
Polls Channel Messages Log

MIT License


Polls Channel Messages Log

A simple and brutal public message log for Telegram channels, focused on text and poll messages.

  • For text messages or media message with a caption, the text/caption is used.
  • For poll/quiz messages, the question and all options are used.
  • Message ID is always used to produce a link to the message.
  • There is no indication about message type.


How to use this for your own channel?

  1. Clone or download this repository locally.
  2. Install Python 3.
  3. Install all Python dependency packages via python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt.
  4. Export your channel using Telegram Desktop, choose the time range of messages, and export to JSON format with no media file.
    • Open a channel in Telegram Desktop
    • Click the 3 dots at the corner
    • Click “Export channel history”
    • Uncheck all boxes
    • Click the text after “Format” and choose “Machine-readable JSON”
  5. Generate the initial message list JSON use python3 from_telegram_desktop_export_json.py < YOUR_EXPORTED_JSON.json > data.json
  6. Edit template.html with information about your own channel.
  7. Run python3 render_data.py to build the web page. The final web page is index.html.
  8. For further updates, edit load_latest_from_tme.py, replace the channel username after CHANNEL_ID=" with your own one. Note: this only work for public channels. Run this script with python3 load_latest_from_tme.py to update the content. The script will warn you if auto update is failed due to more than 20 messages added since last update.