
Synthesize a new dataset based on the original dataset for later machine learning to facilitate the data sharing from the customer.

APACHE-2.0 License


Data Synthesis for Machine Learning

Note: fork of


The recent enforcement of data privacy protection regulations, such as GDPR, has made data sharing more difficult. This tool intends to facilitate data sharing from a customer by synthesizing a dataset based on the original dataset for later machine learning. There are two parts to this tool:

  • Data synthesizer
    Synthesize a dataset based on the original dataset. It accepts CSV data as input, and output a synthesized dataset based on Differential Privacy. The algorithm in the data synthesizer reference to the paper - PrivBayes 2017.
  • Data utility evaluation
    Evaluate the data utility for the synthesized dataset. The original dataset and the synthesized dataset as the input, one utility evaluation report will be generated with several indicators.


Our project is independent of any DB and we are focus on the later machine learning. There is also one data anonymization feature in the HANA (not open sourced). Of a customer has HANA, please use this feature within HANA. If a customer does not have HANA and it's about a machine learning use case, please use our tool. Exception: If such a customer wants to try out the algorithm implemented in our tool to figure out if it provides better results than HANA, please use our tool.


There are one demo dataset (part of the public dataset from Adult), the synthesized dataset and the utility evaluation report in the folder example for your reference.



There are two parts in the project, data synthesizer and data utility evaluation.

  • Synthesizer:

    data-synthesize <original-dataset> <-o> <synthesized-dataset-path>

    Use adult.csv as original-dataset, the synthesizer dataset adult_a.csv is generated under current folder by default.

    • To save the cost of (synthesized) data transfer, command data-pattern can help, which serialize anonymous patterns of a dataset. And then use data-synthesize to generate dataset from the pattern.
    data-pattern <original-dataset> <-o> <anonymous-pattern-path>
    data-synthesize <anonymous-pattern-path> <-o> <synthesized-dataset-path>
  • Evaluation:

    data-evaluate <original-dataset> <synthesized-dataset> --class-label <attribute1,attribute...>

    Use adult.csv as original-dataset, adult-a.csv as synthesized-dataset, sex,salary as attribute in "--class-label", one report.html is generated under current folder by default.

Download and Installation

  • Install Python Ensure your python >=3.6.0, you can download it from

  • After clone the project, install it as: python install. The project provides three commands: data-synthesize, data-pattern and data-evaluate. Run them with option -h for details.

  • Help of data-synthesize Run data-synthesize -h.

    usage: data-synthesize [-h] [--pseudonym LIST] [--delete LIST]
                         [--na-values LIST] [-o FILE] [--no-header] [-e FLOAT]
                         [--category LIST] [--retain LIST]
    Synthesize one dataset by Differential Privacy
    positional arguments:
      file                set path of a csv file to be synthesized or path of a 
                          pattern file to be generated
    general arguments:
      -h, --help          show this help message and exit
      --pseudonym LIST    set candidate columns separated by a comma, which will
                          be replaced with a pseudonym. It only works on the
                          string column.
      --delete LIST       set columns separated by a comma, which will be deleted
                          when synthesis.
      --na-values LIST    set additional values to recognize as NA/NaN; (default
                          null values are from pandas.read_csv)
      -o, --output FILE   set the file name of output synthesized dataset
                          (default is input file name with suffix '-a.csv')
      --no-header         indicate there is no header in a CSV file, and will
                          take [#0, #1, #2, ...] as header. (default: the tool
                          will try to detect and take actions)
      --records INT       specify the records you want to generate; default is the
                          same records with the original dataset
      --sep STRING        specify the delimiter of the input file
    advanced arguments:
      -e, --epsilon FLOAT  set epsilon for differential privacy (default 0.1)
      --category LIST      set categorical columns separated by a comma.
      --retain LIST        set columns to retain the values
    • Note: argument epsilon (ε) defines the privacy guarantee, which depends on the size and features of the dataset to be anonymized. The lower the value of epsilon, the more noise is applied, and the less the utility.
  • Help of data-pattern Run data-pattern -h.

    usage: data-pattern [-h] [--pseudonym LIST] [--delete LIST] [--na-values LIST]
                      [-o FILE] [--no-header] [--sep STRING] [-e FLOAT]
                      [--category LIST] [--retain LIST]
    Serialize patterns of a dataset anonymously
    positional arguments:
      file                 set path of a csv file to be patterned anonymously
    general arguments:
      -h, --help           show this help message and exit
      --pseudonym LIST     set candidate columns separated by a comma, which will
                           be replaced with a pseudonym. It only works on the
                           string column.
      --delete LIST        set columns separated by a comma, which will be deleted
                           when synthesis.
      --na-values LIST     set additional values to recognize as NA/NaN; (default
                           null values are from pandas.read_csv)
      -o, --output FILE    set the file name of anonymous patterns (default is
                           input file name with a suffix '-pattern.json')
      --no-header          indicate there is no header in a CSV file, and will
                           take [#0, #1, #2, ...] as header. (default: the tool
                           will try to detect and take actions)
      --sep STRING         specify the delimiter of the input file
    advanced arguments:
      -e, --epsilon FLOAT  set epsilon for differential privacy (default 0.1)
      --category LIST      set categorical columns separated by a comma.
    • Note: after the pattern (.json) file is generated by data-pattern anonymously, then run command data-synthesize *-pattern.json to synthesize the data.
  • Help of data-evaluate Run data-evaluate -h.

    usage: data-evaluate [-h] [--na-values LIST] [-o FILE] [-t TEST]
                        [--class-label LIST]
                        source target
    Evaluate the utility of the synthesized dataset compared with the source dataset.
    positional arguments:
      source              set file path of source (raw) dataset to be compared with
                          synthesized dataset, only support CSV files
      target              set file path of target (synthesized) dataset to evaluate
    general arguments:
      -h, --help          show this help message and exit
      --na-values LIST    set additional values to recognize as NA/NaN; (default
                          null values are from pandas.read_csv)
      -o, --output FILE   set output path for evaluation report; (default is
                          "report.html" under current work directory)
    advanced arguments:
      -t, --test TEST     set test dataset for classification or regression task;
                          (default take 20 percent from source dataset)
      --category LIST     set categorical columns separated by a comma.
      --class-label LIST  set column name as a class label for classification or
                          regression task; supports one or multiple columns
                          (separated by comma)

How to obtain support

If you encounter an issue, you can open an issue in GitHub.


Please check our Contribution Guidelines.


Copyright 2019-2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company and data-synthesis-for-machine-learning contributors. Please see our LICENSE for copyright and license information. Detailed information including third-party components and their licensing/copyright information is available via the REUSE tool.

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