
SARL Agent-Oriented Programming Language

APACHE-2.0 License

sarl - Release 0.7.1

Published by gallandarakhneorg over 6 years ago

1. SARL Language

1.1. SARL Language Grammar

  • Use the variable's reference names within assert's Java expressions. (details)
  • Internal errors within the type computer should not stop the compilation. (details)
  • Add static fields for the default compiler's configuration. (details)

2. SARL User Interface

2.3. Eclipse Product

2.3.1. Preferences

  • Disable "use expression interpreter" when "generate inline annotation is disabled. (details)
  • Add "experimental" to the "Generation Inline annotations" within the compiler preference page. (details)

2.3.2. Wizards

  • Add wizard for exporting a SARL application. (details)

3. Janus Run-time Environment

  • Janus Eclipse plugin must not be in dependencies of the Janus SRE. (details)

4. Tools for SARL Contributors

  • Split the Eclipse working set "Plugins" to "Core Plugins" and "API Plugins". (details)
  • No code style check within JavaFX code because it is SARL code. (details)
sarl - Release 0.7.0

Published by gallandarakhneorg over 6 years ago

SARL Language

SARL Language Grammar

  • Add the continue keyword. (details)

  • Add number method extensions that are implicitly imported. (details)

  • Add implicit casting functions for numbers. (details)

  • Fixing the operator precedence. (details)

  • Apply JLS 8.4.8. (details)

    Xtext library partly implements the JLS 8.4.8, related to inheritance mechanisms. SARL compiler includes a patch until Xtext is fixed.

  • Avoid the invalid report of a dupliciate interface or capacity implementation. (details)

  • Fixing the equality tests for Address and SpaceID. (details)

  • Do not create shadow variables for break and continue keywords. (details)

  • Output the Ecore data structure when one Ecore element was not found. (details)

SARL Validator

  • Add detection of the potential field synchronization problems. (details)

    The SARL validator analyzes the usages of the declared fields. When a field is read and written outside a synchronized block, the validator outputs a warning.

  • Adding tests on field read accesses for preparing a Xtext pull request. (details)

  • A field is not detected as used when it is assigned. (details)

Java Model Inferrer

  • Cloning of type references with full type parameter support. (details)

    The cloning function of the type references did not clone the generic type's parameters. In this release the generic type's parameters are cloned.

  • Avoid class cast exception in SARLJvmModelAssociations for source elements. (details)

  • Move early-exit detector within an utility class. (details)

SARL Core Library

  • Add org.eclipse.xtend.lib to the standard SARL Libraries. (details)

  • Programmatic Bootstrap:

    • Move the bootstrap from the core library to the lang library. (details)
    • Enable basic configuration of the SARL bootstrap (offline, etc.) (details)
    • Add startWithoutAgent() function to the SRE bootstrap utility class. (details)
  • Add DefaultSkill annotation. (details)

    This annotation enables to specify a default skill for a capacity.

  • Enable the access to the getCaller() function from a skill. (details)

  • Change the private API for exhibiting a concurrent map of skills. (details)

  • Cleaning the MapExtensions for submission to Xtext. (details)

  • Fix resource names for English version (details)

SARL Formatter

  • Enable an empty line before multiline comments. (details)

SARL Batch Compiler

  • Update the messages given by the SARL batch compiler. (details)
  • Internal Xtext info messages are logged at debug level within the batch compiler. (details)

SARL Development Toolkit (SDK)

New Features

  • Add library into the SDK. (details)

    This library provides the basic implementation of a JavaFX-based application that is able to launch SARL agents.

Logging Capacity

  • Add more functions within Logging capacity. (details)
  • Fixing the Logging documentation. (details)

Lifecycle Capacity

  • Fixing the invalid prototype of spawnInContext. (details)
  • Update documentation about the parallel execution behavior of the spawning functions. (details)

ExternalContextAccess Capacity

  • Add getUniverseContext within ExternalContextAccess. (details)

    This function enables the agent to retrieve the Universe context, i.e. the root context for all the agents.



  • THe function setName of in AgentTask is now private API. (details)


  • Deprecation of agentID field within AgentKilled. (details)

  • Deprecation of getSpaceId in Address in favor of getSpaceID. (details)

  • Deprecate the event scoping implementations. (details)

    The definition of a event scoping function with a lambda expression is possible. The Scopes utility class provides implementation that are deprecated, and should be replaced by lambda expressions.

SARL User Interface

UI Components

  • Remove the imports from the outline to mimic the Java outline component. (details)

  • Add "Correct indentation" menu item. (details)

    The "correct indentation" tools is based on the SARL formatter. The associated shortcut is Ctrl+i.

Internal UI Implementation

  • Add Eclipse extension for detecting SARL files faster. (details)

    Xtext infrastructure provides this extension to DSL languages in order to obtain a faster detection of a DSL file before opening it. This extension is used for detecting SARL files.

  • Use Eclipse platform-uri syntax in image loader. (details)

    The image loader, which is provided by Xtext API supports the specification of a platform-uri for loading an image from another plugin. This update is pull requested to Xtext.

  • Add preference accessor for SARL source viewer. (details)

Eclipse Product

Launching Configurations

  • Add SARL application launch configuration. (commit 1, commit 2, commit 3, commit 4, commit 5)

    Until now, launching a SARL program means launching a single agent. The classpath of the application is dynamically updated for replacing the SARL libraries by the SRE's libraries (for example the Janus framework).
    In several cases, a standard application should be launched before the first agent is created. Then, this application is in charge of launching the agents with the programmatic bootstrap. A standard Java application cannot be used because the need of the dynamic replacement of the SARL libraries by the SRE's libraries is still present. A new type of launching configuration is introduced: SARL application launching configuration (the previous type is now named SARL agent launching configuration).

  • Fixing issue when selecting a project SRE setting in launch configuration. (details)

  • Add a provider of SRE, which is based on the defined SRE bootstraps as JRE services. (details)


  • Add preference page for the SARL editors. (details)

UI Components

  • Move the "Open Type Hierarchy" item within the popup menu. (commit 1, commit 2)
  • Add the SRE classpath entries to the "Run as SARL application" launch configuration. (details)
  • Attach F4 shortcut to the SARL open type hierarchy command. (details)
  • New splash screen with date. (details)

Internal Eclipse Implementation

  • Fixing the invalid type of library for SARL Libraries. (details)

    The SARL libraries were defined as system libraries. This choice avoids to detect them within the classpath in order to be replaced by the SRE's libraries.

  • Rename StandardProjectSREProvider to EclipseIDEProjectSREProvider. (details)

  • Move implementation from getName to getNameNoDefault in ISREInstall implementation. (details)

  • Remove standalone flag in ISREInstall. (details)

External Contributions to SARL


  • Add template for a SARL application using JavaFX. (details)

    An example of SARL code is added for providing a template of a JavaFX-based application to the SARL developers.

  • Reimplement the Fireworks example for using the new SARL-JavaFX API and the SARL bootstrap. (details)

  • Reimplement the Sierpinski fractals example for using the new SARL-JavaFX API and the SARL bootstrap. (details)

Janus Run-time Environment

  • Multiple spawned agents have different identifiers. (details)

    Spawning of multiple agents had a buggy assignment of the agent identifier to the spawned agents.
    This change ensures that each agent has a unique identifier.

  • Force the execution of the rejected tasks. (details)

    In several cases, the Java executor service is not able to assign a task to a thread. It is then rejected.
    In this case, the Janus framework ensures that the task is run by using the thread of the task's submitted.
    It partly introduces a synchronous execution of the tasks but ensures that all tasks are run by the Janus framework.

  • Move the Eclipse integration of Janus into a separate plugin. (details)

  • Redefine the logging system for enabling agents to change the logging level. (details)

  • Fixing the invalid update of the class path in the Boot. (details)

  • Janus command-line shows logo on Unix platforms. (details)

  • Fixing the buggy definition of the Janus SRE. (details)

  • Show the Janus version when it crashes at start-up. (details)

Maven Tools

  • Remove reference to Arakhne libraries within sarl-maven-plugin. (details)
  • Enable unit tests for the maven-sarl-plugin. (details)
  • Update messages on the SARL maven plugin. (details)
  • Internal Xtext messages are logged into the Maven CLI compiler's logger. (details)

SARL Documentation

Documentation of the SARL Language

  • Add the documentation on active annotations. (details)
  • Validate the documented operator precedence. (commit 1, commit 2)
  • Add the documentation of variables' types. (details)
  • Add the missed documentation on the numbers' extension methods. (details)

Documentation of the SARL Core Library

  • Add documentation on the creation of function-caller-aware space. (details)
  • Add documentation on the SRE's bootstrap. (details)
  • Add privateapi within the API documentation. (details)
  • Use Java code when explaining the API access from Java. (details)


  • Fixing invalid FAQ text on the SARL syntax. (details)

Documentation for SRE

  • Provide explanations on the --jar option for janus. (details)

Documentation for SARL Contributors

  • Add explanation for using the SARL release script. (details)

Documentation Generators

  • Fail when a referenced file is not found into the documentation folder. (details)
  • Create a doclet for creating an API documentation with SARL syntax inside. (details)
  • Remove references to deprecated classes from Java doclet. (details)
  • Prepare for the addition of hyperlinks for generated operation names. (details)
  • Remove hidden features from the API documentation. (details)



  • Add template for issues. (details)

Google Drive

  • Update the release guidelines for including Google Drive deployment. (details)

    Google Drive is now used as the main storage system for the SARL products.

Tools for SARL Contributors

All Platforms


  • Upgrade to Xtext 2.13.0. (details)

  • Upgrade to checkstyle 8.7. (details)

  • Upgrade to AFC lib 14.0. (details)

  • Upgrade the Eclipse JDT plugins. (details)

  • Downgrade the Maven Java compiler. (details)

    The recent Maven Java Compiler uses a part of the SDK from Java 9. It is incompatible with the Java 8 compiler, and consequently cannot be used for compiling SARL.

  • Upgrade to Maven 3.5.2 (details)

  • Upgrade the Travis configuration for using Xcode 8.3. (details)

General Changes

  • Replace the attributesToString() function by the Xbase ToStringBuilder. (details)
  • Do not force to have "T" at the end of the generic type parameters' names. (details)
  • Removing void TODOs and create issues for the remainings. (details)
  • Add description of a contributor. (details)
  • Reorganize the package structure for the formatter's tests. (details)
  • Update the error message of assertContains() to output all the actual and expected elements. (details)

MacOS Platform

  • Downgrade Launch4j version because the latest version has invalid configuration for MacOS. (details)

Generator of the SARL Compiler (MWE2 Tools)

  • Use the StandardLanguage configuration. (details)
  • Explicit declaration of the formatter fragment for binding SARLFormatter. (details)
  • Fixing invalid plugin's exported folders. (details)
  • Fixing the documentation for the VIM's formatter. (details)
sarl - Release Candidate 0.7.0-rc2

Published by gallandarakhneorg over 6 years ago

sarl - Release Candidate 0.7.0-rc1

Published by gallandarakhneorg over 6 years ago

sarl - Release 0.6.1

Published by gallandarakhneorg about 7 years ago


  • Testing the int == Integer and int == AtomicInteger equalities. (details)
  • Add implicit definitions of operators on numbers. (details)


  • Add "void" return type to the behavior guard evaluator. (details)


  • Update outline for displaying the static constructors in a specific way. (details)


  • Upgrade Eclipse JDT, M2E and UI. (details)
  • Run-as feature explores the folders for finding the agent definitions. (details)
  • Display exception stack trace into the error dialogs. (details)


  • Fixing the name of the fractal example's project. (details)
  • Add explicit "void" return type to functions. (details)
sarl - Release 0.6.0

Published by gallandarakhneorg about 7 years ago

1. Language and Compiler

1.1. General

  • Upgrade to Xtext 2.12. (details)
  • Add "assert" and "assume" keywords. (details)
  • Add static constructor compilation. (details)
  • Add missed functions for supporting fully the "break" keyword generation. (details)
  • Ignore calls to functions that are declared into a deprecated type when other functions (not deprecated) are available. (details)
  • Attach the "fires not yet supported" warning to the fires clause, not the entire action. (details)
  • Add warning for unnecessary use of a capacity that is implemented by the current skill. (details)
  • Add pure operation detector. (details)

1.2. Language Core Library

  • Add DynamicSkillProvider factory. (details)
  • Event source should be specified when firing in EventSpace. (details)
  • Make the SARL concepts able to receive SRE specific data. (details, details and details)
  • Deprecate EarlyExitEvent. (details)
  • Move OutParameter into the public API. (details)
  • Replace collection interfaces by interfaces that enable faster implementation. (details)
  • Use SynchronizedIterable in place of SynchronizedCollection. (details)
  • Mark the SREutils as part of the private API. (details)

1.3. Java Generator

  • Generate the Java files as much as possible if the SARL contains an error. (details)
  • Do not generate inline annotation for overridable functions. (details)
  • Valid generation of standard, default and static functions in interfaces. (details)
  • Apply a minimal public visibility to the inherited constructors. (details)
  • Generating type parameters in default valued parameter functions. (details)
  • Copy generic types in the capacity's context-aware wrapper. (details)
  • Do not break the internal state of JVM operations when detecting purability dynamically. (details)
  • Proper detection of the method overriding with parameters of function type. (details)
  • Fixing the copy of functions with generic parameters. (details)
  • Make the cloneWithTypeParametersAndProxies function a general utility function. (details)
  • Rewritten the SARL code serialization from the JVM model inferrer. (details)
  • Avoid generation of inline annotation for null expressions. (details)

1.4. Extra-Language Generator

  • Create the extra language infrastructure. (details)
  • Injection definition for extra language generation into MWE2 script. (details)

2. Core Libraries (SDK)

  • Replace Boolean by boolean into AgentTask. (details)
  • Add Comparators utilities. (details)
  • Add the SRE utility class and the SREBootstrap. (details)
  • Functions for joining and leaving a context replies the action status with a boolean value. (details)
  • Add getLogger to the Logging capacity. (details)
  • Add SynchronizedIterable interface. (details)
  • Add scope of identifiers. (details)
  • Use array of addresses into AddressScope for better performance. (details)
  • Clean the SARL core library code. (details)
  • Uncomment the assertion statements into the code. (details)

3. Eclipse Product

3.1. General

  • Upgrade to Eclipse Oxygen. (details and details)
  • Hide Xtend UI contributions. (details)
  • Use default project configuration if it is not provided when creating a project. (details)
  • Change the memory configuration for the product. (details)
  • Add the Bootstrap into the definition of the ISREInstall. (details)
  • Change the colors of the splash beta stamp. (details)
  • Change beta icon colors. (details)
  • Extra-Language validator becomes a sub-validator of the SARL UI validator. (details)
  • Avoid NPE in the SARL method builder when no return type was provided. (details)

3.2. Outline

  • Display Java error marker into the SARL outline. (details)
  • Output the inherited constructors into the outline. (details, details and details)
  • Open the type declarations in outline view. (details)
  • Specific formatting of the formal parameters with default values by the label providers. (details)
  • Fixing text region computation for linking the editor to the outline. (details)
  • Fixing invalid error markers in outline for archive's components. (details)

3.3. Quickfixes

  • Fixing generic type mapping for the auto-generated methods. (details)
  • Generates the type parameters into the auto-generated methods. (details)
  • Copy the type parameter constrains into the auto-generated functions. (details)
  • Generates the fires clause into the auto-generated methods. (details)
  • Function types into the auto-generated methods follows the SARL syntax. (details)

4. SARL Run-time Environment (SRE)

  • Add the new emit(source,event,scope) function into the ExternalContextAccess skill. (details)
  • Buffering the capacity for faster access. (details)
  • Janus provides a SRE bootstrap service. (details)
  • Upgrade to ZeroMQ 0.4.2 (details)
  • Upgrade to Hazelcast 3.9 (details)
  • Fixing the configuration for Maven Assembly 3.1.0. (details)

5. Maven Tools

  • The SRE configuration Maven plugin supports SRE Bootstrap. (details)
  • The maven documentation generator verifies the URLs' anchors. (details)
  • Add line continuation option in the documentation generator. (details)
  • The Markdown document generator parses the pure HTML "a" hrefs. (details)
  • References to deprecated features are considered as error when validating the documentation. Consequently, no deprecated feature is documented. (details)

## 6. Contributions

6.1. Embedded Examples

  • Add the Sierpinski fractal example. (details)
  • Add the fireworks example. (details and details)
  • Add examples related to the tutorials. (details and details)
  • Include the example creation wizard's class into the plugin. (details)
  • Close the welcome page when creation wizard is finished. (details)
  • Add the project configuration for the examples. (details)
  • Fixing the README for adding an example. (details)

6.2. External Syntax Highlightning

  • Add syntax highlightning for TextMate, Sublime Text and Atom text editors. (details, details, and details)
  • Add syntax hilightning for Vim text editors. (details)
  • Make case-insensitive numbers into the Pygments syntax hilightning. (details)
  • Fixing invalid syntax hilightning for Gtk source viewer. (details)
  • Add line number format in LaTeX styles. (details)
  • Add '[no]sarlcolors' option to the LaTeX styles. (details)
  • Enable README file generation into external syntax hilightning tools. (details)

6.3. Other Contributions

  • Better UI for SEI results. (details)

7. Documentation

7.1. Language Documentation

  • Complete the comparison table between SARL, Java, Xtend and Scala. (details)
  • Add missed explanations on field and methods definitions in classes. (details)
  • Add missed bitwise operators. (details)
  • Add assert keyword documentation. (details)
  • Add scope of identifiers. (details)
  • Add documentation about dispatch methods. (details)
  • Add documentation on static constructors. (details)
  • Add short documentation of the SRE bootstrap. (details)
  • Add documentation on synthetic methods. (details)
  • Fixing invalid documentation for boolean operators. (details)
  • Update the Logging capacity documentation. (details)

7.2. Other Documentation

  • Add short explanation on the SARL tool-chain. (details)
  • Add links to the cli tool documentation. (details)
  • Clean the documentation. (details)

8. Developers' Corner

  • Add the code of conduct for the project. (details)
  • Create LICENSE (details)
  • Avoid unecessary logs during the unit tests. (details and details)
  • Updating CONTRIBUTING with the guideline for solving the launch4j issue. (details)
  • Fixing the module names in the Javadoc generation script. (details)
  • Add specific script for deployment on travis. (details)
  • Change the memory configuration for AppVeyor. (details)
  • Add https cert for deployment. (details)
  • Use Maven 3.5.0 on CI servers. (details)
  • Use Checkstyle 7.6 (details)
  • Change the AppVeyor configuration. (details)
sarl - Release 0.5.8

Published by gallandarakhneorg about 7 years ago

  • Copy generic types in the capacity's context-aware wrapper. ([details](
  • Fixing the copy of functions with generic parameters. (details)
sarl - Release 0.5.7

Published by gallandarakhneorg about 7 years ago


  • Update the Maven configuration in order to ensure Tycho uses a single version of Xtext. (details)
  • Maven plugins does not depend on the Tycho Maven plugin. (details)
sarl - Release 0.5.6

Published by gallandarakhneorg over 7 years ago


  • Do not include object fields in the generated equals and hashCode functions. (details)
  • Use InheritedHelper in SARLLabelProvider. (details)
  • Automatic creation of temp directory in batch compiler. (details)
  • Mark generated elements with @SarlElementType. (details)
  • Enable capacity calls in annonymous classes. (details)
  • Internal errors in JVM inferrer must be output at DEBUG level. (details)
  • Add static default visibility computation from EClass. (details)
  • Update the default visibilities of the SARL elements. (details)


  • Protect keywords in generated functions. (details)
  • Add renaming strategy for package names. (details)
  • Override Xtend code builder for SARL types. (details)
  • Unimplemented method quick fix uses the SARL syntax. (details)
  • Rewrite the quick fix for mised functions. (details)


  • Add "Run as Java application" shortcut. (details)


  • Documentation updates:
    • Rewrite the documentation in Markdown. (details)
    • Remove the Jnario documentation. (details)
    • Add FAQ entry related to the Ctrl+Space on MacOS. (details)
    • Add doc on the syntax highlighning styles. (details)
    • Add documentation on sarlc and janus. (details)
    • Add Pygments reference in README. (details)
  • Documentation generator:
    • Add [:Dynamic:] macro in documentation. (details)
    • Minor bug fixes in the documentation generator. (details)
    • Do not test remote links. (details)
    • Disable extensional use of the markdown generator. (details)
    • Disabled outside website generation. (details)
    • SARL compiler singleton in documentation generator. (details)


  • Add documentation generator based on Markdown. (details)
  • Fixing URL generation for Windows OS in the documentation generator. (details)


  • Default name of the SRE is janus. (details)
  • Transform 'janus' module tests from Tycho to Maven testing modules. (details)
  • Exclude Xbase lib dependency from Arakhne libs. (details)
  • Fixing warnings in source code. (details)


  • Transform 'example' module tests from Tycho to Maven testing modules. (details)


  • Add function for protected keywords in SARLGrammarKeywordAccess. (details)


  • Fixing failing tests on generated functions. (details)
  • Transform 'lang' module tests from Tycho to Maven testing modules. (details)
  • Split the testing API into two modules for not ui and ui. (details)
  • Transform 'core' module tests from Tycho to Maven testing modules. (details)


  • Use travis CI for deployment. (details)
  • Update the appveyor configuration. (details)
sarl - Release 0.5.5

Published by gallandarakhneorg over 7 years ago


  • Parameters' default values:
    • No type parameter in the generated default value fields. (details)
  • Generated equality-test function:
    • Add type parameters in generated equals function. (details)
  • Implicitly imported features:
    • Add operator "-=' and '-' on Map and Pair. (details)
  • Batch Compiler:
    • Add issue listener in the batch compiler. (details)
    • Add listener on compiled resources in the batch compiler. (details)
  • Others:
    • Add "dump" function in utilities. (details)


  • Remove the dependency to (details)
  • Minor fixes in SarlSpecificationCheck tests. (details)


  • Content Assist:
    • Remove the SARL-specific icons of the content proposals for avoiding freezing of the IDE. (details)
    • Add proposal priority infrastructure. (details)
    • Add test on auto-completion after new keyword. (details)
  • Fixing a mispelled classname. (details)


  • Create place holders in the SARL menu. (details)
  • Replace SARLEclipseConstants.MINIMAL_JRE_VERSION with SARLVersion.MINIMAL_JDK_VERSION. (details)


  • Replace SARLEclipseConstants.MINIMAL_JRE_VERSION with SARLVersion.MINIMAL_JDK_VERSION. (details)


  • Disable the simpleconfigurator service in order to avoid low performances of the product. (details)


  • Add missed injection of SarlSpecificationChecker. (details)


  • Fast failure when UTBM servers are not reachable. (details)
  • Split the bugs package. (details)


  • Add generator for Pygments style files. (details: 1, 2)
  • Use IAppender for creating external style files. (details)


  • Create a message that provides the command-line for copying the generated bundles for Maven Central. (details)
sarl - Release 0.5.4

Published by gallandarakhneorg over 7 years ago


  • Add the missed static modifier to the synthetic methods that are related to the default parameter values. (details)
  • Generate the inline constant expressions with the Java format in order to avoid casting problem. (details)


  • SARL Explorer:
    • Use the SARL icons for elements in the default package. (details)
    • Do not show hidden folders in explorer. (details)
    • Change the default config of the SARL explorer. (details)
    • Display empty leaf packages in the explorer. (details)
  • Avoid the exceptions related to bad references when creating a new SARL element. (details)
  • Add SARL menu (details)



  • Add newTypeRef() in the public API for the code builders. (details)
  • Fixing invalid generation path. (details)


  • Remove '.sarlbin' files from the generated archives. (details)
sarl - Release 0.5.3

Published by gallandarakhneorg over 7 years ago


  • Enable variable access in lambda expressions. (details)
  • Enable default methods in interfaces. (details)
  • Avoid error for ambiguous inherited default methods. (details)
  • Ensure multiple bounds in generic type parameters. (details)


  • Remove the log message when an agent was already killed. (details)
  • Enable logging on stdout and stderr. (details)
  • Avoid to log EarlyExitException in Initialize handlers. (details)
  • Add explicit log message about an agent killing failure. (details)


  • Remove the not finalized SARL navigator ((details), and add a new SARL explorer (details).
  • Fixing invalid detection of overridable operations. (details)
  • Add derived flag to generated source folders. (details)


  • All the code of this module is written in SARL language. (details)


  • Add derived flag to generated source folders. (details)
sarl - Release 0.5.2

Published by gallandarakhneorg over 7 years ago


  • Enable access to the source code of the SARL API from the product.

For SARL developers

  • Major project folder refactoring. (details)
sarl - Release 0.5.1

Published by gallandarakhneorg over 7 years ago


  • Parameter default values:
    • Enable XExpression for the formal parameter default values. (details)
    • Avoid reference to not final fields in default values. (details)
  • Generation of standard Java functions:
    • Automatic generation of equals() and hashCode() functions. (details)
    • Automatic generation of clone() functions. (details)


  • Add label provider for hyper links. (details)


  • Avoid anyoing exceptions in event handlers. (details)
  • Rename ChuckNorrisException to EarlyExitException. (details)
  • Avoid to display the EarlyExit exception in Initialize handler. (details)
  • Avoid to fire Destroy two times. (details)
  • Refactor the bug tests folder. (details)


  • Minor JDT upgrade. (details)
  • Add "-Xmx" note in launch configuration dialog. (details)


  • Clean the launch scripts for Linux. (details)
sarl - Release 0.5.0

Published by gallandarakhneorg over 7 years ago


  • Upgrade to Xtext 2.11. (details)
  • New Agent API. (details)
  • Add inheritance of constructors. (details)
  • Add "break" keyword. (details)
  • Warn when occurrence is modified. (details)
  • Error when redeclaring occurrence. (details)
  • Generate serialVersionUID. (details)
  • Enabling generation of anonymous classes. (details)
  • Add warning when using Inline annotation. (details)
  • Reserve the keyword "artifact" for further use. (details)


  • Behaviors:
    • Upgrade Behaviors capacity with hasRegisteredBehavior and getRegisteredBehaviors. (details)
    • Add filter for registerBehavior. (details)
    • Add scope parameter to the wake function. (details)
  • DefaultContextInteractions:
    • Add Inline to the receive() function. (details)
    • Deprecate spawn() in DefaultContextInteractions (details)
    • Allow null scope. (details)
  • Lifecycle:
    • Enforce the agent killing process. (details)
    • Add spawn() in Lifecycle. (details)
    • Spawn more than one agent. (details)
  • Schedules:
    • Change AgentTask guard type for fitting the Xtext generated closures. (details)
    • Add the atFixedDelay() function in the Schedules capacity. (details)
    • Add the execute() function in the Schedules capacity. (details)
    • Add isCancelled for agent tasks. (details)
  • Events:
    • Add spawner in the Initialize event. (details)
    • Standard events are final. (details)


  • Generate inner class for context aware capacity calls. (details)
  • Avoid NPE in AgentTrait. (details)


  • Add functions in Scopes. (details)
  • Add SarlSpecificationChecker. (details)
  • Internal Event Bus:
    • Move the guard evaluator detector from Janus to (details)
    • Remove the list of listeners in the internal event bus skill. (details)
    • Fire Initialize and Destroy in behaviors. (details)

[eclipse] and [product]

  • Upgrade to Eclipse Neon.2. (details)
  • Add OO element creation shortcuts. (details)
  • Add menu item for submitting issues. (details)
  • Embed icons for new OO element wizards. (details)
  • Add source bundles. (details)
  • Include JavaFX in the product. (details)
  • Add the elevator simulator project into the success stories. (details)
  • Fixing configuration for MacOS product. (details)
  • Give proposals on field's type. (details)
  • Capacity calls in hovers are correctly formated. (details)
  • SARL signatures in hovers. (details)


  • Upgrade to Gson 2.8.0. (details)
  • Upgrade to ZeroMQ 0.3.6. (details)
  • Upgrade to Hazelcast 3.8. (details)
  • Enforce the agent killing process. (details)
  • Cancel tasks when behavior is unregistered. (details)
  • Ensure clearing of buffered skills. (details)
  • Efficient access to builtin skills. (details)
  • Optimization of the internal agent event bus. (details)
  • Remove unnecessary code in the internal agent event bus. (details)
  • Remove reference to DeadEvent. (details)
  • Add -version command line option. (details)
  • Synchronize context and space service. (details)
  • Synchronize network-based services. (details)
  • Synchronize NoNetworkService. (details)
  • Synchronize StandardDistributedDataStructureService. (details)
  • Synchronize StandardKernelDiscoveryService. (details)
  • Synchronize JdkExecutorService. (details)
  • Change synchronization of event spaces. (details)
  • Stop not periodic tasks on exception. (details)
  • Simplify the executor service implementation. (details)
  • Mark as thread-safe the simple services. (details)
  • Add configuration property for specifying the max number of threads. (details)
  • Remove DistributedSpace interface. (details)


  • Fixing the documentation generator. (details)
  • Add archive filename attribute in the SRE plugin. (details)


  • Add single comments into the LaTeX styles. (details)


  • New spawning API. (details)
  • Add CONTRIBUTING.adoc. (details)
  • Add documentation contributor. (details)
  • Add functions in Scopes. (details)
  • Add documentation about anonymous classes. (details)
  • Add guideline for contributors. (details)
  • Add best practise for event creation with a builder. (details)
  • Doc for ambiguous call to capacity function. (details)
  • Rename startJanus. (details)
  • Reorganize the FAQ. (details)
  • Update the SRE launching documentation. (details)

For Developers

  • Reactivate the Linux compilation. (details)
  • Enable tests on OSX Travis CI. (details)
  • Enable tests on Windows Appveyor. (details)
  • Add Neon preferences for developers. (details)
  • Generate function for creating "uses" programmatically. (details)
sarl - Release 0.4.3

Published by gallandarakhneorg almost 8 years ago


  • Automatic addition of -ea in SARL launch config. (details)


  • Error when too old version of dependency is on classpath. (details)


  • osgi bundle is not more discarded from dependencies. (details)
  • Clean Maven configuration. (details)
  • Fixing the command-line support for the SRE. (details)


  • Error when too old version of dependency is on classpath. (details)
sarl - Release 0.4.2

Published by gallandarakhneorg almost 8 years ago



  • Add missed functions in the AgentTrait. (details)
  • Merge functions that have similar prototypes. (details)

Validation: errors and warnings

  • Error when OOP modifiers are used with AOP elements. (details)
  • Validation of the deprecation warnings in closures. (details)
  • Set to ignore the default state of the missed override warning. (details)
  • Fixing invalid warning message for override keywords. (details)


  • Create a batch compiler for SARL. (details)

Bug fixes

  • Do not force abstract modifier to actions when containing type is abstract. (details)
  • Avoid NPE when the AgentTrait has no owner. (details)
  • Fixing invalid Windows path computation. (details)
  • Do not check inheritance in the jvm model inferrer. (details)


  • Maven module for the SARL batch compiler. (details)
  • Refactor sarl-maven-plugin for using the batch compiler. (details)
  • Fixing invalid source folder definitions. (details)
  • Adding more log messages in the maven compiler plugin. (details)


Content assistant

  • Provide proposals in behavior unit guards. (details)


  • Upgrade to Neon.1 (details)
  • Launch the previous launched application by default. (details)

Bug fixes

  • Inject the XbaseResourceForEditorInputFactory for building a resource from the Java editor. (details)


  • Fixing the Janus library definition. (details)
  • Create a CLI launcher for Janus. (details)
  • Do not generate exception when guard evaluator is not found when unregistered. (details)


  • Create the CLI SARL compilers. (details)
  • Add sarlc and janus command line tools in the Windows and Linux products. (details)
  • Add launching script for arch linux. (details)
  • Include sources in the product. (details)


  • Add FAQ entry for explaining '<>' syntax. (details)
  • Add section for sarl-maven-plugin in the README. (details)
sarl - SARL 0.4.1

Published by gallandarakhneorg about 8 years ago

Fixing NPE is Janus.

sarl - SARL 0.4.0

Published by gallandarakhneorg about 8 years ago



  • Remove backtracks from the grammar. (details)
  • Add Inline to the imported capacity functions. (details)
  • Generate Inline annotations. (details)
  • Add generator of Inline annotations. (details)
  • Add setSkill(Skill,Capacities[]). (details)
  • Add support of SuppressWarnings. (details)
  • Add "space" keyword. (details)
  • Error message for SARL keywords used as identifier. (details)
  • Avoid logging of formatting exceptions. (details)
  • Create compiler for inline calls with variadic paremeters. (details)
  • Discourage uses of SARL compiler annotation is SARL code. (details)
  • Add FunctionalInterface. (details)
  • Fixing invalid inheritance detection for dirty elements. (details)
  • Fixing the documentation formatter. (details)
  • Use the API 2 for coding the formatter. (details)
  • Create a formatter based on API 2, and its tests. (details)
  • Restrict Pure function detection. (details)
  • Fixing the Ecore code builder. (details)
  • Avoid multiple calls to Skill.install and Skill.uninstall. (details)


  • Add basic templates. (details)
  • Auto format code on paste. (details)
  • Add quick fix for adding SuppressWarnings. (details)
  • Provide package renaming participant fragment. (details)
  • Enable content assist on all the type references. (details)
  • Add icons to the quick fixes. (details)
  • Add diagnostic decorations in the outline. (details)
  • Add widgets for configuring the inline generation. (details)
  • Add icon provider for content assist. (details)


  • Add Time capacity. (details)
  • Rename "receive()" to "willReceive()". (details)
  • Add setSkill(Skill,Capacities[]). (details)
  • Mark the functions as pure. (details)


  • Add template for SARL examples. (details)


  • Add monitor when configuring the project. (details)
  • Use project configuration for the natures. (details)


  • Add "" plugin. (details)


  • Do not display line numbers in the Beamer style. (details)
  • Make more configurable the fragment that generates the TeX styles. (details)


  • Use version 2 of the MWE2 generation API. (details)
  • Use the MWE2 API version 2. (details)
  • Add GNU SOURCE-highlite specification generator. (details)
  • Add GNU src-highlite specification generator. (details)


  • Add the "embedded" CLI option for the SREs. (details)
  • Provide default SARL project configuration. (details)
  • Adding the error log view to the SARL product (details)
  • Customizing Welcome page (details)
  • Add project configurator. (details)
  • Add SARL debug perspective. (details)
  • Add contributions to the configure menus. (details)
  • Add type selection dialog for SARL features. (details)
  • Active progress bar in splash screen. (details)
  • Add wizards for creating SARL elements (details)
  • Change the order of the source folders in the project. (details)
  • Add shortcuts for "Run as" and "Debug as". (details)
  • Add application runner for running inside the SARL project VM. (details)
  • Beta decoration is dynamically added. (details)
sarl -

Published by gallandarakhneorg about 8 years ago

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