
RxJS based State Management

MIT License


tinyslice 🍕

Reactive state management

Example app available @ Vercel

Check out the example projects in this repository and my Minesweeper clone built using this.

import { Scope } from '@tinyslice/core';
import { TinySliceDevtoolPlugin } from '@tinyslice/devtools-plugin';
import { TinySliceHydrationPlugin } from '@tinyslice/hydration-plugin';

const scope = new Scope();

interface RootSlice {
  count: number;
const rootSlice$ = scope.createRootSlice({ count: 1, pies: {} } as RootSlice, {
  plugins: [
    new TinySliceDevtoolPlugin({
      name: 'myExampleApp',

const increment = scope.createAction('increment');
const countSlice$ = rootSlice$.slice('count', {
  reducers: [increment.reduce((state) => state + 1)],

countSlice$.subscribe((count) => console.log('count', count));
increment.next(); // Use custom action to trigger reducer
countSlice$.set(10); // Use premade actions and reducers

// "Entity" pattern.
export interface PieState {
  sauce: number;
  cheese: number;

// This creates 2 layes at once, the first one is a Record<number, PieState>
const pieDicer = rootSlice$.addDicedSlice(
  { cheese: 0, sauce: 0 } as PieState,
    defineInternals: (slice) => {
      const cheese$ = slice.slice('cheese');
      const sauce$ = slice.slice('sauce');
      return { cheese$, sauce$ };
    // Plugins can be anywhere, save this slice to localstorage and read as initialised!
    plugins: [new TinySliceHydrationPlugin<PieState>('pies')],

// To get a specific entity slice
const firstPie = pieDicer.get(1);

firstPie.internals.cheese$.subscribe((cheese) => console.log('cheese', cheese));

pieDicer.set(2, { cheese: 12, sauce: 13 });