
Template to show slides, videos and transcript of a presentation together



Template to show slides, videos and transcript of a presentation together

Read the blog post on the W3C site.

This directory contains the template (talk.php, page.css) and one example presentation. The example presentation is made up of a slide set (slides.html, slides.css and directory i18n), English and translated captions (captions-ja.vtt, captions-ko.vtt, captions-zh.vtt and i18n-audio.vtt), a transcript (i18n-audio.html) and a file with time codes for synchronizing the slides and the video (times.json). The video is not in this directory, but is hosted on StreamFizz. (The link is in the PHP file.)

Running the code

Running the template requires a web server with PHP. Copy all files and the i18n subdirectory to a directory on that server and then open


in a browser. (Replace http://your-server/directory/ with the actual URL of that directory.)

After the page opens in your browser, try playing the video and experiment with the Sync video button. (This snapshot only contains one sample presentation and thus it is deliberate that the links to other talks do not work.)

Pre-processing workflow

To make use of this synchronized presentation player for other presentations, the following pre-processing needs to have happened:

  • the slides need to be in a supported format
  • the audio or video recording need to be available in a supported media player; the expectation is that the video recording contains only the speaker, not the slides
  • WebVTT captions need to be available

With all this available:

  • an HTML transcript is generated out of the captions using webvtt2html; the raw 1-sentence-per-paragraph content can be rearranged and completed with additional markup (e.g. links, <code>, etc.) at will
  • the HTML transcript needs then to be marked up with <div> encompassing the paragraphs corresponding to the speech accompanying a given slide
  • the decimal timecodes (in seconds) of the transitions between slides need to be determined and written to times.json
  • the URLs of the above resources need to be added at the top of the PHP file

Supported media players

Supported slide formats

See ideas for more formats