
A spring boot starter template that includes a docker image, generate helm chart using jkube, and GitHub action CI


Spring Boot Starter K8S Template

What is this?

This is a template repository for kicking off a cloud native spring boot java microservice.

What makes this cloud native?

It's solely focused on deployment to kubernetes, the primary build artifacts of the repository are a OCI image and a helm chart. The helm chart is dynamically generated using jkube and it's associated gradle plugin.

What opinions have been added to this?

  • Gradle
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring MVC
  • Spring JPA and JDBC
  • Tomcat
  • JKube (Kubernetes Deployment and Development Tools)
  • Liquibase

How do I deploy?

Use make deploy, if the namespace does not exist already run make create-namespace

How do I run locally?

Use make run.

How do I run locally outside of a container?

If you wish to run directly in your IDE:

  1. Run docker-compose up -d to start the postgres database server.
  2. Run ./gradlew update bootRun, update runs the migrations and bootRun launches the spring boot application

Available Make Targets

Target Description
jar Builds the standalone jar
image Builds the OCI image
run Runs the OCI image using docker locally
create Creates the kubernetes namespace a deploy will go to
build Runs the gradle tasks to build the helm chart
build-dependencies Runs the helm tasks to pull in sub chart dependencies
deploy Deploys the chart to your current kubernetes context
template Renders the chart templates to standard kubernetes manifests
kics Scan the chart resources with KICS

Post Template Use Checklist

  • Find and replace all references to io.github.bryopsida with appropriate values for your project
  • Find and replace all references to spring-boot-starter with appropriate values for your project
  • Find and replace all references to spring-boot-starter-tomcat with appropriate values for your poject
  • Find and replace all references to bryopsida with appropriate values for your project
  • Adjust renovate.json (or remove) settings to meet your needs
  • After a successful image build, create your first release to trigger a helm publish, this is needed for the upgrade tests to pass