
Cloud Foundry CLI plugin to work with SAP Cloud HTML5 Applications Repository

APACHE-2.0 License


CF HTML5 Applications Repository CLI Plugin


The CF HTML5 Applications Repository CLI Plugin is a plugin for the Cloud Foundry CLI tool that aims to provide easy command line access to APIs exposed by the HTML5 Application Repository service. It allows you to:

  • Inspect HTML5 applications of current space
  • List files of a specific HTML5 application
  • View HTML5 applications exposed by business services that are
    bound to the Approuter application
  • Download a single file, application or the whole bucket of applications
    uploaded with the same service instance of the html5-apps-repo service
  • Push one or multiple applications using existing service instances
    of app-host plan, or create new ones for you on-the-fly

CF HTML5 Applications Repository CLI Plugin is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE. It also contains third-party open source modules. Third-party module license information is available in machine-readable format in the .reuse/dep5 file.


  • Download and install Cloud Foundry CLI (≥6.36.1).
  • Download and install GO (≥1.11.4).


If you want to use the latest released version and don't want to modify it, you can install the plugin directly from the Cloud Foundry Community plugins repository:

cf install-plugin -r CF-Community "html5-plugin"

Alternatively, you can install latest release from GitHub Releases with one of the following commands, depending on you operational system:

macOS (Intel)

cf install-plugin -f

macOS (Apple silicon)

cf install-plugin -f

Linux (amd64)

cf install-plugin -f

Linux (arm64)

cf install-plugin -f


cf install-plugin -f

Otherwise, you can build from source code:

  • Clone or download the current repository to /src folder of your default GOPATH:
    • On Unix-like systems: $HOME/go/src
    • On Windows systems: %USERPROFILE%\go\src
  • Open the terminal/console in the root folder of the repository.
  • Set environment variable GO111MODULE=off
  • Build sources with go build.
  • Install the CF HTML5 Applications Repository CLI Plugin:
    • On Unix-like systems: cf install-plugin -f cf-html5-apps-repo-cli-plugin
    • On Windows systems: cf install-plugin -f cf-html5-apps-repo-cli-plugin.exe


To upgrade the version of the CF HTML5 Applications Repository CLI Plugin, you need to uninstall the previous version with command:

cf uninstall-plugin html5-plugin

Then install the new version as described in Installation section.


The CF HTML5 Applications Repository CLI Plugin supports the following commands:


Version Changes
v1.4.6 The --runtime option added
v1.4.5 The --destination-instance option added
v1.4.0 The --destination option added
v1.3.0 The --name option added
v1.1.0 The --url option added
v1.0.0 Added in v1.0.0
   html5-list - Display list of HTML5 applications or file paths of specified application

                 [-d|-di DESTINATION_SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME|-a CF_APP_NAME [-rt RUNTIME] [-u]]

   -APP_NAME                           Application name, which file paths should be listed.
                                       If not provided, list of applications will be printed.
   -APP_VERSION                        Application version, which file paths should be listed.
                                       If not provided, the current active version will be used.
   -APP_HOST_ID                        GUID of html5-apps-repo app-host service instance that
                                       contains application with specified name and version
   -APP_HOST_NAME                      Name of html5-apps-repo app-host service instance that 
                                       contains the application with specified name and version.
   -DESTINATION_SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME  Name of destination service intance
   --name, -n                          Use html5-apps-repo app-host service instance name
                                       instead of APP_HOST_ID
   --destination, -d                   List HTML5 applications exposed via destinations with 
                              and html5-apps-repo.app_host_id 
   --destination-instance, -di         List HTML5 applications exposed via service instance 
                                       destinations with and 
                                       html5-apps-repo.app_host_id properties
   --app, -a                           Cloud Foundry application name, which is bound to
                                       services that expose UI via html5-apps-repo
   --runtime, -rt                      Runtime service for which conventional URLs of 
                                       applications will be shown. Default value is 'cpp'                                    
   --url, -u                           Show conventional URLs of the applications, when accessed 
                                       via Cloud Foundry application specified with --app flag
                                       or when --destination or --destination-instance flag is 


Version Changes
v1.3.0 The --name option added
v1.0.0 Added in v1.0.0
   html5-get - Fetch content of single HTML5 application file by path,
               or whole application by name and version

   cf html5-get PATH|APPKEY|--all [APP_HOST_ID|-n APP_HOST_NAME] [--out OUTPUT]

   --all              Flag that indicates that all applications of the specified
                      APP_HOST_ID should be fetched
   --out, -o          Output file (for single file) or output directory (for
                      application). By default, standard output and current
                      working directory.
   --name, -n         Use html5-apps-repo app-host service instance name 
                      instead of APP_HOST_ID                   
   -APPKEY            Application name and version
   -APP_HOST_ID       GUID of html5-apps-repo app-host service instance that
                      contains application with specified name and version
   -APP_HOST_NAME     Name of html5-apps-repo app-host service instance that 
                      contains the application with specified name and version                   
   -PATH              Application file path, starting 
                      from /<appName-appVersion>


Version Changes
v1.4.6 The --runtime option added
v1.4.5 The --destination-instance option added
v1.4.0 The --destination and --service options added
v1.2.0 The --name and --redeploy options added
v1.0.0 Added in v1.0.0
   html5-push - Push HTML5 applications to html5-apps-repo service

                 [PATH_TO_APP_FOLDER ...] [APP_HOST_ID]

   -APP_HOST_ID                 GUID of html5-apps-repo app-host service instance 
                                that contains application with specified name and
   -APP_HOST_NAME               Name of app-host service instance to which 
                                applications should be deployed
   -PATH_TO_APP_FOLDER          One or multiple paths to folders containing 
                                manifest.json and xs-app.json files
   --destination,-d             Create subaccount level destination with
                                credentials to access HTML5 applications
   --destination-instance,-di   Create service instance level destination with 
                                credentials to access HTML5 applications
   --runtime,-rt                Runtime service for which conventional URLs of 
                                applications will be shown. Default value is 'cpp'
   --service,-s                 Create subaccount level destination with
                                credentials of the service instance
   --name,-n                    Use app-host service instance with specified name
   --redeploy,-r                Redeploy HTML5 applications. All applications
                                should be previously deployed to the same service 


Version Changes
v1.4.5 The --destination-instance option added
v1.4.0 The --destination option added
v1.3.0 The --name option added
v1.1.0 Added in v1.1.0
   html5-delete - Delete one or multiple app-host service instances or content 
                  uploaded with these instances

   cf html5-delete [--content|--destination] APP_HOST_ID|-n APP_HOST_NAME [...]

   --content                  delete content only
   --destination,-d           delete destinations that point to service instances to be deleted
   --name,-n                  Use app-host service instance with specified name
   -APP_HOST_ID               GUID of html5-apps-repo app-host service instance
   -APP_HOST_NAME             Name of html5-apps-repo app-host service instance


Version Changes
v1.3.0 The --name option added
v1.1.0 Added in v1.1.0
   html5-info - Get the size limit and status of app-host service instances

   cf html5-info [APP_HOST_ID|-n APP_HOST_NAME ...]

   --name,-n          Use app-host service instance with specified name
   -APP_HOST_ID       GUID of html5-apps-repo app-host service instance
   -APP_HOST_NAME     Name of html5-apps-repo app-host service instance


The configuration of the CF HTML5 Applications Repository CLI Plugin is done by using environment variables. The following are supported:

  • DEBUG=1 - enables trace logs with detailed information about currently running steps. If you want to
    see also the sensitive information in the trace logs (e.g. access tokens), use DEBUG=2 instead.
    To see the raw HTTP responses in trace logs, use DEBUG=3.
  • HTML5_CACHE=1 - enables persisted cache. Disabled by default. Should be enabled only for sequential
    execution of the CF HTML5 Applications Repository CLI Plugin commands in the same context
    (org/space/user) during short period of time (less than 12 hours)
  • HTML5_SERVICE_NAME - name of the service in CF marketplace (default: html5-apps-repo)
  • HTML5_RUNTIME_URL - URL of HTML5 runtime to serve business service
    destinations (default: https://<tenant>.cpp.<landscape_url>)
  • HTML5_APP_RUNTIME_KEY_PARAMETERS - JSON string with parameters to be used, when service key of
    html5-apps-repo service app-runtime plan is created. E.g. to force creation of x509 credentials:

In addition CF HTML5 Applications Repository CLI Plugin supports the following configuration of Cloud Foundry CLI itself:

  • --skip-ssl-validation - command line argument option of cf login
  • SSL_CERT_FILE - environment variable pointing to file with additional signing certificate
  • SSL_CERT_DIR - environment variable pointing to directory with server.crt file containing additional signing certificate
    As an alternative, you can (install)[] custom or self-signed certificate on machine, where CLI is running.


Services and Service Keys

In order to work with HTML5 Application Repository API, the CF HTML5 Applications Repository CLI Plugin is required to send JWT with every request. To obtain it, the CF HTML5 Applications Repository CLI Plugin creates temporary artifacts, such as service instances of html5-apps-repo service and service keys for these service instances. If one of the flows invoked by the CF HTML5 Applications Repository CLI Plugin fails in the middle, these artifacts may remain in the current space.

Self-signed Certificates

Note, that on macOS Cloud Foundry CLI itself (does not support)[] the SSL_CERT_FILE and SSL_CERT_DIR. Therefore, running the CLI commands is only possible if at least one of two conditions is met:

  • The login was done with cf login --skip-ssl-validation, and all subsequent CLI commands ignore certificate issues
  • The certificate of Cloud Foundry deployment was installed on machine, where CLI is running

Trying to use both --skip-ssl-validation and SSL_CERT_FILE will result in commands, targeting Cloud Foundry Cloud Controller, executed without certificate validation, and commands targeting services (e.g. HTML5 Applications Repository) will check server certificate using SSL_CERT_FILE.


Currently, you can't use the CF HTML5 Applications Repository CLI Plugin with global -v flag due to limitations of cf curl that is used internally by the plugin.

How to obtain support

If you need any support, have any question or have found a bug, please report it in the GitHub bug tracking system. We shall get back to you.


Please refer to the Contributing to an SAP Open Source Project for instructions on how to contribute to the project.


This project is licensed under the Apache Software License, v. 2 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.

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