Benjamin Lupton

Accelerating collaborative wisdom.



History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History/State APIs (pushState, replaceState, onPopState) in all browsers. Including continued support for data, titles, replaceState. Supports jQuery, MooTools and Prototype. For HTML5 browsers this means that you can modify the URL directly, without needing to use hashes anymore. For HTML4 browsers it will revert back to using the old onhashchange functionality.

JavaScript - Released: 20 Jan 2011 - 10,755


Empower your website frontends with layouts, meta-data, pre-processors (markdown, jade, coffeescript, etc.), partials, skeletons, file watching, querying, and an amazing plugin system. DocPad will streamline your web development process allowing you to craft powerful static sites quicker than ever before.

CoffeeScript - Released: 17 Mar 2011 - 3,055


CoffeeScript-Object-Notation. Same as JSON but for CoffeeScript objects.

CoffeeScript - Released: 02 Jun 2011 - 1,335


A comprehensive, partially automatically generated comparison of static site generators

TypeScript - Released: 24 Jan 2013 - 222


🧙🏻‍♀️ Bring your dotfile commands and configuration to any shell. Sensible defaults and hundreds of commands preloaded. Supports Bash, Zsh, Fish, Nu, Xonsh, Elvish, Dash, KornShell, macOS, Linux, Windows.

Shell - Released: 28 Mar 2013 - 241


Adds support for the Handlebars templating engine to DocPad.

CoffeeScript - Released: 17 Oct 2012 - 7


Deprecated: Use `for ( const [key, value] of Object.entries(thing) )`

TypeScript - Released: 28 Mar 2013 - 6


My user configuration for the dorothy dotfiles ecosystem

Shell - Released: 06 Jan 2021 - 7


 A clerk for retrieving compatible plugins from the npm database

TypeScript - Released: 04 Sep 2015 - 9


DocPad plugin that serves your generated DocPad website over localhost

JavaScript - Released: 17 Jul 2018 - 4


Adds support for the Jade templating engine to DocPad.

CoffeeScript - Released: 17 Oct 2012 - 17


The source code of Benjamin Lupton's website

CoffeeScript - Released: 10 May 2011 - 22


Utility functions for JavaScript and Node.js used and maintained by Benjamin Lupton

CoffeeScript - Released: 18 May 2011 - 13


Tom Dale's blog example updated for the Ember CLI

JavaScript - Released: 24 Jul 2014 - 17


A class for loading, verifying, and creating plugins. Used by DocPad for years.

TypeScript - Released: 03 Sep 2018 - 4


Talk: JavaScript can do WHAT?!

PHP - Released: 02 Feb 2016 - 16


Do ES6 classes classes play nicely with ES5 and CoffeeScript Classes?

JavaScript - Released: 16 Feb 2016 - 8


Interact with the GitHub API, fetching commits, repositories, members, and backers (authors, maintainers, contributors, funders, sponsors, donors)

TypeScript - Released: 15 Nov 2018 - 1


Benjamin Lupton's Sublime Text Settings

Shell - Released: 03 Sep 2011 - 7