
Syncfusion React UI components library offer more than 50+ cross-browser, responsive, and lightweight react UI controls for building modern web applications.

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ej2-react-ui-components - v16.4.55

Published by essentialjs2 over 5 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Reset text based initial value in form reset action behavior has been changed.


Bug Fixes

  • Reset text based initial value in form reset action behavior has been changed.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the issue with today button text not updated when dynamically change the localization of the page.


Bug Fixes

  • Pre-select value is not selected when its not present in the list issue fixed.
  • Reset text based initial value in form reset action behavior has been changed.


Bug Fixes

  • Now, the url validation works with all types of url.


Bug Fixes

  • Script error throws when validating the column in Batch Editing is resolved.
  • script error is thrown when press for Tab key in batch edit mode is resolved.
  • Need to provide argument as isInteracted in rowDeselected event is fixed.
  • Grid ContextMenu shows unrelated items in its target is resolved.
  • Script error throws while does the key press event with frozen is resolved.
  • Delete Confirmation dialog loses focus when using command column for delete is resolved.
  • Problem in updating data with updateRow method when using remote data is resolved.
  • Grid copied rows pasted in single column in excel sheet randomly is resolved.
  • Column chooser not working when we select or unselect the searched columns is resolved.

New Features

  • Need to provide support to set the Edit Dialog height by using API is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Changed the OSM and Bing maps URL from http to https.


Bug Fixes

  • List selection throws exception while using quotes within string data issue has been resolved.
  • Select all operation's performance issue has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • Document Load event not triggered for lower zoom value issue was fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Insert image dialog is not rendering properly while setting the imageUploadMessage text as long in localization, that issue has been fixed.
  • Localization is not applied to static DropDownButton items, that issue has been fixed.


New Features

  • Now, Range Slider in Material theme will support showOn property.
  • Now, Single tooltip will be used to display values in Range Slider.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with dynamic update of paneSettings has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Now, the validation works with complex names also.


Bug Fixes

  • Change detection for properties dataSource and query were handled for remote data.
  • Edited records can be searched/filtered.
  • Inner level records will be collapsed/expanded after filtering/searching actions.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the issue with Tab key navigation in uploader file list.
ej2-react-ui-components - v16.4.54

Published by essentialjs2 over 5 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Reset the initial value in form reset action behavior has been changed.


Bug Fixes

  • Pie animation starting angle issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Gauge is rendering fine now even in small size, when it is moved to the center position.


Bug Fixes

  • Reset the initial value in form reset action behavior has been changed.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with, “DatePicker not restoring the initial value on form reset” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with, “DateRangePicker not restoring the initial value on form reset” has been fixed.
  • Now year values are shown in the selected range of decade view.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with, “DateTimePicker not restoring the initial value on form reset” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Z-order maintained properly now when adding the nodes at runtime.
  • Port dragging now working properly after rotating the nodes.
  • When dragging the port, connectors associated with the ports updated properly.
  • If anyone of the selected nodes doesn’t have rotate constraints, rotate handle no longer visible with the selection handles.


Bug Fixes

  • Dynamically enable/ disable the button in dialog, issue has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • Default tab width is parsed and serialized properly.


Bug Fixes

  • When page scroll, grouping template is hiding issue has been resolved.
  • Reset the initial value in form reset action behavior has been changed.


Bug Fixes

  • Custom command content is not working in edited state when it is used in Multiple Columns issue is fixed.
  • Selection is not maintained when using rowselected and rowdeselected event is resolved.
  • Reactive aggregate is updating aggregate with current view data on cell editing is fixed.
  • Grid gets refreshed twice when we change the values through setProperties method is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with, “MaskedTextBox not restoring the initial value on form reset” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Now, you can enter special characters inside MultiSelect using virtual keyboard.
  • Reset the initial value in form reset action behavior has been changed.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with, “NumericTextBox not restoring the initial value on form reset” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • 'Add Group' option is not disabled while setting groupInsert as false is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • HTML 5 form reset behaviour has been corrected.
  • Editor content rendered twice in DOM when using RichTextEditorFor, that issue has been fixed.
  • EJ2 compatibility styles are not worked while component rendering with textarea element, that issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • An issue with events not displaying correctly based on Agenda view's current date range has been fixed.
  • An issue with recurring events while defining recurrence rule on it that includes both BYMONTH and BYDAY properties together has been fixed.
  • An issue with incorrect casing of popupOpen event's parameters that triggers on cell click action has been fixed.
  • An issue with 24 hours format not displaying in time cells of adaptive Scheduler mode has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with dynamic update of pane content has been fixed


Bug Fixes

  • Charts in tab control initial tooltip opacity issue fixed.


Breaking Changes

  • The initial focus set on active tab item is removed from the component on initial load.


Bug Fixes

  • Now, input event will trigger after clear the textbox value using clear icon.
  • Now, the default value is set to the textbox while resetting the form.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with, “TimePicker not restoring the initial value on form reset” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Uploader file list will be cleared while reset the form.

New Features

  • Provided cssClass property to add custom CSS classes to an uploader.
ej2-react-ui-components - v16.4.53

Published by essentialjs2 over 5 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the issue with accessing Accordion item object in clicked event arguments.


Bug Fixes

  • Flat button text is not visible in bootstrap theme issue is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with white background for the Card control has been fixed in Material theme.


Bug Fixes

  • Data bind issues in series properties fixed.
  • Memory increasing while refreshing the chart for long period of time with time interval datasource change issue fixed.
  • Scrollbar with huge data performance lack has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Range bar pointer drag is working fine now.


Bug Fixes

  • Form reset issue is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the form validation class ng-dirty issue in Angular forms.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the form validation class ng-dirty issue in Angular forms.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the form validation class ng-dirty issue in Angular forms.


New Features

  • Support to flip the node/connector in both horizontal and vertical direction has been added.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • Table inside header is now layout properly.
  • Table re-layout while editing now layout properly.
  • Page break inside table is handled.


Bug Fixes

  • Proper ARIA standards followed.


  • ItemData parameter supports object collection in select and change event.
  • Filtering is not working when rendered control by using select element issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Persisted row selection is not cleared in other pages while calling clearSelection method is resolved.
  • Grid cells with value '0' are exported as an empty cells in excel exporting is fixed.
  • Multiple requests are sent to server for each checkbox selection is fixed.
  • Additional parameter is not passed to the server when getting checkbox selection state is resolved.
  • Script error thrown while dragging the row to outside of the Grid content issue is fixed.
  • Auto generated columns not working when we change the Grid dataSource dynamically and also it throws Script error is fixed.
  • Programmatic deletion is not working in batch edit mode is fixed.
  • Grid shows invalid result while clearing string column values in Batch mode is fixed.
  • Mouse event is passed as a parameter for rowDrag event.
  • Editing misbehaves with allowResizing and frozenColumns enabled is fixed.
  • Need to maintain edit state when exception thrown with custom binding is fixed.
  • Grid getRowInfo method throws script Error on Expand and Collapse is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • The console window exception which is thrown for mouse hovering action on legend labels in Firefox browser has been handled.
  • The console window exception which is thrown for mouse hovering action on legend labels in Firefox browser has been handled.

In-place Editor

Bug Fixes

  • Console error is thrown while validating RTE editor value issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Padding issue for OSM type layers resolved now.


Bug Fixes

  • Lengthy placeholder breaks UI issue has been resolved.
  • Values are not cleared in mobile devices issue has been resolved.
  • Values are not selected based on selected attribute in select element rendering issue has been resolved.


Breaking Changes

  • Changed the fontSize, fontFamily, format properties default value as null.

Bug Fixes

  • Console error is thrown in IE11 browser while using the SVG element style with transform and then render the RichTextEditor in an application, that issue has been fixed.
  • HTML 5 standard issues has been fixed.
  • Cursor position changed after typed some contents issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • An issue that occurs on enabling the time interval for resizing in timeline day view has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the form validation class ng-dirty issue in Angular forms.


Bug Fixes

  • Child records of third level or its successor displays properly based on their hierarchy relation in self reference data binding.
ej2-react-ui-components - v16.4.52

Published by essentialjs2 over 5 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the typing issue for onclick event.


Bug Fixes

  • Tabindex support has been provided.


Bug Fixes

  • The model value is not updated by selecting a value using tab key with autofill combination issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Provided addParams CRUD support in RemoteSaveAdaptor.
  • Need to parse the server response data in UrlAdaptor is resolved.
  • Provided option in DataManger to define CRUD url in OdataV4Adaptor in Grid all edit modes.
  • Additional parameters should be send in params property is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Tabindex support has been provided.

New Features

  • Now, date type skeleton support has been provided for the format property.


Bug Fixes

  • Tabindex support has been provided.


Bug Fixes

  • Tabindex support has been provided.

New Features

  • Now, scrollTo support has been added for the TimePicker pop-up element of the DateTimePicker. This is used to set the scroll position to the given time value when no value is selected in the popup list.


Bug Fixes

  • Exception thrown while enable zoom and pan tool dynamically is now working fine.


Bug Fixes

  • selectCell event throws script error when two grid refresh requests are made simultaneously is fixed.
  • Promise is not resolved while perform CRUD operation with Observables is fixed.
  • Validation message misplaced in dialog editing when we render the new row at bottom issue is fixed.
  • Argument is not returned well in rowDragStart Event is resolved.
  • Column chooser dialog not getting hidden while click outside of the Grid is fixed.
  • Selecting cell using arrow keys with frozen column and cell selection is misfocused issue is fixed.
  • Provide property change handling for selectedRowIndex is resolved.
  • Edit dialog does not destroyed after perform add operation with custom binding is resolved.
  • Server requests sent twice when column is not defined in the grid is resolved.
  • custom attribute is missing in stacked header issue is fixed.
  • Column allowEditing false is working for datepicker edit when it is specified as primary key column is resolved.
  • allowEditing property is not working in identity column is resolved.
  • Provided support to addparams for filtering.
  • Misalignment occurs when footer aggreagate in grid and also while editing is resolved.
  • Script error thrown when reorder header template column in grid using angular is fixed.
  • RemoteSaveAdaptor returns empty row while perform adding in Grid is resolved.
  • Filtering the localized date column throws script error is fixed.
  • Provided support for dynamic property change handling for selectedRowIndex.
  • Filtering after grouping any column focuses out of the filterbar is resolved.
  • Deselecting event is not triggered after double clicking a particular row and select different row is resolved.
  • Column data stringify is not working properly when persistence enabled is resolved.

New Features

  • Toggle option for Selected Row is provided.
  • Property change handling for SelectedRowIndex is provided.
  • Support to add params for filtering is added.
  • Support to perform searching only based on the visible columns in Grid is provided.
  • Reorder position support for target field is provided.
  • Send the culture file name as parameter to excel export function is added.


New Features

  • Provided the "focus" and "blur" events for MaskedTextBox that will trigger when the control got focus or losses focus.


Bug Fixes

  • Popup not opened properly when two menu rendered side by side issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Blur event prevents other actions issue has been resolved.


New Features

  • Provided the "focus" and "blur" events for NumericTextBox that will trigger when the control got focus or losses focus.


New Features

  • Provided Summary view support.


New Features

  • Improvements done to support creation of recurring events based on the recurrence rule properties, that lies under the criteria of limited combination.
  • The recurring appointments of Scheduler can be now created and processed successfully based on the Islamic calendar dates.


Breaking Changes

  • Sidebar with type Auto will always expand on initial rendering, irrespective of enableDock and isOpen properties.

Bug Fixes

  • Tabindex support has been provided.


Bug Fixes

  • Additional space in tooltip header text is fixed


Bug Fixes

  • Tabindex support has been provided.


Breaking Changes

  • Default value of editSettings.mode has been changed to Cell.
  • Default value of editSettings.mode has been changed to Cell.

Bug Fixes

  • Expanding and Collapsing records is working fine when pageSizeMode is set as All.
  • expandAtLevel, collapseAtLevel, expandAll and collapseAll methods are working fine when pageSizeMode is set as All.
  • Added events for the column menu feature and added columnMenuItems API to modify the column menu items in column menu.
  • Added sortComparer API to perform custom sorting in TreeGrid.
  • Property change support for height property has been provided.
  • Expand icon is prevented from displaying for the root/zeroth level record which has hasChildMapping field as false.
  • Child records of third level or its successor displays properly based on their hierarchy relation in self reference data binding.
  • Query maintenance support provided for refresh method after expanding any child rows.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with, “When disabling the TreeView parent nodes, the child nodes also appear in a disabled state” has been fixed.
ej2-react-ui-components - v17.1.1-beta

Published by essentialjs2 over 5 years ago


New Features

  • Provided Angular Schematics support for our Essential JS 2 Angular suite, which performs the below,
  • Installs the specific package.
  • Import the required modules in app.module.ts.


Bug Fixes

  • Custom value is not maintain after reload the data issue has been resolved.


New Features

  • Stacking Line series type has been added to the chart.
  • 100% Stacking Line series type has been added to the chart.


The Chip control contains a small block of essential information that triggers an event on click action. It also contains the primary text, image, or both, and is mostly used in mails, contacts, or filter tags.

  • Input chip - Basic chip with delete icon that represents a person or entity and enables removal of chips from the chip list collection.
  • Choice chip - Used to select a choice from the available options.
  • Filter chip - Used to select multiple choices from the available options.
  • Action chip - Used to trigger actions for primary content.


Bug Fixes

  • Pointer drag in circular gauge is working fine now in touch devices.

New Features

  • Provided rounding places support for the axis labels and tooltip text in circular gauge.
  • Provided support to display the last axis label, even if it is not in the interval value.
  • Provided event to get and set the calculated radius of the circular gauge.
  • Provided support to assign percentage values for pointer width, ranges width and axis line width.


Breaking Changes

  • The animationSettings property type changed from AnimationSettings to AnimationSettingsModel


The DashboardLayout is a grid structured layout control that helps create a dashboard with panels. Panels hold the UI components and allow resize, reorder, drag-n-drop, remove and add options. This allows users to easily place the components at the desired position within the grid layout.

  • Drag and Drop: Allows drag and drop of panels at the desired location within the dashboard.
  • Resizing: Support to resize the panels in any direction as per the requirement.
  • Floating: Floats the panels upward when the dragging option is enabled.
  • Media Query: Allows the panels to be stacked when the specified resolution is met.


Bug Fixes

  • Selecting a value with the Enter key will not bubble up the event to its ancestor elements.


Bug Fixes

  • Exception thrown while enable zoom and pan tool dynamically is now working fine.

New Features

  • Support to flip the node/connector in both horizontal and vertical direction has been added.
  • Support to export HTML /Native node to image format has been added.
  • Support to retain the selection for the object which is affected when performing the undo/redo operation has been added.
  • Padding between a connector’s end point and the object to which the connector gets connected is added.
  • Prevent the selection gets cleared when dragging the symbol from symbol palette and before dropping into the diagram is added.
  • Support for cancelling the drag and drop operation from symbol palette to diagram when pressing the ESC key is added.


Bug Fixes

  • Provided an additional argument in beforeOpen event to control the max-height of dialog.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • Document default format is now serialized properly.


Bug Fixes

  • Restricted multiple request when no data returned from server issue has been resolved.

Excel Export

Bug Fixes

  • Updated Readme and GitHub URL.

New Features

  • Added rotation property to set text rotation on export.
  • Added formula property to set formulas on export.


New Features

  • Localization - Supports to localize error message for the "FormValidator" to different cultures.


Bug Fixes

  • Updating Vue component data throws script error with stacked header is resolved.
  • rowHeight is not working when group grid columns is resolved.
  • Pager dropdown does not render in Production is fixed.
  • Provided support to exclude the grid properties from persist in the grid initialize.
  • Validation rules not working in Grid stacked columns is fixed.
  • Advanced popup is misaligned in excel-filter when scroll down on the page.
  • RowSelected event is triggered when sub context menu get open is fixed.
  • Query property not working for dynamic property change is fixed.
  • Touch-scrolling frozen content moves page scrollbar is resolved.
  • Script error throws in row-template when scroll up/down is fixed.
  • Unable to filter the date column with excel-filter using DataOperations class is fixed.
  • IE cannot handle the viewport height when scroll(virtual scrolling) is resolved.
  • Grouped column is not included in dialog editing when showGroupedColumn is false is fixed.
  • Initial Grouping not maintained when setting the locale property dynamically is fixed.
  • Script error when editTemplate is used in batch mode is fixed.

New Features

  • Filter template support added.
  • Edit template support added.
  • row Drag and Drop support within a single grid is provided.
  • Support for true type font in PDF library is added.
  • Hierarchy Grid printing support is added.
  • Support For Excel,CSV and Pdf export with Hierarchy Grid is provided.
  • Support for row-spanning in Grid is added.
  • Adding a new row at the bottom of the grid support is added.
  • support for paste option to Grid from Excelsheet/Grid is provided.
  • Excel-Like Auto Filling support is added.


New Features

  • Now it is possible to provide minimum and maximum values for bubble size in Bubble Heatmap.
  • Provided support for resized and loaded client-side events in Heatmap. The resized event will be triggered before Heatmap being rendered and the loaded event will be triggered after Heatmap is completely rendered on window resize action.

In-place Editor

Bug Fixes

  • space key action issue is fixed with clicking save and cancel buttons.
  • Value persistence issue with multi-select when doing cancel action after removing selected item.
  • Double-Click issue in IOS device is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed getSelectedItems method returns undefined values for remote data.


New Features

  • Provided the "focus" and "blur" events for MaskedTextBox that will trigger when the control got focus or losses focus.


Breaking Changes

  • Type changes done for the following property.

| Property Name | Old Type | New Type |
|: ---------:| ---------:| ---------:|
| animationSettings | AnimationSettings | AnimationSettingsModel |
| fields | FieldSettings | FieldSettingsModel |

New Features

  • Provided scrollable option in Menu for rendering large menus and submenus in an adaptive way.


Breaking Changes

  • Renamed the selectAll event argument IsChecked to isChecked.
  • Renamed the selectAll event argument e to event.

Bug Fixes

  • Change event is now triggered for MultiSelect components, when focused out.


New Features

  • Provided the "focus" and "blur" events for NumericTextBox that will trigger when the control got focus or losses focus.

Pdf Export

Bug Fixes

  • Compilation issue in CI is fixed.
  • Updated Readme and GitHub URL.
  • Cell padding issue in nested grid is fixed.

New Features

  • Added Nested Grid support.
  • Added RTL Text support.

Pivot Grid

New Features

  • F141747- Always shows value caption in headers even having single measure.
  • Cell selection now allows to select cells as row and column wise.
  • Shows the filter state in the fields of filter axis.

Popup library

Bug Fixes

  • The issue with collision while displays popup on scrollable viewport element has been resolved.


Breaking Changes

  • Type changes done for the following property.

| Property Name | Old Type | New Type |
|: ---------:| ---------:| ---------:|
| animationSettings | AnimationSettings | AnimationSettingsModel |
| spinSettings | SpinSettings | SpinSettingsModel |


Bug Fixes

  • Introduced validateFields method for validation.


Bug Fixes

  • Table QuickToolbar open wherever click within a component issue has been fixed.
  • FontSize "px" and fontFamily "veranda" not updated in toolbar status, that issue has been fixed.
  • Clicking on view source code with single character inside textarea removes the character, that issue has been fixed.


New Features

  • Improvements done to support creation of recurring events based on the recurrence rule properties, that lies under the criteria of limited combination.
  • The recurring appointments of Scheduler can be now created and processed successfully based on the Islamic calendar dates.


New Features

  • Two-way binding support has been provided for isOpen property.


New Features

  • Provided right to left rendering support for Sparkline.


New Features

  • Provided option to configure the splitter and its pane properties such as size, min, max, resizable through data attributes (data-).
  • Included the public methods for add and remove splitter panes.


New Features

  • Tab vertical orientation support was provided.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with refresh method of textbox has been fixed.
  • Resolved the issue with placeholder property has 'null' value in Edge browser.


Breaking Changes

  • TimePicker pop-up will position at the center of the viewport in mobile resolution.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the issue "window is not define" on registering component as plugin in Toast component.


Bug Fixes

  • Query maintenance support provided for refresh method after expanding any child rows.
  • Property change support for height property has been provided.
  • Expand icon is prevented from displaying for the root/zeroth level record which has hasChildMapping field as false.
  • Child records of third level or its successor displays properly based on their hierarchy relation in self reference data binding.

New Features

  • Excel-Like Filtering support is provided that allows users to create complex filter criteria for a column by allowing users to select possible filter values from a checkbox list. The advanced filter can be used to build complex filter criteria.


New Features

  • Provided an option to disable child nodes when load-on-demand support is enabled.
  • Provided an option to disable the load-on-demand support in TreeView control.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the issue with updating file data in uploader element while drag-and-drop the files.
  • Provided option to hide generated promise error manually on ajax failed event.

New Features

  • Provided option to customize file upload's status message (label) which is sent from server on success and failure events.
  • Provided event which trigger before rendering each file item in a page that helps to customize its default UI structure.
  • Provided event to denote all the selected files has processed to upload successfully or failed to server.
  • Provided template support for preloaded files also to customize its default file list structure.
ej2-react-ui-components - v16.4.48

Published by essentialjs2 over 5 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Custom value is not maintain after reload the data issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Scatter chart's edge position render issue is fixed
  • Datalabel did not show properly in Edge browser is fixed
  • Trendline not rendering while using NaN as input issue is fixed
  • DataSource not refreshed in angular chart has been fixed


Bug Fixes

  • Provided addParams CRUD support in RemoteSaveAdaptor.
  • Need to parse the server response data in UrlAdaptor is resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Updating data source at runtime is now working properly even if you did not define layout for a diagram.
  • Now, you can modify the nodes and connectors styles at runtime.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • Broken image rendering is handled.


Bug Fixes

  • Argument is not returned well in rowDragStart Event is resolved.
  • Column chooser dialog not getting hidden while click outside of the Grid is fixed.
  • Selecting cell using arrow keys with frozen column and cell selection is misfocused issue is fixed.

In-place Editor

Bug Fixes

  • Formatting not applied to calendar component issue fixed.
  • While call refresh, control not render issue fixed.
  • Id returned instead of text while using fieldSettings with dropDown components issue fixed

New Features

  • Type number support provided for primaryKey API.


Bug Fixes

  • en-US locale JSON file not generated issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Table QuickToolbar open wherever click within a component issue has been fixed.
  • FontSize "px" and fontFamily "veranda" not updated in toolbar status, that issue has been fixed.
  • Clicking on view source code with single character inside textarea removes the character, that issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Tooltip text with colon within the bold tag issue fixed


Breaking Changes

  • TimePicker pop-up will position at the center of the viewport in mobile resolution.


Bug Fixes

  • Provided option to hide generated promise error manually on ajax failed event.

New Features

  • Provided template support for preloaded files also to customize its default file list structure.
ej2-react-ui-components - v16.4.47

Published by essentialjs2 almost 6 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Chart not rendering using remote data without query issue is fixed


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with annotation is not properly resolved now.


Bug Fixes

  • Provided option in DataManger to define CRUD url in OdataV4Adaptor in Grid all edit modes.


Bug Fixes

  • Connector label position is misplaced while adding the connector in layout at run time is working fine now.


Bug Fixes

  • Provided an additional argument in beforeOpen event to control the max-height of dialog.


Bug Fixes

  • Provide property change handling for selectedRowIndex is resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ASP.NET core data annotation issue has been fixed.
  • Console error is thrown in IE browser with angular routing, that issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • An issue with event display order getting changed within the more event container of timeline views has been fixed.
  • An issue with the display of time range text in quick popup, when both the start and end time of a spanned event has the same exact hours and minutes but with different dates has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with dynamically updating the pane size has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with refresh method of textbox has been fixed.
  • Resolved the issue with placeholder property has 'null' value in Edge browser.


Bug Fixes

  • TimePicker will allow assigning string value when type system configuration is disabled.


Bug Fixes

  • Query maintenance support provided for refresh method after expanding any child rows.
ej2-react-ui-components - v16.4.46

Published by essentialjs2 almost 6 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Performance has been improved when dragging more number of nodes and connectors.
  • Issue on applying style for connector’s annotation is now fixed.

Document Editor

New Features

  • Table editing performance optimized.


Bug Fixes

  • Item text overflow issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Edit dialog does not destroyed after perform add operation with custom binding is resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • When hover on pointer, console error thrown fixed now.


Bug Fixes

  • Value is updated in reverse while using select all option in checkbox selection issue has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the script error while accessing invalid link annotation destination.


Bug Fixes

  • Changing the font color of underlined text doesn’t change the color of the line, that issue has been fixed.
  • RichTextEditor injectable module is missed from import setting file in CRG, that issue has been fixed.
  • The change event is triggered on clicking into HTML source code view in Edge browser, that issue has been fixed.
  • Blur event is not triggered when we change focus directly from one RTE to another RTE, that issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Tooltip text issue in RTL is fixed.


New Features

  • Pop-up positioning support has been provided.


Bug Fixes

  • Property change support for height property has been provided.
  • Expand icon is prevented from displaying for the root/zeroth level record which has hasChildMapping field as false.
  • Child records of third level or its successor displays properly based on their hierarchy relation in self reference data binding.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the issue with updating file data in uploader element while drag-and-drop the files.

New Features

  • Provided option to customize file upload's status message (label) which is sent from server on success and failure events.
  • Provided event which trigger before rendering each file item in a page that helps to customize its default UI structure.
  • Provided event to denote all the selected files has processed to upload successfully or failed to server.
ej2-react-ui-components - v16.4.45

Published by essentialjs2 almost 6 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the unwanted property change called on state changes issue.


Bug Fixes

  • Duplicates of scrollbar id in multiple chart is fixed


Bug Fixes

  • When drag the range bar pointer, the console error thrown resolved now.


Bug Fixes

  • Additional parameters should be send in params property is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • DatePicker will allow assigning string value when type system configuration is disabled.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • Table border is rendered properly.


Bug Fixes

  • Server requests sent twice when column is not defined in the grid is resolved.
  • custom attribute is missing in stacked header issue is fixed.
  • Column allowEditing false is working for datepicker edit when it is specified as primary key column is resolved.
  • allowEditing property is not working in identity column is resolved.
  • Provided support to addparams for filtering.


Bug Fixes

  • Getting custom properties from menu items in beforeItemRender event issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • An issue with the display of +n more popup on Scheduler, while setting appointment time in seconds has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue with rendering the Sidebar using isOpen property and type Auto.


Bug Fixes

  • Pop-up positioning support has been provided.


Bug Fixes

  • While resizing, Toolbar items are not moving from popup to toolbar in extended overflow mode issue is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Added index position for tooltip content container to avoid misalignment while customize background.


Bug Fixes

  • Added events for the column menu feature and added columnMenuItems API to modify the column menu items in column menu.
  • Added sortComparer API to perform custom sorting in TreeGrid.
ej2-react-ui-components - v16.4.44

Published by essentialjs2 almost 6 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Parent accordion collapsing issue is fixed when Tab renders within it.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the allowEdit issue in mobile mode.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the localization issue in preset custom range element.


Bug Fixes

  • Alignment issue on complex hierarchical tree layout with complex data source is working fine.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • Tab stop now layout properly in header and footer.
  • Empty header and footer now layout properly.
  • Table column span values are now updated properly.


Bug Fixes

  • Misalignment occurs when footer aggreagate in grid and also while editing is resolved.
  • Script error thrown when reorder header template column in grid using angular is fixed.
  • RemoteSaveAdaptor returns empty row while perform adding in Grid is resolved.
  • Filtering the localized date column throws script error is fixed.
  • Provided support for dynamic property change handling for selectedRowIndex.
  • Filtering after grouping any column focuses out of the filterbar is resolved.
  • Deselecting event is not triggered after double clicking a particular row and select different row is resolved.
  • Column data stringify is not working properly when persistence enabled is resolved.

In-place Editor

Bug Fixes

  • space key action issue is fixed with clicking save and cancel buttons.
  • Value persistence issue with multi-select when doing cancel action after removing selected item.
  • Double-Click issue in IOS device is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed multiple CSS class not added properly while using template property in UI Virtualization.
  • Fixed height calculation in UI Virtualization with sample level border inclusion.


Bug Fixes

  • Item template with checkbox combination is not working issue has been resolved.
  • Value update with checkbox selection issue in reactive form has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • The scrolling when the toolbar is clicked is prevented.

Popup library

Bug Fixes

  • The issue with collision while displays popup on scrollable viewport element has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Introduced validateFields method for validation.


Bug Fixes

  • Pasted URL is not converted to links automatically, that issue has been fixed.
  • Image paste as twice in Firefox browser, that issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • An issue with quick popup opening on blocked time ranges has been fixed.


New Features

  • Provided option to configure the splitter and its pane properties such as size, min, max, resizable through data attributes (data-).
  • Included the public methods for add and remove splitter panes.

Stock Chart

Bug Fixes

  • Console error in tooltip fixed
  • Highlight of buttons in period selector is working properly.
  • Height of stock chart without period selector, range navigator is working fine


Bug Fixes

  • Tooltip console error issue in IE11 is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the component destroy issue when showClearButton in disabled state.


Bug Fixes

  • Expanding and Collapsing records is working fine when pageSizeMode is set as All.
  • expandAtLevel, collapseAtLevel, expandAll and collapseAll methods are working fine when pageSizeMode is set as All.
ej2-react-ui-components - v16.4.42

Published by essentialjs2 almost 6 years ago


Breaking Changes

  • Removed the unwanted icons.

New Features

  • Added !default flag to the component style (SCSS) variables for customization.

Accumulation chart

New Features

  • The center option has been provided to the accumulation chart.
  • Support has been provided for different radius in pie slice.


New Features

  • Added the Islamic calendar support.


Breaking Changes

  • Export functionality has been moved into separate module. To export the chart, inject the Export module.


The Chip control contains a small block of essential information that triggers an event on click action. It also contains the primary text, image, or both, and is mostly used in mails, contacts, or filter tags.

  • Input chip - Basic chip with delete icon that represents a person or entity and enables removal of chips from the chip list collection.
  • Choice chip - Used to select a choice from the available options.
  • Filter chip - Used to select multiple choices from the available options.
  • Action chip - Used to trigger actions for primary content.


New Features

  • Support has been added to set gap between the ranges.
  • Support has been added to calculate the radius of the gauge based on the start and end angles.


Breaking Changes

  • The animationSettings property type changed from AnimationSettings to AnimationSettingsModel


Bug Fixes

  • Script error thrown in batch-deleting while server returns no data is resolved.
  • Provided option in DataManger to define CRUD url in OdataV4Adaptor.


New Features

  • Added the Islamic DatePicker support.


New Features

  • Added the Islamic DateTimePicker support.


New Features

  • Support to create a UML class diagram through code or a visual interface with the built-in class diagram shapes is added.
  • Support to create a UML activity diagram through code or a visual interface with the built-in activity shapes is added.
  • Support to limit the label positions while dragging a label from the connector is added.
  • Support to generate a diagram by reading the data from the database, and updating the database with the newly inserted/updated/deleted nodes and connectors is added.
  • Support to render a large number of nodes and connectors in a diagram for effective performance is added.
  • Template support for annotation is added.


New Features

  • Provided resizable support to the dialog for both modal dialog and modeless dialog (non-modal).

Document Editor

New Features

  • Added support for Right-to-left flow direction in control.
  • Added support for table auto fit layout.
  • Added Document Editor Container component for toolbar and properties pane.


Bug Fixes

  • Restricted multiple request when no data returned from server issue has been resolved.

Excel Export

Bug Fixes

  • Updated Readme and GitHub URL.

New Features

  • Added formula property to set formulas on export.


New Features

  • Localization - Supports to localize error message for the "FormValidator" to different cultures.


Bug Fixes

  • Updating Vue component data throws script error with stacked header is resolved.
  • rowHeight is not working when group grid columns is resolved.
  • Pager dropdown does not render in Production is fixed.
  • Provided support to exclude the grid properties from persist in the grid initialize.
  • Validation rules not working in Grid stacked columns is fixed.
  • Advanced popup is misaligned in excel-filter when scroll down on the page.
  • RowSelected event is triggered when sub context menu get open is fixed.
  • Query property not working for dynamic property change is fixed.
  • Touch-scrolling frozen content moves page scrollbar is resolved.
  • Script error throws in row-template when scroll up/down is fixed.
  • Unable to filter the date column with excel-filter using DataOperations class is fixed.
  • IE cannot handle the viewport height when scroll(virtual scrolling) is resolved.
  • Grouped column is not included in dialog editing when showGroupedColumn is false is fixed.
  • Initial Grouping not maintained when setting the locale property dynamically is fixed.
  • Script error when editTemplate is used in batch mode is fixed.

New Features

  • row Drag and Drop support within a single grid is provided.
  • Support for true type font in PDF library is added.
  • Hierarchy Grid printing support is added.
  • Support For Excel,CSV and Pdf export with Hierarchy Grid is provided.
  • Support for row-spanning in Grid is added.
  • Adding a new row at the bottom of the grid support is added.
  • support for paste option to Grid from Excelsheet/Grid is provided.
  • Excel-Like Auto Filling support is added.


New Features

  • Support for toggling the cell visibility with legend selection has been added for fixed type legend in heat map. This support helps to view the data points with values which matches the legend selection.
  • Multi-level axis label grouping feature has been added to heat map.
  • Cell selection feature has been added to heat map, this feature helps to select single or multiple heat map cells at run-time.
  • Support for binding date object to axis labels for cell JSON data has been provided.
  • Support for auto generating axis labels for cell JSON data has been provided.
  • Provided support for formatting legend label in heat map.
  • Provided support for customizing the cell tool tip UI.
  • Provided support for customizing the data labels.

In-place Editor

The In-place Editor component is used to edit and update the input value dynamically to the server. It supports integrating many component types such as “DropDownList”,”DatePicker”,”AutoComplete”, etc.

  • Render mode - Provides two types of rendering modes when editing the input, namely “Inline” and “Popup”.
  • Component integration - Support to integrate components such as “DropDownList”, “DatePicker”,” AutoComplete”, etc. to the In-place Editor.
  • Data binding - Bind the In-place Editor component with an array of JSON objects or DataManager to save the edited data to the server.
  • Customization - Offers UI customization such as popup, buttons, and also denotes editable content state.
  • Template - Templates can be used to integrate custom controls to the In-place Editor.
  • Globalization - Provides right to left and localization support.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed getSelectedItems method returns undefined values for remote data.


New Features

  • Support has been added for desaturation color mapping.
  • Support has been added to hide specific legend items and bind legend text from data source.
  • Support has been added for highlighting or selecting the legend items along with shapes.
  • Support has been added to specify multiple fields in the data source for shapePropertyPath.
  • Events has been added for zoom-in and zoom-out.


Breaking Changes

  • Type changes done for the following property.

| Property Name | Old Type | New Type |
|: ---------:| ---------:| ---------:|
| animationSettings | AnimationSettings | AnimationSettingsModel |
| fields | FieldSettings | FieldSettingsModel |

New Features

  • Provided scrollable option in Menu for rendering large menus and submenus in an adaptive way.


Breaking Changes

  • Renamed the selectAll event argument IsChecked to isChecked.
  • Renamed the selectAll event argument e to event.

Bug Fixes

  • Change event is now triggered for MultiSelect components, when focused out.

PDF Viewer

The PDF Viewer component enables you to view and print the PDF files.

  • Both normal and PDF files protected with AES and RC4 encryption can be opened and displayed.
  • Core interactions are included: scrolling, zooming, panning, and page navigation.
  • Built-in toolbar.
  • Text can be selected and copied from PDF files.
  • Text can be easily searched for across the PDF document.
  • Easy navigation with the help of bookmarks, thumbnails, hyperlinks, and a table of contents.
  • Two view modes are included: fit-to-page and fit-to-width.
  • An entire document or a specific page can be printed directly from the browser.

Pdf Export

Bug Fixes

  • Compilation issue in CI is fixed.
  • Updated Readme and GitHub URL.

New Features

  • Added Nested Grid support.
  • Added RTL Text support.

Pivot Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #219623 - Text in the field list tab gets completely displayed in mobile layout.
  • #219625 - Scrolling works properly in touch mode when virtual scroll option is enabled.
  • #219625 - In mobile device, virtual scrolling sample is loaded properly from the sample browser.
  • #219625 - In mobile device, last column cells are displayed properly.

New Features

  • Raw items in the control can be edited and updated at runtime.
  • Provided support to list the raw items for a particular value cell.
  • In the filter pop-up, provided support to set the limit the display field values and search option for refining the values from large data.
  • Provided hyperlink support to perform any custom operation programmatically.
  • Defer update option has been provided to refresh the control on-demand and not during every UI interaction for better performance.
  • Provided support to show or hide subtotals and grand totals for rows and columns.
  • More aggregation types like – Distinct Count, Product, Running Totals, Percentage of Column Total, Percentage of Parent Column Total, Population Var are added.


Breaking Changes

  • Type changes done for the following property.

| Property Name | Old Type | New Type |
|: ---------:| ---------:| ---------:|
| animationSettings | AnimationSettings | AnimationSettingsModel |
| spinSettings | SpinSettings | SpinSettingsModel |


The Query Builder component is a graphical user interface that allows users to create and edit filters. It outputs a structured JSON of filters which that can be easily parsed to create SQL. It is integrated with Data Manager to communicates with data sources and returns the desired result based on the provided filter. It supports data binding, templates, validation, and horizontal and vertical orientation.

  • Data binding: It auto populates the data source and maps the data to the appropriate fields.
  • Template: Supports templates and it is applicable for all input components.
  • Queries: Queries supports JSON/SQL rules.


Bug Fixes

  • Dynamic enabling and disabling support for toolbar items has been provided.
  • Image dialog's Browse button width is not adjusted based on the text issue has been resolved.

New Features

  • Insert table support has provided for MarkDown Editor.


New Features

  • Provided support to display Scheduler in Islamic calendar mode.


New Features

  • Two-way binding support has been provided for isOpen property.


The Splitter is the layout user interface (UI) which contains multiple resizable panes and separator bar.

  • Resizable: By default, all the panes configured with resizable.
  • Orientation: The panes can be oriented horizontally and vertically.
  • Nested: Integrate splitter controls inside split pane to create nested layout.
  • Separator: Divide the pane with horizontal or vertical line with customizable dimension.

Stock Chart

Stock Chart component is used to track and visualize stock price of any company over a specific period using charting and range tools. All stock elements are rendered by using Scalable Vector
Graphics (SVG).

  • Data Binding - Binds the data with local and remote data source.
  • Chart - To represent the selected data and its supports candle, hilo, OHLC, line, spline and area type series.
  • Range Selector - To select the smaller range from a larger collection.
  • Data Types - Supports three different types of data, namely Numerical, Datetime, and Logarithmic.
  • Animation - Chart series and slider will be animated when rendering and changing the selected data.
  • Period Selector - Supports period selector to select data based on predefined periods.
  • Tooltip - Supports tooltip for the selected data.
  • Export - Supports to print the chart directly from the browser and exports in both JPEG and PNG format.


New Features

  • Tab vertical orientation support was provided.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with adding multiple classes in cssClass property has been fixed.
  • The issue with updating value property on model binding has been fixed.
  • The issue with receiving event arguments of TextBox events have been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Selecting a value with the Enter key will not bubble up the event to its ancestor elements.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the issue "window is not define" on registering component as plugin in Toast component.


New Features

  • Support has been added for desaturation color mapping.
  • Support has been added to hide specific legend items and bind legend text from data source.
  • Support has been added for highlighting or selecting the legend items along with shapes.
  • Support has been added to bind colors for the items from the data source.


New Features

  • Provided an option to disable child nodes when load-on-demand support is enabled.
  • Provided an option to disable the load-on-demand support in TreeView control.


New Features

  • Enabled sequential upload support to file upload component that upload the selected files one after the other to the server.
  • New event provided "chunkUploading" which trigger on every chunk to be upload in file upload.
  • Provided the option to get additional data back from a server to client on file upload.
ej2-react-ui-components - v16.4.40-beta

Published by essentialjs2 almost 6 years ago


New Features

  • Added !default flag to the component style (SCSS) variables for customization.

Accumulation chart

New Features

  • The center option has been provided to the accumulation chart.
  • Support has been provided for different radius in pie slice.


New Features

  • Support for grid line animation has been provided.
  • Support has been provided to load data on-demand.


The Chip control contains a small block of essential information that triggers an event on click action. It also contains the primary text, image, or both, and is mostly used in mails, contacts, or filter tags.

  • Input chip - Basic chip with delete icon that represents a person or entity and enables removal of chips from the chip list collection.
  • Choice chip - Used to select a choice from the available options.
  • Filter chip - Used to select multiple choices from the available options.
  • Action chip - Used to trigger actions for primary content.


New Features

  • Support has been added to set gap between the ranges.
  • Support has been added to calculate the radius of the gauge based on the start and end angles.


Breaking Changes

  • The animationSettings property type changed from AnimationSettings to AnimationSettingsModel


Bug Fixes

  • Script error thrown in batch-deleting while server returns no data is resolved.
  • Provided option in DataManger to define CRUD url in OdataV4Adaptor.


Bug Fixes

  • Selecting a value with the Enter key will not bubble up the event to its ancestor elements.


New Features

  • Support to create a UML class diagram through code or a visual interface with the built-in class diagram shapes is added.
  • Support to create a UML activity diagram through code or a visual interface with the built-in activity shapes is added.
  • Support to limit the label positions while dragging a label from the connector is added.
  • Support to generate a diagram by reading the data from the database, and updating the database with the newly inserted/updated/deleted nodes and connectors is added.
  • Support to render a large number of nodes and connectors in a diagram for effective performance is added.
  • Template support for annotation is added.


New Features

  • Provided resizable support to the dialog for both modal dialog and modeless dialog (non-modal).

Document Editor

New Features

  • Added support for Right-to-left flow direction in control.
  • Added support for table auto fit layout.
  • Added Document Editor Container component for toolbar and properties pane.


Bug Fixes

  • Restricted multiple request when no data returned from server issue has been resolved.

Excel Export

Bug Fixes

  • Updated Readme and GitHub URL.

New Features

  • Added formula property to set formulas on export.


New Features

  • Localization - Supports to localize error message for the "FormValidator" to different cultures.


Bug Fixes

  • Initial multi-sorting icon is added incorrectly fixed.
  • Validation for complex property is not added properly resolved.

New Features

  • Filter template support added.
  • Edit template support added.
  • Dialog edit template support added.
  • Reactive aggregate update support added.
  • Date time type column filter support added.
  • Windows explorer like check-box selection added.
  • Expand and collapse enabled in excel exported document for grouped grid.
  • Support to prevent the overriding of autofit columns by Resizing added.
  • Show All option added for page size drop-down.


New Features

  • Support for toggling the cell visibility with legend selection has been added for fixed type legend in heat map. This support helps to view the data points with values which matches the legend selection.
  • Multi-level axis label grouping feature has been added to heat map.
  • Cell selection feature has been added to heat map, this feature helps to select single or multiple heat map cells at run-time.
  • Support for binding date object to axis labels for cell JSON data has been provided.
  • Support for auto generating axis labels for cell JSON data has been provided.
  • Provided support for formatting legend label in heat map.
  • Provided support for customizing the cell tool tip UI.
  • Provided support for customizing the data labels.

In-place Editor

The In-place Editor component is used to edit and update the input value dynamically to the server. It supports integrating many component types such as “DropDownList”,”DatePicker”,”AutoComplete”, etc.

  • Render mode - Provides two types of rendering modes when editing the input, namely “Inline” and “Popup”.
  • Component integration - Support to integrate components such as “DropDownList”, “DatePicker”,” AutoComplete”, etc. to the In-place Editor.
  • Data binding - Bind the In-place Editor component with an array of JSON objects or DataManager to save the edited data to the server.
  • Customization - Offers UI customization such as popup, buttons, and also denotes editable content state.
  • Template - Templates can be used to integrate custom controls to the In-place Editor.
  • Globalization - Provides right to left and localization support.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed getSelectedItems method returns undefined values for remote data.


New Features

  • Support has been added for desaturation color mapping.
  • Support has been added to hide specific legend items and bind legend text from data source.
  • Support has been added for highlighting or selecting the legend items along with shapes.
  • Support has been added to specify multiple fields in the data source for shapePropertyPath.
  • Events has been added for zoom-in and zoom-out.


Breaking Changes

  • Type changes done for the following property.

| Property Name | Old Type | New Type |
|: ---------:| ---------:| ---------:|
| animationSettings | AnimationSettings | AnimationSettingsModel |
| fields | FieldSettings | FieldSettingsModel |

New Features

  • Provided scrollable option in Menu for rendering large menus and submenus in an adaptive way.


Breaking Changes

  • Renamed the selectAll event argument IsChecked to isChecked.
  • Renamed the selectAll event argument e to event.

Bug Fixes

  • Change event is now triggered for MultiSelect components, when focused out.

PDF Viewer

The PDF Viewer component enables you to view and print the PDF files.

  • Both normal and PDF files protected with AES and RC4 encryption can be opened and displayed.
  • Core interactions are included: scrolling, zooming, panning, and page navigation.
  • Built-in toolbar.
  • Text can be selected and copied from PDF files.
  • Text can be easily searched for across the PDF document.
  • Easy navigation with the help of bookmarks, thumbnails, hyperlinks, and a table of contents.
  • Two view modes are included: fit-to-page and fit-to-width.
  • An entire document or a specific page can be printed directly from the browser.

Pdf Export

Bug Fixes

  • Compilation issue in CI is fixed.
  • Updated Readme and GitHub URL.

New Features

  • Added Nested Grid support.
  • Added RTL Text support.

Pivot Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #219623 - Text in the field list tab gets completely displayed in mobile layout.
  • #219625 - Scrolling works properly in touch mode when virtual scroll option is enabled.
  • #219625 - In mobile device, virtual scrolling sample is loaded properly from the sample browser.
  • #219625 - In mobile device, last column cells are displayed properly.

New Features

  • Raw items in the control can be edited and updated at runtime.
  • Provided support to list the raw items for a particular value cell.
  • In the filter pop-up, provided support to set the limit the display field values and search option for refining the values from large data.
  • Provided hyperlink support to perform any custom operation programmatically.
  • Defer update option has been provided to refresh the control on-demand and not during every UI interaction for better performance.
  • Provided support to show or hide subtotals and grand totals for rows and columns.
  • More aggregation types like – Distinct Count, Product, Running Totals, Percentage of Column Total, Percentage of Parent Column Total, Population Var are added.


Breaking Changes

  • Type changes done for the following property.

| Property Name | Old Type | New Type |
|: ---------:| ---------:| ---------:|
| animationSettings | AnimationSettings | AnimationSettingsModel |
| spinSettings | SpinSettings | SpinSettingsModel |


The Query Builder component is a graphical user interface that allows users to create and edit filters. It outputs a structured JSON of filters which that can be easily parsed to create SQL. It is integrated with Data Manager to communicates with data sources and returns the desired result based on the provided filter. It supports data binding, templates, validation, and horizontal and vertical orientation.

  • Data binding: It auto populates the data source and maps the data to the appropriate fields.
  • Template: Supports templates and it is applicable for all input components.
  • Queries: Queries supports JSON/SQL rules.


Bug Fixes

  • Dynamic enabling and disabling support for toolbar items has been provided.
  • Image dialog's Browse button width is not adjusted based on the text issue has been resolved.

New Features

  • Insert table support has provided for MarkDown Editor.


Breaking Changes

  • The default value of allowVirtualScrolling has been changed to false.

Bug Fixes

  • An issue that occurs with BYDAY rule option, while defining day names in different order has been fixed.
  • An issue with eventClick client-side event not triggering, while selecting multiple appointments by pressing ctrl key and mouse click combination has been fixed.
  • An issue with wrong display of + more count indicator in all-day row has been fixed.

New Features

  • A specific time range can be blocked on Scheduler now, to prevent the creation of appointments in that time slot.
  • Specific events can be made read-only, restricting any CRUD actions.
  • Load resources and appointments of timeline views virtually on every scroll action.


New Features

  • Two-way binding support has been provided for isOpen property.


The Splitter is the layout user interface (UI) which contains multiple resizable panes and separator bar.

  • Resizable: By default, all the panes configured with resizable.
  • Orientation: The panes can be oriented horizontally and vertically.
  • Nested: Integrate splitter controls inside split pane to create nested layout.
  • Separator: Divide the pane with horizontal or vertical line with customizable dimension.

Stock Chart

Stock Chart component is used to track and visualize stock price of any company over a specific period using charting and range tools. All stock elements are rendered by using Scalable Vector
Graphics (SVG).

  • Data Binding - Binds the data with local and remote data source.
  • Chart - To represent the selected data and its supports candle, hilo, OHLC, line, spline and area type series.
  • Range Selector - To select the smaller range from a larger collection.
  • Data Types - Supports three different types of data, namely Numerical, Datetime, and Logarithmic.
  • Animation - Chart series and slider will be animated when rendering and changing the selected data.
  • Period Selector - Supports period selector to select data based on predefined periods.
  • Tooltip - Supports tooltip for the selected data.
  • Export - Supports to print the chart directly from the browser and exports in both JPEG and PNG format.


New Features

  • Tab vertical orientation support was provided.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with adding multiple classes in cssClass property has been fixed.
  • The issue with updating value property on model binding has been fixed.
  • The issue with receiving event arguments of TextBox events have been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Selecting a value with the Enter key will not bubble up the event to its ancestor elements.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the issue "window is not define" on registering component as plugin in Toast component.


New Features

  • Support has been added for desaturation color mapping.
  • Support has been added to hide specific legend items and bind legend text from data source.
  • Support has been added for highlighting or selecting the legend items along with shapes.
  • Support has been added to bind colors for the items from the data source.


New Features

  • Provided an option to disable child nodes when load-on-demand support is enabled.
  • Provided an option to disable the load-on-demand support in TreeView control.


New Features

  • Enabled sequential upload support to file upload component that upload the selected files one after the other to the server.
  • New event provided "chunkUploading" which trigger on every chunk to be upload in file upload.
  • Provided the option to get additional data back from a server to client on file upload.
ej2-react-ui-components - v16.3.33

Published by essentialjs2 almost 6 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the disabled property value not included in the component model.


Bug Fixes

  • Series DataSource change chart refresh issue fixed.
  • Axis label is now rendering properly, when we have the interval in decimals.

New Features

  • Margin options are added to legend.


Bug Fixes

  • Add multiple classes dynamically to cssClass property issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with range bar pointer tooltip is resolved now.


Bug Fixes

  • Updated Readme and GitHub URL.


Bug Fixes

  • Exception thrown when adding the child to the Node which has multiple parent Child is now working fine.
  • Textbox lost its focus when we mouse up on Diagram is now working fine.
  • Issue with expand collapse, when the child having more than one parent have been fixed.
  • Issue on measuring path element while refreshing the diagram is now working fine.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • Updated Readme and GitHub URL.


Bug Fixes

  • DropDownList locale added in config Json file.


Bug Fixes

  • Updated Readme and GitHub URL.


Bug Fixes

  • Form validator email and min validation issues has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Using html in footerTemplate of aggregation is hidden in excel-export and pdf-export is fixed.
  • columnMenu is not properly render when disable the grid properties at column level is resolved.
  • With Virtual scrolling, args.data returns as undefined in rowSelected event is fixed.
  • Virtualization translate value calculated incorrectly when set height 100% is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed focus out event not triggered properly while interact ListView with keyboard navigation keys.


Bug Fixes

  • Now map is rendering properly in universal applications
  • Now panning works properly without freezing


Bug Fixes

  • Added the event and isInteracted event arguments in open and close events of Sidebar.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with receiving event arguments of TextBox events have been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • In TreeView, scrolling is not working smoothly for iPad device issue is resolved
ej2-react-ui-components - v16.3.32

Published by essentialjs2 almost 6 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Polar area type border closing issue fixed.
  • scrollbar inverted axis position issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Tooltip is rendering properly without flickering, while the circular gauge is rendered in small space.


Bug Fixes

  • ComboBox focus event argument issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Files are compressed properly in Angular production mode.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the issue with max-height in dialog.


Bug Fixes

  • Data related attributes are added to input element instead of select element has been fixed.
  • Console error thrown as maximum call stack when set the empty dataSource that issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Refreshing a template in column Grid after edit and update displays no records in IE is fixed.
  • Unable to use captionTemplate in angular grid is resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Linear gauge is rendering properly now, even if the id is not specified for the div element.


Bug Fixes

  • Now map is rendering properly in universal applications
  • Now panning works properly without freezing


Bug Fixes

  • Original event argument does not get in selectedAll event argument that issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • An issue with date and time displaying wrongly on quick popup in the presence of Daylight Saving Time has been fixed.
ej2-react-ui-components - v16.3.29

Published by ajithr almost 6 years ago


New Features

  • Upgraded TypeScript version to 3.0


Bug Fixes

  • AutoComplete minLength property is not perform when use custom filtering event has been resolved.


New Features

  • Options provided to change the header text in tooltip.


Bug Fixes

  • Added multiple class name support for the cssClass property.


Bug Fixes

  • Added multiple class name support for the cssClass property.


Bug Fixes

  • Node position is not updated properly in expand and collapse feature is now fixed.
  • Diagram getting overflow when use a flex layout UI 100% width/height is now working properly.


New Features

  • Provided support to set the dialog position value as combination of string and number.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • Images are now displayed properly.

New Features

  • Added support for input method editor.


New Features

  • Included refreshItemHeight public API to recalculate list item height in UI Virtualization.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with using the space as "promptChar" in Masked TextBox has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • MultiSelect filtering is shown incorrect result when using remote datasource issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with triggering unwanted “focusout” and “change” events has been fixed.


New Features

  • Support to drag and drop an item from external source into scheduler and vice versa has been provided.
  • In mobile devices, drag and drop support has been enabled by tap holding and moving the appointments over the time slots.
  • Auto navigation option from current scheduler view to previous or next date range has been provided, while dragging an appointment to the left or right extremities of the view port.
  • Scrolling action has been improved to enable smooth scrolling, while dragging an appointment to any of the view port extremities.


Bug Fixes

  • Added multiple class name support for the cssClass property.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved Tooltip arrow alignment issue in compatibility CSS.


New Features

  • Provided an option to prevent the tree node from auto checking when checked state of the parent or child tree node is modified.
  • Provided support to use hierarchical data as remote data source of the TreeView component by using offline mode of data manager plugin.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the issue with triggering selected event on cancel the file selection.
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Top 1.58% on Npmjs.org
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