
Templates for GitHub Actions


Github Actions Workflow Templates

All of these templates include:

  • Running tests on any commit push via on: push:
  • Avoids caching node_modules and instead relies on quick installs via npm ci (package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json required))
  • Disabling npm logging except for errors with the NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL and NPM_CONFIG_PROGRESS flags
  • Maximize node-gyp concurrency with the NPM_CONFIG_JOBS flag
  • Caches eslint, stylelint, and jest artifacts to node_modules/.cache and saves it to the Action's cache
  • For eslint and stylelint, uses .gitignore as the ignore path instead of having more dot files
  • Sets the appropriate number of jest workers based on the test type given the fact that GitHub Actions allocates 2 cpus
  • Code coverage reporting support via and npx codecov

In general, these templates only include the GitHub Action Workflow YAML file and jest config files.

Other templates: