Andy Maleh

Lexoper. Fukuoka Ruby Winner. RailsConf / RubyConf / Agile / EclipseCon / EclipseWorld Speaker. MS in SE from DePaul / BS in CS from McGill. Drummer/Snowboarder



DSL Framework consisting of a DSL Engine and a Data-Binding Library used in Glimmer DSL for SWT (JRuby Desktop Development GUI Framework), Glimmer DSL for Opal (Pure Ruby Web GUI), Glimmer DSL for LibUI (Prerequisite-Free Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library), Glimmer DSL for Tk (Ruby Tk Desktop Development GUI Library), Glimmer DSL for GTK (Ruby-GNOME Desktop Development GUI Library), Glimmer DSL for XML (& HTML), and Glimmer DSL for CSS

Ruby - Released: 04 Dec 2008 - 550


A portable GUI library for Ruby

Ruby - Released: 05 Dec 2020 - 203


Glimmer DSL for LibUI - Prerequisite-Free Ruby Desktop Development Cross-Platform Native GUI Library - The Quickest Way From Zero To GUI - If You Liked Shoes, You'll Love Glimmer! - No need to pre-install any prerequisites. Just install the gem and have platform-independent GUI that just works on Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Ruby - Released: 14 Sep 2021 - 492


SuperModule allows defining class methods and method invocations the same way a super class does without using def included(base). This also succeeds ActiveSupport::Concern by offering lighter syntax

Ruby - Released: 27 Mar 2014 - 140


Glimmer DSL for SWT (JRuby Desktop Development Cross-Platform Native GUI Framework) - The Quickest Way From Zero To GUI - If You Liked Shoes, You'll Love Glimmer!

Ruby - Released: 12 Jun 2020 - 107


Ruby library for improved puts debugging, automatically displaying bonus useful information such as source line number and source code.

Ruby - Released: 23 Feb 2017 - 91


Code Exercises for RubyConf 2023 Workshop: How To Build Desktop Applications in Ruby (Andy Maleh)

Ruby - Released: 07 Nov 2023 - 174


Glimmer DSL for Web (Ruby in the Browser Web Frontend Framework)

Ruby - Released: 30 Jul 2023 - 55


Gladiator (Glimmer Editor) - Glimmer Custom Shell

Ruby - Released: 03 May 2020 - 34


abstract_feature_branch is a Ruby gem that provides a variation on the Branch by Abstraction Pattern by Paul Hammant and the Feature Toggles Pattern by Martin Fowler (aka Feature Flags) to enable Continuous Integration and Trunk-Based Development.

Ruby - Released: 02 Nov 2012 - 23


Strategic - Painless Strategy Pattern in Ruby and Rails

Ruby - Released: 20 Jan 2020 - 47


Glimmer DSL for CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

Ruby - Released: 12 Jun 2020 - 10


No time to manage a wizard state machine, session variables, or complicated controllers? Use ultra light wizard!! A RESTful session-less validation-friendly simple multi-step form approach in Rails.

Ruby - Released: 16 Dec 2012 - 41


Perfect Shape is a collection of geometric algorithms that are mostly useful for GUI manipulation like checking containment of a point in popular geometric shapes such as rectangle, square, arc, circle, polygon, and paths containing lines, quadratic bézier curves, and cubic bezier curves. Also, some general math algorithms like IEEE-754 Remainder.

Ruby - Released: 23 Nov 2021 - 29


Glimmer DSL for WX - Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library for the wxWidgets GUI toolkit and wxruby3 binding

Ruby - Released: 24 Jun 2023 - 13


Glimmer Wordle - Play Wordle Endlessly with No Limit!

Ruby - Released: 06 Feb 2022 - 10


Graphs and Charts (Glimmer DSL for LibUI Custom Controls)

Ruby - Released: 15 Dec 2023 - 9


Glimmer DSL for GTK - Ruby-GNOME Desktop Development GUI Library

Ruby - Released: 05 Nov 2021 - 21


Calculator - Glimmer Custom Shell

Ruby - Released: 27 May 2020 - 3


Glimmer DSL for Tk (Ruby Tk Desktop Development GUI Library)

Ruby - Released: 10 Sep 2020 - 30


Are We There Yet? Small Project Tracking Desktop App for Windows and Mac. Built with Glimmer (Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library)

Ruby - Released: 08 Jul 2020 - 13


Non-blocking tasks and enumerators for Opal.

Ruby - Released: 09 Jan 2015 - 9


Array#include_all?, Array#include_any?, Array#include_array?, Array#array_index, Array#array_diff_indices, Array#array_intersection_indices, Array#counts, and Array#duplicates operations missing from basic Ruby Array API

Ruby - Released: 01 Jun 2020 - 6


Rails GUI (e.g. display routes in a table, run rails commands visually, etc...)

Ruby - Released: 16 Sep 2022 - 3


Yet Another Serialization Library - A pure Ruby auto-serialization library that works across different Ruby implementations like Opal and JRuby as an automatic alternative to YAML/Marshal. Unlike Marshal, it does not raise errors for unserializable objects, thus provides a highly productive friction-free auto-serialization experience.

Ruby - Released: 23 Dec 2020 - 9