
This Actions can delete the Releases and Workflows runs history of a specified repository.

GPL-2.0 License


Function description / 功能说明

This Actions can delete specified repository's Releases and Workflow run logs.

这个 Actions 可以删除指定仓库的 Releases 和 Workflows 运行记录。

Instructions / 使用说明

You can use this Actions by introducing it in the .github/workflows/*.yml workflow script, such as in delete.yml.

.github/workflows/*.yml 工作流脚本中引入此 Actions 即可使用,例如 delete.yml

- name: Delete releases and workflows runs
  uses: ophub/delete-releases-workflows@main
    delete_releases: true
    releases_keep_latest: 5
    delete_workflows: true
    workflows_keep_day: 10
    gh_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Setting instructions / 设置说明

You can configure the deletion settings in the delete.yml file with the following options:

您可以在 delete.yml 文件中使用以下选项配置删除设置:

Key / 选项 Required Description / 说明
delete_releases Required必选项 Set whether to delete releases files (options: true/false). The default is false.设置是否删除 releases 文件(选项:true/false),默认为 false
prerelease_option Optional可选项 Set whether to differentiate pre-release versions (options: all/true/false). all indicates all types, true/false represent only deleting releases files marked with this type. The default is all.设置是否区分预发行版本(选项:all/true/false)。all表示全部类型,true/false代表仅删除标记为此类型的 releases 文件。默认为 all
releases_keep_latest Optional可选项 Set how many of the latest Releases versions to keep (integer, such as: 5). Setting to 0 means delete all, and the default is to keep 90.设置保留几个最新的 Releases 版本(整数。如:5),设置为 0 表示全部删除,默认保留 90 个。
releases_keep_keyword Optional可选项 Set the keywords of the Releases' tags to be preserved. Multiple keywords are separated by / (for example: book/tool). The default value is none.设置需要保留的 Releases 的 tags 关键字,多个关键字使用 / 分割(例如:book/tool),默认值
delete_tags Optional可选项 Set whether to delete the tags associated with Releases (options: true/false). The default is false.设置是否删除与 Releases 关联的 tags(选项:true/false),默认为 false
delete_workflows Required必选项 Set whether to delete workflow run logs (options: true/false). The default is false.设置是否删除 workflows 运行记录(选项:true/false),默认为 false
workflows_keep_day Optional可选项 Set how many days' workflow logs to keep (integer, such as: 30). Setting to 0 means delete all. The default is 90 days.设置保留几天以内的 workflows 记录(整数。如:30),设置为 0 表示全部删除。默认为 90 天。
workflows_keep_keyword Optional可选项 Set the keywords for the names of the workflow run logs to be kept. Multiple keywords are separated by / (for example: book/tool). The default value is none.设置需要保留的 workflows 运行记录的名称关键字,多个关键字使用 / 分割(例如:book/tool),默认值
out_log Optional可选项 Set whether to output detailed json logs (options: true/false). The default value is false.设置是否输出详细的 json 日志(选项:true/false),默认值 false
repo Optional可选项 Set the <owner>/<repo> for the execution operation, the default is the current repository.设置执行操作的 <owner>/<repo> ,默认为当前仓库
gh_token Required必选项 Set the GITHUB_TOKEN password for executing the delete operation.设置执行删除操作的 GITHUB_TOKEN 口令。
  • Each run can delete up to 1000 Releases and 1000 Workflow run logs. If there are more records, the delete operation needs to be run multiple times.
  • 每次运行可以删除 1000 个 Releases 和 1000 个 Workflows 运行记录,如有更多记录,需要多次运行删除操作。

Links / 链接

License / 许可

The delete-releases-workflows © OPHUB is licensed under GPL-2.0

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Top 8.45% on Github actions
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