
GitHub Action for setting context and retrieving Kubeconfig before deploying to Kubernetes clusters

MIT License


Kubernetes set context

This action can be used to set cluster context before other actions like azure/k8s-deploy and azure/k8s-create-secret. It should also be used before kubectl commands (in script) are run subsequently in the workflow.

It is a requirement to use azure/login in your workflow before using this action when using the service-account or service-principal methods.

There are three approaches for specifying the deployment target:

  • Kubeconfig file provided as input to the action
  • Service account approach where the secret associated with the service account is provided as input to the action
  • Service principal approach (only applicable for arc cluster) where service principal provided with 'creds' is used as input to action

In all these approaches it is recommended to store these contents (kubeconfig file content or secret content) in a secret.

Refer to the action metadata file for details about inputs. Note that different inputs are required for different method and cluster types. Use the below examples as a reference.

Example usage

Kubeconfig approach

- uses: azure/k8s-set-context@v4
     method: kubeconfig
     kubeconfig: <your kubeconfig>
     context: <context name> # current-context from kubeconfig is used as default

Please note that the input requires the contents of the kubeconfig file, and not its path.

Following are the ways to fetch kubeconfig file onto your local development machine so that the same can be used in the action input shown above.

Azure Kubernetes Service cluster

az aks get-credentials --name

Further details can be found in az aks get-credentials documentation.

Generic Kubernetes cluster

Please refer to documentation on fetching kubeconfig for any generic K8s cluster

Service account approach

- uses: azure/k8s-set-context@v4
     method: service-account
     k8s-url: <URL of the cluster's API server>
     k8s-secret: <secret associated with the service account>

For fetching Server URL, execute the following command on your shell:

kubectl config view --minify -o 'jsonpath={.clusters[0].cluster.server}'

For fetching Secret object required to connect and authenticate with the cluster, the following sequence of commands need to be run:

kubectl get serviceAccounts <service-account-name> -n <namespace> -o 'jsonpath={.secrets[*].name}'

kubectl get secret <service-account-secret-name> -n <namespace> -o yaml

Service account approach for arc cluster

- uses: azure/k8s-set-context@v4
     method: service-account
     cluster-type: arc
     cluster-name: <cluster-name>
     resource-group: <resource-group>
     token: '${{ secrets.SA_TOKEN }}'

Service principal approach for arc cluster

- uses: azure/k8s-set-context@v4
     method: service-principal
     cluster-type: arc
     cluster-name: <cluster-name>
     resource-group: <resource-group>


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