Flavio Stutz

Systems Engineer, Developer and Architect. Go, Python, Docker, Networking, Electronics, Kaggle, Web, React Native, Cloud. Avoiding bullshit jobs for 25 years

  • GitHub
  • Location: The Hague - The Netherlands



A Mapbox Vector Tile provider that uses a WFS3 service as data source

Go - Released: 26 Jun 2019 - 4


Various datascience tools bundled in a single container: TensorFlow with GPU support, Jupyter, IPython, Scoop, h5py, pandas, scikit, TFLearn, plotly...

Shell - Released: 25 Feb 2017 - 9


A feature flag engine that can be used to enable, change or rollout features of a system dynamically based on system or user attributes

Go - Released: 15 Dec 2018 - 2


Container with tools for running Postman scripts for integration tests on local or CI environments

JavaScript - Released: 18 Jul 2019 - 1


A simple REST based rule engine in which rules are written in Go

Go - Released: 14 Dec 2018 - 4


Backtor is a backup scheduler tool that uses Conductor workers to handle backup operations

Go - Released: 14 Jul 2019 - 5


COTURN docker container. This is a STUN/TURN server. https://github.com/coturn/coturn

Shell - Released: 12 Feb 2020 - 6


Netflix's Conductor Server Docker container

Python - Released: 19 May 2019 - 6


This project is an attempt to create an acoustic simulator so that you can create a 3D space, place a speaker in space, place a mic in space and "listen" to what the microphone would sense

Java - Released: 07 Sep 2016 - 5


This is an extension of official Gitlab Runner container with auto registration on startup through TOKEN on ENV

Shell - Released: 03 Jun 2018 - 2


Asterisk container with common components installed

Dockerfile - Released: 30 Mar 2020 - 5


Monitor and distribute nodes registered in ETCD dir based on a key for sharding capabilities (employ consistent hashing)

Go - Released: 23 Mar 2020 - 5


Event/Signal processing utilities library in Golang. Online moving averager, linear regression, timed value, timeseries, timeseries rate etc

Go - Released: 05 Mar 2020 - 4