
PrimeTime is a free digital signage solution originating from SAP. It helps you to easily manage contents for screens of all types - supporting many different formats, custom templates as well as public and secured content.

APACHE-2.0 License




PrimeTime is a digital signage solution. It helps you to easily manage contents for screens of all types - supporting many different formats, custom templates as well as public and secured content where a prior login is required. It also acts as a technical showcase of how SAP Cloud Platform can be utilized.

Try It

Check out our demo system and view an example of some of the things possible! In case you have no user to login yet, you can register for free on


Easy to get started

  • Create pages representing your contents
  • Add these pages to a playlist
  • Display this playlist on your screen
  • All managed through the cloud, without any mandatory client installation needed

Easy online administration

  • Manage multiple playlists with any number of pages
  • Use multiple page types: single and multiple URLs, PDFs, custom text including basic markup, MP4 movies, YouTube, SAP MediaShare, freestyle templates
  • Supports uploading your own files (PDFs, images, movies, templates...)
  • Supports any number of screens, with optional automatic onboarding through an Apple TV app (coming soon)
  • Lots of additional features: page owners, page reordering, public page catalog, automatic cover image creation, custom rotation duration, footer customization, auto-reload upon changes...


Build & Deploy requirements

  • Java 8 (version 1.8.0_131 or higher)
  • Maven (version 3.3.9 or higher)
  • Neo Environment SDK (version 3.68.11 or higher) or CF CLI (version 6.23.1 or higher)
  • If you do not yet have an SAP Cloud Platform trial or enterprise account, sign up for one by following the documentation.

Additional development requirements

Download and installation

Running the application locally

  • Check out and import the project as new Maven project into Eclipse
  • Create a new local "SAP/Java Web Tomcat 8 Server" in Eclipse, pointing to the downloaded Neo SDK (for additional help use this tutorial)
  • Add the web-neo module to the server you just created
  • Set the module root to "/" (double-click on server, then go to modules)
  • Create a user with roles "admin" and "dbadmin" in the server with any Id, name, mail, and password (double-click on server, then go to users)
  • Optional: create a destination "featureflags" and point it to valid Cloud Foundry feature flags service key (double-click on server, then go to connectivity)
  • Optional: click "Create Sample Data" in the app header after the app is started to get sample data created

Building & Deploying the application

A Maven build of the application generates one war file per environment and additional optional artifacts for different UI deployment scenarios. These are described in a separate document.


There are multiple configuration options available which are applied in a pre-defined order. If a property value is found in a later stage, it will overwrite the previous ones.

  1. base properties file (shipped with the repository, see
  2. custom properties file (created by you, e.g.
  3. system variable
  4. environment variable (set at deploy time)
  5. database (set at runtime)

The easiest way to configure PrimeTime is at runtime through the "Configuration" tab, which requires the "admin" role. Any changes you make there will be persisted in the database.

There is also an API available which is described through a Swagger UI.


  • The SapMachine OpenJDK is currently not supported. There will be an error in one unit test and the server adapter will not start.
  • Deployment to cloud platforms other than SAP Cloud Platform is not supported.
  • The document service is not yet available in the Cloud Foundry environment and file support is deactivated when deploying there.

Known Issues


How to obtain support

Please use GitHub issues for any bugs to be reported.


Contributions are very welcome.

To-Do (planned enhancements)

  • Add MTA support
  • Switch to WebSockets for polling scenarios
  • Provide K8s as a deployment option
  • Evaluate switching to TypeScript


Copyright (c) 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company and cloud-primetime contributors. Please see our LICENSE for copyright and license information. Detailed information including third-party components and their licensing/copyright information is available via the REUSE tool.

Extracted from project README's
REUSE status
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