
ISC License



A GitHub App built with Probot that provide more flexible GitHub Actions workflow for monorepo repositories.

Why gha-conductor exists

Currently, GitHub Actions does not support monorepo repositories natively. You can define workflows in .github/workflows directory, but if you have a monorepo repository, you might want to run different workflows for different subdirectories. This can be achieved by using paths filter in the workflow definition, but it is not very flexible and can be hard to maintain.


  • Define CI/CD workflows closer to the project code (any directory in the repository)
  • Reuse common workflows across multiple projects
  • Trigger workflows based on PR open/updated, closed or merged events
  • Trigger workflows based on what files changed in the pull request
  • Trigger workflows based on what branch the pull request is merged into
  • Trigger workflows based on /slash commands in PR comments (e.g. /validate param=value)
  • Reload all hooks from .gha.yaml files by adding label gha-conductor:load to PR
  • Run multiple workflows in parallel for the same event
  • Report status of the workflow run as GitHub checks
  • Aggregate status of the all triggered workflows for the same event and report it as pr-satus GitHub check
  • Provide ability to require all workflows to pass before merging PR (just add pr-status check to branch protection rules)
  • Verify changes in .gha.yaml files w/o merge into main branch by open PR with changes
  • Re-run all workflows from PR checks page
  • Re-run specific workflow from PR checks page
  • Re-run only failed workflows from PR checks page (save time and resources)
  • Show workflow logs in PR checks page
  • Link to the workflow run from PR checks page
  • Validate .gha.yaml files against JSON schema and check name uniqueness with error messages in PR diff
  • Define repo specific configuration using probot configuration file .github/gha-conductor-config.yaml

What gha-conductor does

This app provides a way to define which workflows should be run for each event. During the workflow run, the app will create corresponding GitHub checks.

Currently, it supports the following events:

Event GitHub check name Description
onPullRequest pr-status opened, rereopened, synchronize - when a pull request is opened, reopened or synchronized
onBranchMerge pr-merge merged - when a branch is merged into another branch
onPullRequestClose pr-close closed - when a pull request is closed and not merged
onSlashCommand pr-slash-command issue_comment.created, issue_comment.edited - when a comment with slash command is created or edited

It uses .gha.yaml files to define which workflows should be run for each event. Json schema for .gha.yaml files can be found in schemas/gha_yaml_schema.json directory.

Example of .gha.yaml file:

moduleName: example-c
teamNamespace: domain-b

  ROOT_DIR: "namespaces/domain-b/projects/example-c"

defaultFileChangeTrigger: &defaultFileChangeTrigger
  - "namespaces/domain-b/projects/example-c/**"

  - name: build
      name: common-job
        COMMAND: make build
      fileChangesMatchAny: *defaultFileChangeTrigger

  - name: test
      name: common-job
        COMMAND: make test
        - "namespaces/domain-b/projects/example-c/tests/"

  - name: release
      name: common-job
        COMMAND: >-
          make release
        - 'main'
      fileChangesMatchAny: *defaultFileChangeTrigger

  - name: cleanup
      name: common-job
        COMMAND: >-
          make clean
        - 'main'
      fileChangesMatchAny: *defaultFileChangeTrigger

   - name: validate-before-merge
        name: generic-job
           COMMAND: make ${command} ${args} # ${command} and ${args} will be replaced with values from the comment slash command
           - "validate"
        fileChangesMatchAny: *defaultFileChangeTrigger

Files can be places in any directory in the repository. App uses worfklow_dispatch event to trigger GitHub Actions workflows.

GitHub Actions workflows should be defined in .github/workflows directory and should have workflow_dispatch trigger. Example of GitHub Actions workflow:

name: "Common job"
run-name: "${{ inputs.PIPELINE_NAME }}"
  workflow_dispatch: # This is required to be able to trigger the workflow from the app
    inputs: # extra inputs can be added to the workflow and will be provided by the app from context, params or sharedParams
      PIPELINE_NAME: # Required to be able to differentiate between jobs
        required: true
      SERIALIZED_VARIABLES: # workaround the 10 input limit by serializing the variables into a JSON string
        required: true

  id-token: write   # This is required for requesting the JWT
  contents: read    # This is required for actions/checkout

    name: "${{ github.event.inputs.PIPELINE_NAME }}" # Required to be able to differentiate between jobs
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 5 # This is the maximum time the job can run for
      - name: Load Serialized Variables
        run: |
          variables=$(echo $SERIALIZED_VARIABLES | jq -r 'to_entries|map("\(.key)=\(.value|tostring)")|.[]')
          while IFS= read -r line; do
              echo "$line" >> $GITHUB_ENV
          done <<< "$variables"
      - name: Check out Code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: 0 # We need to fetch all history so that we can checkout the PR merge commit
          # We check out github.event.pull_request.merge_commit_sha
          # to ensure we are testing the exact code that will be merged into the base branch
          ref: ${{ env.PR_MERGE_SHA }} # Provided via SERIALIZED_VARIABLES
      - name: Execute Task
          USER_HOME: ${{ github.workspace }}
        working-directory: ${{ env.ROOT_DIR }}
        run: ${{ env.COMMAND }}


  • Install the app on your GitHub account or organization
  • Create .gha.yaml files in your repository
  • Define GitHub Actions workflows in .github/workflows directory
  • Run the app
  • (First time only) Open PR and add label gha-conductor:load to trigger the app to load all .gha.yaml files and create corresponding hooks in the database
  • When you create a pull request, merge a branch or close a pull request, the app will trigger the workflows defined in .gha.yaml files
  • During the workflow run, the app will create corresponding GitHub checks for each job defined in .gha.yaml file
  • (Optional) Update branch protection rules to require successful pr-status check before merging


How it works

Sequence diagram of how the app works for PR event:

    participant GitHub
    participant App
    participant Workflows

    GitHub->>App: Send pull request event
    App->>App: Check what files changed in PR
    App->>App: Find what workflows needs to be triggered
    App->>Workflows: Trigger all requested workflows jobs
    App->>GitHub: Create pr-status check
    loop until all triggered jobs completed
        Workflows->>App: Notify workflow job queued
        App->>GitHub: Create check for triggered workflow job
        Workflows->>App: Notify workflow job in_progress
        App->>GitHub: Update workflow job check in_progress
        App->>GitHub: Update pr-status check in_progress
        Workflows->>App: Notify workflow job completed
        App->>GitHub: Update workflow run check completed
    App->>App: Calculate conclusion
    App->>GitHub: Update pr-status check with conclusion

When app will not trigger workflows on PR event

  • if PR is opened from fork
  • if PR is not mergeable
  • if PR has no files changed

When app will not trigger workflow on /slash command in PR comment

  • if comment made by bot
  • if comment made PR is closed
  • if comment made by user that has no write access to the repository
  • if PR is opened from fork
  • if comment does not contain any slash command in the first line


App uses PostgreSQL database to store information about which workflows should be triggered for each event and workflow executions that were triggered.

  • @databases/pg is used to interact with the database.
  • pg-migrations is used to manage database schema. Migrations are located in migrations directory.
  • @databases/pg-typed and @databases/pg-schema-cli are used to generate TypeScript types and JSON schemas from the database schema. Generated types and schema are located in src/__generated__ directory.


  • App leverages Probot configuration plugin to provide a way to define repo specific configuration or organization wide configuration.
  • App uses .github/gha-conductor-config.yaml file to define repo specific configuration.
  • Available configuration options(default values are shown):
gha_hooks_file: .gha.yaml
workflow_file_extension: .yaml
  • Environment variables can be used to override app configuration options.
  • Available environment variables:
    • APP_CONFIG_FILE - name of the configuration file (default: gha-conductor-config.yaml)
    • DEFAULT_GHA_HOOKS_FILE_NAME - name of the file that contains hooks configurations file (default: .gha.yaml)
    • DEFAULT_WORKFLOW_FILE_EXTENSION - extension of the GitHub Actions workflow files inside .github/workflows folder (default: .yaml)


# Install dependencies
# Generate schemas
yarn generate
# Apply db migrations
yarn db:migrate
# Generate db schema
yarn db:generate
# Run the bot
yarn start
# Run tests
yarn test


# 1. Build container
docker build -t gha-conductor .

# 2. Start container
docker run -e APP_ID=<app-id> -e PRIVATE_KEY=<pem-value> -e WEBHOOK_SECRET=<secret-value> -e LOG_LEVEL=info -e DATABASE_URL=<postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/postgres> gha-conductor


  1. Register a new GitHub App
  2. Install the app on your account or organization
  3. Create a new PostgreSQL database
  4. Apply database migrations
    export DATABASE_URL=<your-database-url>
    yarn db:migrate
  5. Set the following environment variables:
    • APP_ID - the ID of the GitHub App
    • PRIVATE_KEY - the private key of the GitHub App, base64 encoded
    • WEBHOOK_SECRET - the secret used to secure webhooks
    • LOG_LEVEL - the log level (default: info)
    • DATABASE_URL - the URL of the PostgreSQL database (format: postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/postgres)
  6. Run the app as a Docker container
    docker run -e APP_ID=<app-id> -e PRIVATE_KEY=<pem-value> -e WEBHOOK_SECRET=<secret-value> -e LOG_LEVEL=info -e DATABASE_URL=<db-url>
  7. Update the webhook URL in the GitHub App settings to point to your server
  8. (Optional) Update branch protection rules to require successful pr-status check before merging


If you have suggestions for how gha-conductor could be improved, or want to report a bug, open an issue! We'd love all and any contributions.

For more, check out the Contributing Guide.


ISC © 2024 mdolinin

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