
Various proofs of concept examples using Github Actions 🤖

APACHE-2.0 License



This repository contains various proofs of concept using a Github Actions through workflows 🤖

Contents 🇧🇷

Workflow YAML Basic Structure Explanation

name: Github action workflow name

  push: # Run this workflow every time a new commit pushed to the repository
  pull_request:  # Run this workflow every time a new pull request is opened to the repository
  scheduled: # Run this workflow as a cron job
    - cron: "0 0 * * MON-FRI"
  workflow_dispatch: # Run this workflow on demand (manually)

jobs: # All workflows need at list one job

  job-key: #First job
    name: Job Name
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest # Set the type of machine the workflow will run on
    steps: # Each job can be divided in many steps

      - name: Checkout code # Step name
        uses: actions/checkout@v2 # Action used on the step

      - name: Run Super-Linter # Another step name
        uses: github/super-linter@v3  # Action used on the step
        env:  # Environment variables used on the step
          DEFAULT_BRANCH: main
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

      - name: Run specific commands # Another step name
        run: |
          ls -lha
          echo "This is a shell command"


This workflow uses CRON to run some basic commands.

This workflow uses CRON to run some basic commands using repository secrets.

This workflow uses CRON to execute a specific script run.py located on the repository.

This workflow uses CRON to dispatch an event to the ritchie-formulas-scheduler-demo repository.

This workflow uses CRON with a docker container where Ritchie CLI and Golang are installed, then check Ritchie CLI and Golang versions through commands.

This workflow uses CRON and a docker image foundeo/minibox:latest. It also specify an entrypoint (the command to run inside the container) and args (command line arguments to pass to the command specified in entrypoint). It is possible to omit the entrypoint if the container already species the entrypoint you want to use.

This workflow will run an Action each time a PUSH event occurs on the repository. This specific action runs a Ritchie CLI formula.

This workflow illustrates how to set outputs in a job to use them on another job. This specific workflow prints Hello-World.

This workflow illustrates how to pass data between jobs in the same workflow. For more information, see the actions/upload-artifact and download-artifact actions. The full math operation performed in this workflow example is (3 + 7) x 9 = 90.

This workflow illustrates how to use environment variables from the whole workflow, a specific job, or a specific step, as well as for an environment secret.

This workflow illustrates how to use input variables on a workflow_dispatch event.

This workflow illustrates how to run a workflow once another specific one has been completed (with success or failure).

This workflow uses CRON to automatically create a Pull Request committing updated files.

This workflow illustrates how to automatically merge a Pull Request with a specific label automerge.

This workflow only run when a push is made to the dev branch. Note that with this implementation, the workflow needs to be present on the specific branch as well (here dev).

This workflow illustrates how to use conditional through the if variable.

This workflow illustrates how to write an automatic comment on a new issue, without using action, through the github API.

This workflow illustrates how to trigger a workflow when specific files are updated by a push or pull_request event.

This workflow illustrates how use the checkout action to create a push event, updating a file and committing it to the branch.

This workflow illustrates how use cherry-pick to generate a new repository tag informing 3 inputs (reference tag, new tag, and commit hash).

This workflow illustrates how use cherry-pick to generate a new release branch informing 3 inputs (reference tag, new tag, and commit hash).

This workflow illustrates how to install tools not supported by the ubuntu runner using apt-get install.

This workflow illustrates how to upload a release asset. Example

This workflow illustrates how to access various context variables on a workflow.

These workflows illustrate how to share datas between various workflows using artifacts.

This workflow illustrates how to create a new branch on another repository based on the current repository tag.

This workflow illustrates how to use outputs between jobs with the needs context to check tags and manage them to perfom some operation according to their name.

This workflow illustrates how to create a new Pull Request based on a branch name after a push event.

This workflow illustrates how to add a comment on a new Pull Request based on the github actor name after a PR event.


This workflow illustrates how to call a webhook on each release extracting the release tag.

This workflow illustrates how to close a Pull Request automatically if it updates on file that shouldn't be modified.

This workflow illustrates how to perform a specific action when approving a Pull request if it contains a specific label.

This workflow illustrates how to implement a reusable workflow.

This workflow illustrates how to use and call a reusable workflow (cf workflow 33 above).

This workflow illustrates how to extract and use the user email and username from the commit using github config log commands.

This workflow illustrates how to use a local action file in one (or multiple workflows) and extract its outputs to perform other operations.

This workflow illustrates how to use matrix as well as expressions with continue-on-error and if conditionnal fields.

This workflow illustrates how to get the related PR number to a push event.

PR event and Related PUSH event

This workflows illustrate how to extract the tag version when a specific branch is created (e.g: release-1.2.3), and how to invoke another workflow through a disptach event sending this tag as input.

This workflow illustrates how to commit files from the current repo to another repo.

This workflow illustrates how to trigger a workflow on different event but NOT on tag.

This workflow illustrates how to check if a PR is opened from a FORK repository or not.

This workflow illustrates how to list all files from a specific extension (here, .yaml or .yml).

This workflow illustrates how to list all env variables set in the runner.


This workflow illustrates how to force a workflow failure if a condition isn't met.


This workflow illustrates how to wait for other workflows completion before executing some operation (using reusable workflows).

This workflow illustrates how to rename a file according to the github ref name (branch or tag name).

This workflow illustrates how to simply create a tag in a job.

This workflow illustrates how to use concurrency to avoid the same workflow to run in parallel for different push to the same branch (for example to limit Github actions runner usage in private repo).

This workflow illustrates how to print secrets values on a workflow run. To harden the security of your github actions, have a look at this guide on the Github Official Documentation.

This workflow illustrates how to concatenate env variables using the environment file.

This workflow illustrates how to use the permission field at the workflow level. Giving the GITHUB_TOKEN a specific permission scope during the workflow execution.

These workflows illustrate how to create and read an issue body variable according to a specific issue template.

This workflow illustrates how to use outputs with reusable workflows.

This workflows illustrates how to use expressions when setting env variables ath the workflow level, according to the trigger event.

This workflows illustrates how to use step context, which contains detail about the execution of each step by default. Using the outcome property of each step we can check the result of its execution.

This workflow illustrates how to save secrets in artifacts to use on later jobs.

Those workflows illustrate how to trigger a release creation (with tag based on a branch syntax) where the release publication could trigger a deployment pipeline.

This workflow illustrates how to identify updated folders to perfom a similar behavior based on the folder through a reusable workflow with a matrix strategy.

This workflow illustrates how to execute sequencial jobs in specific order using matrix with max-parallel: 1 strategy.

This workflow illustrates how to manipulate matrix object to perform different operation according to a object type.

This workflow illustrates how to extract a specific item from a JSON list stored in a environment variable dynamically.

This workflow shows the os type value for each github runner os.

This workflow illustrates how to extract a semantic version from a Release Candidate branch name.


This workflow illustrates how to execute a job when a previous job fails (post failure operations).

This workflow illustrates how to save many outputs using a python script and the GITHUB_OUTPUT file.

This workflow illustrates how to start a workflow by commenting using a specific keyword in a Pull Request review.


This workflow illustrates how to check if a file exists in a workflow after a failure, to perform some custom operations.

Extracted from project README
01 - Default Workflow 02 - Secret Workflow 03 - Python Script Workflow 04 - Remote Dispatch Action Initiator 05 - Container Workflow 06 - Docker Image Workflow 07 - Action workflow 08 - Outputs workflow 09 - Artifacts workflow 10 - Environment workflow 11 - Input workflow 12 - Run Workflow 13 - Create Pull Request 14 - Auto Merge 15 - Push Dev 16 - Conditional 17 - Issue Greeter 18 - Specific File 19 - Push Event 20 - Generate Patch Tag with Cherry Pick 21 - Generate Release Branch with Cherry Pick 22 - Install runner tools 23 - Upload reset Asset 24 - Github Context 25 - Artifacts between Workflows 1 25 - Artifacts between Workflows 2 26 - Create branch on another repo 27 - Check Tags 28 - Create Pull Request (Workflow) 29 - Check Actor on PR or PUSH 30 - Webhook Release 31 - Untouchable file 32 - PR approved and labeled 33 - Reusable workflow 34 - Workflow Call 35 - Github Config 36 - Local Action 37 - Continue On Error Matrix 38 - Get PR number from PUSH event 39 - Extract From Branch 40 - Invoked Workflow Dispatch 41 - Commit other repo 43 - Not trigger on tag 44 - Check if PR from Fork 45 - Get all yaml files 46 - Print env 47 - Force Failure 48 - Wait for reusable completion 49 - Rename on release 50 - Create tag 51 - Concurrency 52 - Print Secret 53 - Concatenation 54 - Permissiom 55 - Create Issue 55 - Read Issue 57 - Reusable outputs 58 - Env Expressions 59 - Step Context 60 - Save secrets variables 61 - Create Tag and Release 62 - Create Trigger on release other workflow 63 - Matrix folder 65 - Sequential Matrix 66 - Matrix Object 67 - From JSON Env Var 68 - OS Types 69 - Run on Push to RC 70 - Post Failure 71 - Many Outputs Python 72 - Trigger on comment 73 - Check if file exists