an optional push callback when it isn't implemented in the push delegate.
appcenter-sdk-apple - 1.13.2

Published by xabldint over 5 years ago

Version 1.13.2


  • [Fix] Fix a crash if database query failed.


  • [Fix] Fix a race condition crash on upgrading the application to newer version.
appcenter-sdk-apple - 1.13.1

Published by xabldint over 5 years ago

Version 1.13.1


  • [Fix] Fix a possible deadlock if the SDK is started from a background thread.
appcenter-sdk-apple - 1.13.0

Published by xabldint almost 6 years ago

Version 1.13.0


  • [Fix] Fix issue where the SDK source could not be built in a directory that contains escaped characters (applies to all modules).


  • [Feature] Preparation work for a future change in transmission protocol and endpoint for Analytics data. There is no impact on your current workflow when using App Center.
appcenter-sdk-apple - 1.12.0

Published by xabldint almost 6 years ago

Version 1.12.0


  • [Feature] Allow users to set userId that applies to crashes, error and push logs. This feature adds an API, but is not yet supported on the App Center backend.
  • [Fix] Do not delete old logs when trying to add a log larger than the maximum storage capacity.
  • [Fix] Fix minimum storage size verification to match minimum possible value.
  • [Fix] Fix reporting carrier information using new iOS 12 APIs when running on iOS 12+.
  • [Fix] Fix a memory leak issue during executing SQL queries.
  • [Fix] Fix a keychain permission issue on macOS applications.
  • [Feature] Add preview support for arm64e CPU architecture.


  • [Feature] Add preview support for arm64e CPU architecture.


  • [Feature] Add preview support for arm64e CPU architecture by using PLCrashReporter 1.2.3-rc1. PLCrashReporter 1.2.3-rc1 is a fork of the official repository and can be found at It is maintained by the App Center team and based on PLCrashReporter 1.2.1 (commit fda23306) with additional fixes and changes.


  • [Feature] Add preview support for arm64e CPU architecture.


  • [Feature] Add preview support for arm64e CPU architecture.
appcenter-sdk-apple - 1.11.0

Published by xabldint almost 6 years ago

Version 1.11.0


  • [Fix] Fix an issue where concurrent modification of custom properties was not thread safe.
  • [Fix] Fix validating and discarding Not a Number (NaN) and infinite double values for custom properties.
  • [Fix] Use standard SQL syntax to avoid affecting users with custom SQLite libraries.
  • [Fix] Get database page size dynamically to support custom values.


  • [Feature] Add new trackEvent APIs that take priority (normal or critical) of event logs. Events tracked with critical flag will take precedence over all other logs except crash logs (when AppCenterCrashes is enabled), and only be dropped if storage is full and must make room for newer critical events or crashes logs.


  • [Fix] Do not force crash macOS application on uncaught exception. If you need this behavior you can set the special flag yourself:

    [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:@{ @"NSApplicationCrashOnExceptions" : @YES }];


  • [Fix] Fix push:didReceivePushNotification: callback not triggered on notification tapped or received in foreground when a UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate is set. If you have implemented this delegate please remove any call to the MSPush#didReceiveRemoteNotification: method as it's now handled by the new User Notification Center Delegate Forwarder.
appcenter-sdk-apple - 1.10.1

Published by xabldint almost 6 years ago

Version 1.10.1

This version contains a bug fix for macOS.


  • [Fix] Fix a regression that was introduced in 1.10.0 on macOS. It caused crash reports to contain an incomplete list of loaded binary images.
appcenter-sdk-apple - 1.10.0

Published by xabldint about 6 years ago

Version 1.10.0


  • [Fix] Add missing network request error logging.
  • [Feature] Add a setMaxStorageSize API which allows setting a maximum size limit on the local SQLite storage.


  • [Feature] Add pause/resume APIs which pause/resume sending Analytics logs to App Center.
  • [Feature] Adding support for typed properties. Note that these APIs still convert properties back to strings on the App Center backend. More work is needed to store and display typed properties in the App Center portal. Using the new APIs now will enable future scenarios, but for now the behavior will be the same as it is for current event properties.
  • [Feature] Preparation work for a future change in transmission protocol and endpoint for Analytics data. There is no impact on your current workflow when using App Center.
  • [Fix] Fix an bug where nested custom properties for an event would not pass validation.


  • [Fix] Fix the list of binary images in crash reports for arm64e-based devices.


  • [Fix] Fix translation of closing a dialog in Portuguese.