
An object-oriented C++-wrapper of the ODBC API

APACHE-2.0 License


C++ Wrapper for ODBC

odbc-cpp-wrapper is an object-oriented C++-wrapper of the ODBC API. It takes care of

  • managing the lifetime of ODBC resources,
  • allocating and managing resources needed for ODBC operations and
  • converting ODBC errors to exceptions and throwing them.

The odbc-cpp-wrapper API attempts to make usage of ODBC as simple as possible. The API was designed to make wrong usage almost impossible and to ensure proper object lifetime management.

odbc-cpp-wrapper was originally developed for exchanging spatial data with databases. It focuses on batch operations of variable-sized data, which is not very well supported by other ODBC wrappers.


To build odbc-cpp-wrapper you need

On Linux platforms you additionally need

To generate the API's documentation, you need

Building and Installation


  • Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/SAP/odbc-cpp-wrapper.git
  • Create a build directory and change to it:

    mkdir odbc-cpp-wrapper/build && cd odbc-cpp-wrapper/build
  • Create the makefiles with CMake:

    cmake ..
  • Build the library:

    make -j <number of parallel build jobs>

    The build will create a shared library libodbccpp.so and a static library libodbccpp_static.a.

  • To build the documentation (optional):

    make doc

    The mainpage of the documentation can be found at doc/html/index.html.

  • Install the library:

    sudo make install

    This will install the library and header files. CMake will install them to usr/local/lib and usr/local/include by default. If you prefer different locations, you can set CMake's install prefix to a different path. See https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.html for details.


  • Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/SAP/odbc-cpp-wrapper.git
  • Create a build directory and change to it:

    mkdir odbc-cpp-wrapper\build && cd odbc-cpp-wrapper\build

Visual Studio 2015 and later

  • Generate a Visual Studio solution

    cmake ..

    You can then open the odbccpp.sln file and build the desired targets in Visual Studio.

MSBuild (nmake)

  • Start the Visual Studio Native Tools Command Prompt for the desired target and change the directory to the build directory. Create the makefiles for nmake:

    cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..

    Optionally you can use CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to define if you'd like to build a Debug or Release build. See https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE.html for details.

  • Build the library:


    The build will create a dynamic link library odbccpp.dll and a static library odbccpp_static.lib.

  • Build the documentation (optional):

    nmake doc

    The mainpage of the documentation can be found at doc\html\index.html.

  • Install the library (optional):

    nmake install

    This will install the library and header files. CMake will install them to C:\Program Files\odbccpp by default. If you prefer a different location, you can set CMake's install prefix to a different path. See https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.html for details.

Using the library

You can just link against the shared/dynamic or the static library. If you are linking against the static library, you have to additionally define ODBC_STATIC when compiling.

Usage of the library should be pretty straight-forward if you are familiar with ODBC and/or other database connectors.


The following code gives an example how working with odbc-cpp-wrapper looks like. It connects to a database, batch inserts two rows and executes a query.

#include <iostream>
#include <odbc/Connection.h>
#include <odbc/Environment.h>
#include <odbc/Exception.h>
#include <odbc/PreparedStatement.h>
#include <odbc/ResultSet.h>

int main()
        odbc::EnvironmentRef env = odbc::Environment::create();

        odbc::ConnectionRef conn = env->createConnection();
        conn->connect("DSN", "user", "pass");

        odbc::PreparedStatementRef psInsert =
            conn->prepareStatement("INSERT INTO TAB (ID, DATA) VALUES (?, ?)");
        psInsert->setInt(1, 101);
        psInsert->setCString(2, "One hundred one");
        psInsert->setInt(1, 102);
        psInsert->setCString(2, "One hundred two");

        odbc::PreparedStatementRef psSelect =
            conn->prepareStatement("SELECT ID, DATA FROM TAB WHERE ID > ?");
        psSelect->setInt(1, 100);
        odbc::ResultSetRef rs = psSelect->executeQuery();
        while (rs->next())
            std::cout << rs->getInt(1) << ", " << rs->getString(2) << std::endl;
    catch (const odbc::Exception& e)
        std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;

How to obtain support

If you experience issues with using the library, please file a report in the GitHub bug tracking system.


Copyright 2019-2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company and odbc-cpp-wrapper contributors. Please see our LICENSE for copyright and license information. Please note the GPLv2 Combination Exception for the Apache 2 License! Detailed information including third-party components and their licensing/copyright information is available via the REUSE tool.

Package Rankings
Top 11.32% on Alpine-v3.18
Top 13.29% on Alpine-edge
Extracted from project README
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