Sashen Jayathilaka

Full Stack React Developer | Javascript, Typescript | Node/Express | MEAN, Blockchain 🦊



Full Stack Airbnb Clone with Next.js 13 Tailwind-css, Prisma, MongoDB, NextAuth, Framer-motionSocial, Login (Google and Facebook), Image upload, Cloudinary CDN, Location selection, Map component, Country autocomplete, Fetching listings with server components

TypeScript - Released: 21 Aug 2022 - 297


Unique Project Ideas to Improve Your React Skills-Project-(AdminDashboard, Cryptopunk-Clone, Full-Stack AMAZON Clone, MERN-Stack-App, Pinterest-Clone, TIK-TOK-Clone, TINDER-Clone, Tesla-Clone, To-Do-App)

JavaScript - Released: 01 May 2022 - 96


ChatGPT Clone with REACT! (Next.js 13, Firebase, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, API endpoints in Next.js, ChatGPT models, Dynamic page routing in Next.js 13, App folder structure, NextAuth.js, Google Authentication)

TypeScript - Released: 03 Jul 2022 - 198


You can easily and quickly create a readme file for your github profile or git hub repository. (visit below) (Click the Get Started button to start the process, Choose Github Readme Template you want, Fill in the desired fields and press the generate button to create your file)

TypeScript - Released: 13 Apr 2023 - 129


Instagram 2.0 with REACT.JS! (Next.js, TypeScript, NextAuth.js v4.17.0, Tailwind CSS, Firebase v9, Framer Motion, Image Uploading, Google Authentication,, Instagram Profile)

TypeScript - Released: 21 Jul 2022 - 102


Reddit Clone with REACTJS (Next.js, Firebase v9, Chakra UI, TypeScript, Recoil, (Image Uploading, Google Authentication, Create Community, Join Community, Leave Community, Upvote and Downvote Posts), Dark Mode & Light Mode, Data Encryption and Decryption)

TypeScript - Released: 29 Aug 2022 - 129


Discord 2.0 with REACT.JS! (Next.js, NextAuth.js v4.17.0, Tailwind CSS, Typescript, Server create, Firebase v9, Image Uploading, Google Authentication, 1-1 Messaging, Real Time Messenger )

TypeScript - Released: 14 Sep 2022 - 82


Full Stack TikTok Clone with REACT.JS! (Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Video Uploading, Google Authentication, Tik-Tok Profile)

JavaScript - Released: 01 Nov 2022 - 77


NETFLIX 2.0 with NEXT.JS!(Next.js, NextAuth.js v4, Tailwind CSS, framer-motion, TMDB Api, Google Authentication, primary information about a movies, Users can Add Bookmark in favorite actors and movies)

TypeScript - Released: 05 Jul 2022 - 65


Amazon 2.0 with NEXT.JS! (ReactJS, Webhooks, complete Stripe Payments Checkout, Cloud Firestore database, NextAuth, Redux, Google Authentication, Add to Basket Functionality, Tailwind CSS)

JavaScript - Released: 30 Jul 2022 - 61


Twitter 2.0 with REACT.JS! (Next.js, Sanity CMS, Typescript, SSR, Tailwind, GoogleAuth, Dark Mode & Light Mode & Twitter Profile)

TypeScript - Released: 08 Sep 2022 - 42


Realtime Chat App (iMessage Clone) with NextJS, GraphQL, NodeJS, MongoDB, Prisma, TypeScript, NextAuth.js, Google Authentication, Chakra UI, (1-1 Messaging, Real Time Messaging, Creating chat conversation, joining chat conversation, Leaving chat conversation)

TypeScript - Released: 23 Aug 2022 - 55


Deliveroo Clone with REACT NATIVE! (Navigation, Implement Redux, Tailwind CSS &, React Native Heroicons, React Native Navigation to navigate between screens, sleek animated checkout flow)

JavaScript - Released: 09 Aug 2022 - 52


Messenger Clone: Next.js 13, React, Tailwind, Prisma, MongoDB, NextAuth, Pusher, (Message notifications and alerts, Tailwind animations and transition effects, File and image upload using Cloudinary CDN, File and image upload using Cloudinary CDN, Group chats and one-on-one messaging)

TypeScript - Released: 19 Aug 2022 - 40


Full Stack Photo Sharing Application with React Js (like as pinterest) (Google Authentication, create, edit, delete and save posts and comment on other people's posts, search and filter images)

JavaScript - Released: 06 Sep 2022 - 38


Spotify 2.0 with NEXT.JS (Middleware, Spotify API, Tailwind, NextAuth, Recoil)

JavaScript - Released: 17 Jul 2022 - 33


Facebook 2.0 with REACT.JS! (Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Image Uploading, Facebook Authentication, Google Authentication, Dark Mode & Light Mode, Facebook Profile)

TypeScript - Released: 28 Sep 2022 - 35


LinkedIn Clone with React (Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Firebase v9, Recoil, Image Uploading, Google Authentication)

TypeScript - Released: 02 Sep 2022 - 33


CRYPTO LOTTERY with NEXT.JS! (React.js, Solidity, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, thirdweb)

TypeScript - Released: 05 Sep 2022 - 29


NFT DROP React.js (Minting NFT's with thirdweb, Sanity, Next.js, Tailwind, TS)

TypeScript - Released: 05 Aug 2022 - 31


WhatsApp Clone (React, Firebase, 1-1 Messaging, Google Authentication)

JavaScript - Released: 25 Jun 2022 - 31


Creating a responsive Flutter app (WhatsApp Ui)

C++ - Released: 06 Jul 2022 - 30



JavaScript - Released: 08 Jul 2022 - 29


Google Docs with REACT.JS! (Next.js, Rich Text Editor, Tailwind CSS & Firebase)

JavaScript - Released: 26 Sep 2022 - 27


UPS 2.0 with REACT NATIVE! (TypeScript, Firebase, StepZen & Tailwind CSS with RN, GraphQL backend directly connected to Firebase Realtime database effortlessly with StepZen, React Native Navigation)

TypeScript - Released: 18 Apr 2022 - 27