
Lock Action to support deployment locking for the branch-deploy Action

MIT License


lock 🔒

A standalone deployment locking Action to prevent multiple deployments from running at the same time

If you came here from the github/branch-deploy Action, you are in the right place!

About 💡

Certain users for the github/branch-deploy Action need more control over how, when, and why deployment locks are set. This Action allows you to have full control over when and how locks are set and removed.

Potential Use Cases 🗒️

  • Manually set a deployment lock via a workflow dispatch event
  • Conditionally set a deployment lock if your test suite is failing badly
  • Set a deployment lock over all your repositories during an a scheduled deploy lock window
  • Set a deployment lock via a comment on a pull request (supported out-of-the-box)

Usage 🚀

This section goes into detail on how you can use this Action in your own workflows!

Inputs 📥

Input Required? Default Description
github_token true ${{ github.token }} The GitHub token used to create an authenticated client - Provided for you by default!
environment true "production" The explict environment to apply locking actions to when running in headless mode - OR the default environment to use when running in the context of IssueOps commands in a comment - Examples: production, development, etc - Use "global" for the global lock environment
environment_targets false "production,development,staging" Optional (or additional) target environments to select for use with lock/unlock. Example, "production,development,staging". Example usage: .lock development, .lock production, .unlock staging
reaction false eyes If set, the specified emoji "reaction" is put on the comment to indicate that the trigger was detected. For example, "rocket" or "eyes"
lock_trigger false .lock The string to look for in comments as an IssueOps lock trigger. Used for locking branch deployments on a specific branch. Example: "lock"
unlock_trigger false .unlock The string to look for in comments as an IssueOps unlock trigger. Used for unlocking branch deployments. Example: "unlock"
lock_info_alias false .wcid An alias or shortcut to get details about the current lock (if it exists) Example: ".info" - Hubbers will find the ".wcid" default helpful ("where can I deploy")
global_lock_flag false --global The flag to pass into the lock command to lock all environments on IssueOps commands in comments. Example: "--global"
prefix_only false "true" If "false", the trigger can match anywhere in the comment
mode false - The mode to use "lock", "unlock", or "check". If not provided, the default mode assumes the workflow is not headless and triggered by a comment on a pull request - Example: .lock / .unlock

About the mode Input

If you wish to use this Action via a comment on a pull request, simply omit the mode input. If you wish to use this Action via a workflow dispatch event, conditially in a custom workflow, or otherwise, you must provide the mode input. You are telling the Action what "mode" to use. The mode input can be either lock, unlock, or check.

Outputs 📤

Output Description
triggered The string "true" if the trigger was found, otherwise the string "false"
comment_id The comment id which triggered this deployment
type The type of trigger which was found - 'lock', 'unlock', or 'info-info-alias'
comment_body The comment body which triggered this action (if it was not headless)
headless The string "true" if the run was headless, otherwise the string "false" - Headless in this context would be if the "mode" was set and the Action was not invoked by a comment on a pull request
locked If the "mode" is set to "check", this output is exported to show if the lock is set in a headless run
branch If the mode is set to "check", this output will be the branch name that holds the lock, otherwise it will be empty
created_by If the mode is set to "check", this output will be the user that holds the lock, otherwise it will be empty
created_at If the mode is set to "check", this output will be the ISO 8601 format date that the lock was claimed, otherwise it will be empty
reason If the mode is set to "check", this output will be the reason the deployment lock was claimed, otherwise it will be empty
link If the mode is set to "check", this output will be the link to the GitHub issue comment or action run that claimed the lock, otherwise it will be empty
global_lock_claimed The string "true" if the global lock was claimed
global_lock_released The string "true" if the global lock was released
lock_environment When running in headless mode and the "mode" is set to "check", this output will be the environment name that holds the lock, otherwise it will be empty

Examples 📖

Where vX.X.X is the latest version of this Action

Setting a Lock via an IssueOps Trigger (comment on a pull request)

name: lock-or-unlock

    types: [created]

  pull-requests: write
  contents: write

    if: ${{ github.event.issue.pull_request }} # only run on pull request comments
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # Lock or Unlock via a comment (ex: .lock or .unlock)
      - uses: github/[email protected]
        id: lock

Setting a Lock via a Workflow Dispatch Event

name: lock-dispatch

        description: 'Reason for claiming the deployment lock'
        required: false
        description: 'The environment to claim a lock for (production, staging, etc) - global is supported to claim the special global lock)'
        required: true
        default: 'production'
        description: 'The mode to use: check, lock, unlock'
        required: true
        default: 'lock'

  contents: write

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: github/[email protected]
        id: lock
          mode: ${{ github.event.inputs.mode }}
          reason: ${{ github.event.inputs.reason }}
          environment: ${{ github.event.inputs.environment }}

Removing a Lock via a Workflow Dispatch Event

name: unlock


  contents: write

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # Unlock
      - uses: github/[email protected]
        id: lock
          mode: "unlock"

Setting a Lock Conditionally (basic example)

name: lock (basic example)

# on: (some event)

  contents: write

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      # if something occurs, set the lock below

      # Unlock
      - uses: github/[email protected]
        id: lock
          mode: "lock"

Checking if a Lock is Set (basic example) - headless

name: lock-check


  contents: read

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: github/[email protected]
        id: lock
          mode: check

      - name: Print lock status
        run: |
          echo "Lock status: ${{ steps.lock.outputs.locked }}"
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