
ICARUS Terminal for Elite Dangerous

ISC License

icarus - v0.9.4

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

Small update to address some minor issues.

Navigation Panel

  • Fixed bug with the route planner incorrectly flagging all systems in a route as being the 'Current System' when first arriving at an undiscovered system when the Route view was open during a jump.
  • Fixed a cache bug which was causing views of systems which were not previously fully discovered reverting to older cache under specific circumstances (resolved by normalizing the key for the in-memory system cache).
  • Improved copy and appearance of text in several places in the System Map to be more accurate and for cosmetic reasons.

Ship Panel

  • Improved layout of ship modules to display more information at medium to small window/display sizes (including the default window size).
  • Explicitly handles when no modules of a particular size are fitted (i.e. hardpoint, optional, internal, utility) by displaying appropriate text in Ship Modules view.
icarus - v0.9.3

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

Update v0.9.3 is a fairly small change mostly to address an issue I noticed with some system states and in some specific systems, that has possibly cropped up due to a change on how the data is returned by the game and/or stored in EDSM.

Note: This was previously released as v0.9.2 but replaced with v0.9.3 a few minutes later to address a critical bug that was spotted after release.


  • Improved handling of - info displayed for - different system states in System Map view
  • Improved display of text for system allegiance in System Map view

User Interface / Theme changes

  • This release includes an update that adds subtle color grading and saturation adjustment to create a slightly richer feel to the interface. There are equally small changes to the default colors for elements to balance them out.
  • The default zoom level has been tweaked, to display more information on screen at the same time in the default view, font sizes on the main navigation controls have been adjusted to compensate. This has been done with consideration for a range of users, including mobile device and VR players in mind. NB: If you find the default text size is too small, you can scale the entire UI using CTRL+MOUSWHEEL UP/DOWN

The grading / stylization changes are somewhat subjective and I'm happy to take feedback on how different folks feel about them.

If enough people prefer a really clean/super crisp UI - e.g. less like the more immersive in-ship menu system and more like the hard clean edges of the in-station or in-terminal menus - then I'm happy for that to be a toggle . So far I've trying to strike a balance between the two.

Similarly, I'm trying to balance what I'd ideally like to do with the UI with what is practical on low power devices (e.g. slower cheap/old tablets/phones) with what is only really viable on higher end devices (e.g. secondary monitors on PCs, ChromeOS tablets, etc) where a much more dynamic experience is possible (e.g. more animations, effects, etc). Ultimately I could also resolve this with an FX level toggle (High/Low) so I can leave in some of the fancier effects on devices that can support them.

icarus - v0.9.1

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

Navigation Panel

This is a hotfix to improve handling of systems that have old data for them in the EDSM database.

This particularly impacts systems that have had bodies renamed or otherwise changed since the release of the game, in particular in the Pleiades and Witch Head sectors.

This change improves handling of bodies in older systems by de-duping data using unique internal in-game ID and using the most recently submitted data to EDSM to filter out older data.

icarus - v0.9.0

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

This release brings improvements to the Engineering Panel Blueprint view and some minor improvements to the Navigation Route and the Ship Modules views.

The release of Odyssey Update 11 and introduction of Fleet Carrier interiors seems to have gone fine and there are no known issues with ICARUS Terminal and the new update. There may be some improvements to handling of displaying location when on a Carrier , but as it is already, it works without issue - it knows when you are in orbit around a Carrier next to a planet, when you have docked with a Carrier and when you disembarked and are in the hanger and when you move from the hanger to the concourse on a Fleet Carrier. There is some inconsistency as to when the name of the nearest planet it displayed though that is a minor issue.

Location tracking is largely a cosmetic / nice to have feature as it is currently implemented, but I hope the significance of having this logic in place should become apparent in future releases (there is a lot more state being tracked in the back end than is currently surfaced in the UI).

On the topic of Update 11, Frontier quietly slightly changed how the Journal API was implemented by changing how files were named which broke some other third party tools, I just wanted to confirm the approach used by ICARUS Terminal (which uses both file system metadata and timestamps within files) meant ICARUS was not impacted by the change.

On to the updates!

Engineering Panel

  • Added Engineers able to apply Blueprints and what Grades of engineering they are able to do for each Blueprint to Blueprint view. In a future update I will also add what system each engineer is in and the distance to them from your current location. It's unclear if the API makes it possible to easily know which Engineers a commander has unlocked (I suspect not); conveying that could be a challenge.
  • Improved appearance of positive/negative effects of each grade of a Blueprint - and made a corresponding cosmetic change to the Ship Modules view.
  • Fixed incorrect positive/negative indicators for some values on Blueprints (they should all be correct now!)

Navigation Panel

  • Added explicit support for gracefully displaying systems in the Witch Head that were renamed after launch, curiously they ended up with some weirdly long names that combined the new system names with the old names for systems, which didn't happen with Colonia systems when they were renamed. This made the Navigation Panel hard to read for those systems, so I added explicit support to check for systems in the Witch Head that have been renamed and change the names that are displayed in ICARUS Terminal accordingly.
  • Fixed issues with some states not being reflected properly for some systems - this is either messy data in EDSM (perhaps from third party clients) or how it was expressed in game was slightly changed. It was still able to display the state as there is fallback support, it just wasn't displaying the 'flavor text' for each state that tries to explain what the ramifications are (e.g. increased bounty missions).
  • Improved appearance and text used on Navigation Route view. Text is more consistent, view looks a bit nicer.
  • Added the number of jumps / total distance to destination on Navigation Route view
  • Caught an edge case issue that could potentially crash UI on Navigation Route view

Ship Panel

  • Improved appearance of values on Module Inspector Panel to more clearly highlight positive/negative engineering effects applied to a module
  • Slightly increased size of Module Inspector Panel to reduce need for scrolling


  • Internal refactoring and code cleanup of game event handling
icarus - v0.8.0

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

Engineering Panel

  • Now displays stat changes for each grade of Engineering for a Blueprint (stats from EDCD / Coriolis).
  • Materials in Materials and Blueprint views now display in red if you are out of stock, to make it more obvious that you are out of an item.
  • Material names in the Blueprint view can now be copied by clicking / tapping on them (as they already could be in the Materials view).

I also wanted to include listing which engineers (and how far away they are) could handle engineering for each Blueprint but that will have to be in a future update.

Navigation Panel

  • Improved appearance and text of current location in System Map.

Ship Panel

  • Now displays status of secondary fuel tank instead of total power draw.

Engineering effects on modules in the Ship panel can slightly different names from those displayed in the Blueprint view - although it should be easy to enough to work them out. This release includes some initial work to unify those so they current effects can be ultimately be displayed in the Blueprints view too.

Much more interesting changes coming to the ship panel in the future, this is a minor interim change.


icarus - v0.7.3

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

This update is a minor feature update but that includes a significant update behind the scenes to track commander and ship status.

This is used in this update to improve and extend the functionality of the Navigation and Ship panels in minor ways, but will enable extending the functionality of both further in future - with extensive new functionality now possible in the Navigation and Ship panels - and will be critical in the creation of "Commander" panel (which is may end up being a "Home" panel, similar to how it it appears on the right hand side panel in game).

Navigation Panel

  • Added indicator with current location within system (e.g. planet, station, port, settlement, etc) to System Map
  • Improved appearance of information about facilities in a system (takes up less space) in System Map
  • Improved appearance of system co-ordinates in System Map
  • Improve display of text in Route view
  • Added text to indicate current system in Route panel what was missing on small screens (e.g. mobile devices)

Ship Panel

  • Improved awareness of when onboard / not on board your ship (including specifically when you are onboard a ship that isn't yours)
  • Improved handling of empty cargo and fuel tanks
icarus - v0.7.2

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

Minor improvements in a number of areas, including internal refactoring.

  • Improved System Information in System Map in Navigation Panel
    • System state (Boom, Bust, War, etc) now more prominently displayed with descriptive flavor text for all states.
    • Improve system information on bottom of System Map.
  • List view in Navigation Panel now uses full names (not appreciated versions) of Planets if there is room
  • Improved fallback handling in Inventory view in Ship Panel
  • Cosmetic improvements to table animations
  • Cosmetic improvements to icons and logo
  • Added PWA Manifest
    Intended for anyone that is useful for who want's to run terminals as Web Apps; useful if you want to be able to more easily run full screen windows on a second monitor.
icarus - v0.7.1

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

Nothing exciting in this release, these are mostly internal changes ahead of a more significant release to de-couple the changes to allow any issues that crop up as a result to be spotted early, instead of dropping them all in a big bang.

  • Adds internal logic for determining the current status of a Cmdr - this is not yet surfaced in the interface.
  • Updates to internal libraries and build tools to address know minor issues with those libraries (latest security patches, etc).
  • Slightly reduced oversized text size for Material names in the Engineering Panel.
  • Change to System Map in Navigation Panel to use primary color instead of secondary color for background gradient highlight. This better ties the panel together with other panels by using the predominant theme color instead of the secondary color.
icarus - v0.7.0

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

This update is mostly centered around more sophisticated logic for determining player location at startup for the Navigation Panel.

Navigation Panel

  • Implemented new system for determining location at startup
    Logic is now more robust and better handles situations such as being detained or death or using an escape pod, shuttle, transport or fleet carrier or multicrew.
  • Navigation List View now displays system name at the top
  • Improved icons in Navigation List View
  • Additional support for highlighting some rare bodies and several cosmetic improvements in Navigation List View
  • Fixed typo in Navigation List View help
  • Made text at the bottom of System Map more readable

Ship Panel

  • Improved how text is displayed for Mission Critical and Stolen Cargo


  • Improved formatting of table (list) headings in UI


This new logic is only leveraged by the Navigation Panel - the Ship Panel is still not always aware of when you are in your ship (e.g. and not someone else's ship), although it is aware when you are on foot or in an SRV. This matters to the Ship Panel because some data is not available when you are not on board your ship and if didn't know when you were not on board it would end up displaying incorrect information, to avoid that it caches the data it has for the ship when you disembark and display the "last known" data until you are back on board the ship again.

Work to leverage new options introduced in Odyssey to precisely reflect players current state (e.g. on foot, in an SRV, in their ship, in someone else ship, on a fleet carrier or station or megaship or taxi or transport, at a port, on a planet, near a settlement or a point of interest, etc) and more detailed information about the status of the player and their suit/SRV/ship is still in progress.

icarus - v0.6.3

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

Navigation Panel

  • Expanded list of supported icons highlighting features of stellar bodies
  • Added contextual help to Navigation list view to display a key for icons


(The spelling of 'Atmosphere' will be fixed in the next update!)


  • Improved app icon (cleaned up / simplified)
icarus - v0.6.2

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

Minor update to add icon to terminal windows - this should have been included in v0.6.1 when the new app icon was added.

icarus - v0.6.1

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

  • Minor improvements to some of the icons
  • Added new application icon to replace existing placeholder icon

Note: Windows caches application icons, so you will probably continue to see the old icon until you rebuild your icon cache

e.g. with ie4uinit.exe -show

icarus - v0.6.0

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

Ship Panel

  • Added new Inventory view (aka Ship Locker) to Ship Panel

This view lists all Consumables, Goods (aka Items), Components and Data stored in the Ship Locker (the internal in-game name for items introduced in the Odyssey expansion).

This is being added to the Ship Panel for now because it's the most logical place at the moment and I have not collated Engineering info for Odyssey items so do not have a list of which items are used in Engineering (or what they can be used for).

Unlike the in game UI it actually groups items so you won't get duplicate items of the same type. If one or more items are Mission Critical and/or Stolen it will indicate how many are either of those, along side the total number you have. This makes it much easier to see the total number of items you have at a glance.

It's possible this initial release may not update in real time and will slightly lag behind in game activity, if that turns out to be the case that will be improved in a later release. Odyssey items work slightly differently and it hasn't been extensively tested so I'm not sure if it works more like Cargo or if they work more like Materials (as they have similarities to both).

If you don't have an item, it won't show up in your inventory. This is also how the Cargo screen works. This is different to how the Engineering Materials UI works (which lists all materials, even you don't have any). This difference in behavior is consistent with how the in game UI works for cargo/inventory and engineering. When Odyssey Engineering is added to the Engineering Panel it will likely display some of these items, but in a way consistent with other Engineering views. The Inventory view may be updated to indicate which items can be used for Engineering, when I have that data collated.

Navigation Panel

  • Minor improvements to some icons in the Navigation List view
  • Slightly changed the order of appearance for some icons highlighting the features of a body in the Navigation List view
icarus - v0.5.0

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

Now that things are more settled and a baseline level of functionality is in place, from this release, new builds will bump the minor version number for new features (e.g. 0.6.0, 0.7.0) and use the patch versions (e.g. 0.5.1) for bug fixes.

Navigation Panel

  • Add icons to List view to indicate features such as if a body has a high metal content, is terraformable, is a water world, is a high metal content body, has volcanic activity, has atmosphere or can be landed on.
  • Bodies and stations and ships can be landed on still have their icons highlighted using the secondary theme color.
  • Improved display of List view on small displays, now uses labels for planet names and more compact spacing for icons to reduce text clipping.
  • Improved formatting of the distance of objects to the main star in List view.

Other Improvements

  • Improved some existing icons, including reworking the Manufactured Material icon.
  • Fix for systems with no human presence displaying the text 'None Economy' (should not display anything).


icarus - v0.4.2

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

Hotfix to resolve bug around handling of distances to systems in Route plotter and how undiscovered systems are rendered on the System Map.

These were issues introduced in the (much more interesting) previous release.

icarus - v0.4.1

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

This update includes improvements to the Navigation Panel System Map and Route views as well as other minor improvements to the Ship Panel.

Navigation Panel

  • Added system information (Controlling Faction, Faction State, Primary and Secondary Economy, Security Status, Allegiance, Government type) to info for remote systems on System Map - a much improved experience when in populated space
  • Added Primary and Secondary Economy to current system information on System Map
  • Added Faction State (e.g. Boom, Bust, Pirate Attack, War, etc) to current system information on System Map
  • Added system co-ordinates to remote systems on System Map
  • Added distance to remote system when viewing them on System Map
  • Added text to clearly indicate when viewing current system on System Map
  • Added distance between current location and all stars along the current route to the Route view
  • System Map and System List view now fall back to displaying information about the Sol system if no game data is found
  • Route view now explicitly handles the case of no route / game data found

Ship Panel

  • Improved module hover effect so it animates better (avoiding lag when rendering inset shadow FX)
  • Ship Panel (Modules and Cargo view) now explicitly handles the case when no game data was found


  • Improved appearance of message notifications from NPCs and players so they are easier to read


  • Launcher now explicitly handles the case when no game data was found


  • Various small tweaks to text, icon sizes and buttons and reduce unintended flicker in UI
icarus - v0.4.0

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

As of v0.4.0 all releases (including individual binaries, DLLs and the installer) are digitally signed.

As well as ensuring application integrity this also has the practical benefit of reducing the number of falsely flagged virus notifications. All binaries in this release have been comprehensively scanned and verified.

The first few users to install signed releases may still get a Microsoft Smart Screen notification, but usage will build trust over time and as all release are signed with the same signature this will carry over into future releases and will eventually this stop being an issue.

There are no other new features in this release, but it's highly recommended to install this update.

icarus - v0.3.12

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

A minor update, but with a new feature that lets you sync custom theme colors on devices more easily.

This is especially useful when using ICARUS Terminal on a tablet or mobile device, where they often don't have good options for selecting themes, and also allows you to run ICARUS Terminal on the desktop and use the color picker to copy custom theme settings from your UI in Elite Dangerous (e.g. configured with EDHM UI) and then push those settings out to other devices.

This release also includes multiple small improvements to animations, icons and coloring used to highlight information across panels, in particular to make better use of secondary theme color where appropriate.

icarus - v0.3.11

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release Notes

A grab bag of minor improvements.

  • Improvements to the UI of the Navigation Panel's System Map and System List views
  • Several small cosmetic improvements impacting all panels as well as notifications

I'm hoping to release some substantial feature work over the next week.

icarus - v0.3.10

Published by iaincollins over 2 years ago

Release notes

A bug fix for notifications and a grab bag of minor fixes and improvements.

  • Fix for Notifications not being displayed
  • Fix Engineering Blueprints not displaying level of engineering on modules in tablet portrait displays
  • Improve appearance of Notification toggle in header
  • Remove 'Distance to Arrival' text in Navigation List view (affordance for smaller displays)
  • Improve Text Copy icon appearance (arrow was wonky)
  • Improve alignment and spacing of text on System Map overlay
  • Improve progress bar appearance