Bright Atsighi

Software developer, Rails enthusiast, part-time designer. Stack: JavaScript, Ruby, Rails, React, Redux. Looking for my next job!



In this project, we built a web application based on an external API, The webapp has 2 user interfaces. A homepage and a popup details page.

JavaScript - Released: 13 Sep 2021 - 7


This project is an Afro Music Culture conference concept page built with HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap. It consists of three pages and is responsive to mobile, tablet and desktop screens.

HTML - Released: 08 Feb 2021 - 17


The Recipe app keeps track of all your recipes, ingredients, and inventory. It will allow you to save ingredients, keep track of what you have, create recipes, and generate a shopping list based on what you have and what you are missing from a recipe. Also, since sharing recipes is an important part of cooking the app allow users to make their recipe public so anyone can access them.

Ruby - Released: 16 May 2022 - 3


The ContactsApp project was built using Ruby, Rails, Bootstrap, Simple_form GEM, Sqlite3(development) and PostgreSQL(production). It implements fundamentals like Rails Partials, CRUD scaffold e.t.c.

Ruby - Released: 02 Jun 2021 - 10


In this project, I built a simple website that allows users to add/remove books from a library list of books. I used JavaScript objects and arrays. I also used vanilla JavaScript DOM manipulation to simulate REACT and AJAX's single-page website concept. Lastly, I used is HTML and CSS3 technologies.

JavaScript - Released: 09 Aug 2021 - 7


This To-do list App is a tool that helps to organize your day. It simply lists the things that you need to do and allows you to mark them as complete.

JavaScript - Released: 27 Oct 2021 - 4


In this project, l built a simple HTML list of To-Do tasks using JavaScript ES6. This simple web page is built using Webpack and served by a Webpack dev server.

JavaScript - Released: 26 Oct 2021 - 1


In this project, I built a simple list of To-Do tasks. This simple web page is engineered using Webpack and served by a Webpack dev server. I also used JavaScript DOM manipulation, HTML5, Bootstrap and CSS3.

JavaScript - Released: 23 Aug 2021 - 5


JavaScript - Released: 17 Aug 2021 - 3